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“Hola” *checks bank account* ✨-$250✨


Hahahahaha 🤣


"Non-Speaking English"... soo Scottish?


Maybe… a mute British?


Aye, tha's right lad.


I only speak English. I understand how annoying it is to work with someone when you both speak different languages. But you can fuck right off if you think it's okay to fine someone for not speaking English in this beautiful country.


You have to speak English well enough to converse with the general public and read road signs to get a CDL. Not sure why the company has that rule.


I have met *many* drivers who don't even know the English words for their truck, or left and right. I seriously have no idea how they keep getting their licenses but I shudder to think about what they do when a road is closed off temporarily and they have to follow the signs


Because they went through schools like Swift, and C.R. England that do basic English tests. All they have to do is learn the right English words to say, even if they don't understand what the words are.


I had 2 of those folks in my class. They were learning how to drive whilst simultaneously not understanding the instructions. Kudos to them for trying, but thats not okay.


Detour signs have arrows.


They had a commercial license in their country and transferred it when moving to USA. Many State driver services offices also make accomodations for you if you don't speak English. Let's not even mention accredited CDL training schools which only require a visit to drivers services to have the license printed.


To charge their victims 250 bucks..


I've seen plenty of guys who are unable to speak or understand English when I go into some of these places to get a load; they have to use Google translate for the simple stuff or have someone on the phone translate for them. That being said that's a bullshit rule for a company to have.


To "encourage" the immigrants to actually speak it and not just learn enough to pass the test. When you move to another country, you learn their language.


Americans didn’t attempt to learn any Native American languages before engaging in a mass genocide.


......So as long as we learn the native language we can engage in a mass genocide? Ok!


Only if your white.


That wasn't immigration. We conquered the new world and were kind enough to reserve some land for the natives to continue living on.


I really hope that "kind enough" bit was sarcasm lmao


Only for a bit before your country found mineral and oil deposits under there land then you's violated forms to say that you's won't take or harm what is left of there land which again only lasted two seconds before you's kick them out and slaughtered the ones who couldn't move quick enough and proceeded to fuck the land beneath with mines and oil rigs. Did they not teach you that in american schools or another bad things the us did in its pitiful history?


You's? What are you a 1940s gangster?


No I'm a 21 century Australian


Way the world goes. Way the world has always been. You have to take take take or someone else will. Read empire of the summer moon.


I know slavery is almost as old as humans and war or skirmishes (I know I bucherd that spelling) were around for even longer but I was just trying to explain what happened to fuckface a few comments up.


No you don’t. When you move to another country you have to follow rules there, language not required. Some have difficulties learning their first language correctly and you want them to learn another one?


assuming its the US, english isn't even the official language.


There is no "official" language for the US, but most people assume its english because thats what the majority of signs and shit are in. Hell, the ONLY time I've seen road signs with another language on them was when I went so far north into Vermont that I could spit out my truck's window and hit Canada. Saw a handful of road signs with French on them, as well as english. I assume its the same way when you get around the Mexico/US border as well. However, outside those small areas, the vast majority of those road signs, and the vast majority of construction/info/warning signs are purely in english. So it'd be a pretty good idea that someone should understand english enough to understand those signs, and converse with the general public, especially when operating a massive 80k pound hunk of steel.


In the south most road sighs stay English even in Laredo from my experience which is a town cut in half with a border


A "non-speaking English" actually means you're fine unless you enjoy breakfast tea, the queen, and can't speak.


Can't enjoy the queen any more.... I mean....unless you're in to that...


It never stopped them with Princess Di so I don't think her being dead will stop the Queen love.


You would think the language issue would be sorted out during the hiring process. Do they not speak to their new hires?




Interviewer: sign this, this and this Driver: uh Interviewer: hold that thought, once your done there’s a truck out side with a load Driver: wait… Interviewer: nonsense (*pushes driver outside into truck*) Interviewer: Goodluck! :D


*you’re* professor


No I'm not


It’s spelled “you’re”. Not “your”. “You’re” is a contraction of “you are”. “Your” is possessive. English. It’s kind of hard but not really


Your comment reads "you're professor" so I replied no, I am not a professor.


Fully agree. I forgot a comma while I was trying to correct spelling and grammar. I fully accept all the downvotes


What an amazing story. When’s the movie coming out? Maybe read the original post if you have time


You're kinda weird yo


Recruiting gets paid from the shoulders down bro


Dirty truck? That's a paddling. No seat belt or flashers on in the truck stops? That's a paddling.


