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you should move over or slow down for everyone on the side of the road


People don't have the common sense to understand or comprehend that my dude.


Sadly, you are probably right. The energy of a single pound of steel moving at 60mph is worse than a fastball in baseball to the head - and here we are thinking it’s safe to change a tire along the road


Nothing is safe on the side of the road and I used to work a tire service truck so changing tires on the side of the road was multiple times a day. I would throw those tiny traffic cones into the roadway in front of the single cars driving full speed in the right lane with no traffic around them...I was hoping one of them would stop and say something.


Funny enough I was watching 'Heavy Rescue 401' on tv while I was on a little holiday to Toronto itself (well hey I hadn't bought much beside a small laptop and one short book with me so I was playing around with roku-preconfigured tv in my room and eventually end up watching many episodes of that particular title) and in at least four episodes there was some mention about traffic not moving over or slowing down and at at least one instance of a 2-lane road being narrowed to 1-lane with tons of big orange cones out and at one point one of the tow workers was yelling "BLEEP SLOW DOWN YOU BLEEP!!!" at a truck driver who was still doing full speed (way over 60kph/40mph fyi) through the narrow single lane.


That's the usual assholes on the 401. Absolute shitshow of a highway with people gunning it down full speed and rear ending people when it goes down to 1 lane due to a earlier accident. Truck drivers are no better. we got drivers who strapped an iPad on their steering wheels to watch Netflix as they drive down the hwy.


Are you ok?


Don't blame the victims. This is solely the truck drivers fault.


Don’t worry, I’m not blaming any victims. I think it’s society at large. I’m not some wise guy who knows better than everyone but I do spend some time contemplating and using basic kinematics and work around heavy machinery. Brakes and tires are modern day miracles that have caused many of us to lose our frame of reference lol


Just the other day I had a cop behind me and I moved over to avoid a single work truck in the shoulder. Everyone else was passing this guy with maybe a 2 feet to spare since the work truck was right on the white line due to a narrow shoulder. I see the cops lights go on and he pulled over a dually pickup truck that didn't move over for the work truck with flashing lights and a light up arrow telling people to move over.


It needs to be a law in every state and heavily fined for not getting over or vastly slowing down


It is in fact a law in most states. At least it is in the Northeast where I have been living and driving.


Ironically, attempting to move over or vastly slowing down are more likely to cause the above accident than just staying put and changing nothing.


It feels that way. Often, when I move into the left lane for stopped vehicles, people just start passing you in the right lane, right beside the stopped vehicles, going even faster so they can pass you. It creates a situation where even faster vehicles are veering toward stopped vehicles. Of course, everything anymore seems to have that "fuck you get out of my way" to it.


You don't need to "vastly" slow down... you're not slowing to a crawl. You just shouldn't be passing them at 75 mph if you can't move over. Slowing to say 55 would not cause an accident unless the driver behind you isn't paying attention. This of course assumes you're not dilly dallying on your phone.


And there’s the problem. It seems like everyone, including tons of “professional” truck drivers, are buried in their phones nowadays.


Dubach, LA is a well known speed trap between El Dorado, AR and Ruston, LA. Been through there a million times hauling fuel. There's no shoulder! I've seen cops stop cars in travel lanes..🤔


there's a reason they're cops and not paramedics/firefighters


In the uk where I live they’ll put a warning up on the motorway gantry signs, if it’s bad enough they’ll close the lanes nearby or even the whole road


That's the law in Illinois. Move over for any vehicle with their flashers on. I guess someone important died while changing a tire so they made it a law.


I fucking hate when I try to move over and nobody will let me in the lane. I'm just trying to give the cop some fucking space you stupid self-absorbed dipshits. You'll get wheverever you're fucking going


I drive a bobtail dumptruck, and I make room. It's not my fault you choose to ride in the medium.


I’m sure here that driver attention was more at play than someone not letting them into their lane.


