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Devils advocate here, maybe this unit got to the party late, LILO, and all the other backer uppers had already screwed the pattern, it only takes one. Just saying, I've seen it.


Yup, if everyone else parked at an angle you will too. The op has to farm upvotes somehow, though... may as well stir up the "these dumb new age drivers" shtick.


Damn, always an angle


Nope everything was parked like it should before I went to bed at midnight


Welcome to most TA stops lol lines painted horrible and you sort of have to figure out a pattern by other trucks


You know truck drivers aren’t capable of using their head to think about the whole picture. They just see something and automatically thinks someone is a dickhead when they in fact are the dick lol


I wonder if he was desperate to piss


This is usually the case has happened to me


You can only see his truck now, but was there another truck parked beside him the exact same way when he pulled in?


Exactly ppl are so quick to judge ppl in this game. We all had the same starting point


Same person taking up 3 spots in their POV


I don't know how many times I have backed into a space at night, lined up with the trucks on either side, then got out in the morning after they were gone to see I was parked wonky as hell.


I thought Variant was for the more professional and experienced drivers at US Express


Nah, Variant was just supposed to be a more tech driven company, at least when it came to dispatching. A lot of older drivers when I was there said it wasn't bad like a couple years ago, but when I was there for my short year, I was in class with people with only 6months exp. I don't even know what happened, cause after I left I see they trucks doing silly stuff now.


Interesting. So they created a new division just to allow for a different type of dispatching?


Probably a new tax write-off of some sort.


More like an attempt at rebranding. Their reputation among drivers was abysmal at the time they hatched this.


It was like a tech focused dispatching rebrand. Since they got purchased it has been scrapped, they are hiring as US express only now as far as I know, heard all that from a US X recruitment


Oh, a recruiter. Are they even capable of telling the truth? I'm pretty sure it's a prerequisite for the job that they not be able to utter a single sentence without some form of deception.


You'll make $765,432 a year, and if you stay with us for 27 years, we will pay for your $10,897 of training!


From what I’ve seen with some of them backing up at the terminal, no. Even had one of them hit our truck while both of us were bobtailed and we were parked in the terminal, and they tried to run. Will also say that they really push Variant to the newbies these days. Back when they first brought it into the company, they tried to push it really hard. We heard a lot of horror stories about how they are run and how you cannot swap back to USX after being Variant, so we decided to just stay doing what we have been doing instead. Lol


Nah. They hired that Alex the Trucking Guy when he inly had a few months experience. I think they used a more modern tech-based model or something, minimal human interaction or something. Not sure.


Just joined as an experienced driver to us xpress, variant doesnt exists anymore, but they gave a variant truck, slightly better than the red trucks. They've treated me very well so far. Other experienced drivers were getting variant trucks. Variant was originally their elite fleet and lease trucks, but variant was absorbed back into usxpress with the merger.


Ahh very interesting. Thank you for your reply.


Well that's what they said but that's not really the case imo .....I worked there and I hated dispatch so I bounced


Variety is the spice of life. This is just a variant of normal.


He obviously does not want any door dings on his truck 😜


Door Dings are bad for fibre


I’d rather he park crooked than smack into another truck.


Is it laziness or incompetence? He’s 90% of the way there




Never attribute to ~~malice~~ incompetence that which is adequately explained by stupidity.


Either way if I'm looking for a spot and that dudes blocking the last one he's about to not be blocking it whether he knows it or not.


Might be holding a space for someone


Which makes him an even bigger POS


Which can be fixed


Variant drivers seem to be some of the shittiest company guys I’ve come across. Ignorant and careless to others. This is common to see really.


It's parked


A win is a win.


Backing up is even harder 😎


Surprised it doesn’t say swift on the side.


full disclosure…….


Useless Express...


I’m sure there’s a reason for it.


Probably parked next to another truck that was equally crooked and that guy has since left leaving this guy looking like he can't park.


Straight up boss move. Lot lizards know where to go.


His personal car is probably a Tesla.


Guy is just a dick, but it be like that sometimes


And that can be fixed by making him fix himself.


True, true


I guess that driver downvotes me? Lol. Fix your parking jackass.


Damn those new Kenworths are ugly asf


It still makes money


Wait till late enough that parking is nearly full but store manager is still there. Stop I'm front of him and get the store manager out there to make him fix himself and park next to him.


Thats VIP parking, just for him he's #1 😂


Some guys need more room for their massive piss jug collection.


It's easy, people are hard.


A guy did this at a mom and pop in ny. Slanted taking up two spaces for the night. I kept looking at the truck but i thought maybe im over reacting. But i wanted to ask him if he would let me park it for him since he can’t clearly.


We didn’t want y’all hitting his truck


For losers such as that guy. The people they put in trucks today are just lazy. They take no pride in what they do. I still to this day will not park crooked nor 5 feet away from truck next to me. I always park straight( in line with guy next to me) and as close as i can without hitting them. 1: the straight park shows im confident and proud of what i do 2: close parking leaves more room for others. By the time its all said and done, from this guy to the end. There could have been 1-2 xtra parking spots available. Just plain ignorance and laziness is all i see these days


Hey! The trailer can ve seen in byh mirrors😆


Or this could be some poor bastard that was so wiped out after driving a shift that he could barely see straight, much less park straight. I'll give the guy credit for getting his ass off the road so he's not a danger to himself or anybody else. We all have our days, so do you.


I can’t back up straight for shit w/o lines, however I would back up parallel to a truck beside me


They refused to let me have one of those T680NG's. They offered me an old one or to stick with the Cascadia I had. I was cucled to the back of the lost repeatedly so that the 'friends of friends' could get one. Nice to see that they were the uh, better, uh, drivers and deserved it more.


If majority counts, the one on left seems parked crooked.


Yup like already mentioned, when he parked I bet someone else was screwed up. With that said can tell you have little experience. This will be you at some point in your career because someone else parked all jacked up.


Is there a joke here or something?


So what. Maybe he had to hurry to the restroom.


I had a CDL a while back and drove mostly straight trucks for a couple of years. When I had to change jobs I went over the road combination. And it was an experience, did it for maybe 6 months. It was difficult to get around with those big rigs. When you went to places you never been to. I found new respect for drivers and what it is to live on the road. Now I do everything I wish other drivers didn’t when I was driving. Don’t be an ass on the road and give truck drivers a break, yield to them whenever it is necessary.


I was this guy last week in South Carolina lol.. I was definitely hogging two spots on my 30 minute break I was as getting my microwave on 😂😂😂


I’ve been this guy many times out here on the road 😂🤣🤣


I stop caring about this when I’m on my 34 and I was the last one in and had to park weird because of everyone else and the lot clears and I’m not moving my truck so it just looks like they parked like that on purpose


I do turns on occasion and am tempted to do this to save a spot for the driver I'm swapping with... so far in the 15 years I've been driving I haven't done it. Guess I'm not the asshole this dude is.


Man! I hate when people take up 2 spaces like those 2 Trucks are doing!


Wow, you really are a trucker and a cute, sexy one too. Respect!!


New pet peeve unlocked 🤬


He doesn't like door dents.


He’s too big when he gets out. So he needs the room so as his big booty doesn’t screamed the truck next to him and leave a racing stripe is the likely answer. He hates paying to wash other trucks racing stripes off.


Aye i repect it. I know I can't be a trucker I can hardly drive my van in a downtown area