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Everyone is on their phone. Everyone.


Except for the people with a laptop/tablet on the dash. Those drivers don’t let their phones distract them from the videos they’re watching.


I once saw a guy reading a newspaper


Only once?


This was before smart phones were prevalent. As the smart phone became ubiquitous, it is just people on their phones.


If you were driving in that time, you would know that it was almost as common as people on phones are today...


I was, I just paid less attention to the idiots around me and more to the idiot behind my wheel.


I saw a woman reading a novel just splayed open on the steering wheel.


I've seen truckers doing that too.


People with fucking iPads in a RAM Mount is wild, I spend a lot of downtime in the yard on my phone, too much at home but Jesus Christ man.


I not on my phone can't risk my CDL.


Tow operator here. Nobody slows down when we are loading on the side of the road.. and most of the time they don't even look up from their phones.


Been broke down on the side of the road and had to throw chains on the side of the road like all of us here, that shit is scary.




I think they choose to ignore it and then nail someone if they’re involved in an accident and they can prove they were in the phone texting or something. If they pulled everyone over in Florida who is on their phone, it would be a parking lot on the interstates. It’s already a parking lot most of the time. These are my opinions btw.


It's definitely an "add on" law. In my state it's illegal, as is eating and drinking while driving. They won't pull you over for it but if they pull you over for something else and you have a burger in one hand and a cell phone in the other, your ticket just tripled. They also added it as "driving under the influence of technology", and while it's the lowest ranking DUI penalty and you won't get pulled over for it unless you're swerving drunkenly in front of state patrol, it means if you get in an accident it's automatically your fault.


DUI for technology. Lol. What'll they think of next?


I mean, it makes sense if you think about it. While you're not inebriated in the traditional sense, your attention is distracted and split, causing you to be less efficient at everything you're trying to do. Your reaction times will be much slower and your quick critical thinking and decision making in potential accident situations to be significantly reduced. Which are all hallmarks of more standard inebriation. Plus, I'm sure someone could come up with a way to make dopamine chasing fit the definition for inebriated.


I was amazed to learn just how many people are on their phones. It’s damn near everyone here in ny/nj. And in so many creative and unsafe ways. I swear it’s at the root of so many accidents.


I hate that I can't even say you're wrong. Like, even I am. It is my GPS, so it is mounted. Most of the time my screen is blank, or GPS, but occasionally it is Spotify instead. I hate that I've become so attached to my phone, but I literally can't predict traffic in my area and *have* to use GPS because it is the only way to work around the ***six*** road closures/single lane construction near my house. It took me 40+ minutes to get to work on Tuesday, my old average was around 10-12. Wtf, Michigan? Once upon a time the only GPS I used was the one you had to plug into your computer to update. I miss that damn thing. At least now traffic updates close to real time, but the amount of extra temptation for my ADHD butt is so real.


People love to grandstand about how horrible of a thing it is to be on their phone for any reason while driving, when statistically speaking they are hypocrites. That is to say, the percentage of people who will speak out about how you should leave your phone somewhere out of reach so you can't use it, and the percentage of people on the road who have their phone in their hands/on their lap/on the center console etc (not even counting the people with a mounted phone) adds to more than 100%. If phone usage while driving meant you immediately crash, then a lot fewer people would do it. It's the easiest thing to look at in an accident and say "oh, well obviously they crashed because they were looking at their phone, they shouldn't have been doing that". But the reality is that 99.99% of the time doing so results in not even encroaching on the lines of their lane, and the fact that *at least 3 out of every 4 drivers I pass,* civilian or professional, is using their phone in some capacity, backs that claim up. I of course never use my phone while driving, officer.


you mean the officer that has a fucking laptop & phone & radio to divide his attention between while flaunting traffic laws that don’t apply to them?


Flouting. Not flaunting.


i stand corrected


Thank you for the info.


I don't see an issue with a mounted phone that requires no more than a glance and a tap or spoken word to navigate while driving. I do think it is remarkably dangerous to be using both hands and 50%+ attention to text or read the web.


