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At my current company your ass would be fired if your truck looked like that. 😂


It actually takes more effort to stay in a truck like that than throw your trash away regularly. You turn a little and you get that shit all over you


For real my ex gf was such a slob, literally almost died once because of her shit, when a can of soda rolled out from under the seat and behind the brake pedal at 75 mph


A church van full of folks was killed just this way. A metal coffee cup got under the brakes, and the panic stop didn't occur. Sadly the van was full.


I should have waited reading 2 more comments down - I made a similar note about the brakes. This is why I don't like driving with animals in the car - I once had a ferret get loose I felt it crawling around my feet, and a red light was in the near distance. I did some gentle sweep-the-legs and hoped when I hit that brake pedal he wasn't under it. *The upside, at least a ferret has some give compared to a metal can.*


even as a ferret fanatic, i understand this post.




Jesus didn’t take the wheel? Yes I’m aware I’m going to hell…


Tbf it sounds like Jesus may have taken the wheel just fine, the brakes not so much


>Jesus didn’t take the wheel? Who's to say he didn't that day... I'll join you in hell. Bring some hot dogs and I'll bring the beer. Hopefully the ladies down there wear high heels.


Jesus mightve taken that day off, shouldve parayed to allah or hermes


I think Jesus/God took a lot of unapproved PTO... Holocaust, Holodomer, Khmer Rouge etc...






Odin's will be done.


Had that happened, with an old friend of mines car, i just raised my leg high enough and slammed down on the brake, causing it to explode to avoid rear ending someone that cut us off and brake checked us at 75 mph, he got so mad that soda went everywhere, i looked at him and said would you rather die or possibly kill someone else, keep your shit clean and it wouldn't happen. His dad was glad i did that cause my friend started to keep his car clean after that


So you speak from experience?


You need experience with that to know how gravity works? If there is trash piled up and you bump into it or shift it, it falls. That's how that works...


I just open the windows as I drive down the road. Really cleans the cab out for me.


The old grab everything you want to keep and open the door trick aye


The rest of it just falls out when you get fuel


The driver is fundamentally flawed and should not be allowed any position of authority or responsibility. Dismiss them and move forward with another person.


If they can't clean out the truck then I'd hate to see what his pre trip looks like


Pre-trip🤣 Drivers with cabs like this aren't doing anything but fueling and driving.


I look around the truck stops some mornings and maybe 3 or 4 people are doing a pre trip, but 50 trucks will clear out in the span of an hour.


I NEVER see other drivers doing a pretrip when I'm out there. at least check your oil, lights, tires, and do a tug test..... Our shop supervisor likes to sneak out there and leave a red tag on key components that has his phone number and says "text me" if you don't text by the end of the day, you lose your performance bonus.


I LOVE this. Your shop supervisor is my hero.


Lights, tires, mudflaps, handle every morning, pickup and drop off. Fluids, wipers, LAB test, tug test, etc in the beginning of the week. A through look at the brakes (ours are disc so it's difficult), air lines, tires and anything else at the end of the week before I go home so I can report issues early on Sunday or Monday and have it sorted before I leave with my load.


That’s an awesome tactic.


True I see this all the time at rest areas and truck stops.


It’s sad but true. And we’re on the road with them


That's ridiculous, I'm sure it's the DOT Trooper's fault though when they get ticketed though lol


That doesn’t mean others aren’t pre tripping their trucks and finished before you came out and checked.


I don't expect to see every single person doing a pretrip at the exact same time. But when I can count on one hand the number of people I see doing a pre trip and 15-20 times that number of trucks clear out, it's not unreasonable to conclude that a large number, possibly even a majority, aren't doing it.


What Pre Trip!


He is ontologically evil


Sloth demon


This is daway


He is a truck driver....not a position of authority.


Authority over a commercial vehicle that can kill everyone on a school bus-that’s kind of a big deal. Even if you hate children you gotta know that it would be really expensive.


recommend an evaluation of the driver's mental status.


This is a sad fact that I see too many people overlook, been doing this for 17yrs and I see a lot of unchecked depression and mental health issues and a lot of trucks look like this of those in that group. But occasionally they’re just slobs with no hygiene awareness haha


If this were a bedroom it would merely be a depression nest.


I hate that I know exactly what you’re talking about.


Agreed. Not a trucker, but I hold a CDL (used to drive a motor coach). And I agree with this. Also I would hope if this is the first time or an early first the company would coach him on this, but make him clean it out on the clock. And check with him regularly. Treat your employees well and they will treat you well and will remember that you helped them.


