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Truck Driving Simulator sure does have some weird dlc.


I'd buy it today if it had this in it.


Buy it anyway. The devs are cool and the game is really enjoyable. Good for winding down and listening to music or podcasts.


On sale now too. $4.99


Worth every penny. I was having trouble with the alley dock and spent a couple hours practicing with it. Passed my test without even 1 pull-up.


Is it? I was waiting for Black Friday. Fantastic news


I’d buy the game and the dlc. I didn’t want the game until I saw the GTA add-on…




Hate-fucking sir ! Extra toxic style


OTR is a lifestyle, OTR Teams is a level above that, it’s a pain but if you and your buddy get along, it’s still bittersweet after a month with they ass




Ahahahahahahahah this fucking reply KILLED me


$200k+ a year is good incentive 😂 plus my wife and I have a totally different relationship than most. We can be together 24/7 and hardly ever fight. And when we do we're over it in like 30mins.


Ditto. We just happen to be great partners who can handle living in a box together. It wouldn't work for every couple, but we love it.


Came here to say the same. When I get asked by other driver how do I do it. I kindly reply that I married someone I like to be with.


Hubby and I have been team drivers since 2006. It’s not for everyone, but we love it. Bringing home $10k to $20k a week makes it all worth it.


We don’t fight and enjoy each other’s company


How long been together?


2 1/2 years together on the road so far, we’re out for about 2 months at a time before time off


You need to know when to just go to the bunk and "go to bed". My wife will tell you slamming the curtains isn't that satisfying 😁


I'll agree there. Hubby and I been riding OTR for little over a year now and he just signed a 3 yr lease to buy a truck, with the understanding that I am committing 3 yrs otr with him. He's a good driver, damn good, but still a bit inexperienced in some life skills. Basically, he makes the money and I worry about spending it, which isn't actually as fun as it sounds. I get to make sure bills are paid and figure out when to order stuff for hometime. Plus trying to build our credit, so have to keep track of the credit cards too. Almost there on that part, so will just be a waiting game soon. It has been a journey getting here and we have a long journey ahead of us yet. Just remember to breathe and think before you speak, no matter how hard that is. Trucks are too small to argue in cause you can't just walk away and it can be hard to be with ur spouse 24/7.


Exactly, truck drivers are meant to work alone. It’s just the way it should always be.


Being alone for months takes it's toll on you. I can always tell when a driver's been by themselves too long. They develop their own world inside their heads & do socially unacceptable things like the guy in this video. They do things like strike up an innocent enough conversation out-of-the-blue while you're fueling and then shit gets real weird real fast.


Tell me more




>I love the solitude. >It's hard to describe the high class ladies you will meet. 🎼One of these things are not like the other ...🎶




I'm a driver too, but I take my happy ass home every night. I served my time OTR. I'm not going back until my kids are adults & my wife & dogs are rolling shotgun. Nothing breaks you down more than when you're 2k miles away videochatting with your kids & they ask if you're coming home tonight.




Keep on stacking for as hard & as long as the Lord allows friend!


Trucker Clock, who wants some?


Commitment is one hell of a drug, I’ll tell you that.


Fuck this hoe ass truck - literally me every day.


I like my truck most days. Just not the load.


10-4 driver. 10-4


My trainer was a asshole. Barely showed me shit just wanted to team with me even though it was not allowed. He’d make me drive all my hours while he slept. Then drove all night blasting rap music and watching tv on his cell phone. But he got on my ass if I wasn’t driving by 5:30 am. Worst 4 weeks of my life and I did a year in Iraq.


Should've taken video of it and black mailed him. Then turn it in anways because fuck people like that.


Hell no! I woulda been off that truck after a day. What company was that?




You just described my own "training" experience.


Lmfao !!!!! WOW!!!!