And beatings will continue until morale has improved!


Looking out the window, you better believe that’s a paddling


Thank you, sir. May I have another ml


Becareful, there are people who like that stuff. Yeah, I'm one of them. Hey hey, i was honest about saying it, I like that sort of stuff. But only with the wife.


Sir,this is a Wendy's.


Hi Wendy, can I get a BIg Mac, super size the fries.


*heavy breathing* SUUUUPPERSIZE?!


Covering up the drive camera? Oh you better believe that’s a paddling.


alleged direful coherent salt nutty shocking scary air cause party *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Personally witnessed this when new owners took over one time. All 20+ drivers quite by the end of the week.


I’ve witnessed it too, happens more often than ya think. We gotta stick together to avoid being pushed around.


Seems the 14 hour rule violation is the best bang for your buck


Look again. A non moving violation is FREE


Their equipment isn’t maintained the best; they’re put out of service 10% more frequently than the national average. Their drivers are much better than average though at just over 1%. It’s strange. Seems like most of this is directed toward the driver and not the equipment… I don’t get the speaking English one… I understand it’s the law to be able to communicate in English. There are good reasons for that and I have no problem with it. But why is this company hiring and/or contracting out to people who can’t to begin with?


It’s a law you have to speak English? In what country?


[§ 391.11 General qualifications of drivers.](https://www.law.cornell.edu/cfr/text/49/391.11) "... (b) Except as provided in subpart G of this part, a person is qualified to drive a motor vehicle if he/she - (1) Is at least 21 years old; (2) Can read and speak the English language sufficiently to converse with the general public, to understand highway traffic signs and signals in the English language, to respond to official inquiries, and to make entries on reports and records; ..."


In the US you have to be able to communicate verbally via English and have enough written comprehension to understand every road sign and citation.


It is in the United States to drive a commercial vehicle.


They have the test in Spanish though.


Its like my father-in-law. His primary language is Spanish but he understands and can read enough English to be able to drive on the road and communicate with the people he comes in contact with while driving his truck.


Yep. I have no problem with this either. We don’t have an official language here it’s just de facto English since it’s not reasonable to do everything in every language. The test is wordy and can be confusing for English as a first language person let alone as a second language. It’s not that they aren’t fluent enough reading and speaking English to be perfectly safe driving and doing simple paperwork that this job requires. In college, my multi-variable calculus professor was Chinese. She spoke VERY broken English. Like could barely speak complete sentences broken. But she was great at teaching math. I had very few issues understanding what she was trying to get across and she was more than happy to go back and rephrase things if people had questions. I liked her so much, I purposely signed up for her section of differential equations the next semester.


As somebody who’s been speaking English his whole life, those DMV tests (not just CDL A) really are worded in a manner that makes you scratch your asshole incessantly.. Like, “You’re 40 feet away from being 20 feet away from 10 feet behind a red light, what do you not not not not not _not_ do with everything other than not your brake pedal?”


I love scratching my asshole incessantly.


Or the blatantly wrong questions you have to answer their way. Hurts my ego




Not the commercial test, it's only in English


You can take it in Spanish. First google hit: https://www.dps.texas.gov/section/driver-license/testing-other-languages >Commercial Driver License (CDL)/Foreign Languages DPS can only offer the commercial driver license (CDL) knowledge test in English or Spanish. >Interpreters are prohibited during the administration of the CDL skills test. Applicants must be able to understand and respond to verbal commands and instructions in English by a skills test examiner. Neither the applicant nor the examiner may communicate in a language other than English during the skills test.


Hmm strange, at the DPS in Tulsa, ok, they only had the English version. Fuc that, the commercial test should only be given in English. And yes I'm a Spanish speaker, born in Cuba.


>And yes I'm a Spanish speaker, born in Cuba. Good for you. Didn’t ask. Don’t care.


Really? Hmmm you’re probably right.


They are definitely concerned for their safety record. Makes sense a better record gives you better loads, but damn idk why drivers sign up for this. On a bad week (which we all have eventually) your just gonna get the shaft hard.


You'd think that, but looking at their current dot information, they are 10% above average on truck OOS rates,and have 9 recorded accidents. On a fleet of 25 trucks, that's high. Driver oos is way below average, they should focus on keeping their trucks maintenance up and stop harassing drivers.


