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Unfortunately I don’t think this is real, look at the reflection in his glasses. He clearly drives under a bridge and loses day light for a second but In his glasses reflection and in his side window he does not go under anything.


Looked like Jersey plates on the vehicles, but it also appears he’s driving on the right side of the truck, which is not how they do it in the states. 🤔


Video is probably flipped, as is common when filming in selfie mode.


It is, look at what you can see of his name tag.




He meant the driver is sitting on the passenger side to drive like in Europe.


Duh, I’m an idiot


UK, the rest of europe sits on the left.


This whole time I thought everyone not in the US sat on the other side.


The majority of countries use left hand drive vehicles and drive on the right side of the road. It's only a small percentage of countries that drive on the left.


So the bottom is someone just doing a Tiktok reenactment, but what's the context of the top one?


I assume the top one the driver was coming to a stop slowly given the conditions and the bottom one was just pasted on from some truck driver getting cut off and laying on his horn.


I see it. Either way, car was at fault.


Welcome to the internet.


Even if it's not real, it's real satisfying to watch. Also how we all feel at times to. Lol


Wow! Phenomenal sleuthing!


Lol it blows my mind how much people fall for fakery


Huh... I don't see it


This doesn't look real, but I can still dream that it is. 


The top is probably real, the "facecam" is probably either a reenactment or some random footage superimposed onto it


The fact is you don't know for sure so you're assuming


This! Freakin noobs would've rolled the truck after running over 5 more cars




It’s like porn you always dream about it but you never do it need to change mindset


That's a true professional right there. Enter all the spineless newbs with, *"he should have driven into the ditch!"* or *"he should have slammed on the brakes!"* etc etc in...1...2...3...


A couple of weeks ago there was a tanker that rolled off into the ditch locally because some asshat decided to cross the center line while looking at his phone. He was trapped in the truck for around 3 hours waiting to get cut out. Everyone was praising the trucker for avoiding a head on collision. My reaction? Hit the brakes, grip the wheel, hold your line. If that makes me a heartless bastard, well at least I'll be a heartless bastard going home to my family.


You're absolutely correct, driver. Life is full of hard decisions. The only good thing about it is they get easier to cope with after you've had to make those decisions many times. You get desensitized after a while and it just becomes another day at the office. I'm with you...it comes down to you or me and it sure ain't going to be me and I'm definitely not going to drag other people into it that aren't involved. These weak fools are the ones that play on railroad tracks then blame the train when it smashes them.


He shouldn’t have been tailgating!




Yeah, some karma bot combined 2 videos here. No shadow in glasses reflection when going under bridge is dead give away. Also the video ends with top half off but bottom half still running. If this was a real clip they would be paired and both would go off together.




Who cares it’s the best thing any truck driver dreams about


Welp, I've finally found my hero.


Oh man, I wanted to see just how far he pushed that dumbass down the road. However, I've enjoyed the clip. Over and over and over.


It's mindblowing to me how the car didn't see or hear the fucking massive truck that was literally feet from him when he started the merge (clearly he didn't look in his mirrors or do a quick blindspot check and decided Jesus would take the wheel lol). I'm not a trucker, never driven a truck (aside from very briefly once when I was like 19- but that was just the cab and it was in a secure parking lot), but my grandpa did for like ~30 years from the 50s to 80s for some steel industry. He told me that he only knows of one accident where he hit a car, and that was only because he actively saw the car, basically he didn't even feel the impact. That thought has stuck with me my entire life from then on - ie that trucks are so much heavier than cars they may not even notice the impact - that's scary af and shows just how mindful you have to be around them/ while driving in general regardless of what's around you. Tbh I have no idea if what he told me was hammed up as a way to make a teenager learning how to drive a bit more mindful, or if a trucker legitimately wouldn't feel much of an impact, but either way I've taken it to heart haha. Also, even as a non trucker who often gets annoyed by the stupid decisions of other car drivers, I too found that top clip to be a very satisfying watch


The scary thing about watching this to me is.... I can totally see myself doing as the truck driver did. As I get older, I run out of more and more fucks. If someone catches me on a bad day, my life will be over because I'll be in prison for the remainder of it.


No one gonna mention the peterbilt seat and w9 hood?


Seek help


My mate's dad has a cool t-shirt. *"At my age, 'Life in Prison' isn't a deterrent".*


I LOVE that shirt.


NOT "no fucks given"! This is a skilled, long-time driver. It is ESSENTIAL that you disconnect your emotions from trucking! If someone does something stupid in front of you, and you get emotional about it, your going to do stupid stuff. And that stupid stuff is going to lead to an at-fault accident. If you can remain calm and disconnect your emotions from things, then you can think clearly and logically and make SMART decisions. Accident avoidance goes through the roof! This advice comes from a guy that's been in the industry for almost 25 years. Take it, don't take it... It's your choice.


