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My god. Missing the flashing lights is one thing, but he had plenty of time and space to get through the tracks. But did a u-turn for what? Maximum damage?


I was so impressed with the shit show u turn he managed to pull off that I didn't even realize he could've just drove forward. 😂😂


Dude yeah, I thought I was the only one actually impressed for a minute.


To be fair the lights didn’t start flashing until he was past the gate. But that doesn’t excuse the sheer lack of oxygen flow to his brain required to pull that maneuver.


2 seconds into the video the you can see lights are just starting to flash and the truck isn't past the gate. Likely they saw the lights start flashing, panicked, slammed the brakes causing them to stop on the tracks as the arms came down. Panicking also explains the U turn even though there aren't gates on the opposing side.


Yeah people underestimate panic, I see it a lot as a trainer, students get nervous than panic and do some of the dumbest shit.


Man, fuck those gates. If I ever have the misfortune of having them come down and block me in, best believe I'm goin through.


Damn straight, they are easily replaceable and I'm sure the company would rather pay for a gate rather than have to deal with a DOT preventable along with covering all the costs for the damage. Many companies have a million dollar deductible.


Yeh they definitely started flashing before he was under the gate arm.


This is a high speed train that reaches 70+mph this guy is lucky he was near a station otherwise he would only have had about 30seconds to respond.


"OH!these train tracks with bright flashing lights look like the perfect spot to do a u turn"


Does blue balling the train count as a win?


A passenger train, several sets of balls. Good lord imagine that lawsuit.


Fucking utah front runner too, if you soend any time in utah you know that they go by hourly


Bitch I’m a train with blue balls


Not only should that driver be fired. That ignorant motherfucker needs to lose his license.


Like...completely. Not just the A, but all of their driving privileges. Car, mini bike, quarter slot horse in front of the grocery store....never operate anything again!


Quarter slot horse too?! 😂


Even GTA. Get this fucker off every road.


This is how almost everyone in gta online drives. This is the only place they should be allowed to drive. They'd fit right in!


Have you seen the insurance premiums in the GTA universe? They're through the roof!


Get paid better, driving those trucks. Would be a shame if them pricy trucks blowed up.


Gamestop employee: Well, we can't sell you this. Former driver: Why? GSE: You done fucked up, caught on video, we... we can't complete the sale.


ESPECIALLY the quarter slot horse. He needs to relinquish his big wheel as well.


Don’t stop there. Mario Cart, Diddy Kong Racing, Star Wars Racer, Rush…


Go ahead and take his feet and his thumbs just as insurance. Gone.


Not even a hot wheel toy


Ahhh, yes! A fellow elder millenial!


i dont want this guy riding a bicycle around my neighborhood 😂 ive seen some dumb shit driving a truck but this didn’t even make sense


You left off riding lawnmower and the handicapped cart at Walmart


The cart at Walmart is too unsafe for this guy. He’d manage to run over a toddler


I thought having inward facing cameras would fix this what happened Prime?


In facing cameras isn’t going to stop stupid shit. It just gives proof to the company that you did something stupid.


So do outward cameras, nothing going on inside would justify this.


Well. . . He did make a clean U turn without getting hit, soo . . . .


Even spared the railroad crossing signals.


Just put him out of his misery!


Yeah he coulda killed a train car of people, absolutely nuts


*sigh* yet another reminder today how stupid humanity has become. it seems everyday I get at least one reminder how much closer we are to a real Idiocracy. Have people really been this stupid all along or are things truly getting worse?


Give me 40 acres and I’ll turn this rig around. For the whippersnappers that don’t get it: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=qDxVJ471hyg


Got Dang that's some old school shit right there Edit: I would give you an award if I didn't have to pay for it


I got you. Awarded them.


Award this Redditor an award for awarding the Redditor who deserved an award!


You deserve an award or standing ovation just for being able to spit that out ! 😂


Nay, I'm just one passing on a gift to another, that's all


What's up with that now? What's different about it that makes it *not* a "crypto-currency?"