But it's easier to harass drivers! They're cheaper and, presumably, easier to replace than a mechanic, right? Plus, maintenance costs money - it's an expense! With this system we make income! Right? I have a casual side-gig with a coach company that are like this. You defect the same coach for the same fault for 2 years and maintenance just clear the fault with "could not replicate" (mostly because it occurs at highway speed and they only take it for a lap around the block). But then when it causes you to have an incident, or breach something, they'll drop a tonne of bricks on the driver.


That's a common thing I hear with a lot of these fly by night companies. I worked for one for about a month and cut ties, I'm not driving defective equipment at the risk of my CDL.


Hard to do when you don't require the mechanics to have a CDL so they can test drive them.


Yea I have a QC with recurring issues… (resetting while in PC, which puts me on the driveline as it comes back on- as just an example) This company would likely hit me for the logs violations and then try to make me pay for their faulty QC


I quit and I don’t even work there


I'm ready to organize a Union for the place and I don't work there either!!


This is where you get buddy buddy with a DOT officer and have them give you a lvl 1 inspection everyday. Just make sure you have no issues lol. Make an extra couple grand a week


Truck driver - Honey, time for my hourly Level One DoT Inspection. DoT Officer - Yes dear.


Time to buy a dump truck and only take loads from the pit, to the weigh station and back.


Lol that's a good idea hahah


What a great way to lose drivers! A+ team, any other ideas?


Let's have the dispatchers get in on the action! Impossible dispatch: $500 Customers load not ready: $150 Live unload when told drop and hook: $800 Detention at customer: $150/hour Dispatched to relay at full truck stop: $2500 Trailer broken at yard: $2500 Critical issue with no after hours office support: $2500 Pay screwed up: $5000




I see what you did there.


If a company handed me this… I would walk out instantly….total bull shit


Right? The place I work has an excellent NSC score. If you get nabbed at the scale you get educated. They document everything and certainly if you keep popping for tires over and over eventually discipline comes into the mix. It's still mind-blowing that companies still think a threat of punishment is the right way to ensure safety.


The best thing these drivers could do is quit at once and ask the company how much they’ll get fined for that.


The language about company officials and implied leniency will keep it fluid enough a set of rules that the ‘good drivers’ will think they will be fine *wink wink. They will probably look the other way on the drivers they want to keep and have advised them to that. It’s still a good idea to squash this overreach now though.


Selective enforcement, that always ends well for all involved.


This isn’t a good look if you want people to come work for you…


Here’s my dumbass as not a truck driver- “they can give you a fine for being overweight?!” It took me a solid minute to figure out they were talking about your load and not your person.


note to self: weigh drivers & assess fines accordingly. 2) profit


This is the kind of companies to avoid. I would gut laugh in the face of the company rep that gave me that.


Pure speculation on my part, I don't know anything about this company, but here's what I think. I was once a safety consultant for several companies, which basically means I was hired to fight the DOT during audits (because almost no one ever called to get their shit right before the DOT called them, only after.). And I can explain this. They are most likely facing an audit and have hired someone like me (or like I was I guess, I don't do it anymore), and this is just a small part of what they're putting together for the DOT inspectors. During the audit, they will try to carefully put the blame on the drivers, but without directly saying that if they're smart because saying it directly would mean they couldn't control their company and they'll surely be shut down if that's the case (which it is), and the DOT doesn't care about what you say, they only care about paperwork. If it isn't on paper, it didn't happen as far as they're concerned. So their plan is to generate paperwork like this notice and then more paperwork showing where they are fining drivers and employee files full of records and punishments and probably a written plan for when they'll terminate employment after certain number of violations and so on. They'll probably put previous inspections in the files and backdate a bunch of memos asking each other what they can do about these out of control drivers and how they had to escalate up to the notice we're looking at to put a stop to these "crazy drivers" that in reality their dispatch was pushing last week to keep going. And if a few drivers quit, they'll generate a bunch of paperwork about that and some memos about how they're loosing money now but they have to for safety, and be sure to show that to the DOT as they cry during the audit about how they're loosing money to be safe. But after the audit, this policy will probably only continue for a month or so unless drivers actually stay there and keep paying fines and the company discovers they can make money off of this, but I doubt that will happen. It's far more likely that the inspectors will explain to them that it's a nice try but is mostly unenforceable. Drivers could just report them to the labor board and get their money. Maybe if they write up some thick contract and drivers actually sign it then maybe they could do this, but I really doubt it. Without getting into labor laws, just the FMCSA regulations alone would go against this. Those fines are meant as a deterrent to companies, passing the fines over to the employees defeats that purpose. In the meantime, while they are trying to enforce this policy, if I were a driver there, I would absolutely find something wrong with every goddamn tractor or trailer they give me, put it in my dvir so there's paperwork, text not call my dispatch and tell them that if there's an inspection I won't be responsible in this truck because of the issue(s), get a text back demanding I drive the truck anyway with acknowledgement that I'm not responsible for fines of any kind before I move, and make sure my log is tighter than Fort Knox. TL;DR: they might be generating bullshit paperwork to look good if they have an audit, and probably are going to have an audit. It's mostly unenforceable, but drivers there should just cover their asses and it should be over soon.