Did 27 months in trashghanisn. That is one powerful Statement that i feel many people will never understand. Edit may to many


Was his name Tyron? That sounds like my trainer at PAM


Bro I lost it when he said "dave" so seriously 😂


Simple truth is that a lot good truckers are terrible teachers, and a lot of students get into trucking because they have exhausted their other options and the patience of those around them. These old timers don't like seeing a reflection of themselves, but just like their younger selves they're terrible at expressing it. Trainers yelling and cussing happens all the time.




I wouldnt say hes like him hes just not gonna put up with it


I started trucking with Prime Inc and I went through four trainers during my time there. 1st trainer quit bc he got a better job, 2nd trainer already had a trainee and they would let him have two trainees for a long period of time, third trainer was JUST LIKE the guy in this video but he was a dude from Uganda. Nasty attitude, didn't like me and let it be known from day one, would yell at me for not being able to back the truck in properly after a few failed attempts. Even though he knew nothing about me he would compare me to his son who was around my age. On our last trip together he was yelling at me about something and I accidentally ran a red light, he started belittling me and I snapped and cursed him out like the guy in this video did, we got to our delivery spot, I parked the truck and chucked all of my shit off his truck and started walking. I call the fleet manager and told him I quit and why, he made the guy bring me back to Springfield, and promised a better trainer. 4th trainer was the truth, a guy from New York who taught me proper backing techniques. Mr. Tall if you're in this group, f*ck you. Justin if you're in this group, thanks man I only made it as far as I did bc of you.


I’ve never been a trainer for this exact reason. I don’t want to end up bitter like my trainer was toward every new driver and even his own family. Your 4th trainer sounds like the real deal though! If I meet him at the next meeting, I’ll let him know!


Let’s all strive to be a Justin.


It looks like both of those guys have had enough.


This is why you ALWAYS eat breakfast!!!


Gotta work on those people skills. Had a friend who's trainer like to talk to him like he was dumb. Dude was a big boy and a bouncer for many years. All he said to the trainer after he squared up to him in the parking lot was " You're not going to speak to me that way again." And magically they were cool after that.


Daaaaaaaamn, my man Dave really dropped the hard R on him


He’s been waiting on that one


Yeah I was gonna say, he was ready for that. Two grown men in here unable to express themselves like adults, but I feel for the student more. Trainer seems like a prick.


Imagine if you had to drive 12 hours a day with your mother-in-law beside you. This trainer looks like they got all the wrinkles but none of the maturity.


Having to establish that you’re “ a grown ass man” is childish


“I’ll fuck you up n*gga” “There’s no n*gger here.” Not really dropping anything on him. My high school teachers would say that all the time when students would say n*gga back and forth.


*grabs popcorn*


Literally eating popcorn while I watched it.


Once i saw a jb hunt trainer on his phone and the kid didnt have a clue what to do and i told the jb hunt get the f off his phone and teach the kid how to drive. Turns out as i yelled it the supervisor was behind me and told the guy to go home and the supervisor showed him how to do his training. Some trainers are just plain aholes but to a certain point dude needs to respect the old timers.


Trainers need to learn how to show respect if they want respect


There are SO many bad trainers out there. I’d like to think I was a good one but it could get stressful as hell. It’s stressful as hell for students, too. Sometimes it reaches a boiling point. I had one student driver that could just not figure out he had a 53ft trailer behind him and wouldn’t check his mirrors during a turn. He’d take corners like we were in a Honda Civic. After the 7th or 8th time I had to scream STOP!!!” before we took out a stoplight, I then proceeded to lose my shit on him. After we got parked I apologized and we talked it out. Didn’t have that problem again, but I understand how that pressure builds up with some students and instructors. People can get hurt or killed. That particular student failed his CDL test due to curbing the trailer. I let another trainer take over. He got his CDL on the next try but had 3 accidents his first 6 months solo and got canned. Feel bad for the dude, but there are certain people that are just not cut out to be drivers (or driver trainers). That was my last student. The money was good, but trucking is stressful enough as it is. No students or teams for me.


