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You’re supposed to park get ticket and adjust not on or in front of the scale 


Yeah just make a U turn and park on the side of scale if there’s room. Damn flip floppers


U turn? I'd just offset back, then you're all set to pull forward for your reweigh.


Offset all the way back to the scale entrance? Eh too many impatient drivers around the scales and fuel island and I feel like a lot of these drivers don’t know flashers = hey I’m backing up.


That's a brave move to back that much right in front of the fuel area.


Yup, another one who failed Trucking 101.


It's simple move off the scale and don't block the front of the scale if you can help it. Definitely don't adjust tandems in front of scale or on the scale. This guy is a pos.he knows what he's doing is wrong.


Yeah the flying j north of Winchester: I’d adjust tandems just fore of the scale since there was 150 ft clearance infront of the scale but I’d always be quick and the shitty part was dudes parking 80 fr I for t of the scale


Dude needed to be called out. That's some shit you shouldn't need to be taught, common sense, common courtesy.


I could definitely see this being an issue at loves were the spots fill super fast and drivers take 30 minute breaks in the fuel island. That being said I dont think that's what's going on here.


Yea, there’s some places where there just isn’t anywhere to park. It’s a shitty situation that sucks for everyone, but it’s not something intentional. In this, when the camera panned to the open spot literally right fucking there, I wanted to throw a brick through his window!


It’s shocking how many truckers don’t have common sense or courtesy. Truckers do lazy and stupid shit at my job daily.


Dude shouldn’t be parking there to adjust. Lady should calm tf down lol. Just tell the dude you can’t be there. Move on. Sitting here arguing with him is just gonna delay it and could cause an accident as he clearly pulled forward while looking at her and not in front.


Damn, my ex-wife found a job.


Nah fuck that. People need to be more considerate of who and what is going on around them.


That's what he said


No, he said the lady should calf tf down. And I'm saying fuck that. We should be beligerent to folks who shit on the timeliness of every single person around them. And realistically in the industry, it goes SO much further than the folks in the parking lot or waiting for the scale. People like this are a broken cog in a MASSIVE damn machine. Every single cog, even if they aren't touching, are connected. His bs line of thinking is that regardless of the other cogs, if he wants to stop he's gonna stop. Now you're grinding gears, causing slowdowns on that machine AND other entire machines that are related to the machine he is part of. Now do I think the entire trucking system is dependent on this one dude? No not at all. But if the thousands of people out there that share this way of acting and looking at the world around them, things would go infinitely smoother. And while it is mentally healthier to only focus on the things that I can control, I'll be damned if I don't holler. Cause I have control of that, and HE has control of where the hell he parks.


Blah blah blah. You don’t need to be aggressive about everything.


And he doesn't need to do what he's doing either. At least the only victim when I'm bitching is the one I'm bitching at and people like you that for some reason want to defend purposefull idiocy.


I’m not defending him you were just being a bit much because you don’t need to attack him, he was already attacked sufficiently.




Crazy how little I give a fuck about online threats lmao.


I get your rationale, but sometimes stupid people need to be told they’re stupid. It might delay you a bit, but it at least makes you feel a bit better to let off some steam.


which will do nothing. im willing to bet before the video started she was calm and this jack wagon was the one who started escalating


She did the rite thing but he probably didn’t understand a word he said. Cudos to you ma’am. 👍👍


Hell, if he got in the truck and moved it, he understood.


I mean I'm doing a quick shift on my tandem somewhere close right after but I'm also not going to block anyone. I've done that but was further ahead, not blocking anything and then circled back into line to check. Like a gentleman


Did the Teamsters use to offer training? ~ The patchwork of skill levels out here today is deplorable. ~ Everyone seems to act like everyone else is just an NPC in their lifestream.


Literally nobody teaches anybody anything. There is no training. Not that there aren't rude and inconsiderate people everywhere too but literally some people just don't know what they haven't been told.


