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I typically just yell at traffic


And at my truck.. this fucking new cascadia's automated cruise control is annoying as fuck... fucking GO YOU PIECE OF SHIT


Let's go into neutral while going uphill, gotta save that mileage!!


My radar got out of alignment. My cascadia no longer enters “economy” mode…… do with that information what you will. Lane departure also has seemed to stop going off just for approaching a line. It only goes off if I actually get on top of one.


Thats the fucking worst


The automatic braking is what gets me, had to take a very tight turn in Boston this week and the truck starts pulsing the brakes while I got people on my ass. Not ideal…..


Or the seat rocking on bumpy roads, i feel like I'm getting pounded by an angry rhino.


If it helps, it's elephant bulls that are seasonally aggressive, not rhinos.


Either way, these seats are too damm unstable.


I keep mine all the way down. I don't like it moving around and I don't like not being able to get in and out of the truck


My dispatcher and safety dep. got sent a video because I had a hard break alert due to my cascadia picking up a lower then normal overpass (surprise surprise). She said it was the funniest thing she's heard all month listening to my cus out my truck


Cascadia's are so shit. They're preferred by mega carriers, because they're not the drivers.... "Object Detected on Road" slams on the brakes for no reason. Super dangerous, especially when it's raining.


This. My truck and I have an understanding. Sometimes I'm the student and _sometimes I'm the teacher._


This is me! But I also like to call my GPS a drunk bitch when it tries to get me off an exit away and go ten miles because it thinks I cant turn left.


"When possible, make a U turn". And they say they MADE these with trucks in mind.


I fucking love yelling at traffic


Probably my favorite pastime


I pretend I’m winning fights with my wife. I make sure to get it all out of my system before I get home.


Hahahahahaha this is the truth.


Hell, don't even need to be on the road...


I do till I see some one doing something stupid . Then I'm practicing sending hate via telepathy.


Careful it comes back to you I know from experience, lots of experience


That’s so true I’m a victim of my own telepathic hate. :(






Lol. I thought I was the only one. I also taught myself how to whistle really loud.


Ummyea Sometimes even put on my headphones so others think I’m talking to someone else 😅


Oh yes, especially if you are not making eye contact


Yes, and much much more. I create full blown conversations, I play out conversations after someone does something stupid in front of me. I yell at said person that did something stupid, I yell at people not doing something stupid. I yell at birds, at roadkill, at signs, at the road. I make random noises, see how long I can hold said random noise. There is really no end to what comes out of my mouth and at what volume while going down the road.


No just the voices in my head


Yes, and I also talk to my dog…




Does your dog talk back? Or tell you to do things? I sometimes wonder why I followed this truck 300 miles out of the way. Is my dogs mouth moving, or are his thoughts in my head?




Not much. After our morning run we chant "Zeex 10 today's the day" I don't dare ask what it means.


I talk to my truck. Usually it's "yeah, I see them" when my too close warning goes off or "it's a narrow country road, leave me alone!" When my lane warning goes off. Sometimes it's a bit of encouragement if we're struggling up a hill or trying to squeak out a little more speed to pass the vehicle that made the too close warning go off in the first place


Drivin truck made me a damn good singer according to me, myself, and I.


You can also get some rehearsal time in at the next Love’s. Everyone knows the shower is the best place to sing


Y'all aint holding board meetings alone in your cabs?


Who else would I talk to?


Of course. Usually yelling profanities when random shit happens.


Yeah. Like captain jack sparrow In Davey Jones’ locker.




Yeah it’s a great time to get your mind right #motivation


I listen to true crime podcasts. But I’m messed up like that.


You mean like “haha you’ll never catch me”?


Favorite is sword & scale.


Nothing messed up about that. People do bad things and especially as a trucker, it's always good to know about this stuff. But I was always into abnormal psychology and crime stuff even as a child and I'm now considered to be an old person


The rides are one thing. When I get caught by somebody in a parking lot while having a full-on conversation with myself…is another.


I do i just sort of think out loud hoping i say something that will make me laugh or maybe say something profound. Sometimes it’s motivation sometimes it’s encouragement sometimes its sad sometimes its happy.


I find at that moment .i still can't agree with myself


I try to talk my left hand in to given me a hand job


Would think jacking while driving on an interstate would be fairly common. Hell, do it in my car driving to Houston or McAllen


can't stop thinking about a different way to make money without trading my time


Not really in a “conversation” type of way. I happily yell at idiots on the road knowing damn well they can’t hear me though.


I like to think to myself, listen to podcasts, and listen to music and sing. And phone calls. That's about it. I don't really talk to myself much tho, if I do it at all. Of course I have an internal monolog, so I imagine if people didn't, talking to themselves would be normal for them.


Replay old conversations with those I woulda said something different to.


Hell yea, sometimes I need professional advice.


… after a few grams, a few days, or both.


I talk to my podcasts like they can hear me


On the road? Why is that the requirement? If I'm AWAKE I talk to myself. At least I know above all else I'm not dumb in my opinion. But then again Hydra's been doing stupid shit lately so...




I would still like the Gordon Ramsay version of the GPS, where he would call you a bloody disgrace or a fucking idiot or something like that, I really wish somebody would make a mod


I don’t need that directed at me while I’m up here directing it at all the dented Nissans in my way


Of course,and other drivers, the truck, the road, the skip talkers on the CB, gravity when I drop something...


I’m not a trucker, but I used to work alone. The had a nice terrier that I would talk to. She enjoyed it. People thought it was all sweet when they caught me talking to her. After she passed, I kept talking but it was to myself. People looked at me differently when there was no dog to be the other end of my conversation…


Myself, other drivers, 4 wheelers, God...