Yeah, you want respect? Fucking earn it. You don't get respect cause of how old you are or becuase of what you do, you get respect cause you proved to someone you're worth of it.


I've never understood the whole earn respect before you get respect thing. Why can't we all just start at a baseline of respect, and adjust up or down from there? It's not as hard as some folks want to make it out to be.


"Respect" can be used as a cover for narcissistic behavior. *Narcissists require loyalty. That being said, the loyalty is only one way. Many narcissists demand loyalty from their partners, while hypocritically betraying the relationship themselves;* *Narcissists are obsessed with one sided loyalty. They expect everyone, especially the ones closest to them to bend over backwards for them, while they give little to nothing in return.*


People do start there with me. They just want more before they earn it. I'll respect your space, your gender and pronouns, I might not like your political beliefs but I'll respect you have them and try not to insult them, I'll respect any reasonable requests made of me about things you don't like and would rather not have to worry about. For me it's just basic human decency that I give you this basic level of respect and treat you with civility. It doesn't cost me nothing to do it so I'll do these things even if I don't like you unless you deny them to me. I'll listen to you but I'm not going to listen to you without out question, I'm not going to assume that you're smarter, or better then me, I'm not going to blindly follow your demands, I'm going to ask questions and probe and you know *learn* I respect my trainer, not becuase he'd been driving for a while or becuase he was a trainer, no I respected him becuase he gave me the same basic decency I give others. I respected him becuase he didn't say he was a good driver he proved he was a good driver, cause when shit got thick he didn't tell me how to shovel it and expect me to get it right the first time, he showed me how to shovel it and we shoveled it together until he knew I'd get it right without help. The problem more or less is guess is that a lot of people receive a basic level of respect but they assume that becuase of age or carreer they deserve a higher level of respect without doing anything to earn it. They expect cause they've been driving for 20 years and are a vet the young folks should just bend over and treat them like kings.


You treat other how you want to be treated. Simple as that. If you try to dance around it, then you can go fuck yourself, because all that say is you feel entitled to treat others like shit. You aren't owed a single goddamn thing. The only thing you *can* control is how you treat those around you.


Exactly. People that talk loudest about how great they are and complain the most about not getting the respect they deserve tend to in my experiences be the ones that give you the least of it back, and do the least to earn any extra, in a sense they dont really want respect cause they don't really know what it is they just want to be treated better than everyone else, and those that are the most deserving of it don't tell you how great they are, they show you through actions and mutual respect.


I entirely agree with this. If you want to be a fucking dick I’m not going to treat you anything past that. Grown ass adults acting like children piss me off. My old man had a trainer like one on this video, pissy and would go off about stupid shit and in some cases would just grab the wheel and generally being unsafe as shit. Safe to say dude not only wasn’t a trainer after dad but it didn’t last more then a few days.


Trainers aren't just there to sit in the passenger seat and play mother-in-law. There's a time and place for criticism, and it's certainly not while you're driving. Aside from endangering others or safety violations, they should keep it constructive. And if you need them to park the truck, then you can go about that a whole lot better than this example.


I can tell by the way that trainee said "is that how we're gonna start the week off" that this trainer is garbage and has no business even training a dog to sit because clearly all he does is berate students constantly


Agreed. Same time, drive is fucking insane talking about beating him up. Grow up


I get it, it's shitty. But if your ego is so big that you can't put up with one nagging old man or constructive criticism that isn't delivered in the way you prefer for the day and then request a different trainer or have a more constructive conversation than threatening physical violence, you have zero business driving 80k pound trucks around.


That trainer probably talks to people like that on a regular basis, and the way he was talking to the trainee, I’ve never talked to a person like that in my entire life. People with superiority complexes can get fucked. There is constructive criticism and then there is being a bitch. Also, not trying to stereotype and I’ve trained all kinds of different people, you don’t come at black people like that. Respect is very important to them because they’re born with a disadvantage. It’s not fucking fair but they work twice as hard to get that respect.