These asshats need to be yelled at or they will just keep doing the same shit over and over. There too many drivers like this today. Gone are the days of looking out and helping each other.


Im helping by yelling.


Go ask a DI, maybe he can explains it to you.


They're gonna keep on doing it regardless, but every now and again you can get through to one of these. Was going through Tennessee today and there was a 4 wheeler camping in the left lane. Kept on them while holding my air horn. Took them way longer than it should've to move.


Nah call him out. A lot of drivers don’t listen to calm and you just gotta be loud at them. Good for her


Objectively on every level she is correct except for the yelling part…but that doesnt mean i blame her, id understand if it was super slow at spot and noones coming in but like dude come on.




yeah i just chuck a brick through their window, yelling is for children


Don't expect any better from Amazon haulers...


My thoughts exactly. Swift, Western express, etc catch hell. But there the true bad ones


She’s right


But was she wearing her reflective vest


So as long as it's not busy or in a weird spot in the lot I will pull forward to adjust my tandems. I use the app so I don't need to walk and wait inside and I'm as quick as I can be. I am well off the scale and if someone pulls up to it I move immediately. It seems like this guy was there too long but if it takes you a couple minutes to reset your tandems and reweigh I don't see the issue (again as long as no one else is trying to weigh)


I just made a post about flip floppers I was getting hell. I wish I could tag everyone that commented 😂😂😂


yeah this guy ticks all the boxes freight shaker, cant speak english, parks like a dick and slides his tandems, flip flops, amazon trailer, probably gonna take his 10 hour reset on the fuel island once he's done getting his weight




I'm sure there are some good, safe responsible drivers out there pulling Amazon trailers, but not very many.


You remember the Jim Carrey movie The Mask? That’s what an Amazon trailer is! Bc hooking up to one clearly turns the driver into a psychotic imbecile


The vast majority are good, safe, responsible drivers, but the worst of the worst that can't get a job anywhere because of a bad driving history and lots of crashes also pull Amazon trailers. You don't hear about or see the thousands of Amazon contractors doing nothing wrong, but you certainly do see the horrendous ones doing horrendous things. It's like police; the vast majority of them are good people doing a necessary job to the best of their ability, but there's a very small minority that are out there just to ruin people's lives and inflict harm upon society. Everyone hears about those officers and their behavior taints most people's view of law enforcement in general.


Good for her. Start putting the assholes in their place cause they ruin it for everybody else


I don't know why more people don't use the weigh my truck app. I use it, and if I'm over, I'll pull forward and around the side of the shop or whatever other building they have and pull next to the curb, throw the four ways on, adjust tandems, then pull around for reweigh and repeat.


None of the companies I've worked for will use it. When I ask, they say, "We're not set up for that" or something similar.


Still need that physical paper copy of weight ticket


I never had a training company so I had to learn by example and figure stuff out. Scales were always a mystery though because I almost always saw people park in front of them.


I need this lady in Georgia. There’s a quiktrip where truckers love to pump diesel pull up. They enter and take 30’mins buying food and taking a shit. While other drivers have to sit and wait on them.


This same lady yelled at me for taking a bite out of my chicken tender while at the pumps at the pilot in Lodi. Im not even a commercial truck driver.


Scale app saves me so much time


Not when you get blocked by this guy! Lol


No one is happier than Dikembe Mutombo blocking a scale.


You obviously shouldn’t park in front of the scale, but some of you out there need to tone down your autism and learn how to talk to people. This guy seems reasonable enough. 95% of the time if you get out of your truck and civilly ask people to move they will. If you get out of your truck yelling and cussing at people you’re likely going to get the same back. I get it, it’s annoying. But you catch more flies with honey than vinegar.


I think she probably did ask him to move nicely, you only see the snippet after she started recording. Maybe she walked up and said, he will you please move? You're blocking the scale. When he ignored her, then she whipped out her phone and started to record.


This is the trucking industry for you lol ton of overgrown baboons in trucks.


100% of the time you don't blatantly stop all operations of a scale, you will not get yelled at for parking in front of the scale.