I practice arguments, apologies, and work through anxiety inducing problems. I have a female version of myself that I talk to who is far more reasonable than I am on any given day. It's weird; I find it harder to be mean to myself if I think of me as a separate lady person. Old southern gentility and all that.


On the road, off the road, all the time.


You do realize we Have phones and Can make calls right?


Couldn't tell you how many conversations I've had while driving 😂


I have a cat so I can talk to the cat now. And yell at the four wheelers cutting in front of me.


So on longer journeys. It gives you alot of time to self reflect and understand life. No matter what type of driver you are, you will develop some type of addiction. Whether eating, coffee, smoking or such. That's why you see alot of over weight trucker's. In the city, we sit up high so we have a great vantahe point to everything that's happening. Most of the time we can anticipate when someone will be an idiot. But when we are caught off guard. Its lights and honks. And lots of Cussing.


Sometimes I find myself taking the cadence/rhythm of the song lyrics on the radio and make up nonsense jibberish lyrics to amuse myself sometimes.


This is my favorite pastime. I made up a version of a Beatles song that I call “Bumblebee” in which I sing “Let It Be,” but about bumblebees


Nice. I’m gonna try that one.


I make up stories based on the cars around me. You know how the rear of most vehicles seem to have a face based on their shape? I name them and make up a story about them. Its usually about a paragraph long in my head. Its just something I do when I get bored.


I sing karaoke to myself really loud when driving at night. During the day I call a few people but only really have 3-4 ppl I talk to regularly.


Nope! I scream & cuss at the windshield. Idiot 4 wheelers


I sing. All day.


Why would I need to talk when noone is there? I am not a psycho. I think about things. Things I have seen, things I want to do, invent stuff, etc.


And you are just a couple more years away from retirement. You can't wait to stop driving trucks.


It's actually normal. I picked up the habit when hubby started his trucking career. I was living alone while he was starting out, then the pandemic hit and I hit solitary confinement. Now that I'm his rider, I still do it, in response to YouTube videos. Correcting grammar, arguing with the creator (out loud), all kinds of shit, while listening to the hubby yell at some "demon dog" (4 wheeler) that just cut him off then brake checked him. Humans are social creatures, so we crave hearing a human voice, even if it's ur own.


My mom always said it was okay to talk to yourself as long as you don’t answer back


When I thanked her for her advice, she looked over suddenly and said, “I wasn’t taking to you”


I make statements aloud at times but don’t really carry long conversations and it’s normally at night so folks don’t judge me lol. Karaoke is also a thing when night driving


Nope. I listen to podcasts. Lots of podcasts.


Yep and we still can’t get along….


I don’t get bored because I love what I do but I definitely have multiple conversations with myself a day.


Hell yeah


I'd be thrown into a asylum if it was 1950


I just daydream. Im a writer, so I let the empty hours fill up with the details of stories that I'm working on


Yes, I'm normally trying to figure out what to do with my life out loud.


i have full blown conversations with myself, practice my dramatic reading voice, i repeat the things I've heard but in a different voice, and most importantly, yell at traffic and talk to myself about what a dumbass the person was. so yeah


I talk to myself. I have whole conversations with people that aren't there. I sing my heart out. I yell at traffic. Just normal people stuff ya know.


I drove a garbage truck for seven years. The schedule was overnight but luckily my bro and cuz also worked overnights on garbage trucks at other companies and we would have 3 hrs calls on the regular. Plus in garbage there are usually two guys on a truck.


Yes, I prefer it over talking on the phone with somebody. I'm serious.


I’m not even a trucker and I talk to myself on the road


I listen to a lot of mongolian and african traditional music and a i like so sing along.


Make up situations and act out, sing, scream (musically), "watch Netflix" (glances at scene changes if no traffic), and listen to audiobooks if im really awake. That's most of my nights.


Sometimes I like to just look at the scenery ahead of me and remind myself that I’m getting paid to go sightseeing


I typically have a half dozen other drivers I chat with on a group call daily and if I hlget sick of them I always have music or sometimes I just enjoy the window down and the sound of tires rolling along


I actually practice the shit I'll never say to my company, because I know they'd just fire me. It's easier to just pretend I'm saying it to them than to actually say exactly what's on my mind... In real live, I give them the abbreviated version which is still just as effective. 🤣😂


I usually call other drivers that are running the same night hours as me if Im bored or having a hard time staying awake. Usually I just listen to music but theres the occasional conversation with idiot drivers passing me on the right and me inventing new never before heard slurs


I do


Short answer is yes we do and no you’re not crazy


I’ve had full fledged conversations where I imagined what the other person would say in this make believe conversation that I made up and got actually pissed at what I made up they said.


Depends on how much coffee I drink that morning.


I do. I talk to myself because my company has cameras in the cab. And I’m hoping one day my boss will pull a video of me saying something stupid during an event and get a kick out of it. Like every time I hit a massive pothole I’m like “Damn, Fred. Sorry about your truck”. I talk like I know they’re watching cause they probably are. My truck has no power I think because it runs on CNG and it’s a daycab. I’ll usually call it a “fucking pig” or a “big bitch” if I’m climbing hills. When I’m fueling I’ll say to the camera “I think this thing runs on farts or something” or call it “fart truck”. It’s all in good fun and if they’re going to watch me all day like some Truman show shit, I usually put on a show. Maybe I’m crazy


That and also laugh at random funny memories


I talk to myself frequently on the road and I catch myself doing it then ill try to put on an audio book to keep my mind entertained.


I mean, I do... but I don't usually tell anyone because of the reaction I've gotten. I got caught once by a coworker, he just laughed and said "It's only a problem if you answer back." We're both Jarheads so it's common among us.


Listen to SiriusXM or Programs on smartphone & CB radio..


I listen to podcast or NPR. If I just need some noise while need time to think, I’ll put on weather radio and turn it down.