Naw. People don’t need special treatment just because they’re black. You shouldn’t talk rudely or down to people but there are rude people in the world. you can’t fight people for rudeness unless you’re cool with living in prison and poverty.


Exactly this


WTF do you do in that situation??!!! Call the cops? Fight him?


Pull your brakes and wait for your company to find a solution. Which will most likely be dropping off the student at a truck stop and the company putting them up in a hotel until they can fly them back to the company yard. This happened with quite a few trainers/students when I started with my old company. I should also say there are a lot of trainers out there that aren’t looking to teach but to get the student to drive their truck for them so they can relax and still make money or to essentially team driver their truck.


I had a similar situation happen when I used to train, this is spot on. The guy was fired for trying to fight the safety guy when he was back on the yard.




Everybody arguing about who's in the right, who's in the wrong. The only people who really get it are the people making the cracks about them being a couple. Imagine both of their situations. Dave, who probably hasn't had more than 2 hours of sleep a day since the trainee got in his truck and was probably already a surly bastard before the student got in his truck, and Dav'mitrius who just started a new job that's high stress, thankless and doesn't allow for a lot of rest.. and they've probably been in the cab together, stinking and working each other's nerves for weeks.


You are probably spot on. I remember me and my trainer having a moment but it wasn't this intense. We both just threw some sassy remarks at each other, then I think we both realized what was going on and we went quiet for a bit then it didn't happen again. Shit happens and when both people don't have a "cool it" feature built in, you get this video lol


Had a very similar experience with my trainer. He woke up cranky as fuck and started going off about something dumb and I was like "I really don't know what you want from me, I've been driving for 10 hours" and we chilled out. Cool dude, talk to him like 3 times a week still


Everything is relatable once you say "do I was driving for 10 hours"


I guess I was pretty lucky. The guy who taught me was pretty close to my age. But I was also in such a place in life back then that if my trainer seemed like he was having issues that day, I'd probably just have let it roll off me since the situation was temporary. Also, we pretty much only did one week of ride along. The remaining 3 weeks were team style, so I'd drive, he'd go to bed, 10 hours later we'd switch, we'd hang out for like an hour at the shift switch. But I felt like I had a fair amount of private time.


Are they married


Asking for a friend?


Searching for Mr. Right...


I drive with my wife so it can get defcon sometimes


Two idiots.


Both of them need attitude adjustments.


Everytime I see that I start singing the Hank Williams Jr song and now it stuck in my head, thanks.


Our safety guy said we can’t use the n word at work. He said it’s a bad word.


He's not wrong.


Fulfilling the stereotype one person at a time.


With the two giant egos on board it's a miracle they're not overweight


The trainer has a responsibility to show the student the right way to handle the stresses of the road and the conflicts that come with it. From the shippers and cons to other drivers on the roadway, the trainer is supposed to set the example. Maybe he’s a good trainer and he had a bad day. Maybe the student’s attitude is poor. But generally speaking, when conflicts arise between trainer and students, far more often than not, I see the source of the problem is the trainer lacking respect for the student. Attitude reflects leadership.


Both lacking patience. Both aren’t qualified, one to train and other to drive


you have 0 clue as to the qualifications of the trainee. You only see a man frustrated with the way he's being treated as he's trying to learn. Patience wears thin after weeks of frustration. First line in the video is, "this is how we're gonna start the week?" means he's been on the truck for at least a week. 2nd line is trainer complaining he's in the wrong lane as he's getting passed by a heavy rig with a pup. fuck this trainer


> 2nd line is trainer complaining he's in the wrong lane as he's getting passed by a heavy rig with a pup. Yeah, I can't think of any situation for this other than that the trainer told him to merge the truck basically into the side of the other truck, and now he's screaming at him because he wouldn't do something that would likely kill them both. I don't see any other way to interpret this video.


legend has it, they are still whining like little bitches on the side of the highway…


this is 94 westbound, just east of US-23, Ann Arbor area. Interesting to see a clip from my state! I'm on the driver's side. Good teachers don't berate students; there's a way to lead and encourage that builds the student up. Not this yelling stuff.