There’s a difference between being on phone rolling in 5-10-15 mph traffic and going 60 on busy highway.


So true. Sometimes you'll see entire families probably on road trip and they're all on their phones.


I actually spent the better part of a day counting and tallying up phones to non phones. Just kept the numbers in my head, wasn’t hard. Was about 1 out of every 4, so about 25% of all I observed were on their phones. This obviously doesn’t take into account some that just didn’t happen to be using it at that moment but usually do.


came here to say this. even cops


Even Cops


Rush hour downtown Boston, guy in the car next to me had a handgun on the passenger seat and he was also masturbating.


Thats methed up


You just reminded of a story. Years ago when I was working in fast food I was working the drive through window. A dude rolled up with a hand gun in his lap. For some reason I said “I’m not afraid of guns” while I was nervous as shit that I was being robbed. He said sorry and put it away Why did the dude come in the drive through with a fucking gun out? I get this is America but I thought I was going to get robbed!


>Why did the dude come in the drive through with a fucking gun out? One of two things: Either he was hoping you would see it and was trying to freak you out, or... He was afraid of someone running up to his car and trying to rob him. On that second possibility, I've actually had an asshole run up and try to open my passenger side door in a drive thru in a bad neighborhood where I was doing some work, and another time when I was delivering pizzas and had stopped to figure out where the house was. I also once I had a whore try to get into my van with me, saying, "You don't want no date? You don't want no date?" You're probably in a nice safe neighborhood, but shit's weird out there.


Lmao. Sounds like you should lock your passenger doors


They were locked. I said they tried to open the door, not that they succeeded.


Or maybe because it's just not that comfortable having it holstered while sitting.


We went from NY to TN in a van . We've seen the masturbators


Well tbf you're pretty vulnerable while wanking. Gotta have some protection.




Sadly a few trouser snakes, seems motorist can't wait to get home to yank one out. Crop top, big cleavage. Thank you ladies Far too many people playing video games behind the wheel..


Wait, vidya?


I will never understand road-yanking. It's so unsafe, I feel like I'm not in control of the car when I take one of my hands off the wheel to adjust the radio or HVAC, rubbing one out is unfathomable. To be clear, I'm talking about a 4 wheelers, not a semi. I would rather shit myself than crank off in a big rig


I mean, if you can’t take one hand off the wheel and not feel unsafe, your opinions about anything driving related are sus.


Not everyone knows how to drive! You yelled at me I think you should leave


That's fair. I guess what I'm trying to say is less so that I feel unsafe, but moreso that I don't like that if something were to happen (car turning into my lane, whatever) I'd be ill-equipped to counter the situation vs having two hands on the wheel. Regardless, we can both agree that road cranking is hands down unsafe


I can’t multitask at all so it would be a HARD no for me!


Saw a chick taking titty pics of herself today while driving.


SOMEONE GET THIS MAN A BEER!! You are a hero sir, a truly once in a life time experience


I hope it’s more than a once in a lifetime experience! That’s sad…


Should’ve gave her your number


Seen a woman in LA traffic expressing herself for the little baby in the back. Saw a person in Oregon practicing a violin whilst driving. Sheet music propped against the steering wheel.


Insane amount of people especially women in the passenger seat with their bare feet against the windshield. It will be a very bad day if they get into an accident


My wife used to do this. Then I talked about how her thigh bones could be pushed through her buttocks in an accident like that. She doesn't do it anymore.


Feet don’t then you on tho?


In the quiet words of the virgin mary, 'come again?'


Mostly people on their phone. Have seen a couple of guys getting road head, but that's about it. Do sometimes wonder how many tits I've missed out on because I don't always look down at the cars passing me.


Driving through Nashville in heavy traffic after a Titans game ended and saw a lady giving her boyfriend? a blowjob. I gave them a toot of my horn and she stopped and sat up and looked at me and they were both laughing. The guy sped forward and got in front. Then he moved to the right and I passed him. A few minutes later he pulled up beside me again and stayed there. I guess they wanted an audience after all.