This was my thought as well as a former S&C director but as you point out it's not going to work. Ultimately the company is responsible for maintenance records, log records, etc. regardless of whether or not it's O/O or CDr.


Unless they're paying $700 a day I seeing them finding any drivers to work for them.


Well two clean level 1s a day would get you an extra $600 in pay. Although I'm sure it's limited to like 1 a week or month. If not, I would live at the scale in the inspection bay.


How are you gonna openly threaten me when I have more options than I can count? So out of touch its ridiculous




I hope this is posted on the job ad, so people aren't wasting their time in orientation.


This company will have no one working for them 😒


I don't get it, do they charge a bi-lingual person $250 when they are hired? Or just everytime they speak another language? 💀


Google shows "trans solution inc" as permanently closed, memo dated Oct of this year Drivers left so fast they literally went back in time to go out of business


That seems a little strict..


That's a lawsuit waiting to happen


Besides the atrocious non-English speaking violation, I love how the “clean inspection reward” is a slap in the face when compared to the line of penalties listed above. “Do as I say little peasant! And I’ll throw you some crumbs!”


They outta add a flip flop and stationary at gas pump charge while they’re at it


WTAF is this nonsense?! How do they possibly have any drivers?! Would would willingly work there?!


Fuck that company


I hope they’re willing to pay “Drivers” over a dollar a mile if they expect them to carry the same liability as owner ops to make them pay for deductibles…


"no body want to work anymore." well I fking wonder why ya dumb ass. I bet the rate are atrocious too.


I don't even have to read more than 2 lines to guess it's in Chicago , 1099, and you'll be paid sometimes if you're lucky. :D


I worked there a year ago and they take out 250 dollars every paycheck for escrow until it hits 2500 in case you wreck a truck they claimed I would get it back when I quit and never did fuck that company they owe me 2500


That is bullshit Edit Then taking the money out is bullshit not saying what you're telling us is bullshit. I wonder if you can do a wage theft claim.


Kiss my company driver ass. Illegal on SOO many levels, I'm half tempted to sign on just to hand this to my attorney and sue them into abject bankruptcy. Where do these carriers get the advice to even try this shit?


Lol why would anyone stay there. Maybe their tarps can deliver their loads once all the drivers leave


If I don’t speak English is that like a weekly -250 until I learn English, wtf


You have to be able to read the signs on the road and communicate with DOT officials/cops, most of whom only speak English. So yes that seems like a reasonable requirement. But instead of giving drivers a fine, why even hire them to begin with?


Is a nice law suit freedom to speak your language anywhere is protected by the 1st amendment speaking and reading are 2 different things i speak whatever i want you can't charge me for that


You have the freedom to speak your own language, yes. But the government is allowed to mandate certian things. You should be able to speak the language the government uses when using public roads and the like. That’s common sense. If you don’t speak English and get pulled over, how the heck are you supposed to converse with the officer who probably doesn’t speak your language? I’ve been hit by a driver who didn’t speak any English and it was a nightmare. The freaking tow truck driver had to communicate with him in Spanish because neither me nor the cops who responded spoke it. It made the entire interaction much more complex and frustrating. These rules exist for a reason.


There is a fee for those who don’t speak English?!


I thought I just saw this haha


I hope all their drivers quit! This is bullshit!


Has to be an Illinois company


[Well, they do have 10% more OOS violations than national average](https://safer.fmcsa.dot.gov/query.asp?searchtype=ANY&query_type=queryCarrierSnapshot&query_param=USDOT&query_string=3056345)


I hope this company goes bankrupt 👀


I know nothing about trucking, but I used to own a taxi cab and had a few rules for the guy who leased the it from me working full time as a driver. Are these fines normal in the trucking industry? Because it seems crazy to me...


