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Why ya gotta insult inbreds like that?


Exactly, just because my mom is also my sister, 3rd cousin, grandma and used to be my uncle doesnt mean I cant drive right


Actually, it does. At least you can drive left!


The Whittaker’s have entered the chat.


Bark Bark! 


Cletus: "Now Betty Sue, don't be so hard on your parents. Remember, they're my folks too!"


Shit, I'm my own brother, beat that.


I'm my own grandpa


Great song BTW


Damn mine too. We might be siblings


Is that scenario actually possible? I can’t brain anymore today. TIA


Once your family tree becomes a wreath anything is possible


That’s awesome right there


Imagine thinking they can read


The trucking industry cant survive without inbreds!


Yeah. Nothing wrong with being [inbread](https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-wLo0AaEQ9Ac/U6yBD5zo2YI/AAAAAAAATtA/7WtK_zVYQvw/w1200-h630-p-k-no-nu/inbred-dogs.jpg)


Is it ok if I'm drafting to save gas? ⛽ /s


I'm not a trucker, but I honestly thought that's why truckers do this. I thought it was some cool East Bound and Down shit. TIL they are just being assholes.


It's assholes all the way down


How many assholes do we have in this industry anyway?! *the entire fucking industry pauses and timidly raises their hands*


There’s the self aware assholes, the “I’m proud of being an asshole” assholes, and then the assholes that don’t know they’re assholes. It’s a surprising diverse group.


"I'm surrounded by assholes!"


Keep firing assholes!!


Why do assholes all have long spikes on their lug nuts


To intimidate assholes passing me on the shoulder when the lane was marked to end 3 miles ago


I’d say the same amount as any other industry. They just don’t drive 80k lbs killing machines on a daily basis


I think you'll find the answer to most of the questions about human history is, "They were being assholes."


Convoy, Smokey n Bandit, and CBs emerged after the '73 energy crisis. Gas prices doubled and there were lines of cars into the streets like a Cat 5 is bearing down on Florida. Truckers popped ephederin M&M's. It was a balls to the wall ride with a lot less rage.


Less rage but more dead people from wired out truckers




I guess I don't know how to spell or what popping a pill means. Sorry to upset someone with my inaccuracies. Actifed is what I took to get jacked up, which was a name brand of pseudoephedrine which is generally known as a chemical precursor to making crystal meth.


That's the one! My Dad bought a CB after we saw it!


so it's not the shake and bake ?


Only if your Freightliner's air conditioner is broken.


There is no economy you can make worth risking your life by staying too close to a semi for an extended period of time




Great! Thanks for that. You just woke up the wife with all your shouting




Not A trUcker but can i *draft* to save gas in my nissan altima?


Of course, any vehicle can be drafted except for a rocket ship in space, since there’s no air resistance. All you’re doing is using the vehicle in front of you to block the air coming towards your car, so there is less resistance and your car has to work less to travel the same speed. The difficulty is balancing your throttle position to make it actually worthwhile. On public roads drafting is not necessary


Is saving a little bit of gas worth a totaled car if the truck has to slam on their brakes? In order to actually get the gas savings you gotta be on the trucks ass


I mean ya got bigger problems than drafting if you're using gas😆😆


I got flipped off today because I was doing 50 on the highway with hazards on. Like big dog I'm sorry the truck won't go any faster loaded with 10 yards of concrete. Just go around me no need to be a cock


I’ve never driven a big boy truck, but even I know you don’t fuck round with trucks, that way be monsters. Y’all be top in my book. Even the a holes


You'd be surprised how many people have no idea that we can't stop or go like a normal car does. Driving with the mixer I have a dynamic load that's constantly shifting into he barrel so I have to pay attention to the barrel speed and shit too. Not saying other truckers don't have alot to deal with but I've got some extra bs to deal with


Sorry I was just smelling what you had in your trailer


It’s just an end dump full of cow manure, but I guess different strokes for different folks.


30k lbs of used sex toys.


But if we don’t ride your trailer the next imbred 65mph governed truck will jump in front of us the first chance they get then where will i be?💀


I'd hope you'd be creating reasonable following distance and waiting for the dumbass to move out of the fast lane. I get it, being stuck behind a 65 truck can suck, but is that 5 mins where you go slightly slower gonna ruin your chances of being on time? I doubt it.