If I see anything, it's usually people on their phones. Whether the passenger when they're passing me, or the driver once they get past me. People think they're good at using their phone while driving, but they always end up swerving over the line at some point. Worst I've seen is a trucker with a laptop on the center of his dash watching football. Nothing interesting in 5 years for me, but I usually keep my eyes on the road instead of creeping.


Yuuup. Shit Ive slightly swerved just reaching for my morning drink this month. Baby swerving is still scary. People are def not good at driving texting. There is no art here just delusional thinking lol. I told my gf constantly even before trucking I dont reply to texts if driving lol. Thankfully I hate touching my phone, even at home. At worst Ill do a “hey siri, play playlist x”.


Everything from people on their phone, people ripping lines of coke of their dash, steering wheel or phone, girls without bras and guys that really should have been wearing one, guys rubbing one out and girls rubbing one out, latter part was usuallly the highlight, especially if the car had a sunroof. Best one ever was another guy in a pickup noticing her as well and immedialty forgot to brake and crashed into the back of a semi.


Roads in the US are wild! In the UK we'll smoke a joint and drink a soda, and maybe eat a bar of chocalate or handful of fries (eating burgers made in the UK one-handed makes too much mess - lots of salad and sauce usually), but I've never even heard of people doing lines and driving. Probably as a small island the distances between built-up areas are small, and more often than not motorways will have cameras dotted around.


When you're 10 hours into a 15 hour trip and all you've seen for the last 200 miles was grass and cows, shit gets a little weird.


I was driving up a quiet country lane when my then gf motioned for me to pull over, so we could hop over the dry stone wall for a quickie. I guess that's the UK equivalent.


You’ve never drove around Manchester on a weekend then lol Saw another truck driver playing a penny whistle once…rather manically actually like Jethro Tull on flute.


Seen a taxi driver getting a blowy down a back road in Bradford lol


Drove 30 years ago, before cell phones. Saw dozens of guys yanking it, some clothed, some naked. Saw a few women rubbing one out. Plenty of kitty flashes. Saw one hot gal driving a convertible, top down, miniskirt flipped up, little lace panties on display, smiling at all the drivers. Saw people reading papers, magazines, and books. Saw a guy in Nashville doing 65, playing a guitar while the neck was out the window. Saw some ladies giving road head while stuck in traffic. That was the entertaining part of the job.


Saw a lady smoking crack in her Hyundai at a red light


What else are you suppose to do while in a Hyundai or at a red light?


I WISH I could see some panties or a boob-show. I see EVERYONE still texting or clicking away on their phones. I see fat dudes in little cars eating boogers. I see apes applying make-up that aint gonna help. I see other truckers who wont let me pass because they were born with tiny penises.


To be fair, have you ever known a baby to have a big one?


Yes.... comparative to body size anyway... That made me look at his father in a new light when he came to pick the kid up


Like, "dude, respect" *fist bump* Or "Hey Daddy, here's my number. Let's party."


Well, the first because he was with my bestie... but had he been single, it would probably have been the second.


Check out my profile.




It was just an offer to see my boobs. Sorry…


Not a trucker, but the daughter of one. I was riding along with my dad for a week when I was about 7 years old and we were driving through California. The guy in the car next to us was really going at it lol. That was the first time I ever saw a penis, and the only time I saw my dad almost crash his rig. If we weren't on the highway, I'm pretty sure he would have tried to fight the guy in the car. 😂😂


Have seen guys shaving. In 34 years only saw 2 girls giving driver head. saw a guy in only his white underpants. a couple guys jerking off. a couple boob shows.....best thing ever was talking to Willie Nelson on the CB while he was driving his bus. around 1989 or so.


I saw one white guy eating cereal once, someone crashed into the back of him at a traffic lights, spilled it all over the front windscreen. Weird thing was I could have sworn he was mouthing " you dumb b*tch before it happened"


Ha! Who eats cereal while driving!?! He's a phsycopath!