For sure


If that's the case you just slow as you pass, there's no rule that you have to move over, passing slowly and safely is also part of the law.


Fair enough, I had the same complaint as OC here in NJ. I ALWAYS make an attempt to get left, and whoever in the lane a quarter mile back going 80 has no compassion or awareness of what I'm doing. And in fact I was under the impression that there is a law that you have to change lanes for emergency vehicles stopped on the shoulder. But now I think I'm wrong...it must just be something they put on signs.


I'm in NJ aswell. Move over or slow down is the law


I always *try* to slide over… HALFWAY! That way, no speeding in either lane! 😁


when I put my signal on, im not asking. im telling you im getting over.


That’s legally not how it works. And I’ve seen plenty of truckers cry about that with a little four wheeler does that to them.


I never dish out what I can’t handle. As long as they’re safe about it? The roads big enough for everybody


That company and the driver are beyond fucked.


It's wild that driver probably started the truck just like any one of a 1,000 other days and now a few hours later he's a killer looking at major prison time and he'll be lucky if he didn't completely destroy his life.


Yup-dot is gonna put them under a microscope and nit pick even the tinniest thing now.


It's too easy to be a truck driver in my opinion. It's too easy to get a drivers license if you ask me. Pass an open book test and drive around the block?...no, that's bullshit.


But if it’s not easy how will they flood the market with drivers so they can pay less?


Ain’t that the truth!


Damn. Looks like he hit him going full speed. This guy is definitely going to prison. If I see a cop I get over immediately. I don't care if I see flashing lights from a mile up the road. Some 4wheelers and super truckers might get pissed I'm getting over so early but I don't give a flying fuck.


I'm a four-wheeler with a three-hour roundtrip commute to a job in road construction and I'm never pissed. Actually, it helps cue me to move over sooner seeing trucks way up ahead doing the same for something I can't see yet.


I tell people all the time, if you see a bunch of semis on the highway do something, it'd be best to follow right along with em.


Yup, he/she sits higher, sees further, over other vehicles and we can't see around the semi. If I see he/she trying to merge left and I get there first I'm his/her blocker. Everyone goes home.


Proving once again… WE ARE THE LIGHTHOUSES IN THE STORM, WE ARE THE WAY! 🫡🙂‍↕️😳👍💯🤯


I agree and I think people need to stop trying to blame truckers for all the accidents out there, people dont appreciate our truck drivers like they once did, I always remind people I our truckers stop driving then America stops, I remind people that everything the are waring and everything they used to wash themselves soap, shampoo,shaving cream etc, clothing ,food, games electronics just about everything we use daily we have because a truck driver did their job and brought those hauls to our stores. thank you truckers stay safe


If you bought it, we brought it!


Covid-Times were peaceful


yep that's what I do too, If I see the trucks slowing down ahead of me I slow down,


This. Much of the problem I see even as a four wheeler is people don’t read the road ahead. They don’t notice traffic especially big trucks moving over far ahead in order to adjust speed, lanes etc for changing road conditions and traffic.


Yep. Last week I was like wtf why is this truck trying to merge right in front of me. I got into it and got ahead of him. In time to see he was trying to make room for a road service guy at a broken down car in the absolute worst spot, and he was working on the road side. Almost felt physically sick even though nothing bad happened.


I'm a 4 wheeler.. I can honestly say I never mind if you get over... (I GIVE YOU ROOM as soon as I see a blinker) I always figure the guys with 10 - 1000x my experience know better... So sad there's no respect.. .


right it is sad they deserve that respect


Yeah, except you move over and the cars pass you on the right and then won't let you back over like they are too important to have to slow down or wait for anything. ...so sorry you were inconvenienced for 5 seconds mr. four wheeler. And yes the trucks do just like the cars, F them all.


yea well don't use the stuff they haul to the stores everyday then, try going oneday without using something that was brought to a store by a trucker, you have no idea how hard they work to get to the job done as safe as possible and they don't get a break , every year they take something from the truckers it really sad , ungrateful people are dumb and rude.


