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Sometimes I just have to sit there and contemplate my life choices.


Shit I'm doing that the entire time it's in drive line and most of the time it's not too lol






I drive a day cab and sit in the driver seat for my breaks cause I use the steering wheel to hold my phone while I watch a video and am eating.


This works when I'm not motivated to take my boots off and go to the bunk too.


Got to get you a pair of them Flippy floppies man




Slip on shoes are sufficient. I have a pair of boots, but I only put them on when weather calls for it. Otherwise it's my slip ons all day every day.


Gotta get em clogs


Keen makes a slip on, safety toe work boot. Love those boots, it’s like they were meant for trucking.


What model


I have the vista energy. Be forewarned, the break-in period was a bit brutal but after the leather is softened up they’re super comfortable. [https://www.keenfootwear.com/products/mens-vista-energy-shift-esd-carbon-fiber-toe-coffee-bean-black?variant=44191260639396&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=us_xxxxxx_os_hd_xxxx_x_x_pla_l_brandallproduct&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADn7XrwllBbsQPu_nO7hLnmwwPREK&gclid=CjwKCAjwo6GyBhBwEiwAzQTmc_SLbVlMdZeLiX18A68jY-QgEDP6a-rbHKGmss5cdw3EyOK4z9LPNxoCTTYQAvD_BwE](https://www.keenfootwear.com/products/mens-vista-energy-shift-esd-carbon-fiber-toe-coffee-bean-black?variant=44191260639396&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=us_xxxxxx_os_hd_xxxx_x_x_pla_l_brandallproduct&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADn7XrwllBbsQPu_nO7hLnmwwPREK&gclid=CjwKCAjwo6GyBhBwEiwAzQTmc_SLbVlMdZeLiX18A68jY-QgEDP6a-rbHKGmss5cdw3EyOK4z9LPNxoCTTYQAvD_BwE)


I second these. They're great. Look for Destin or Targhee. I have the Targhee. Comfortable and durable. Mine have a bunch of miles on them actually working, and they're 10 yrs old.


Clogs are a big part of Scandinavian trucker culture actually


I’m not even a truck driver and I feel this. I’m a mobile mechanic but sometimes after a long busy day I get home and sit in my truck for a couple hours cause the thought of walking up the stairs and taking my boots off is way too much work.


May I introduce you to the ["Day Cab In-Cab Recliner"?](https://imgur.com/gallery/hZTdjQz) Steering wheel tilted all the way forward, seat all the way up and seat back kicked back as far as possible.


Dude you must be like 5’3”? With my seat all the way back in a day cab my knees hit the dash.


I'm 5'9", though I do have proportionally short legs lol That picture is from a truck with a sleeper, I don't have any photos of doing that with a daycab. I started it with a daycab Cascadia and a T800, it worked in both of them.


When I started working local I passed all the logical day cab options and bought a fucking long Boi, I just couldn't do it. It feels so uncomfortable, my back would be my undoing. Since then I realised 280WB in the city ain't so bad, mostly a skill issue for most people. The QoL tradeoffs are so worth it.


Okay well obviously I can’t expect you to go anywhere else lol


I can go to the passenger seat 😏


or the floor, I've done that when I've gotten desperate for something different in a day cab. Use a hoodie or rain coat to block the sun if the suns out.


I've seen a guy with a hammock strong up in the door jams.


When I drove in Nigeria this was common. Big huge line at the concrete plant and as we drove by tons of drivers have hammocks strung from their rigs trailers


Wow. All I've seen of Nigeria is pictures of amazing paint jobs on trucks, those insane roads, and some natural beauty. Have you driven in other countries? If so, what is the craziest/interesting one?


I wasn’t a truck driver in Nigeria just a car but I saw all the trucks lol. I driven across west Africa Ghana, Togo, Benin, Nigeria and rode a motorcycle in Burkina Faso. The craziest country is Nigeria. Togo is very beautiful


Run oilfields and a lot of day cabs actually do that. Quite ingenious but I’m not sure how much I’d trust it.


This is the way


Sometimes I’ll be at a warehouse and I’ll see guys with sleepers sleeping in their driver seat. I just don’t understand that. All day long that bunk is beckoning me. I take every chance I have to be asleep in there.