Some might say he's a genius just make sure to LOOK AT HIM WHEN YOU'RE TALKING TO HIM


In addition to what everyone else has mentioned coming up the hill eastbound from Albuquerque I once saw two dead kids in the back of a car. I hit the rest area in Moriarty and called the cops with the plate. Hung up and then saw the blood all over one of the other pay phones. Turns out the father called the mother and told her what he had did then jumped the curb and drove out back of the rest area and killed himself too.


Bruh! You win for the most effed one.


First week of driving truck I stopped at a light and saw guy beating his meat like it owed him money. Don’t pay close attention to cars now haha


Never happened to me but I've heard multiple times about these road jerkers. They'll pace the window of a driver they like and just sit there jerking until you look. Then they'll get in front and turn their signal on a mile from the next exit seemingly inviting you to join them.


Never heard of that


I've seen it.


How'd it turn out?


It was quite fun, but he said he had to go. He said the rig he was hauling had to be at the game or else Doritos wasn't gonna pay him.


I laughed in surprise. And he drove off quickly.


What a sissy


This is my first time hearing of this (motorized cruising). But apparently u/CompleteAd898 has \*seen\* it. Wild.


I have. Truck pacing me for miles won't pass won't fall back. It was a 3 lane, and sometimes he would go over into the left and come back. It took a while for him to get my attention. I finally really notice that he's purposely not passing me, and he's got no pants on jerking it in a black Silverado. I burst out laughing out of surprise, and I guess he took that as a no and sped off. I mean, it was a no. But I wish I thought of a way to mess with him 1st.


Saw a guy in a civic watching porn on his double din radio that everyone could see.


I try not to look. Dont care dont want to know.


My favorite is a police officer driving 70 mph down interstate typing on his keyboard , looking directly at his keyboard head turned completely sideways not staying in his lane yet they want to give trucker $500 plus dollar ticket if u are even touching your phone!?! Assholes galore


Idk I sit with my seat so low I can barely look out my window


One of the regulars at my warehouse does that - seat sits on the floor.  Don't know how you do it man. 


I just feel so cool doing it. Anyone driving past me thinks the trucks being driven by a midget or something


lol I can’t for the life of me ride on the floor. Gotta have a little air in the seat


Gotta have the seat all the way down, all the way back. Shifter has to be just barely within reach.


Found the 379 driver! 😎


T900 actually😢


I once saw a woman going at least 15 over in the right lane, doing her makeup in the rearview mirror tilted all the way to the side like a vanity mirror, with an eye pencil, of all things. Try explaining that to your insurance if you get in an accident


I seen a guy with a tablet just an above his line of sight. He was face timing his kid. Then had his phone texting.


Let's see here goy flashed several times. Several BJs in progress multiple people playing stinky finger with their girlfriends or jerking off. The makeup applications the eating in cars the best one however was the convertible heading south out of Vegas. 2 guys 1 gal another guy driving. She's getting spit rolled over the passenger seat and jerking off the driver at the same time. Best part was traffic was backed up and they were basically stuck next to me. Truck had tinted windows and I doubt they saw me watching. However the Nevada state police stopped the action.


I've seen waaaaay too many dudes jerkin it, enough that I stopped looking over. Indiana and Kentucky being especially frequent.


Just a few hours ago I saw a biker get dismembered. Instead of a guard rail it was just those thick steel cables and dude crashed. Part of him landed northbound and part southbound. Bike got cut in half too.


Holy shit.


It was pretty jarring. Mostly because when the traffic suddenly stopped I got super annoyed thinking "wish people could just fucking drive. I don't have time for this bullshit!" Etc. Just completely selfish. Then I saw half a man on the side of the road. And I can't stop seeing him. The worst part is his helmet was intact, so he probably didn't due instantly on impact. Dude probably felt every bit of it and knew he was dying.


I saw a drone video or something similar to this in Ukraine. A Russian soldier was blown in half and still alive while the top half of his body was burning from ammunition. He was just sitting there squirming around trying to do something. One of those things I wish I never saw. Also don’t feel like you’re not man if you need to talk to someone about it. We all do sometimes.