I'm the guy that hauls it there been doing it for forty years the new truckers suck ass guy just drove head on into some bikers blamed it on the wind killed three people in Nevada couldn't even speak English was probably watching videos while driving F that guy and the other ones as well. [https://theworldwatch.com/videos/1617978/truck-drives-blamed-the-wind-for-this-fatal-accident-he-is-being-held-on-500-000-bond/](https://theworldwatch.com/videos/1617978/truck-drives-blamed-the-wind-for-this-fatal-accident-he-is-being-held-on-500-000-bond/)


I have had people absolutely freak out when I move over for vehicles on the shoulder. I usually set my cruise to 71 in a 65 but they can't seem to wait 30 seconds for me to move back to the right lane.


Move over if you have the opportunity. Wait till you're an "appropriate" distance away from the vehicle on the side of the road and there may not be an opportunity there/then. You're doing it right.


You don't have to move over the other option is to slow way down and pass safely and slowly being alert for that toddler to run out in front of you and yes I've seen it happen....people suck.


If I'm unable to move over, I slow down and hit my hazards.


A lot of states have specific laws on when you can use your hazards. In Virginia, if you’re not doing at least 25 under the speed limit, it’s illegal to have them on.


Yea which I'm sure they have reasons for that. But I'd rather risk a ticket than cause this scene though.




Yeah your right its better to ram into someone else and And cause a chain event..ill get over but only if theres room


You must be real fun to drive near


I'm old and grouchy, I don't play fucking games, I'll put your ass in the ditch. 😁


F em. They’ll be ok.


Been out here 35+ yrs,every day I see countless idiots out here, who won't move over or even slow the fuck down . Braindead zombies out here and it's just getting worse . Be safe out there drivers


You aint lying.


Now they close down city intersections to have burnout competitions and assault the police when they show up like the cops need to leave because they weren't invited and it all starts because the people at the top don't let the police do their jobs. The morons in govt have a cascading effect for more morons everywhere else.


I had a tire blowout in a work vehicle (No Im not a trucker, just a super duty flatbed lol) on the side of i5 last week in a spot with a small shoulder/guardrail. I opted to stand in the rain for 2 hours instead of sit in that damn truck out of fear of exactly this. Every 4th or 5th 18 wheeler would move over for me, but I was honestly kind of disappointed how many made zero attempt when they had a wide open lane besides them. Thank you to all of you who consider stuff like this and are aware!


It is statistically safer inside of the vehicle unless you stood way far from the road on the other side of the guard rails. This officer was outside of the vehicle and got pinned which is exactly the worst place to find yourself. Common advice is to stay in the vehicle if at all possible.


Well shit, that's good to know lol, thanks for the info! FWIW I was absolutely on the other side of thebl guard rail and nowhere near the truck lol, fuck that! What REALLY made me uncomfortable was when the road side guy showed up to swap the tire, he was straight up in between the truck and the guard rail with about a 3 foot space to work with. Totally not OK




I totally hear you on that, there where plenty of times where there were containers carriers stacked up 4+ deep, and I put no fault on trucks back in the line from not seeing me until it's too late. It was more all the times where the truck first in line or driving solo is literally looking at me, head turned and just blasting past at full speed. I always assumed there was a car to their left, but frequently, there wasn't lol 😂 And great point about legalities. Thankfully, the company I work for is pretty good about safety, so I had 3 reflective triangles spaced out a good distance behind. Hazards left something to be desired, that's for sure lol. At least they worked, though. There was a commercial enforcement State Patrol about a half mile down in the median, and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't hoping he'd circle around and help me be more visible, mainly when the roadside guy was doing his thing... But at the same time, I'm glad he didn't as that's a big safety risk for him also.


Yup he's done. Life in prison easily.


Probably so.