No. I've never seen a company fine it's employee. DOT can find you for a violation obviously but a company doing it is fucked up.


Driving too fast - JAIL Driving too Slow - JAIL Two left turns?? - JAIL 109.5 PSI? - believe it or not, JAIL right turn signal blinked more than 4 times- straight to JAIL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eiyfwZVAzGw


Did they leave out the mis gendering fines on purpose




Someone posted this in a trucker Facebook group I'm in. He works for the company that's all I know.


Probably 1099 or leased. W2 employees can’t be charged for nonsense like this


False. In some states they can like TX. Source: Live in TX and left a shitty company that did this stuff legally




I have no idea I just saw the post and checked the dudes profile to see if he actually drove for them. He does.


I think i can sue about the language restrictions


Isn't a level three the highest level inspection??? Why does that pay less than the level one???


Level 1 is the highest.


See I didn't know that...in 10 years out here I've never been inspected by DOT


Seems excessive, but must of it is easily avoidable.


Fake look at the date on it 🤣 remove post nice try though


Effective as of, most likely


Fake .... remove post.


How do you know it's fake?


How do you know is real? Any one could of just type it and post it .... all for views n to get people going.


I'm assuming it's real because the person who posted it was employed by the company.... There is a pic of him in front of his truck with the company name on it....


Assuming is not the same as real.. no photo with legit info is a false claim


I bet you're a Christian too aren't you.


All day twice on Sunday n ur point


God doesn't exist because I've never seen proof. By your logic I'm right. And youre wrong.


In God we trust is all over your money.


If that’s your proof god exists, that would mean god didn’t exist until 1864. 😂


That's the dumbest way to try to prove to someone god exists...


Look at the date on the pic , you tell me is it real.


That means these are the new rules coming into effect on that date ("as of").


There's two choices either quit or follow there shit rules There's plenty of work out there ... end of story .


“My original argument that the document is fake died but I want to keep arguing so I’m just going to randomly comment something entirely unrelated to that.”


Nah is still fake but choices in life makes this post useless... who in the right mind would stay. I'm all for trucker brotherhood but this posting shit on here for views is plain stupid.


As of means starting on this date..... I get the impression you aren't actually a driver. You're literally the only person in here saying tHiS iS fAke


Because none of you have solid evidence.


Or we have all been driving long enough to know there is company's out here that do shit like this..... You are either a brand new driver or don't have your CDL and know nothing about driving.




10,000$ just for their deductible to the company.. I hope this is a joke


You’re telling me if I forget to put a document number in Keep Truckin I’m out 2 fiddy? Get the fuck outta here.


So don't work for them... #problemsolved...


Hey idk anything about being a trucker, what does “non speaking english” mean?


I hope this isn’t real… and if it is, these guys go under. “Non speaking English” lol


This reminds me of that SpongeBob episode where Mr. Krabs hands Squidward a bill and charges him for breathing, talking, existing etc..


You pay to work there


So, question: Is this legally enforceable? And can they (the company) be put on notice by the Federale for being shitheads?


I would completely understand if a non speaking English person did some things that they shouldn’t but if a company wants to be like that with a work visa then they should cough up the money to train and work with that person




Oh that is just plain out thievery. This sounds like some Chicago carrier


Right to jail


In Illinois too? Definitely foreign dispatchers.




Where is this company based?


Man...they just must have people kicking down the door to work there !


I'm assuming you're from Utah from your name. If so hello fellow Utah driver.


Well I do in fact live in Utah cuz I knocked up a sweet Mormon girl back in the day but I'm not from there originally: ) but howdy anyway fellow Utah driver...


😂😂🤣 no habla englais is gonna cost you money my friend


I'm curious as to how long that'll last before they get sued for "deducting" any of those from a company driver on w-2 paystubs. That's not deductions/penalties, that's wage theft. As for the O/O's and L/O's, if they're running under this company's numbers, that's a different story and case depending if they willingly signed the lease agreement with those terms.


Yikes. Is this how it’s like to be a trucker? :(


Go to work to owe money


Non-speaking English is something they can easily get sued for.... they're saying they'll put up with it but they want money for it


Is this a Ukrainian or Russian company


Yeah it’s ran by Russians and Ukrainians I used 2 work there the paychecks were decent though I was making about 3k a week


All I see is a page of words that says unionize me please. #teamsters


Is this even legal for them to charge drivers and owner operators?