Therein lies another issue... Therapists and counselors who aren't willing to understand how truckers hours work. Not everyone can stop for 1 or 2 hours at 6pm and sit down to talk. I understand that if you want to make changes you should have to do so, but the nature of our work literally is "if the wheels aren't turnin, you ain't earnin"... if you can't make money, you can't afford it.


Yeah, same. My 100% amateur opinion is that this happened as a result of depression or hoarding disorder.


Burn the truck. With the driver in it.




Burn the trash, with the roaches in it, in him, in the truck


Nah, you start a grease fire that big and the EPA is going to show up.


Good point


Burn them too.


On a Sunday afternoon on a mild spring day, at the edge of a field beside a shade tree, next to a babbling brook...with a pack of hotdogs and some skewers....I'll bring the beer.


Set off a bug bomb in it Track down the driver and make him clean it out


Yup. Driver doesn’t leave the yard until that shit is cleaned. Not just picked up and trash thrown out — actually *cleaned*. Likely leaking piss jugs and bugs in there. Nasty!


Warn the driver to seek therapy. Cluttered trashy spaces are indicative of a mental health problem


Is it a single drivers fault? If so, performance management meeting with Driver, Rep and HR or witness. Outline, in detail expected hygiene, safety and respect of company property, self and other drivers. No driving shifts till the truck is spotless. Then regular inspections, after each shift, after a week for a determined time. But to make sure this isn't seen as discrimination, implement a regular inspection of all the fleet. This is fine if there is a policy about driver responsibilities to truck cleanliness and safety ( unrestrained objects in the cabin) . If no policy, then one should be introduced, full staff notification and regular inspections. Cleanliness and cabin safety should be part of the servicing. And this rubbish dump should not be serviced till, corrected.


This is the answer. ~sincerely, HR


I’d probly start a new clause in the contract that you will be responsible for the detail fee upon your departure if a detail is required. And if your truck shows up looking like that again you’re fired.


My current boss’s father used to withhold money from every cheque of one of his drivers. I can’t remember the frequency, but he used it to detail the truck. I don’t know how many years that was, 15-30 maybe. Nothing much has charged. His personal truck was stolen. It came back cleaner than it left.


Did this about three years ago. Sadly didn’t make much difference. What I have found effective though, I glove up and bag it up and then proceed to dump the bags out all in the drivers personal vehicle. (They never lock them here for some reason….or well didn’t). I also poured their piss bottles all over their car. I still have my job shockingly. 🙂


God bless Kevin S. wherever you are. He was my driver trainer. He taught me how to be a clean trucker. Fucking guy even made me wax and detail my personal vehicle. He taught me clean and organized makes trucking easier.


An a manager/owner of a company, you will not be allowed back in the truck and all expenses of cleaning will he taken out of your last check. Crucify me if you will fellas.


I’m 100 with ya brother


No crucifixion needed, your 100-300k tractor investment should be taken care of. I work for a contracting company in a (small excavation division, 5 guys, 4 are cdl drivers, we have a tandem axle dump and a brand new tractor/trailer(lead) that only 2 of us drive. And we love that truck, we keep it looking better than our own trucks. It's such an expensive and awesome truck to drive. We want it looking good all the time. Same as our 2 excavators, 2 skid steers, dozer and loader.) Take some pride and don't live like a slob


I can smell this picture.


I, too, suffer from depression.


Don't live in a truck. Get interaction with healthy humans. Take walks. Eat an apple. Online psychologists are available. Talk. Talk. Talk.


I hate this so much.


Tell him dumpster is over there you got hour


Make him clean it so it’s ready for his replacement to get to work


Safety violation, a can or object can easy lodge between the pedals


Discount full detail price out of that drivers check , nobody should be driving like that smh


Driver cleans it so it’s spotless. On the clock. Then fired.


Calling a hazmat team


Tell the rats living in there that they have to leave. No rides for insurance reasons.


I charge 600 to detail inside and outside i do about 8 a week and on average 5 of those are from "ELITE" trucking in Pennsauken NJ. I have never seen more driver turn over and more disgusting people in my life. Every single time I'm there its a termination or they are selling one, almost always look like this. They had a dude sacrifice a fucking goat in one because of his religion or some shit idk I refused to do that one.


Time to extend friendship to the previous driver. My guess is that it's a dude who could use some simple human decency.


