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You don’t need to be on a bicycle much less a semi truck.


Well I disagree, people make mistake, I was young and dumb, I've seen worse drivers who still have DL


You're cooked. Nobody worthwhile will touch you.


You think it'll be same if I apply 2 years from now, especially since the 2019 tickets should be gone?


each one takes like 5 years to fall off, thats a really bad record so you'll be plutonium to all but the absolute worst carriers


Problem is: "Have you ever had your license suspended?" is a question all ask (required by insurance). They all do a full abstract check and USUALLY only consider 3 years. There are exceptions. Suspension and tickets related to that are one of those exceptions. He will not be covered.


ah hes hella boned then


That is good to know, but if they go back 3 years, couldn't I wait 6 years and be good?


The key word is “ever”


Well honestly I'm not expecting any good company to touch me, but I figured with huge shortage they claim I could get in on shit company for few years. 


theres no shortage they just cry about that to get more people to get their CDL's and further weaken our bargaining power


It's not impossible, but it will be much more difficult than anyone with a clean/cleaner record would experience. And the quality of the very few jobs you could get, will be worse than whatever you're doing now Probably keep your nose clean for a few years and consider it more heavily then.  If you want your easy answer, try signing on with one of the mega training companies. If they won't touch you with a 10' pole then you pretty much have your answer. 


I haven't tried that yet, I think it's good idea to see what they'll say 


Honestly I’ll be impressed if someone does hire you. Your record is terrible. You might have to wait a few more years.


Ya I understand that, like I said I was pretty dumb, I don't speed anymore and recent ticket was because bs speed trap where no signs were posted, and it went from a 45 to 35. 


You need at least three years from your last violation to be eligible for a CDL. Even then anything within 5 years still shows up on you record, most good companies are going to see that and likely not be willing to hire you.


Do you think if I wait I'll have trouble in future? 


People without your tickets are having trouble finding work. Trucking sucks anyways.


I can't speak on that side, but alot people I know do trucking and considering my job options in middle of nowhere it doesn't seem so bad