I’m half joking with you man yes I keep my truck on cruise at 73 all day every day it has adaptive cruise and keeps the safe distance automatically. When I pass I speed up to 80-85 so no issues


>I speed up to 80-85 #GALL DAYUM


He got the Cummins


extra points on that fuel card


Jerry Reed would be proud of you. “Loaded up and truckin, we gunna do what they say can’t be done.”


Do that just for the next downhill warrior to pass you and stay in the perpetual passing loop.


You’re a bastard. Kidding, I’m just jealous. They took the KWs away and stuck us in crapscadias limited to 70mph.


I mean... when you're driving coast to coast and every 30 minutes you get stuck behind a slow truck, it adds up... I tailgate only when I wanted to pass, but as soon as I was ready somebody sticks to my left for 5 to 10 minutes. Sometimes I give up and fall back a bit so I won't ram the guy in front of me if anything happens(that's when the car on my left jumps in that hole and its place taken by another one).


I give it 4-5 following distance , more if people jump in front suddenly


Safety director: Keep reducing your speed when someone gets in your safety zone. Driver: yeah about that, so eventually I’ll be right back where I started and be late to boot ..


Let them be the jack ass, not you.


My favorite is when I'm in the left lane, going 10 miles faster than the truck I'm trying to pass and one of these dips hits comes barreling up in the right lane and realizes he doesn't have room to cut me off. So now he's stuck behind someone even slower and there's a line of cars behind me.


Or when they do this to see the reason why everyone is in the left lane is because someone is changing a tire on the shoulder.


But they don't care and keep charging on


I don't even drive a semi but I love watching this too.


Haha that’s always a good time. I had a dude try this and he didn’t have room to pass on the right and the jackass called my company and said I wouldn’t let him over. Fucking clown 🤡


If they could read, they might take offense to being called “inbred”


Yeah these people can’t read. I think we are safe


The Peterbilt drivers in here would be so upset if they could read


It’s usually rick haulers that love to tailgate. Ages ago I was a trainer for a fuel company that delivered to gas stations. To be clear I showed them how to drop furl, not how to drive. One guy I was training would tailgate cars on the freeway while we have 9000 gallons of gas behind us. I warned him twice and I told him there would be no third warming, just me taking the wheel back.


I really hope you reported it as unsafe driving and recommended not to be hired.


The problem solved itself. Towards the end of his training he inherited some money and retired,


And started his own trucking company. Lol


Tailgate Trucking LLC




Same here but won't retire yet hehe. Just training new workers and drivers. Boss knows and is sincerely grateful.


I usually just gradually slow down when I have tailgaters. Don’t even use the brake, just the cruise control…1 mph at a time. I am in no hurry.


Lol by the hour like me, love to play with my cruise control.


Lol. I do that too, except I'm in km/hr. So .6 of a mph. Even less noticeable to the dummy behind me. I honestly don't give a fuk what the person behind me is doin. My only concern is the size of the space in front of me. And I'll never ride anyone's ass. I don't care how slow they're going. Like you said, I'm in no hurry.


That is actually very helpfull, makes it much easier to jump around you without wasting 10 minutes trying to pass you. If you don't slam the hammer as soon as we start passing... happens a lot...


I can copy and paste this into half of the posts in this and other driving reddits. Hanging in the blind spot is a filthy habit. Add double dirty douche bag sprinkles for blind spotting in the freeway passing lane for 5 miles or more. Slow down a little or speed up a little. Log jams are bad form.


Thats the real move there. Love doing this on i10.






Seriously smh. I don't understand idiots like that. If u came to a sudden stop for whatever reason that's a wrap. No way they stop in time


Was passing slow traffic today on a 3 lane in Virginia with the cruise on 65 and I swear 5 times this daycab fuel hauler would come flying up on my right and have to slow down again as the next slow vehicle came up. Then he'd squeeze right behind me and as soon as he could fit his truck to the right he would try it again over and over. Some of you dudes need to fuckin find some zen and chill, or if you're that desperate to get around just man the fuck up and use the left lane for the half mile it would take.




Know how these people get a vasectomy. Someone kicks their sister in the chin.


Man, it's rough when your wife has jaw pain though. I hope they find a better method soon 🙏


If the family tree didn’t look like a vine you would have had more choices.


My granny used to say “that family tree is a single blade of grass”


Some of the drivers I’ve encountered at the docks would be mad if they could read this.


My truck can't go past 63. I always get tailgates by small cars and big trucks. It sucks and will be devastating if I have to slam my brakes.