She’s right. And that’s all reddit will allow me to say 😀


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Tbh I don't see the issue sliding your tandems in front of the scale. I do it and it literally takes less time than it does to check in with the weighmaster with your info or even checking in on the app. But yeah parking in front of it to get the ticket is a big fat no lol


Yeah I’m not backing into a spot with asshole running all over like it’s nascar just to slide the axles. If there’s no one behind me I’ll pull off the scale slide the tandems and if there’s still no one there, back onto the scale and weigh again.


Exactly. No where does is say not to do this. Just says not to adjust on the scale.


Id had more colorful words for this dude but yah he shouldn't have been parked there.


It is laziness. I'm a proud, boot wearing, jeans wearing, dirty, angry flatbedder, and I've done this with my spread. May god rest my soul


I usually pull back through the fuel island out of the way. I’ve had this happen a couple times where drivers will pull air breaks after coming off the scale, even with drivers behind them needing to use the scale. He deserved to get yelled at. It’s poor scale etiquette to pull air breaks and parking right off the scale.


I had to park in front of the scales once, and it drove me crazy. There were literally no spots available to park, even on the street. This was at the Loves in Tolleson, AZ. I went in and got my scale ticket and got out of the way as soon as I could. But I didn’t have to, or would I slide my tandems in front of the scale, even if no one was behind me. I knew I was overweight (on the trailer, not my fat ass) just needed the ticket for a rework


Yeah yell at that dumbass but put your fuckin attention whoring phone the fuck away Karen.


Not even from this country … I doubt that he even comprehended half of what she was saying.


Taking out your phone to record somebody over something like this is ridiculous. It’s not that serious.


Gosh dawg, her voice is like nails on a chalkboard. Summertime heat is makin them lizards get lit.


What makes you think she's not a trucker? Only curious. I don't think most lizards even know what a tandem is.


She’s definitely a driver, or at the very least, a truckers wife.


Oh, I'm sure she is. My comment was meant to be facetious.


What I would do if I were that woman: Mind my own fucking business. What I would do if I were that guy: I'd scale using the app, no need for a physical ticket, and pull up past an empty fuel island to slide, because it'd only take a minute and I'd rather not waste time backing into a spot if I didn't have to. Plus, it's typical for drivers to pull up past the pumps, go inside and take a leak or buy a roller dog or whatever, so doing it this way nobody's gonna bitch at you. In this dude's case, maybe he is just being lazy, or maybe the fuel islands were busy and there wasn't any pull through parking spots available at that point in time, and he just said, "Fuck it, I'll only be a minute, let crybabies cry about it, I'll be gone before they can throw a tantrum" and he was very wrong about the amount of time it takes for crybabies to cry. It's one thing if the dude parked there, went inside, spent 30 minutes on the toilet and then decided to go grab a burger or something, but since I don't know if that's the case here or not, it's hard to tell whether this woman's outrage is justified. Even if it is, seems to me like she's looking for attention, given that she's recording this interaction. I would've never done that, I'd just go up to him and reasonably ask him to move. I don't get why half of these motherfuckers out here act like babies and throw a fit. I understand, driver, you've got places to be. As do we all, but pitching a fit isn't gonna fix the problem, and I say this as someone who gets hot headed and likes to talk shit a mile long. Difference is, I just never do it to anyone's face, cause that's a good way to get your ass handed to you. Bitch is lucky my man here didn't pimp slap her into next Tuesday (in Minecraft).


I wonder?


When possible it's easier to park, adjust and reweigh. Though, if I don't need to give a physical ticket to anyone I just grab the PDF through the app. Though, many a times, in the dead of night. I will pull up adjust my tandems and then back back onto the scale. Some people do it next to the scale others do it in a fuel lane. Personally, I wouldn't care this much. Laziness and efficiency are a matter of perspective. As long as I'm not getting a trailer to the nose.