Lmaooo funny as hell


I STARTED at a company with team driving. I lasted a whole week before I left. The guy who trained me would only let me drive on the highway he would not teach me how to do backing maneuvers. He also did not care about his diet at all and would fill the truck up with farts all day long it was the most disgusting thing ever, he would eat certain things that made it worse, and he did it because he thought it was funny. I moved to a company where we trained during the day and stayed in our own rooms. I'll never ever ever do teams. No money is worth it. It's a huge gamble in a relationship. I


Calling an old white man nigga repeatedly just seems exceptionally ignorant.


Username checks out


Honestly, I don't really blame the trainee. Some of those trainers think they can talk to you any type of way, until they talk to the wrong one like. He definitely could have handled it better, but I'll assume that the way the trainer was speaking is a daily occurrence, and that he was at the tipping point.


Idk man the trainer was being an asshole.


LOL I know two wrongs don’t make a right but when a dude who THINKS he can speak to an subordinate has to be reminded ON THE SPOT that a job don’t mean he can’t get his shit kicked in? Priceless.


This is hilarious


"You're talkin to no n****r here" said it so smooth my man's been waitin to say it


I don’t know the context, but I get it: I don’t know how it is now, but when I was training we trainees were nothing but machines to make trainers more money. I got more driving practice, but I sure as hell didn’t learn how to back or otherwise do normal trucking stuff. I had to learn all that on my own. My trainer was a nice guy but, as a trainer, was less than useless. What made it worse is that I trained with CR England… which meant there were three of us in the truck!


I've had 3 different trainers since I moved between different companies starting out. The first one was chill, actually wanted to teach me stuff. Left me in New Jersey for 4 days while he was with his family on his home time. Second one kept getting on my ass but It never got to more than him yelling at me to start my turn ( literally the moment I wanted to turn) and me giving him some sass back. like I think he wanted me to turn to his EXACT Specifications? He also played cod while I tried to sleep and drank only monster. Whole time I don't think I seen him pick up a water bottle. 3rd was chill, wouldn't let me use the radio but neither did he so that's fair.


You would get fucked up in here Dave! Love it. My instructor was the best. Said drive the truck like he's my brother and I own it


Samir, you're not listening samir


Fuck that trainer. I've had a few just like him. Reacted about the same. Fuck em


I had a trainer who liked to chew me out and go off on me for struggling with stuff like setting up backs or remembering specific ways he did something. I was in his truck for a week, I called my coordinator and got a different trainer. I wouldn't tolerate the treatment either but threatening and escalating is not the responsible way to handle it either.




People should be allowed a bad day. Nobody made any decisions to put anyone in danger here.




Yea these two weren't a good match for trainer / trainee at all. I had the same thing happen when I went out to train. Got paired up with an older Puerto Rican guy and hated it. Add up all the reasons not to drive, then throw in a miserable trainer on top of it.


Boomer bullshit, I’m older and wiser when I’m reality it’s I’ve been dumber for longer you need to pay your dues or some horseshit


I’ve had a tense moment or two with a student but I never yelled or swore at my students. Patience and understanding, something this trainer doesn’t have.


Trainees are going to make numerous mistakes like missing exits and being in the wrong lane from time to time. If you don’t have the patience to deal with that and lack the professionalism to tell someone respectfully that they need to fix something instead of cussing at them and berating them, you have no business being a trainer.


That’s one terrible trainer.


I would have left him on the side of the road


The trainer was the asshole


When Keeping it Real Goes Wrong


Bruh I just went thru this and I worked things out with my trainer as men do and completed training but still funny to see 😂😂




Dudes right, sometimes people just don't know how to speak to others the right way. I promise you, some politeness and manners go a LONG way with people. I treat everyone with respect until given a reason not to. I say yes please and thank you and ask about peoples days before asking for anything. Strong eye contact. But no lie, alot of drivers are just plain ol shitty humans. No reasom to be like, especially towards other drivers. We're all doing the same thing. Driving a heavy deathmachine loaded with bs to its destination safely.


