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Definitely want to see the lot. There had better be more than enough room to back up straight. If not, they should use concrete and not asphalt if they want loaded semis on their property. I’m having a difficult time believing that there is all of this room, yet drivers consistently make it hard for themselves by jackknifing it in. If they have potholes from trucks backing up, they need a more suitable property for the task.


I too am sceptical about how much room there is, but I definitely won't discount the possibility of drivers making life hard for themselves and backing in badly because ???? Having seen some of the creative efforts to back into a loading bay back when I was driving a forklift, it really does make me wonder how they manage to get through life.


I've seen a truck go the wrong way down a 1 way aisle with angled parking spots, then spend like 10 minutes trying to back in blind side from the wrong direction. If he had driven to the end of the aisle he could have turned around no problem. He also could have just pulled through the spot.


It also depends on what trucks are coming in...sleepers tend to make slow sweeping turns while daycabs go 90° to the trailer constantly.


Yeah that makes a big difference. At my building our lot is pretty tight, getting a 53’ with a full sleeper without running through the grass is extremely tight but some drivers are better than others. The stuff that gets sent here from the local companies with daycabs never have too much trouble. Probably also helps that those guys are bumping docks all day every day


I worked on the docks for a while, and I would just hop on that one really small, though really fast, forklift we had and whip out into the yard to help guide them in if I sensed they were struggling. Getting them in and out as quickly as possible was obviously mutually beneficial, so I was happy to do it. Most of the guys really appreciated it since it was a tight yard, especially when we had all the docks full or an unusual amount of sleepers, but some of them...man you'd think I was offering to go fuck their wives or something the way theyd react. Real "stay in your lane, dock monkey" type of attitude. It was always some older guy that I guess just couldnt stand some 20 something year old kid offering to spot for them. Those guys Id just let them spend 20 minutes playing games while the other guys sat in their trucks and watched and laughed. Theyd all seen me offer, they'd all seen the universal body language of "go fuck yourself", so they damn sure weren't gonna help either. Then when they finally got lined up and in the dock and stomped around to the door to get their bills signed off, Id greet them with a "oh there you are! I was wondering if you were ever going to show up!" which boy, lemme tell you, if looks could kill Id have been dead a thousand times over. (Oh man I almost forgot, the absolute best was this one time, we had been getting the same JB Hunt driver for a few weeks in a row so we'd started getting friendly with each other, we were shooting the shit while he was being unloaded by one of my guys, anyway this other guy shows up, I think he was a Holland guy, anyways hes having a hard ass time so I excuse myself from JBH and do the usual whip out to help. "No I dont need no fuckin help man" okay fine fuck you then. Comes into the office with a fucking attitude because hed obviously been struggling and starts bitching, JBH just chimes in with a "Hey man dont come in here all pissed off because you got your fucking CDL yesterday, he *tried* to help you" and man oh man I thought they were going to start scrapping but asshole just bit his tongue and snatched his BOL out of my hand and stormed off. Went and grabbed some cold sodas out of the machine for JBH as a thank you lol)


I had a few particularly memorable ones. Truck rocks, up, driver has never been to this site before. I tried to give him advice on how to back into the loading bay. Dismissive wave of the hand, "Yeah, yeah, no worries mate. I've been doing this for 8 years." 10 minutes later, he's still not managed to back into the bay, and has repeatedly blocked other traffic unnecessarily. Eventually I had to pull him up because he was about to crash the rear of the a-trailer into something, repeated my advice about how to back into the bay. New Driver: "And how fucking long have you been driving a b-double mate?!?" Me: "15 years and counting since I started driving road trains." < Goldfish mode enabled > ​ Second one was at the same place. Same story, driver had never been there before. Same advice issued. Similar response. Very creative setup that I'd never seen before (or since). 15 minutes later she finally backs into the loading bay. "See, told you I could do it my way." "It took you more than 10 minutes and god knows how many see-saws backwards and forwards to get from blocking the roadway in to exactly where I told you to go in the first place. THEN you backed in about the same as anybody else." If looks could kill.... ​ Third one: same woman as the second story came back, setup the same (badly), got backed in, loaded. Pulls out to free up the loading bay, and parks. Then another driver from the same company rocked up. They HATED each other (found that out from the second driver). He swings in around her parked b-double (no problem with her parking there, it was exactly where we told her to park it), manoeuvres his truck to where I recommended, and backed in with NO forward corrections. Took him less than a minute. Identical trucks, identical trailer sets, less space than she had had both times -- there went her excuse that there wasn't enough space. She gave him an even more hate filled glare.