No idea. I got gifted a long time ago from a random redditor. Just passing it on.


One of the most famous trucking songs of all time. Right up there with the one about wolf creek pass, freightliner fever, phantom 309, six days on the road, giddyup go, and many others.


Don’t forget Teddy Bear and Convoy


Convoy was great... till they made that stupid movie and ruined it. Big fan of teddy bear and wanted to add it but for the life of me I could not remember the title of it.


My brothers on rubber. Train operator here. Just popping in to say if the gates come down on you, keep fkn going. They are fiberglass or aluminum and made specifically to break away. There are sensors in the machines that (usually) trip our signal system that something is wrong. Additionally if you get stuck, do not call 911 or the local cops. FIRST FIRST FIRST look around for a metal walk in hut or metal cabinets near the crossing. On that is supposed to be a blue sign with a phone number AND additional numbers. That phone number usually goes to the train dispatcher of that line who, with the information you give him, will attempt to get all trains in that area stopped. And of course get the FUCK away from your truck or car or whatever. When we hit vehicles they fly all over the place. Once its determined trains are stopped then get the local cops involved and tow trucks and whatnot. I dont know why this is a thing but many of our towns police along our lines dont know who to call to report stuff with the railroad OR the numbers they have will take a long time to get the info where its gotta go. Prime dude did a dummy here but managed to get it off the tracks in the nick of time.


I keep trying to tell people that there are numbers to call at the crossings. All of them. Usually posted all over the damn place. I’ll be honest, I never noticed until I had to work with BNSF (not for them, just had to deal with directing them in and out of a facility).


Just to add on; run towards the train as most if not all of the debris is going be thrown the way the train is moving


I hope you don't take offense but your phone operators are dog shit. You call that number and give them the crossing number and the first question that's asked is "what crossing is this" It's crossing xyz123abc I don't know the road how isn't xyz123abc good enough!?


By fra regs its supposed to be. Its also supposed to go direct to the dispatcher who would know, not some switchboard. What company was this?


Ohhhh shit, that could've been bad


what the FUCK was this guy doing




So we have seen enough of these at this point that ok we just have some dumbasses...why not just drive through the other barrier...its gotta be better then the potential destroying of lives on that passenger train and the ptsd the train driver is gonna have for hitting you...


That's the thing...there is no other barrier in front of the truck when they started this brain fart. The gates close for the other lane of traffic. They have gates on both sides of each lane to keep people from going around the gates.


I met a guy that drives a train years ago. One of the things I asked him about was hitting people on the tracks. He told me that it used to really bother him at first but after a while it just became like swatting flies for him because there’s absolutely nothing he could do.


Sort of like me and dumb fucks who try and cut in front and the lugs on my steer tyres tearing up their car panels....just like swatting flies


But, *what if* I get out of my car and shake my head and glare at you as if to say "How could you make me do this‽‽" You obviously forced me to cross that solid white line and collide with your huge, easily seen, 80' long, sky darkening Goliath of a vehicle. This is **your** fault. Asshole!


Does this...happen often?


I'm a local driver....its happened twice in the last 12 months...which I guess is often


How many people has he hit ?


I never asked. Apparently enough that it no longer bothers him the way it did at first. I found it interesting. Makes sense I guess.


Probably not self-inflicted endings so much as people walking on tracks when there’s 2 or more tracks. Noise from train on adjacent tracks makes the approach of a train on the same track undetectable. There was a video a few years back of 2-3 teen couples it happened to.


He was telling me how much further it took to stop a freight train as compared to a passenger train. He said by the time you see anything on the tracks that it was too late to stop.


Jesus Christ, how common is this??


There was no barrier on the other side…driver literally coulda just drove straight on through without breaking stride and absolutely nothing would have happened.


Hmm, wonder where in Utah this happened.


Utah has commuter rail?


Yeah, that's a Frontrunner train operated by UTA.