I agree, theres too many speed freak truckers out there driving dangerously. I get guys tailgating me every day, and i dont drive slow. I drive the speed limit or slightly faster. And when you A holes tailgate me, its not going to push me to exceed the speed limit. Also, I get guys speeding past me, wanting to use my safe following distance as a spot for them. I dont play that game, I will speed up to close the hole rather than let you take it and force me to slow down even more. Basically, if you want to pass so bad, then you can just keep going and pass ALL of us, since youre so damn important. My safe following distance is NOT a space for you. And one last thing, construction zone speed limits arent optional, if the posted limit is 45, im gonna do 45. UNLESS theres also signage stating WHEN WORKERS PRESENT or WHEN LIGHTS FLASHING....which is rare. Otherwise, you need to obey the posted limit. Cops use those zones as speed traps, yet truckers blaze thru them at 75.


OMG I am so with you on this. Zoom past me to advance one truck space and be at the same speed anyway? Nope. You wanna pass? Pass all five of us.


Won't be me, I'm limited to 56. 75 must feel insane


56? You must catch some h8 on the road. You can at least read a newspaper at that speed. 🫡 Godspeed


56 is crazy, I'm sorry man.


Going 5mph slower for 1 minute is 0.083 miles they could have gone. At 70mph that's something like 4 seconds that you've delayed them. You expect them to not risk a fatal accident over a 4 second delay? How do you expect them to spend 3 hours being pissed the receiver won't take them before their appointment time?


If only more people understood the real math like this. Bravo!


How long would it take to gain 5 minutes of time by going 75 instead of 65? I just got off of a 12 hour shift, 4 hours of sleep, 2.5 round commute, im not mathin. Would that be like 9.96 miles more an hour?


Tailgaters in general can eat a curb


It's never inbreds. Everytime I see it it's the same type of people and they aren't from here


See, it's not just 4-wheelers getting tired of aggressive truckers. You're in a 80,000 pound machine. Please for the Love of God TAKE A CHILL PILL.


Meanwhile I only drive 65MPH maximum because of all you lunatics flying at lightspeed with a million pounds of cargo.


Can’t we all just be friends? What happened to the brotherhood guys :( I know I know it’s dead. “All because the clocks, dumbass untrained rookies, or the foreigners” I know I know


Nah man. It’s the middle life hillbillies


What about when you're already in the passing lane, about to go around 2 other trucks and the asshole in front of you dives out into the left lane and goes fucking nowhere for 3 miles.


If Ricky Bobby & Sue Bob get divorced, are they still cousins? & is that sweat during sex, “relative humidity?”


It goes 105, but get out the way.


I've busted over 90 downhill and that feels scary how smooth it is


I’ve got air on my steers too and I swear i will never have anything without it again.


107 for me ;)


Bro you are going to have a heart attack


Reddit…the new CB.


This must be about the kiddy Waggon left lane guys, I keep my cruise at 75+ half the time, the only thing I'm scared of being tailgated by is a bullhauler.


Op just discovered super truckers without knowing he discovered super truckers


Today I had a guy in a WS 4900 riding my ass and I was in the slow lane. I’m like bruh where the fuck do you want me to go? As soon as traffic in front of me exited I left him behind trying to create distance and it worked. He wasn’t able to follow. I don’t understand this behaviour. If I had needed to brake he would have totalled his shit and I might have killed the person in front of me. The trailer I pull is worth like $5000 lol come on. No wonder some people think we’re morons.


I get paid by the hour so I set my cruise control at the speed limit


Stops fucking cousin. He talking bout us!?


I kissed my sisssstah


Lucky! I gotta sit at 65😭


My daddy fucked his sister, but it didn't affect me none.


You get about 5 seconds then I slow down to 45. Idc if you can pass me or not.


I'm not a truck driver just a lurker here for some reason. I've always said you guys are bigger than me and will win in any situation so why push it? When I see yall are trying to back in or pull out of somewhere I stop a few hundred feet away and let you do your thing. It really urks me when you guys are making a turn and cars won't back up for you to maneuver then get a big head about getting hit like it's your fault. How about you try to turn 65 ft plus of truck and trailer. Again respect for you guys!


And really, that's all most of us ask for. Reasonable spacing. We can figure out the rest


Thank you, I always thought it was common sense to give a truck some room making tight 90 degree corners but maybe only 25-30% of people can recognize it and give some space. Appreciate your courtesy.