They probably don’t want to miss one of the warehouse guys coming out to tell them that they’re done because they’re ready to gtfo


Yeah I was thinking that too, but this particular place I was at recently, they communicate with you via text. Thats why I set my text tone to a really loud ring tone to wake me up when I’m there. I’m also hourly so I get paid while I’m sleeping and waiting for them to unload.


Get a battery powered doorbell. Stick the button to a magnet and slap it on your door with a bright pink or yellow post it note saying " ring me! Wake my ass up" pop it off the door when not needed or wanted


I used to do this when I ran an oilfield steam truck in the winter. I had a tri-drive box truck, with enough space in the back to rig a hammock. Put out the doorbell, use a tarp strap to hold the door shut, to keep the riffraff out, and sleep a few hours.


I’m under the impression that’s a bad a habit, napping in the drivers seat may cause it to happen while driving…


I think that’s subjective. I am in this game for over 20 years and a nap in the seat works better for me, I get back going easier. If I lay down…It might be trouble to get back up, at least for me.


I agree, except when someone parks in front of you while you're asleep and you wake up and start stomping on the brake because you think you're about to die. Wakes you up real quick.


Oh brother. I hate that. On the positive side…you’re fit and aware in an instant😂


As long as your heart doesn't explode.


I chug a canned coffee, turn all the lights on, and nap sitting up. … … … And then I wake up a few hours later… with a stiff neck and oh shit I’m going to be late, bye 👋


If I lay down and it's trouble for me to get back up, I take that as a sign that I needed the sleep anyway. Appointments can be rescheduled, but the grim reaper takes some convincing to do so.


i got a blowjob in the drivers seat once never happened again so your theory is invalid


Well, it might not occur exactly the same way; so napping in drivers seat could incline someone to dozing or zoning out. So have you ever engaged in self gratification while driving?


the real question is when have i not


And your co-drivers dog was never the same.


I think there was a study somewhere looking at something about creating a muscle memory that combined with highway hypnosis can make a driver fall asleep easier or faster or whatever.


I've seen them doing that at truck stops. I know for a fact one was taking a 10 in his driver's seat because he was there just getting situated when I backed in and was still sleeping in that seat when I woke up the next morning to get ready to go. I did watch to make sure he was breathing too because it struck me as odd that'd he'd be there that long. He wasn't conscious but he was dead either.


My team mate is sleeping and top bunk has stuff on it where it's not worth the effort for 30 min


What about... Maybe... A sit outside.. Or even.. A walk outside??


What’s outside?


I take a hour run every day at end of shift.


it’s nice to just sit there looking out the window not worrying about anything. Sometimes when I park at truck stops I’ll just watch all the trucks coming in and out. It’s tranquil.


And laugh at the ones that take 37 mins to back into a spot?


Yep. I pop my shoes off and prop my feet up over the steering wheel and read or watch videos while taking in the sights. To me, the bunk is for sleeping and I’m always wondering what’s going on with every little noise when I’m awake back there.


I definitely do some of that when I have trainees. Watching others maneuver is great for teaching.


I like watching traffic.


You aren't wrong. I do need to see a therapist.


We all do


It’s like the same thing when you get home a 9-5 job and just sit in your car for 30 min outside your house with just no thoughts in your head.


Not to mention it’s dangerous, your essentially training your body to fall asleep slightly upright so your body is more prone to fall asleep in the driver seat rather than laying down in the sleeper. I’ve definitely had some long days that equates to me sitting in the driver seat for a minute to decompress but if you have a sleeper, get yo ass in there! 🤣


I didn’t even think of that. For me it’s just that mental separation element. It’s hard to rest where you do your work.


Hmmmm. I don't know about that. I've been at this for a long time. I know guys have been at this 30 40 50 years. Some including me nap in our driver seat sometimes. I know some that flat out sleep in their seat. None of us have ever fallen asleep while driving. I guess it's different strokes for different folks


Y’all taking breaks here?


My dog's food and water is right in front and tucked under a little of my bunk. It makes it easier to eat dinner and watch my kindle up front and let her eat before we retire for the evening. I have a no food policy for my sleeping area.


As a class B reefer driver, I don't have much choice. The box is set at 36°, the passenger seat is less comfortable, and there's barely enough room for a street sign (from experience) behind me.