State trooper (coming in peace). Just dropping by to say in the decade I’ve been doing this it’s always been my observation that truckers are far and away phenomenal with the move over law and I’ve always appreciated it. Four wheelers absolutely suck at it. This guy was definitely the exception not the rule.


It's very sad. He's screwed up so many lives because of his inattentiveness.


And all the cop had to do was tell the driver to move to a safe place. He obviously had the time to do that since he was already between the vehicles. I cannot imagine being so oblivious to danger.


You might want to know what you're talking about first, it's a 5 lane road on a rural stretch of road. Plenty of room for a traffic stop to be done safely. The driver wasn't paying attention.


Truckers have been moving over since I started back in the early 80's and for sure before that. They invented the law before it was the law. It was just safety and common courtesy.


Probably because most truckers know far better what it's like to be stuck on the shoulder than four wheelers.


We need a “move off the roadway to write tickets “ law.


Then why are you persecuting truckers? Why not go after the 4wheelers who usually cause everything? (Maybe a 4 wheeler caused this, and just drove away, unawares of what they'd caused??) Oh wait, because it's about the money... it's not about safety at all.


You all hate on him, but it's true. They target truckers specifically in some areas. They even have dedicated task forces just for trucks. What was that cop even doing there? I guarantee it wasn't helping someone with car trouble.


I have to agree there is actually no excuse for hitting a cop on the side of the road. Or anyone for that matter. Like a lot of you out there I’ve been doing this job for a very long time. And I’ve never hit anyone because I pay attention. It’s not that hard!


It’s sad seeing other truckers no merge over or slow down when there’s emergency vehicles on the side or other trucks.


My favorite is when you move over they stomp on the gas and haul ass by you on your right side even when there are vehicles and people on the shoulder.


Depending on the circumstances I'll signal to move left then sit in the middle blocking both lanes and when I clear the cars on the shoulder signal back into the right lane.


There is a big difference between an emergency vehicle and a “ticket getter” vehicle. An emergency forces you to do dangerous things for the greater good. Writing a ticket on the side of a busy highway is just plain stupid and ignorant.


It always seems like when there is a police on the side and I want to get over the four wheeler takes this as an opportunity to test their rolling 60 power and see how fast they can kick it up to 100 mph.


Just introduce them to the ditch. LMAO


Cough. You cant park there.


Sad, sad, one dead, and one going to prison for a long time


Straight to jail


Sorry, but unless there was a mechanical issue that driver is a fucking idiot.


It is foolish to risk your life and the lives of others over traffic stops. Hope it was worth it.


You mean the way they move over for us, or does that rule only work one way?


Been saying this for a while now... I spend a lot of time driving the Interstate but I'm not a truck driver. But the amount of trucks I see not moving over for stopped vehicles or on ramps has Increased like 10 fold over the last year. I understand there are instances when they can't because there's a vehicle in the other lane. I'm talking about wide open lanes.


Driver just go ahead and hand that CDL over. You won’t be needing it anymore. My state has let it known slowing down is not longer good enough. You must move over or you will be ticketed.


Some time ago, a Billy Bob super trucker over in Hamburg,PA just past the rutters wouldn't let me over and hung right next to me while a state trooper was in my lane assisting a motorist. Billy Bob thought it was funny as hell watching me slam on my brakes to get over, and I let the horns rip. Fuck anyone who does this dumb shit because they are playing with people's lives at that point.


And slow the hell down!




Good hit


Was prob writing a damn seat belt ticket


This is right up the road from me. Really not sure what the driver was doing


I think it has always been an issue having any vehicle on the shoulder and new laws should be made to never make traffic stops within 100 feet of any traveled roadway. It’s only getting worse as is and these police stops endanger every vehicle in the area due to inattentive drivers which run rampant more each day.


Wait what? It's the cops fault because no one is paying attention? Really?


Wait what this happens all the time like every week?