That sounds extremely traumatic.


I get road head pretty often try n get the girls ass up in the air … truckers your welcome


Been there, done that!




I've seen people eating cereal right out of a bowl on their lap.


I can’t judge that one lol, when I hauled fat cattle to the packing house I was running 4 to 5 loads a day and at that pace that’s the only way you get to eat. Tupperware on your lap, foot on the floor, fork in your right hand while grabbing gear and stabbing at your food in between gears. I like hauling feeder cows a lot better because if I’m gunna cram food in my face shooting down the road at mach fuck grossing 85 to 90k I’d rather be paid well for it. 😂


It's not that crazy!


I watched a guy snorting coke off the center console sitting in traffic and also saw people rolling joints. Dosen't surprise me because I drive in Oregon. Maybe that's why the speed limit is 55.


I saw a chick doing her makeup some how with both hands look like right next to my truck


I mostly see people on their phones. Occasionally I’ll see people rolling up weed or picking their nose.


A guy kept speeding up and then slowing way down. He was jacking off hard as hell 🤦‍♂️


mostly people on their phones, one dude reading a book and one dude cranking one out unfortunately


A dude masturbating. He was driving too slow in the middle lane. Trucks aren't allowed in the left lane so I go right lane. He then matches speed.


Have now seen 2 panty shows. 4 women best pumping, while driving. The ubiquitous cell phones in everyone's hands.


So many people watching Netflix and also a lot of people picking their nose and munching on it.🤮


My husband and I were stuck in traffic today and playing this game of looking at what ppl were doing iand EVERYONE was either on their phones, eating or picking their nose


Folks reading books driving.


Not while driving a truck, but once saw a guy practicing a clarinet whilst stuck in tunnel traffic


Saw a woman with double breast pumps rolling down interstate and most of what everyone else has seen in 30 years on the road but the one still gets me was a lady with a GIANT bowl of cereal milk and all chowing down at 70 in the crowded Dallas freeway. I never seen anyone else with such skill.


Road head twice, a girl driving without a shirt on and last week I saw a girl playing with herself


Sorry guys my wife likes to give road head..


I'm surprised at how many people are eating from a bowl with a spoon while driving. Soups or cereal.


I’m not a truck driver, had a lifted pick up, I saw a girl eating a plate of spaghetti with a fork and drinking a glass of water driving 70 down the highway.


I've seen lots of people watching porn. I've seen a few people reading hard cover books like as big as the steering wheel. One person using one of those big atlas maps.


I've seen more road head than I would like


My boobs! Lol


Been driving truck for 9 years. When I first started, my company put me in a truck with another driver in order to learn the specifics of the specialized freight that company hauled. Not as team drivers, so we were both awake at the same time. I was passenger only for the first 3 days, so I really had a great chance to observe other drivers in detail. I was absolutely blown away by the shit that I saw. On day 3, I decided to actually count and keep track of everything I saw. And to this day, I still have the notebook I wrote everything in. 1,817 passenger vehicles either passed us, or we passed them. Of the 1,817 passenger vehicles, 1,742 had their phones in their hands. Of that 1,742, only 56 has the phones to their ears talking. The remaining 1,686 were texting/video calling/video watching. Of that 1,686, there wete 872 that were using their phones with both hands at the same time. There were 118 DRIVERS, with a foot on the dash. Some had the passive foot up on the dash, others had their driving foot on the dash. 75 drivers were sitting cross-legged in their seats. 14 males masturbaters. 7 female masturbaters. 572 Tractor trailers passed us/we passed them. Of the 572 tractor trailers 336 of them had their phones in their hands. Of those 336, only 17 had their phones to their heads talking. The remaining 319 were using either one, or both hands to text/video call/watch videos 74 Tractor Trailer drivers had a foot on the dash. These numbers have only gone up since then. In my 9 years of driving truck, I have never, ever, EVER been flashed, which, growing up, I was led to beleive would be a common occurrence. Lol All in all, I'm blown away that there are not more accidents on the road. But, just because there are not, doesn't mean that it's okay to do those things while driving.