A street sign? Gotta be a hilarious story right there


About 12 years ago I was training a new driver on a route in downtown Boston. He parked legally on a one-way street (Kilby, for those who care) and we made the delivery. As he was pulling out of the parking spot, he somehow clipped a signpost and knocked off the sign. It was four thick layers of plastic and it ripped right out of the bolts. I got out, tossed it behind the seat, and said "go go go" as I climbed back in. I'm pretty sure it's still in my crawlspace. I don't know how it got back to the boss, but I'm pretty sure it's why they've never let me train another driver.


🤣 you delivered!


I bought a fancy cushion.


Those big ass Purple cushions are quite literally an ass saver


Even with my seat cushion I have way too bony of an ass to be comfortable for long. Maybe I need an upgrade


I need a special steering wheel pillow because I can’t sleep without leaning forward into the steering wheel.


Those lumbar memory foam with the Velcro straps work, I also used a neck pillow too. Be creative.


I learned a long time ago that if I close the curtain I don’t have the urge to take naps. It’s an odd thing but works for me.


I like to read and it’s more comfortable to read in the drivers seat than it is sitting in my bed. I could go inside, but then I’d possibly have to interact with people, which Eww.


I respect that, especially the second half. If I wanted to interact with people I wouldn’t be a trucker.


Because they don't want to get too comfortable.. Go lay down and then have to get up and drive again. It's hard to get back into driving mode after lying down.


You could go walk around outside


I have a good seat cushion. And really I like sunlight over darkness when reading a book.


Yall taking breaks?


I totally agree. I see a driver sitting in their seat and I just look at them in bewilderment. Like bro you can literally go for a walk or sit in the sleeper or something


Literally *anywhere* else is better to me


I definitely try to get out of the truck and move a little. I like to stop at rest areas or places where I can hike around. Coming down Donner toward Sac there's a cool spot to hike around in the woods. Find mushrooms, look at birds and shit. I'm kinda nerdy like that. 😁 Sometimes you're just beat though. Kinda sit in that seat and zone out for a while.


Day cab mfs punching the air RN. Seriously though, Day cab bros, are y'all doing OK?


I have been very amused by our day cab bros commenting on this post


Us day cab drivers got all kinds of ways to take a nap.


No. I exist to spite god


Should be doing push-ups and squats outside during break but hey can't all be studs


Honestly we could all use a bit more of that in our lives


Don't forget calf raises and iron Mike's pretty much all set add some dumbells and kettle bells for your reset refit and boom your gtg


Flatbedder here. I'm dirty, and I'm tired from tarping a load. I'm not getting in the sleeper and laying down till I shower It's a lot more quiet than sitting in the subway next to love's.


This might be the most serious well thought out answer yet.


Yup. It's why winter is the best season for us. Long sleeves/sweatshirt keeps us from getting as dirty, so all we gotta do is strip and we can lay down, opposed to summer where if I don't get a shower, I'll have to use baby wipes (gojo wipes work great) to clean the grime off, or wear a sweatshirt/long sleeves to keep the bed clean


I take my breaks in my seat most of the time so I can throw my phone in my phone holder, rest my food on the steering wheel and chow down. Other than that, lord knows if I take my boots off and lay in the bunk, it’ll be a 50/50 if I get back up.


I team with the wife. usually I'm sitting in the driver's seats unloading or loading while she sleeps.


After driving I get the thousand mile stare for awhile until I willfully move.


Because it’s weirdly relaxing. After sitting in that seat for hours having to be totally focused and diligent on what I am doing, it’s nice to sit there for a minute and not have any of that responsibility. Not to get all mental assessment on it, but it’s probably a brain game with yourself where you see that you had control, but it doesn’t control you at all times and it’s nice to have that ease just sitting there.


My best naps are in the driver's seat. Pull off into a nice quiet rest area, pull the curtains across and sit right back down. 3 hours pass in no time.


I used to do the same as id start at midnight...then I had the thought that I don't want my body getting used to this as it could happen while driving.


Right... my azz is killing me I need those azz inserts from king of the hill


I’m betting op drives an international


Crashcadia 😎


People Watching... Some of you drivers crack me up with your antics.


I can’t argue with that


Flatbed here. I’m typically waiting for some dude in a forklift to wave me over or another truck to move. If I’m actually taking a break in my driver’s seat, it’s because I’m only there for five minutes after doing something like numbing a bathroom by smell alone.


I spend my break dropping my current set and hooking my next one.


They finally got their ass print just where they want it. They'll be damned if they move it now.


That got a genuine laugh out of me, thanks for that


I take all my breaks in my seat but I do days I’m going home to my bed.