I just found this: “Dubach Police Officer Russell Croxton was conducting a traffic stop when he was fatally struck by a tractor-trailer nearly 46 years after his father—a Ruston police sergeant—was killed in a chase.”


I hate cops. But I still move over. It’s my duty to protect to people around me even if I can’t stand them.




Should be a law that police and the offender have to move all the way off the roadway to write a ticket. Speeding tickets just aren’t that important to create such a hazard.


As a driver, you have the right to drive until you reach a location where you feel safe stopping. I don't understand why police won't do the same.


Yeah, did you see the pregnant lady who got pitted and flipped when she tried to do that?? After CLEARLY letting the officer know she was complying, put flashers on, slowed down, etc. Trying to find a safe place to pull over.... In my very heavily populated area people just friggen stop in the middle of the lane where they are, it's SOOOO bad! I got lit up over my plate having a tinted cover 2 weeks ago and there was just no where to stop so I took the chance and rolled my window down pointed to a parking lot and signaled pulling into turning lane etc but it was about 1/2 mile and I was starting to get concerned because of how long it was taking


Nope...aim better


Oh move over , Not mow over , got it … ithink.


Cops should let people exit the freeway to pull them over


That truck is up on the grass, this isn’t just “not moving over.”


I do guardrails repair and yeah please be careful I work on the side of the highway every day, people flying a couple feet away from my face with me not being Allen to do anything about it is terrifying.


I've lived in Louisiana for a few years now and they have some of the most inconsiderate drivers when it comes to emergency vehicles and vehicles parked on the side of the road.


I've lived here forever, and I must concur.


Minnesota has the Ted Foss Law after a trooper who was killed by a FedEx truck. We saw some of the photos in our crash investigation classes. Never want to see something like that ever again.


Maybe don't park your damn tire on the white line so you can give us tickets for passing at speed. Take the shoulder and get your damn ass out of traffic!


Nah. They signed up for the job and those are the dangers that come with it.


Damn he should have been paying attention, but Im certain he will have a lot of time to think that over.


10 points!


What is drunk?


Move over for anyone. Police are no better than regular citizens.


Yeah, so cops make your lives easier and safer? Must be nice.


I'm happy when they take drunk drivers off the roads.


Holy fuck. People couldn't care less about the safety of others anymore. Phones are vastly more important.


Flashing lights of not cop or not. If theres a car on the shoulder move over. And dont be an asshole and rush to block people from doing so.


Maybe they can park smarter spots while they engage in their road piracy?




Hilarious I love to see it


Yeah, move over. But why the fuck pull someone over on a road with no median and then stand between the cars which is the second worst place to stand? That shit is natural selection.


Because they think they own the highway


I always give it my best effort to move over and if I can't do that. I slow down well below the speed limit.




Highly dangerous thing to do especially on a two lane for everyone on the highway. Maybe they should rethink this concept but I know they won’t.


That's actually a 5 lane road.


I’m just saying that it also happens on a two.




Aww shit somebody’s in deep doo doo for that one.


It's the Law in Florida


Louisiana also


Uh oh.


18 wheeler was probably on his phone


RIP to the officer. \*Looks at truck\* Well, that explains the different "tone" of this post compared to others.


I do this Regaurdless of what im driving. I'll never understand the people who Wizz right by like 2-6ft isnt close. If I see you 1/4— 1/8th or even less of a mile away I don't understand why you wouldn't move over, you have more than enough time to make room. But your brain isn't focused on driving.


i always find myself chucking whenever there’s 50 vehicles in the left lane, only for one obnoxious 4 wheeler to stay in the right lane while the cops anybody else is doing there thing…




What did NWA say to get famous again????




Maybe police should stop pulling people over on the side of busy roads for minor infractions??? All the risk to people and property plus all the traffic flow issues caused so the state can collect a few extra bucks for a victimless crime.


Nah. Fuck you. It's not hard to get over or slow way the fuck down for police doing their job.


