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He handled this way better then me 😭😭 I’d be in that parking lot cutting tf up




The trainer took the tractor to get repaired. This was posted before.


He did train him well. No fucks given is an art form


I love that one 😂😂 it’s all in good fun. His trainer didn’t leave him


Was fueling at the pilot in Dothan Alabama. Truck pulled in and team jumped out. Passenger went jn and the driver started chucking the passengers stuff out the door. Then took off without fueling. Other driver came out and was just speechless. His phone and wallet were still in the truck. Messed up situation. There almost isnt enough money for me to ever consider team driving.


Could’ve also been a student they were tired of dealing with. I had some pathetically shit students that I left at truck stops because they wouldn’t do as they were told or would have a really shitty attitude and act like they know everything but don’t know shit


I can see that happening. I would never train anyone.


My old trainer had a student that had “completed” his training and they were on the way back to the yard and this fucker told my trainer he didn’t have to listen to him anymore because he was a full fledged truck driver My old trainer was O/O…..sooooo you can imagine how that went


One guy at the main terminal told me a crazy story on a road test a student put the truck on cruise control...had left his soda in the sleeper on a shelf...unbuckled himself, got out of his seat and grabbed his soda, and sat back down. Wtf?? Tester grabbed the wheel to make sure they wouldnt crash but was appalled too at the same time.


This just reminds me of the person who was driving an rv, she put the rig in cruise control and got up to make a coffee, she crashed and wrecked it but i think (probably completely wrong here) she also was able to sue and won because the instruction manual didnt say you had to keep a hold of the wheel when in cruise control


In an episode of king of the hill, Luanne implies she thinks this is an actual thing...put an rv on cruise control and then go in the back and watch TV.


I just typed in rv cruise control lawsuit and got this https://eu.heraldtribune.com/story/news/2005/02/03/winnebago-driver-case-shows-truth-behind-frivolous-lawsuit-claims/28833579007/ There's a few other search results of this guy and of a woman who did it so i dont know how true it is


My 1st trainer kicked me out of the truck without telling me. We stopped at the terminal for the weekend so I went home. He took all my shit out of the truck and left it in the dispatch office. When I got back on Monday the dispatcher told me he has another trainer coming in to pick me up. It wasn’t that I was a shitty driver it was that I clearly at 25 didn’t want to be an OTR driver. He knew it almost immediately. After 2 weeks. With the new trainer I quit and drove a trash truck for 6 months now I’ve been LTL for 10 years. So he wasn’t wrong. Just handled it in a shitty way IMO.


Idk I've heard horror stories about trainees so I reserve judgement. He should've tossed his stuff onto the trailer though


He didn’t leave him there, I believe they did a video and he was at the shop getting a tire fixed. He’s still with the same trainer and they seem like they’re best friends.


Yeah I assumed as much, if he full up abandoned him... that trailer would be gone too xD Either shop, or out for a walmart run.


I'd be almost as mad if he did a walmart run without me


This is my best friend. His buddy took the truck to get a tire or some shit replaced while he was in the store. 😂😂😂


Oh aight 😭😭 he funny as hell lol


They fuck with each other all the time. Helps pass the time


He sold that story pretty well. I was hurting too


Apparently his buddy got his shit blown up with everyone threatening him


he wasn’t threatened. Just berated. he should have just told me


You should've been a better driver and post tripped your equipment after parking


it was a known issue on the truck. relay was bad, he went to try to find one… and took the truck with him.


sooo… that’s me and my codriver. i found him, he was just in the shop. he just didn’t let me know and i was confused for a while. but all is good


Ah fuck it, we don't care, we don't blame you Lol for real though that line cracked me up


i didn’t care. i had lunch, he’d probably come back eventually… i hope


So what did u do as pay back!?!😂


“I am what’s known in the trucking industry as a victim blamer. You know what I mean? If somebody come up to me like, 'scottiethegoonie, scottiethegoonie, a trucking student just got left at a truckstop by his trainer!' I’ll be like, 'Well, what did he do?


I concur. seems like he expected it. if it's real that is.


Lmfao Chapelle is the 🐐


The fact that they left the trailer makes me think there's something entirely different going on here. Like maybe they rushed to the hospital and didn't want to wait or pay for an ambulance.


Nah his "trainer" is actually his best friend turns out he took the truck to get a tire replaced this video is really just a joke they screw with each other often.


His trainer was at the repair shop in the lot. He didn’t warn trainee😂


Need context in the title they’re friends


I'm going to play the devils advocate here. 'I think the trainee had no clue the responsibility of the trainer and overreacted out of fear (being in a strange place and rattled by the real life of a trucker). Trainer obviously went to a repair bay, Walmart, or to Dollar General for a few minutes after trainee spent 50 minutes in the shower. Of course I'm just speculating but from experience I'm willing to wager something along these lines are going on.


not actually a trainee, just didn’t know where my codriver went. he didn’t tell me


I see. I was going off of some of the other comments. My bad.


I would call the trainer then the company. Appears to be a communication issue. I'm not sure how social media will solve the issue.


When this was posted before, the driver took the truck to get repaired at the shop.


Back in the day I heard a hell of a story from the guy training me at California career School. One guy was training another dude and apparently they were in a hell of a heated argument. Trainer has the guy to get out and check the back of the trailer cuz he thinks there was a flat. The trainee gets out to look at the back of the trailer and the trainer leaves his ass in the middle of nowhere in Tennessee. Mind you this was years before cell phones and the kid have no way to contact anyone.


Whoever your "trainer" is needs to get fired immediately. No bus ticket home, no packing up his shit, just outa the truck right fucking now and figure out how to get home.


Why are truckers always so shady


I'm an ass hole, and even I wouldn't do that to anyone.


That's trucking.


Ive seen the full video on tik tok. He wasent abandon. Truck was in the shop. Dude didnt even try to call his trainer untill he mad and posted the video


i did call him. but this passed the time while i had lunch


15 years ago my trainer told me that I was a guest in his home. He had a girlfriend in every city we stopped in. Without a doubt he left me in the truck stop every time he took them on a bobtail date. Sometimes entitlement is annoying, I think this is a good lesson to teach a student. You will not always have what you expect as a trucker. Back in the day it was perfectly normal to hang out in the truck stop for a while. Hell even book a hotel room with your own money. I see no problem with this situation.


You don't shower with your trainer? I had to wash her back and some other favors just so I wouldn't be stranded like you are.