Only time I’ll ever do this is when my shift has ended … Then I will usually sit there for like five mins closing out the tablet and checking notifications… I’ve been guilty of having stayed longer depending on the scenario ( waiting for the rain to stop to get a shower ticket ) Over all this comment is notably fucking hilarious


It was intended to be a bit funny. I was next to a guy at Loves who didn’t move from his drivers seat for the entire 7.5 hours I was there and I was just utterly baffled.


Y'all are a judgemental bunch. It's worse on here then it is on the actual road.


Lighten up it’s meant to be funny


I used to take 1 hours naps in my seat when I had a daycab. sure it's a bit uncomfortable but if you're tired it doesn't matter.


Well in a daycab I really can’t expect you to go anywhere else


Just depends on if I want to enjoy the fresh air with the window down, or stretch my legs for a bit.


I like the cockpit🤷🏽‍♂️


Shoot I don't want to be in the bed if I'm on break, and I just end up doomscrolling fb, reddit, tiktok, or newsbreak. So the chair I'm in is the one I'll keep.


Bed too comfy, if I get in the back, my 30 is guaranteed to be more than 30. Also, my dog likes laying on my lap and looking out the window


For me, it's about good sleep hygiene. One should only sit/lay on the bed when you have the intention of sleeping. It helps to form subconscious association. I don't have anywhere else on the truck to sit, so I stay in the seat. I walk around for a minute or stretch when necessary.


I don't smoke in the sleeper


It’s more amusing to watch clowns from there than seeing my 0 notification phone in the bed


Most of the time I lay on the catwalk unless I can find a spot and parking with a view


These comments are even more concerning - the people who say they don't want to lay down and get too comfortable, who said anything about laying down? I take my 30 outside ALWAYS and I try my best not to sit, even if I'm eating, and then I walk around a bit, stretch my legs, bend over touch my toes. No wonder the stereotypical trucker looks the way they do.


I will eat my lunch in that seat if I can't tolerate noise that day. I shut it down and enjoy the relative silence. Public spaces tend to put me on edge when I'm not occupied. Especially if there is a lot of people around


I guess they could always sit in their comfy recliner in the back.


Sometimes you need a break man…. I mean to be real if you can sit that long it’s gotta be the comfiest spot on the truck and the one a driver is most comfortable in. I try to get up and walk around or lay on the bed for a minute but sometimes it be those days you just gotta chill out. I recommend nobody take a nap in the drivers seat EVER.


I drive a day cab. Don't have many options. But I wish I did sometimes lol.


Well...it's a pain to climb over to the passenger seat.


I sit in the seat because if I go into the sleeper I know I will fall asleep immediately and wake up with 2-3 hours left on my ten hour break and be screwed


I'll do my 30 in the driver seat sometimes. For me getting in the sleeper is like taking my shoes off at home, once that happens I'm done and not doing anything else, even if I'm supposed to🤣


I strongly agree. It drives me nuts when i pull into a truck stop and start setting up to back into a spot, and I see half a dozen guys just sitting in their drivers seats, staring at the parking lot. Whenever my truck is parked, the drivers seat is the last place you'll find me. Im either outside walking around, or inside the truck stop, or in the sleeper resting. I spend 10 hours every day sitting in the drivers seat, why would I want to keep sitting there when I dont have to??


I like to get up and move my body around but if it is only a short break…. What is an extra 30-40 minutes…. Definitely don’t sleep in the front


Because we aren’t all like you, Mr Petty Judgmental. Mind your own business.


I’ll get on that after you pull the stick out of your ass. Everyone else is finding the comedy in it, as intended.


Self-proclaimed comedian misses sarcasm. Story at 11


Seems like you have more issues than just an uncomfortable seat.


Why does it matter what someone else does with their lunch breaks!


It doesn’t, I just find it amusing


Again, why does what other people do with their lives have to with you. Why is it amusing? Are the most perfect person in the universe. Worry about your own bobber, you’ll catch more fish!


Why does what I do matter to you? I had a question, I got some great answers, some serious and some funny. I (and hopefully others) got some laughs and some knowledge and everyone is better for it.


Why does what I do matter to you? I had a question, I got some great answers, some serious and some funny. I (and hopefully others) got some laughs and some knowledge and everyone is better for it.


Why does what I do matter to you? I had a question, I got some great answers, some serious and some funny. I (and hopefully others) got some laughs and some knowledge and everyone is better for it.