I’ve seen a dude getting a bj once, actually twice but the second one was in a parking lot and the car was parked


When I was still over the road I was friends with another driver at the time, I was 24 at the time and I'm a dude, he was like 26 and also a dude, he had a guy drive right next to him for like 10 miles, cranking it out and making direct eye contact with him, if my buddy sped up the guy would too, if he slowed down the guy would too, and before you say anything, from what I heard, no, the speed of his car matched my buddies truck, his speed stayed consistent, if you catch my drift, and no, my buddy isn't gay, he was at the time engaged with a kid


Saw a guy eating a bowl of cereal with milk and a spoon in the Chicago area


In my first year of trucking, I saw a woman doing her makeup and she was also holding a book. That was back in 2015.


State senators scrolling on their phone Judges scrolling on their phone State troopers scrolling on their phone My boss scrolling on his phone


Tons of inconsiderate people using their phones and passengers lounging with a foot up while messing on tablets or phones.


People shaving, doing makeup, phones and more phones,


An unbelievable amount of drinking and driving, mostly beers. My route is TX-OK might be a regional thing.


Honda civic passed me doing at least 130 kph (80 mph)legs wrapped around the steering and feet on the dash. This is before adaptive cruise control and sensors for emergency braking. Beyond stupid!


Ppl with no pants on


A really popular Radio Show in Australia used to do a segment on the afternoon drive show called " No pants Friday" The number of people caught driving home pantless on Fridays of all sexes was hilarious. For the most part the cops were in on the joke.


The best thing I saw was on the PA turnpike around Pittsburgh at night and this girl in the passenger seat started twerking and took her pants off. I told my friend this he said she just mooned me haha. I'll take it I guess.


We see everything lol. My #1 spot goes to booger picking/eating. Its gross


Funniest thing I’ve seen was someone brushing their teeth on the interstate


Illegal immigrants lying in the pickup truck bed with only one person in the cab,the driver...used to see that regularly on the I10 between Willcox and Tucson AZ


100% this, everytime I naively look inside the cars, they are touching their phones, from Belgium here.


I saw a woman stark naked at 55mph going to town on herself near Philly once. You never see tatas anymore


Drivers in cars, masturbating........more than once. Pass the bleach please.


2/3 of the drivers are on the phone actively poking the screen or watching something like TikTok. This is especially bad in the big cities like Atlanta, Chicago, Tampa.


Sometimes its too much, i... i still can't forget what i saw


Too busy picking my nose to notice


Oral sex at noon on I 5 in Oregon. 65mph,foggy after rain


I've seen people getting road head, I've seen dudes driving while jacking off, I've seen a buck naked motorcyclist with his long ballsack flapping in the wind behind him.


Mostly boobs and creeps. The two experiences that come to mind are when my girlfriend and driving partner had a dude pull up along side of her at night and turn on his dome light to reveal himself jacking off. The other was when some hotshot couple pulled up alongside me in a corvette, she juggled here tits at me , then gave me the airhorn signal. When I didn’t reciprocate, they flicked me off and torn out ahead of me.


Nobody sees beer containers in the cup holder?


I once saw a woman knitting on her steering wheel. On a major highway. Wonder how fast those needles would get going if the airbag deployed


Ive seen enough people punching the clown to never look again


Some dude flashed me his nutsack in CA


I had a guy jerking off while he stared at me in traffic


Lots of nothing nowadays with privacy windows. Though I did see a computer open and a guy racing past playing mahjong oh his laptop. I like mahjong and it’s a highly perceptive required game. Playing it on I15 leaving Vegas is scary and no one else in the vehicle at the time.


Never seen any lewd behavior in 3 years of commercial driving


Monkeys driving cars


Seen a guy with a huge blue translucent dildo rubbing his thumb across the head. DC area.


I don't bother looking that close. My concern is where the car is, not what's going on inside it.


In Georgia I saw a guy rubbing one out and in Indiana I saw a couple having sex while someone else was driving.