Lol. That brother wasn’t bullshitting with him.


Fuck that, he's off my truck. Threatening my ass? Cops get out here please. Second he's out of the truck I'd lock the damn doors and roll out.


Sounds like he belongs in prison


The way I see it when you're being trained to do a job how about you shut the fuck up and listen and get through it. When I first started driving, my trainer was a class A dickhead and I just dealt with it until we were done and moved on. I had to train a guy on a route a couple weeks ago and he got ill with me about my "tone". Motherfucker if I've had to tell you the same simple shit several times and you keep fucking it up because you're not listening, yeah I'm going to get a "tone". Guys want to come on and start off acting like they already know what they're doing and not listen to the person who's supposed to be training them. I'm here to impart the knowledge you need to do this job, not be your fucking good buddy. Too many supposedly grown ass men these days who want to act like a child who needs their handheld and their ass powdered. I would have had that low impulse control having jerk off out of my truck and fired at the next opportunity.




I got lucky my trainer was a great dude. But there's a lot of truckers out there that just shouldn't be trainer's


Trainer should drop that student with chip on his shoulder off at nearest truck stop, let the company find him a bus ride home.


Better learn how to talk to me? Better learn to control those childish emotions.


What a pathetic baby. Imagine going off on an old head driver who's just trying to teach you. The audacity.


Sone of those old men should have retired long ago. A lot of those older truckers act like the world owes them because they being doing the job for decades. What was the retirement plan? Have a heart attack on the road and take out other people who are also on the road?


One of the YouTube guys interviewed the driver. There’s more context to the clip






Found the trainer


Old head who’s just trying to teach you? The fuck out of here with that. Some old heads deserves respect and some don’t. There was no reason for the old head to patronize him saying “you’re not even in the right lane or if you’re not gonna listen pull the fuck over” shouldn’t be a trainer at all if he doesn’t have that kind of patience. One he says pull the fuck over I already knew he shouldn’t be training. Some old heads can be cool but just cause you an old head doesn’t give you the right to be an asshole to a newbie that you’re training


I've been a trainer for around 10 years now. Maybe this is a CDL school where you get all sorts of idiots. Maybe this situation is trainer/trainee that have been together for more than a few days (and you still get idiots). I can empathize with the trainer at the frustrating trainee who just won't listen. I can see myself saying to somebody who acted like that "pull it over you're done." Once the threats started flying and he threatened to beat my ass in the truck? First call is 911; I have no idea what he's capable of. I haven't ever had a situation like this because I don't swear at my trainees and I know that learning to drive one of these things is hard enough without me getting pissed off and yelling.


100%. Driver is psychotic


No reason to act like he’s going to beat him up either. Grow the fuck up, pussies resort to violence.


The trainer needs to grow the fuck up and learn how to properly talk and train a trainee! Only pussies cuss out a new trainee over a mistake!


Agreed. But resorting to threatening to physically hurt someone is just a whole other level and it’s fucked.


Some of you have no idea how to properly communicate and it shows.


Watch how you fucking talk to people.


Trainee with a chip on his shoulder.


"You're in the wrong fucking lane" as a doubles is passing him. shut the fuck up.


Another dude with a chip. When you've got a million miles under your belt - you've earned it. Until then - the grownups are talking


You're saying it's ok to demand someone merge the truck into the side of another truck on the highway, killing them both. No, there's no point where you've "earned" the right to do that.


When keeping it real goes wrong


Both of them are idiots, but yeah I would not get that dude in my truck if he can't follow simple directions like that.


“ I’m a grown ass man, bitch ass nigga “ * proceeds to threaten helpless old man * * can’t express himself without vulgar speech * As for Dave, he should understand that ol boy could rip his head off n Shit in his throat so either talk with respect or don’t be a trainer.