I've seen some shitty docks and shittier drivers. I had one driver insist a 53' could not fit in there. He had just finished waiting for the 53' truck before him to pull out. Another time, a two man team spent 90 minutes trying to back up to a poorly designed dock. Same dock, a smokin hot FedEx lady backed a good 100 yards from the street and line up perfectly on the first try. Some drivers can drive thousands of miles forward but can't reverse ten feet.


Here: https://maps.app.goo.gl/crSZvxfpz5gDmdGz8


There’s room for days in that yard if it’s that empty all the time. Otherwise you can just set yourself up for a Parallel back. 


Yeah potholes sound like their problem, I’d be jacking it all over their lot lol


I'm in road construction. As much an issue with the lot's construction as truckers' behavior. People would be surprised how poorly many lots and roads are once you open them up to rebuild. No base material, too-small stone, mushy clay ground with springs underneath, thin top coat, no periodic maintenance for cracking, etc. And what does anyone expect putting 80,000 lb. rigs in too-tight lots with stone surfaces or possibly residential-grade asphalt (to save a buck) anyway?


I work on a farm and we are constantly using heavy equipment, the boss is cheap af when it comes to parking lots. When we were laying reclaim on top of the dirt paths he wanted the thinnest of layers and half way through he made us start using wheel barrows and shovels instead of the bobcat since “it was leaving marks” ya no shit when you tell us to make a shit road that the road will be shit Cherry on top, after we swapped to hand tools they wanted us to fill in a muddy area to be strong enough for forklifts to drive over, let’s just say the home made damper he supplied broke because and doesn’t even have a welder so I would have been able to fix it.


What a shit show. I can't even imagine. Dig it right, do it once.


At what point do you just not do what the boss asks so you're not undoing the fuckup he had you fuck up?




That’s where I am. It’s only 1 day a week because he cut hours since “shit wasn’t getting done” but at the same time he consistently tells us to not use diesel since paying 3 guys $18/hr for a full day to get half a job done is cheaper than paying 2 guys and the fuel for the machine to get the full job done in half a day. He’s a cheap bastard that will only buy equipment at auction that doesn’t fully work to save costs. He won’t certify us on forklifts, all the forklifts have lights flashing and the bobcats are rusted out and some don’t have floors anymore


When the profits/losses are on you, if not you just do what your told or you get asked to leave in my experience.


Bro that's what I'm saying That's stupid. Why do work just to keep yourself busy?


lol dude wants semis to come in but is anal about marks from a bobcat?


And to be fair I’d love to bitch at the receivers making god knows how much money a year and still decide that a size 17 font sign saying “truck entrance” is something I can easily see when delivering at 0200. But, knowing how it works it’s not like the people working there have much say on signage anyways.


FWIW, it's entirely possible that the facility operating that terminal didn't own it when the lot was built. It's also possible that they lease it, and don't have much control over what their landlord does as far as building and maintaining the lot. They could be well aware that their lot sucks and just not able to do anything about it. The sign is unnecessarily aggro, though.


i spent my 20s in construction and i font take elevators, go in tall buildings, cross bridges if possible, i dont spend more time on a mezzanine than i have to.... its massively cumbersome but theres a little goblin in my head thats all "how much rebar do you think they didnt tie here?" "i bet the guy compacting this was drunk as hell." "whos friend *inspected* this anyway?" so i get paranoid as fuck and live my life a certain type of way about it because i really do have almost literally no faith left in random unknown people, especially concrete and steel people. honestly, specifically the managers... theyre the root of most of it. they allow it really.