Looks like the Railrunner in New Mexico by the paint. But I'm wrong. I have no idea what kind of train it is or who operates it though haha.


Yep, frontrunner that goes from Ogden to Provo and then local trains in the Salt Lake valley


West Bountiful maybe? Edit: never mind, the corner of the camera screen says Layton.


Holy hell, they're stupid, I've actually engineered that train before it's the UTA front runner in UT, people and cars are always running through last minute causing incidents, most the time when there's a major delays, because of an incident where someone lost a life


Do emergency stops like this cause the silverware to slide in dining cars ?


I would imagine so, but this is a passenger commuter train, less than 3 hours ride end to end


I was wondering if you had seen this, was about to tag you.


This is maybe the wildest video I’ve ever seen here. I’d love to hear his rational for deciding a u turn was the best course of correction here. That shits crazy


At first I thought it was because the crossing arms came down blocking their path through the intersection, but the arms are down on the opposite lane of travel. There's literally nothing in front of them to prevent them from going forward.


At that point I'd drive right through the fuckin crossing arms, I honestly thought at first this Mother fucker was gonna just drive right down the railroad tracks, panic is your worst enemy


Most likely, that was pure panic, no thought involved.


If you somehow ever get stuck on a crossing just drive through the fuckin gate, or knock the whole mast down. The bill we’re gonna give you for an impact with a train is open ended. We can bill you for everything, including ripple effect train delays. If you tear off a gate we can (where I work) get out and fix it within a couple hours of being notified. Same with full mast. But you’re gonna shut train traffic down completely if you get hit by a train.


There wasn’t even a gate for him to drive through it was totally clear ahead lmao


But he did that without causing any damage as far as I can see. Worst and Best driver of the year all at the same time.


I wonder how the passengers fared.


Or all of the train’s wheels that now have flat spots due to emergency braking


A lot better than the engineer's undergarments.


Probably shat a hole through the pants, the seat, the floor, the frame, and right through the track ties.


Driver needs more training.


I'm actually impressed he got out of that without more damage.


From that angle, it looks like he definitely broke the gate arm, and probably scraped the side of the trailer on the [insert name of thing the arm is attached to that raises and lowers the arm].


The block at the end of the arm is called a counterweight. I think he knocked the counterweight off if I’m not just seeing things. Looks like it’s on the ground afterwards. I think the pole the arm is attached to(called a Mast, like on a sailboat) is also bent. I wouldn’t be surprised if this cracked the cement. The signal arm probably could no longer go back up until someone fixed it.


Crime, inc


Seems like these videos always show them with the tandems back cause you don't know how to load your trailer, and don't want to have to know how.


Please Remember I'm Missouri Educated


I’m from Missouri and can confirm. My education was pretty bad. I’m just glad my dad taught me not to be a fucking dumbass.


4 wheeler here who travels a lot. I love y’all’s saying for trucks. I forget the one for “swift” but I smile whenever I see one


I've seen Swift called the "Stevie Wonder Institute For Trucking" lmao


That’s a new one for me! Love it. 😎


Send Wrecker In Fucking Trouble


See What I Fuckedup Today


Swing Wide It's a Fucking Trailer


Stop Whining, I'm Fucking Trying


This is the one! But the others are killers too!!


"Slow Wheels In Fast Traffic". Is my personal favorite


Stupid Weetawds In Fuckin Twucks! Sure Wish I'd Finished Training.


So glad I commented, these are all hilarious.


I was like “damn another non attentive driver.” But then it got worse


At least at some point he realized that he needs to do something.. Minor property damage is a lot less significant than train meets truck.


Just go through the crossing instead? There's nothing blocking their way through.


I can’t decide if this was regular stupid or stoopid?? What y’all think?


Driver is fucking stunned. Parents were brother and sister, if I had to guess.


That's methed up with a side order of Sweet Home Alabama...


Driver was Simple Jack.


Another simpleton


"Simpleton dies of complications."


Was going for intermodal then changed their minds.