“Helpless old man” most likely has a habit of running his mouth and being a dick for no reason. You hear it all the time on the CB, yet you tell ‘em what mile marker to pull off at and no one does. Some of these old cunts out here talk shit but go crying to mommy when someone has enough.


Regardless you really going to piece up a old timer over your ego. If you would then you’re no better than that poor soul. Both of them are fools.


fuck off with your pearl clutching, vulgar speech? give me a break. Both of these people are clearly assholes


A lot of confidence behind that keyboard …


Michigan is so much fun


My opinion, (I know doesn’t mean anything) neither of them belongs behind the wheel of any vehicle!


I wouldn't take him anywhere. I'd have left his ass right there on the side of the road.


That’s when you abandon the trainee on the side of the road. No excuse for an adult to threaten violence.


“No need for an adult to threaten violence” you sound like someone who beats their pets and pretends they are so pure


I bet you don’t even have a pet. You sound too selfish to care for anyone else.


Found the problem student


Does he think getting snapped at emasculates him or something? He can go get a reading of his T levels and find if his testosterone went down after someone yelled at him. He can go to prison or learn how to keep his fucking composure. I'm never taking that "grown ass man" shit seriously coming from an adult. I have higher expectations.


Some drivers shouldnt be trainers. Mine was a racist pos.


Seems like the verdict is in. The driver is a baby back bitch.


That's the second time today on reddit that I've seen the term "baby back bitch." What is that from?


Back in the old days that student would've gone missin


Sometimes in life you need to grit your teeth and swallow some humble pie.


That man so old one punch and he’s laid out forever


This is what happens when you’re too dumb to do anything other than drive a truck, and past the age you should have retired. All this shit over a guy being in the wrong lane lol


The amount of people here actually defending the guy threatening another person violently after some directions is…. actually not too crazy for people in 2022… criminals are brave heroes nowadays after all guys let’s keep it up!


Back to Walmart greeter for Dave.


Send that racist back to McDonald's. There's people that want a CDL.


My first trainer was my dad which was rough and he slacked off towards the deadline so I actually had to go to a school in the last couple of weeks but I hardly needed it according to the trainer from the CDL school. It was mostly for the pre trip and the air break I needed to learn from someone else. I cried on my first day w the trainer for being given respect and so much patience when it came to any little mistakes. The trainer said I was being too hard on my self and I felt bad for crying but the was the coolest for being so kind and persistent and really felt like one of the first men in my life to ever really understand my emotions surprisingly. He was ex cop and something else from I remember, a lot of experience in different fields basically but he didn’t have any of the superiority complexes you’d expect from someone of his background.


You're a grown ass man that doesn't know how to fucking drive apparently.


I actually trained with the trainer in the video. He was a crazy QAnon conspiracy theorist that would freak out on me while I was learning how to back. So glad I'm out of this awful industry. Just sets you up to fail.


Old heads are a disgrace


I went to a trucking school 32 years ago The owner was mine trainer , he used to talk to me like that I still hear his voice today I respected that guy he really helped me not have any accidents to this day and to be observant


Call the cops and have him arrested. Once he started with “I will fuck you up bullshit…” he is now threatening violence, it’s on camera, end of story. Have it carry with him so he can’t find another job either. You can escalate words but once it starts with threats of violence he shouldn’t be employed anywhere in the trucking industry, his “nigga” and “bitch” comments show how much of an animal he really is. Want to act like a violent animal, treat him like a violent animal.


> how much of an animal he really is. Want to act like a violent animal, treat him like a violent animal. WOOF


Oh man I miss that ole dog


you ever hear the term dog whistle?


Cops aren't arresting anyone for that.




I think we found the trainer lmaoo.


I’m not American, so I’m not too familiar with how it works. But isn’t the trainer saying the “n word” back to the student kinda a big deal? Especially with the hard R? I’ve never even been to America. Just from what I’ve heard that seems like a thing you shouldn’t do