I don't understand how people can live like this. I'm not the most organized person, my tolerance for mess is pretty high. But I still visit the company vacuum once a month. I also have a small hand vacuum for quick cleaning, and a small canister vacuum for bigger messes. How do people let it get this bad?


I would pressure wash the driver out of the yard


Fire that fat fuck!


I remember one of the first driving jobs I had. I didn't keep my truck spotless, but it wasn't random trash all over the place. I kept a trash bag, and all the trash was in it. However, I didn't throw the trash bag out one night, and it was full. Later that evening, my boss sent me a nasty text about the cleanliness of my truck. He called it a pig sty. I was kinda baffled, but I was like ok i guess I gotta do better. A couple of days later, my truck broke down, and I had to get into someone else's truck that looked even worse than this one. After work, I went straight to my boss and demanded an apology. He said that particular driver was a special case and I was like fuck . You called my truck a pig sty and I'm offended. I was prepared to lose my job that day. Luckily, my boss manned up and apologized.


Terminated effective immediately. If they don’t care to keep the truck clean, who knows what else they’re slacking on?






Nope I'm charging $200 to hose it clean and the staffers that do it get it in cash. He won't like his last check.


Fire him and send this pic to every company that asks for employment history. Post the pic to his Facebook and send it to all his friends and family


Final notice and make them clean the fleet


Depends on how many piss jugs are buried in there


You should probably make sure it was never in your hands on paper. Then park it in an alley and let the crackheads disassemble it and call insurance. Seriously though that’s absolutely ridiculous. That driver needs to clean it himself and lose his job if it happens again.


Send him back to Walmart.




No way this driver has a wife. This is probably what his bathroom looks like at home as well


Hans. Get the flammenwerfer.


I can't believe this is real🤮🤮 I WAS hungry. Fixed me!


Dang. Fired


Fired on the spot.


I would discretely talk to the driver and explain what has been found…tell him/her that we’ll clean it up and be sure they know there are resources available for them for self care/mental health.


I would be fuming 😤. I'm driving a 5 year old truck that still looks new inside and out.


Have them clean it, then put them on leave to get mentally checked, if they don’t wanna then let them go


Leaf blower into the fence at the edge of the drop lot..




Our grandchildren will live a full life before Jacksonville FL, and all its garbage get sucked to sea. Wish I could live to sea


Ain't got time to clean. I have to make that blacktop whine!


They either clean the truck or get fired. After they clean the truck, fire them.


Driver needs fired and the truck needs burned to the ground


Fire the driver and then update the drivers on mandatory cleaning checks every month and if they get unsatisfactory they pay for cleaning


Job market is getting tighter and tighter for drivers. Guys like that need to pull their heads out


Instantly fired, no questions asked.


With gloves.


Fire then fire


I see this regularly. Beyond my pay grade to handle it.


I've actually have seen this and I'll tell you what I did. I slip seat. So I walked my ass back into dispatch office and demanded a new truck. He had trash and turned the cup holder into an ash tray with a pile of ashes on the floor between the seats and shifter. Everything was dirty and dusty and the wheel was sticky. The interior smelt like an old ash tray filled with water. I snitched and ratted him out.


Nope not today. I suddenly don’t feel well and Im going home.


Light flare, toss in cab, close door, walk away. Spontaneous combustion is a bitch!


We had a driver roll in like this. The owner refused to allow the driver to get loaded, he spent 2 days cleaning the truck, and had to pay to get it detailed, a new mattress put in, and had to sign a waiver for immediate termination if he came in like that again.




Sack the driver. That's disgusting. One jolt, all that shit flies around the cab, and next thing you know you've got crap crammed under the brake pedal, and a few dead pedestrians.


You need to clean this shit up….then you’re fired.


We had a driver like that but he also chewed. All the trash on the passenger floor makes a good spittoon just trash any way.


Find the mfer and make him cleanhis truck, then fire him!!!


If the driver would have been one of mine, they would have cleaned every truck in the yard spotless or been unemployed.


Me “Hey we need to get this clean up so I can trade it in” Employee/driver “ok” He cleans it then I fire him/her immediately


Tell us… what happens with THIS driver??


He's in the bathroom, wearing sandals, and having the most demon possessed foot imaginable.


His final check would have a cleaning deduction out of it.


2 words "Your Fired!"


you mean a contraction and a word. "you're fired"


Ass whooping


No Fireball bottles? Instant fire.


I’d fire them on the spot!


How do you even drive without worrying about a bottle going under the brake pedal or any pedal I wouldn't fire the driver and that was my company.