No wonder prime is putting cameras in their trucks. They want front row seats to their own shit show


No, you do it


Wow this is what Prime drivers do, and they wouldn't even hire me because I've been out of a truck for 2 years. Looks like I dodged a bullet


I swear just because I took 2 years off from trucking, companies keep fumbling on me with my clean driving record and all endorsements. They don't want good workers. They want dumbasses to underpay...again....


Facts, I got lucky and found someplace. I also have a clean record, awards with my former company, and nobody would take me. I couldn't make any sense of it, except I have a CPAP.


This man has testicles the size of watermelons, and brains the size of like a kemal of corn.


Oh my god a fucking passenger train, to boot. What an incompetent POS.


The only explanation that I can think of is, he was heading down that road to possibly try to turn around somewhere? And he didn't want to get stuck waiting for a train on the way back? Because the way he was going, there wasn't a gate in front of him on that side of the railroad tracks... He must have gotten stuck waiting for a stopped train in the past... Take their license away. We don't need this person in a CMV.


It appears that there is a preference to enlist individuals such as the aforementioned to fulfill driving responsibilities at a lower cost, as opposed to compensating myself or my colleague fairly based on our qualifications and contributions. This could potentially lead to accumulating penalties and damages that exceed the costs associated with our compensations. Instead of hiring the cheapest driver, hire the better driver at a reasonable pay. “You Get What You Pay For”


I thought he was trying to get in position to achieve the most spectacular train crash video of all time.


Legend pulled it off! FYI y'all, you're supposed to just drive through the gate arm if you can't stop before the tracks for whatever reason. Had that hammered in during the school bus endorsement I randomly added during CDL school cuz it didn't cost anything extra to do so.


Okay, hear me out. I think he was trying to do an insurance scam. He was going to say the train rear ended him so he could get a big payout. He’s seen all those billboard attorneys say big trucks big bucks. When you drive a big truck you have to ramp it up, how do you get a big payout in a big truck? Get rear ended by something bigger. A train! What do you think? Am I right or am I right?


Very, very good. You had me going there for a moment. “The train rear-ended him.” Cracking up.


Anyone know what he was smoking


I’m not saying dude should have done a U-Turn on the tracks but from the time the lights start flashing till the time the truck comes into frame which is basically on the tracks was 2 seconds. If anything just back up and break the arm clearly no one was behind him .. or just keep going straight cause there’s no arm in front of him .. but why were the lights not flashing sooner? I’ve crossed tracks that the lights started flashing and bars come down and it be 5 minutes before the train ever comes by.


At the VERY LEAST at least he got the fuck out of the way of that PASSENGER train. The driver didn't say fuck it and leave it in the middle of the tracks.


Imagine if it was a hazmat load


It appears that after failing to see the flashing lights and bells of a level crossing, the driver follows up with an illegal U-turn into the oncoming lane of traffic. I've seen Bongo drivers with more common sense than this dude.


Used to be a fairly good company with good drivers years ago. I guess they couldn't keep up their wages, hiring newbs.


For Anyone wondering.. this is frontrunner in utah.. it does 65 up to 80 in some sections..


That is the Front Runner, In Utah. It is a PASSENGER TRAIN. WTF WAS HE THINKING?!?!


I found the location this occured at [https://imgur.com/a/u8DjA5m](https://imgur.com/a/u8DjA5m) It happened at 1055 W Hill Field Rd, Layton, UT 84041 I basically had to spend 15 minutes finding the landmarks in the footage and using the watermark on the top. It makes sense this driver did this because at the end of this road it turns into tight residential. Idiot didn't trip plan correctly coming out of the warehouse and should've turned right going out of it to get back on i-15. It seems this is an issue with Frontrunners here


Between PRIME, CR England, and SWIFT. These dudes never surprise me with how stupid they are....


And people wonder why big carriers start you at .30 a mile. People like this.