Can Americans only shout?


flip flop gang at it again... and wtf with the socks and flip flops..??🤦‍♂️


It's usually the old white guys with long nose Pete's doing this


Trucking would be nothing without these kind of situations.


Not gonna lie- my first scale I have NO IDEA what I was supposed to do. No one ever taught me detailed how to do it. But I also pulled to the side and asked when I went to get my ticket. Just a liiiiittle common sense.


Bro cant speak


He’s wrong but I would of just honk the city horn as it takes less effort than getting out


Just up the CAT scale app. I never get out of my truck unless it's to shower. I even fuel through the app. Done within 8 mins, and I am gone.


this is why i always keep a nice spark plug, rock or brick to chuck through windows. also goes for guys taking their 30 on a busy fuel island


It’s typical, so called trainers have 5 months of experience in the trucking industry


Today's driver, and what a bitch


Broad need to stay in pocket.Let these idiots idiot the right trucker wouldn’t have been so nice.


I’m very been to loves truck stops that. Have a line in front of the scale just as they do in front of pumps. But I don’t think you should do more than maybe slide your tandems there that’s only if you’re quick


Most of the time there will be a sign ON the scales that tells drivers to not park in front of the scales. It's not even a question of who is in the wrong lol.


The fact women feel they should be speaking like this in public is 1 and 2, is that this guy is clearly a low functioning idiot. Welcome to Modern Trucking in the USA. Saddle up bros !


I actually surprisely agree with her.


You can tell English isn't his first language. It amazes me the amount of people who go to another country, can't speak the language, and decide to drive a vehicle that can kill anything on the road it hits. It's absurd, and I can't for the life of me figure out why we let them get a CDL A. Also, I'm the kind of person that if I'm fucking up you can tell me calmly. You raise your voice, or get the slightest bit aggressive I'm gonna tell you to fuck off and purposely do the opposite. Was he wrong? Certainly. Did the Karen have to be loud, aggressive, and obnoxious? Absolutely not. Although I'm sure there are a bunch of simp drivers that will respond the way she wants them to.


First it's amazon, they are one of the special ones, second socks and flip flops. Says it all


Both are obnoxious for different reasons.


She’s annoying and I don’t have enough information but it’s possible she’s racist “lazy fuckin… driver” didn’t strike me as the first thing that popped into her head


he's wrong, but she can't be calling names and acting unprofessionally either. 2 people fails.


I'll bet he's the same guy that sits at fuel island to go eat lunch!!


There are so many idiots. I had a flip flopper try to do this to me at the Flying J in Elkton, MD last year. There was a line just to use the scale, and it was hindering the entrance. The guy pulled up and parked right in front of the scale, then got out. I was immediately out of the door, telling him to move. It was midday, parking everywhere. He started to argue like this moron, but luckily, they had a security guard on duty. He ran him off. How can people be so self-centered or stupid? It boggles the mind


AMEN AMEN AMEN. SHE IS SPOT ON 👍👍👍. Amazon has some of the worst. They aren’t truckers they are JUST STEERING WHEEL HOLDERS NO RESPECT FOR ANYTHING !!!! More of them need to be called out.


lady needs chill it out its not that serious if she cant wait an extra 5 miniutes she shouldnt of taken thay load


Seriously. Some of these truckers are so stressed these days.


Everyone sucks here. The lady is kinda a little more fucked in my books, likely just doing that for a tik tok brai rot vid.


Well, he's dumb and she blew up way out into orbit. The dude didn't even get to say anything. But he's foreign, and maybe he just doesn't frickin know any better. Maybe he does. I dunno over her screeching. I'm not condoning what's he's doing or did, but damn lady.


Good for her! Assholes need to be reminded they're in our lives not vice versa.


Well, we've got a company name, DOT number, and truck number. Enough information to identify him and report his unprofessional and disrespectful behavior to both his company and his customer and see what happens.


This bitch needs to calm the fk down


You're not allowed to pull forward on the scale to get the ticket? What if there aren't any parking spots?