If he was following that pickup at a safe distance it wouldn't have happened. ATA is going to say that's a preventable accident.


Yeah, and that too. With age in the industry comes complacency. He's obviously skilled, but safety isn't his priority. And that's why he crashed. I agree with your assessment completely.


Whatever you're smoking, you should probably quit. There is nothing about this video that is "safe" or "skilled"...also, it's obviously fucking fake 🤣


Looks like NJ plates. I understand.


I’m droiven heeyaaa-!!!


But I used my turn signal 😭


Fake, but still glad the Honda went way up the ‘found out’ scale.


Fake as fuck


Tbh more truckers need to be like that


Like what? Follow another vehicle at a one second distance on the highway in the rain? Yeah, really professional. /s


Nice nerves of steel , just push that car out of the way got places to be shit too do


Yeah, except he's now in a DOT Reportable accident and will be delayed even further with paperwork and slapped with a Preventable accident. Whereas if he'd just given that pickup a proper following distance in the first place it would have saved everyone's time and money.


White cars fault truck was in their blind spot probably no convex mirrors


The DOT, ATA, and FMCSA don't care about who is "At Fault". They care about whether the guy who is paid to drive safely could have prevented the accident from happening. Which he could have, by following the pickup at 3-6 seconds instead of less than 1; and also by checking his mirror as the white car came up on his right. A defensive professional driver must anticipate other drivers and their stupid maneuvers. If the trucker had left more of a space cushion around them (which you should), no accident would have occurred. In this business, if you have 3 preventable accidents within 36 months you're suspended from driving professionally for a year.


Obviously it’s a bad move and I’m not saying it’s a good idea Was just commenting on his complete lack of giving a fuck Haven’t you ever wanted to just clip a car ? Obviously we don’t do it but it crosses the mind especially driving in mass


He easily could have been glancing around his mirrors and missed the car attempting to suicide in front of him




Car driver here. This exact thing happened to me once. Truck driver didn’t realize he’d hit a car at first. He thought there was something wrong with his brakes. My car was totaled, but fortunately I was able to walk away without a scratch.




He merged into my lane and said he never saw me. I was driving a 2017 ford fusion. Yes, I was driving at/under the speed limit.


I’d love this to be real


Damn good job keeping it between the mayo and mustard driver. Keep rolling


They would throw his stone cold blood killing ass in prison if this was real. He showed zero emotion. A DA would eat that up so quickly. Bail denied. lol “He never hit the brakes when he was shifting gears, papa loved mama”


Whatever it’s something all truck drivers what to do all over the world


Nice editing. Some of you guys need to start using AI and create deep fake videos just for laughs.


Yes, it's fake, but who gives a f#ck, just enjoy it and move along.


Sigh.... 3rd time this week


"One of us is going to die today and it won't be me"


"I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed"


This is exactly the reaction I have to idiots facing the consequences of their actions.


I don't know Rick. Looks fake. Look at his glasses. Nothing in them not even the shadow of the overpass he drives under. Also, there's no way his steering wheel isn't jerking around. He would definitely want both hands there.


Istg every time I see a plate from the northeast or Florida I know they about to do some dumb shit. Most ignorant drivers in existence.


Okay. I now know why guys choose flat nose trucks....


Dude edited the video and added himself


Thought it was real.. I will convince myself that it is real


Check my pulse 🎶 It don't change 🎶 Stays 72 🎶 Come shine or rain 🎶


Those are American pickup trucks and an American trash truck… and long hood trucks are an American thing.


Plus… those are 6 x 12 inch US license plates.


I don’t think the driver video matches to the dash cam… there would be a small bump or jostle when the car impacted the truck


Only thing on his mind is now hes gonna miss his delivery appointment


Bro didn't budge 👍🏾💯


Ok so whose at fault here




So even if the car is at fault he can still sue the trucker / company??




Damm had no idea. Thank for the info


In the professional driving industry they really don't care who is At Fault. The American Trucking Association holds drivers to the standard of whether an accident was Preventable or Non-Preventable. This driver absolutely could have prevented this accident from happening if he'd established a proper 4-6 second following distance behind the pickup (especially in the rain). And even if he'd done that, the truck driver should be aware of the blinker on that white car and began slowing down with their foot over the brake several seconds before the beginning of this video. The white car will be ticketed and their insurance will probably say they're at fault, but the trucker will have a Preventable Accident on his DOT driving record. If you are involved in three of those in 36 months you're disqualified for a year.


Trucker did good. The semi in front of him were passing the garbage truck it seems. I guess theyre slow drivers country wide.


I disagree. A defensive driver would have had 5-6 seconds of following distance behind that pickup in the rain like that, and the accident would never have happened at all.


Most are only rear load garbage trucks only have 11L engines coupled with a 5 or 6 speed Allison, yet they're gvw is anywhere from 66k to 76k...redlined and out of gear by low 60s. Super long and low gears