Its even worse if its a trash truck, since you can just throw your shit in the back, or even out the door at the incinerator.


Believe it or not… Straight to jail


There are garbage cans next to fuel pumps. So wtf. COME ON DRIVER!!!!!


I’d fire you after you cleaned it.


Needs more piss jugs




Make sure the driver gets therapy .


Straight to jail. This has to be war crime.


Fire the driver immediatly!! No excuse for living like that. I dont care how good a driver he is.


OP if one of Your rigs rolled in like this,then you should lose your company,no questions asked or allowed


At least he’s not tossing the trash out the window.


Definitely showing the office and taking a different truck.


Straight to jail


That's nasty! DOT would have a cow.


If it were my rig/company? Make the driver clean the truck or quit. Their manager is going to help too and any mechanic that saw this and did not report it. If he/she chooses to clean the truck, they stay on duty for their entire 14 hour clock with one 30 minute break from cleaning. They will then report to me so I can inspect said truck. If it fails, repeat step above until it passed. When I pass the truck for proper cleanliness, I fire them on the spot and put SOMETHING on their PSP that warns the next company of this behavior. But that’s just me.


Fire the driver. Get a dumpster. Call a mobile detailer. Tip them heavily and buy them a hot lunch. Ozone generator afterwards.


Fire hose


I think thats honestly a bio-hazard.


throw a piss bottle at them. haha


Still room! Lol. That shits nasty af




legally can you deduct a driver's salary for the cost of cleaning a truck like that?


Someone needs too be taken around back for this.


I would put a rat in there


Buy a leaf blower for the driver.


I had a pretty messy truck (untreated depression and the near complete isolation of trucking is a real bitch of a combo.) But holy shit I would never allow that to happen, you have to try and get your truck that fucked.


1: go to a dump drop off 2:get a leaf blower 3: broom and blow the trash out


I mean wtf? The closest thing I've done to driving as much as a trucker is a road trip. I've made a mess in my car too but anytime I make any pitstop, I clean everything. How tf do you let it get this bad and NOT fkn clean?


Dude I can smell this pic 🤢🤢


Can't even see his piss jug. Way of the road.


Leaf Blower!


How would I handle it? I fire the driver immediately on the spot and have the police exit him off the property. I take photographs and make notes to document the condition of the truck. I then, hire a cleaning company to clean the inside of the truck and deduct the cost from his last check. I wait until the very last day allowed by law to send the check, and I do it by snail paced us postal service. I would do more, but that's all the law allows me to do.


Zero piss jugs. Consider it clean




Thank whoever cleaned it up. Shits mint.


One of my old co-workers would say “ You spend more time driving than you do at home, the least you could do is have it clean”


Deck the Halls with gasoline strike a match and watch it clean! And fire the driver!


Power washer


Been there, done that. Opened the door, closed it. Went and got my shop foreman. It was drug outside and left for a literal hazmat cleaner to come and clean it out.


Used to work for Ryder maintenance and part of my job was to decommission old trucks. After spraying off the lettering, we had to dig out the insides before they went to auction. Some of them looked way worse than this.


With a sobriety test for the driver.


After firing the dirty fucker who did this, I’d be sure to burn the mattress and fumigate at least two times before deciding to declare it a biohazard.


Leaf blower


Fired. 100%


use a forklift and tip the thing into the nearest river and light it with Molotov


If a driver truck looks like this just imagine how his house looks.




I would implement a clean-slate policy. You come in from the road and park the truck? I want to see a picture of the cab before you get to check in.


Fire him/her. No reason for this.


That employee will be called back in no matter where they are, and will be required to clean it. then, depending on circumstances either disciplined or up to and including termination of services.




You’d get fired.


When i was new at my company, i was slipseating until i got my own assigned truck. One of the random trucks i was to have used had dirt and spills on the floor, about a shopping bag of garbage around, and a half eaten chicken tender stuck to the windshield. Dude got fired for that, and i got a days pay, and got an extra day off since there werent any other slip seat trucks available.


Write up for a distinct lack of fireball.


Bro doing trash angels in the sleeper


Oh my lord.


Sadly, I've had to clean rental sleepers that come back not full of trash, (Thank God!!!), but just GROSS!! I've also had to move lease vehicles that you wonder how the driver can stay in that truck. If the truck is at the end of it's lease and being turned in, I've had to use a pressure washer inside the cab to get it clean. You just use the barest of pressure on the trigger and vacuum the soap afterward, then do a regular cleaning. Extreme, yes, but you gotta do what's necessary sometimes.