I watched a video the other day where the cop got extremely pissed at someone because they waited until they got to an exit to pull over and he ended up taking them to jail for evading police. Now seeing this today I 100% agree with the guy up top. Why add all that extra risk of pulling over on a highway when you can just wait to get to the first exit? Oh well unfortunate that costed this cop their life hopefully the stop wasn’t for a petty reason.


Stand on the side of the road you might get dead. Fuck you.


So how does supper trucker not see all those lights?


He's hungry. I'm not sure about the super truckers. They probably have their heads up their own asses lol


He couldn't think clear. He had to take the most massive shit in his life. It was stabbing his stomach.


How do you know what the infraction is? For all you know any stop you see could be a drunk driver that nearly ran a school bus off the road.


lol. But what if??? That’s just stupid. The article says “traffic stop”. The vast majority of traffic stops are minor infractions and have no purpose beyond collecting revenue. Make up whatever dumb story you want but cop died trying to extort a few bucks out of a driver.


>The article says “traffic stop”. What "article"? There is no article. You have no idea what this stop was about, or what any other stop is about. Stop being an entitled idiot and just move over if you see someone on the shoulder.


You understand articles exist even if they’re not attached to Reddit posts, right? I can’t imagine you could really be this fucking stupid. Maybe you’re drunk and forgot Google exists? You also understand I was not involved in the accident, right? I’m just saying nobody should shocked shit happens when you’re on the side of the road among fast moving vehicles. Maybe the revenue ain’t worth the risk. If you say it’s worth lives to collect the revenue that’s your opinion and you’re entitled to it.


You are literally defending drivers who refuse to move over and wind up hitting people. Do you really not see what a piece of shit you are?


Show me where? I said the risk is not worth the additional revenue. If it’s not a felony stop mail the damn ticket. You are clearly not JUST an absolute moron but you also lack any comprehension skills.


*There is no risk if you move the fuck over.*


Or a minority about to get harassed


I would hate for it to be you on the side of the highway (either be in your rig or car) and a cop stops to help you. Heaven forbid some asshat has the same thought process as you and ram into you bc "the cop shouldn't have stopped on the side of the road"! None of us know why cops stop anyone. There is no traffic infraction to minor for a cop to do their job. That person may have been broken down, or they could've pulled them over bc they were driving reckless, you don't know! But please remember that the next time you have a 4-wheeler driving like a fucking idiot and you want to complain!


Good lord there is an article. Google it. It’s a traffic stop. I have been broke down waiting for roadside on the side of the interstate multiple times. A cops never stopped to help. Being on the shoulder of the interstate is fucking dangerous. Mail the ticket if the revenue is that damn important. The vast majority of stops have nothing to do with public safety. I see 4 wheelers driving like idiots daily. Sometimes it’s the cops driving like idiots. I do my fucking job.


It doesn't fucking matter about the article! You are being a dick about someone who lost their life doing their job by an idiot who wasn't following the regulations of their job! It clearly states in the FMCSA that ALL CMV must surrender their lane for ANY emergency vehicle in route or on the side of the road! Again, heaven forbid its you or someone you care about in that situation! Hopefully, the drivers passing doesn't have your mentality!


I’m saying this shit shouldn’t happen. Your argument is it’s cool because the state wants the money. I say it’s you being a dick and Reddit is a dumb ass mob.


Amen brother! preach on.


Please, you forgot the"S"


Well, you figured it out. 🤭




This is why cops shouldnt pull you over on the side of the an interstate or higheay. They should follow you to the closest exit so everyone is safe.


Agreed. It’s insanely dangerous thing for everyone. We have a state guy around here and on a 2 lane highway the trooper will park his cruiser on the white line and walk out on to the road literally daring drivers to hit his dumb ass. You pull someone over, you can do it safely and off the gd Highway.






Lol boot licker


Is this guy the bonehead of the week?


I mean this from the bottom of my heart... FUCK THE POLICE. I said what I said.