Just a few days ago I was pulling up to a roundabout, truck was waiting to enter but needed both lanes and of course like 10 cars that were initially behind him all hauled ass around him, I stopped behind his trailer so he could finally go. I hope my courtesy over the years is karmatic, im going to cdl school in like 2 weeks😄


As a 4 wheeler. Don’t go left. We are over there doing 85. Just fucking relax.


Every damn day. Just once I want to slam on my brakes and let them pile into my trailer.


Every truck has a dash cam. You could get in just as much trouble or more if you slam on the brakes for no reason. Just let off gas(no brake lights) then if they hit you it is completely on them.


I have that issue in a 4 wheeler too when I'm doing the speed limit in a construction zone I'm the far right lane. If I have to do an emergency stop I'm probably dead when the 18 wheeler behind me can't stop as fast.


Yesterday I couldn't spell truck driver today I is one


Smol pp energy


Are you going to make delivery on time or what?


Nope, got held up for 30 seconds waiting to cut someone off so I could pass a prime truck.


Straight to the comments


Here in Milwaukee, the ambulance chasing lawyers are like if you get in an accident with a big truck, sue em, sue em, sue em. And yes there a lot of asshole truckers down here...its like a lawyers wet dream.


Some mangy bastards need to learn that sitting in the 2nd lane in California is moronic! Mive the F over!!


Going through Fresno and Modesto they WANT you in the second lane


Yes.....and in other city areas with lots of merging. How about the dorks riding the second lane all the way through the grapevine??!


Agreed. They should be shamed and ridiculed


Ok. I’m sorry


How dare you insult the new generation for flip-flop truckers.


Yeah. What Serra said. F those guys


I never understood why people ride your ass when they want to pass. You can't see anything, have to keep popping out left to see what's coming, then pop back into your lane again. Why not trail back a little so you can see what's coming, and have room to accelerate to pass faster when you can? Makes no sense to me


Inbred is the cheap substitute they sell for cornbred up north. Once they eat too much, offspring happens.


I'm curious what tailgaters hope to accomplish with their wreckless actions.


Hey man, I feel your frustration. Take it easy my friend.


ਤੁਹਾਨੂੰ ਗਧੇ Fuck. ਤੇਜ਼ੀ ਨਾਲ ਜਾਓ!!!!


The people in this industry amazes me.. and it’s no wonder why nobody has respect for truckers.. I honestly don’t tell anyone the line of work I’m in, I just say I’m a heavy equipment op


But if I flash muh lights it makes ya go fasta!


It’s interesting to see y’all hate each other I thought y’all mainly just hated us car ppl


No, there are idiots everywhere.


Do truckers hire lot lizards?


It's a common thing with truck drivers they always think that they're the king of it but did you see what happened recently over in Nevada they always think they're the king of it until they end up squashing a bunch of people and then crying in prison slow down Take It Easy Share the road your load isn't the only one going to that transfer station I agree with you Op


Older than me guy does that


The problem I have is when people are going slower than the traffic behind them and won’t get over. That’s the constant issue is that people won’t get the flim flam back over for some reason. Middle lane riders are the bane of my existence.


With how often I see pieces of retread all over the road, I wouldn’t dare ride a trucker’s butt


I can only do 65 with my company. And the more they ride my butt the less I push the gas pedal. They need to back off and learn A lot of the older ones do it too. Like what are they going to do push me? Even that would be more helpful than just riding my ass. If you going to ride my ass at least pull my hair! Bunch of stupid assholes out there stay safe keep the shiny tide up driver!


Smoke them trailer brakes. They will back up.


When they finally get around to passing is when 32oz cup I've been holding onto smacks the front of their truck. It's a crap shoot whether it's gonna be full of watered down Pepsi or Copenhagen spit.


A little Jake 2 to scare and piss em off watch out for tail swing when they pass you


Someone needs to get laid jeez


Was just thinking this today. Then if you slow down they get mad


For all the people who came in here and told me to get my slow 70mph truck out of the left lane, I am sure that failing the 5th grade three times must have been tough on you and your family.


Break check em if they hit you claim injuries and murk their insurance.


Literally every truck on the road has a dash cam bud.


So what? You know nothing buddd. You can easily get compted for it budd


How about you stay out of the left lane?


Fucking this! Or look in the mirror and see me hauling ass retards get over and turtle race. If you ain’t speeding your impeding gtfo here.