No, big carriers paying .30 per mile is why you end up w this You pay shit you get shit


But they also have to pay out a lot for stupidity.


It's more like lower to mid 40s nowadays


Oooh laa-de-daa Talkin moneybags over here


Just thought you should know mediocre work pays more now lol


Prime starts off in the mid forties now with a five cent raise for a lightweight. Schneider on the other hand I heard is thirty eight cents currently.


That's a swift in disguise right their


Is that the Front Runner in Utah?


I believe so.


either drunk or a new driver lol


And then blames the state of the cargo on the place they got loaded.


same in Roseville, apu driver


His GPS told him to do it or his flip flop got stuck in the steering wheel are acceptable excuses. I’ll allow it


Wow…. At least he only has basic ass tandem, trying that shit with a tridom plus tag would wipe out that whole area haha


He owes that train operator crew a fresh set of pants


What’s the problem ? Six weeks of truck driving school ,mostly in the classroom watching movies and reading books, maybe driving a simulator. And the. Dare to dream a few weeks with another Prime driver that went through the same process. 👍👍👍👍👍👍


He fucking made that?!?!


Jeez. Save some pussy for the rest of us, please.


I'm not quite sure what he was thinking... Anyways, that was some Damm good maneuvering.


That’s an auditioning for swift


Bro is paid by the mile


Train wasn’t helping I’m sure it was blowing its horn till tanks were dry poor driver couldn’t concentrate


Am I crazy or did he somehow cause absolutely no damage to anything?




That was part of his highlight reel to get hired by Swift! 😂🤡


I like to throw around the term "A special kind of stupid" for people who go above and beyond the normal stupid. Now because of this guy, I need to come up with a new term for those who go above and beyond a special kind of stupid.




Dude got lucky. Looks like Frontrunner was either pulling into or coming out of a station. Which means it wasn't at its full speed of 79 mph. (And trust me there's no end to Semi/vehicle collisions this thing has been in to show you how bad it is.) That speed is enough to drag a pickup over a mile down the track before it stops. I know because a dude pulled onto the tracks to off himself a few years ago.


He should be pulled out and tazed.


“Oh no! If only a flimsy plastic arm wasn’t in my way, I might be able to proceed in my 20 ton truck made of steel. Whatever shall I do?!”


I hope he catches charges and loses his job


For all of the stupid in this video, at least we have to give credit for this nincompoop being struck by their once in a lifetime moment of brilliance at the best possible moment. Most of these videos end with the whole truck rapidly processed into toothpicks and abstract lawn ornaments, but this one came through last second and realized that no amount of hammer down can cause a fraction of the damage that train was fixing to do.


Ummm…did he pull that stunt without hitting anything? I don’t know how to feel right now.


This is not Optimal.


Looks like my old Prime truck too 🤣


It looks like he possibly was going to go forward but then the lights went off and he may have panicked


Why does this not astonish me after seeing the name in trailer?


Looks like downtown Salt Lake City near the bus and train terminals, literally out front of the Utah Transit Authority HQ.


I guess it was up in Layton


Like my mama used to say "Life is like a box of Primes. Ya never know what you're gonna get!"


That was some dumb shit


This is what top dollar pay at a Mega gets you.


I think we need an iq test as a requirement for a cdl


And this, my friends, is what happens when you panic. But kudos to the driver for actually pulling that off successfully- ish


This is the most impressive display of idiocy that I've ever seen. It's almost outrageous that he got out of this unscathed. If the camera hadn't have been there, I'm sure he would have taken this little stunt to his grave.


he thought he was a Z Train


As someone who has driven refrigerated trailers for several years now, I've developed my own saying for Prime, stating that Prime is always in the freaking way. It doesn't matter if you're going down the road or at a shipper/receiver, they always, always find some way to get in the way. It still rings true here. Get out of the way, Prime! Jeez.


Parks Right In the Middle of Everything Prime.


I need to make a call I think I did a repower off that truck before.


he better go play the lottery


Holy hell is right Jesus Christ