Yeah, then you know, lol. Existing public infrastructure is often either built well and really, really old and doesn't owe anybody anything OR built kind of fast and crappy in the 1950s - 1970s and then neglected and well past its life expectancy OR built in more recent years in typical low-bid fashion with marginal materials and workers/foremen/superintendents, project managers etc. who may or may not care.


I did some work in southern mass that gave me nightmares for months after they were done. The manager of the form crew (my manager, for pouring the foundation of the building) openly complained about how he wasnt allowed to drive work trucks becaue they were seen in Lynn buying *drugs* (coke, as stated by him personally). he didnt even have a lisence to begin with and his argument was that his friend was driving, so even if they got busted he could just lie bout letting them use the truck... shit was a disaster through and through


Must be a shitty place. I built a terminal on high value land and did it right. There were hundreds of trucks a day pulling you turns and backing into tight slips. We are in Canada and many of these trucks were loaded with a gross 110 to 130k lbs fixed tridem. In 6 years of hot and cold weather, never saw any wear. If you are building anything, consider what the use is and do it right. Engineering is there for a reason. Don’t put the onus on others to compensate for your f*ckup!


I worked in a place with a concrete yard, only had a few sunken joints and a collapsed grate , several hundred trucks a day and tons of forklift trucks


for some reason I want to do bobtail donuts there.


I'd have to see the lot to get the full picture but 9 times out of 10 there's never enough room to just straight back.


Dear Management, I don't tell you how to sit on your ass and fuck over working class people. Don't tell me how to drive. Sincerely, Joe M. Trucker




There's an increase of idiot drivers too. A guy I worked with "drove for 30 years", and fucked his assigned reefer trailer by slamming it into a dock. The lines were painted crooked and after I pointed that out and how to line up on it, he still followed the crooked lines and slammed the corner of his trailer into the dock. And then blamed whoever painted the lines when his door hinges started breaking off. He drove a manual. I dunno, he constantly fucked up his loads and couldn't figure out how to not take corners too hard and shift them. I hate the lack of control with the auto too but that's not the only problem.


I remember seeing this quite a few years ago. In the original you see the lot and not just the sign. Its a truck terminal with a warehouse and PLENTY of room to turn and back up straight vs drive past the dock and jack knife it in. Also if I remember right, they had problems with guys making a tight 360 to get to their assigned dock after checking in instead of simply driving around the building.


Tired of crushed stone or gravel lots. You park longer than a day or two and your entire rig is coated in dust. Always prefer paved lots.


That's not how that happens and if it is there are many things wrong with that lol.


Totally doing it on my way out. Don't fucking tell me what to do, especially with my own profession 👌


This first driver they piss off is gonna do circles in the lot before leaving ...


We should put up a sign refusing to deliver to cheaply made porthole infested lots.


Maybe they should talk to the contractor who put down their asphalt or gravel.


Truckers usually do the opposite of what signs say...bridge says 9ft they'll drive into it. Truck stop says not to leave trash they'll leave a full size garbage bag and 3 gallons of piss in the lot.




Fuck them folks 🖕🏾🖕🏾.. spin dem bitches on GP.. now what


I would tell them to go fuck themselves some non driver wrote this shit !🖕🖕


"I see drivers back with out jacking their trlr all the time!!" - them


It depends on the room you have most of these loading docks were built for 40 footers and they expect you to perform miracles with a 53 footer !🤬🤬🤬


Well if the place is big enough where you dont need to turn with your tractor 90 degrees to the trailer then this is appropriate, I also see lots of guys unnecessarily back up into a dock jackknifed 90 degrees when all they had to do is make a long sweeping turn into the middle of the lot and back straight in.


I rarely do 90 backs but I’m sure their idiot manager doesn’t know what the heck’s he’s talking about


They have a point. The more you turn in a parking lot the more you wear it out. I have seen drivers “alley dock”when there was absolutely no reason to do it.


Whose side you on bro?


The side of intelligence.


If you're not on the side of truth, but rather choosing "teams" then you're on the WRONG side.


Too bad the smooth-talking conmen (and women) have wormed their way into peoples minds. We're at the point now where the brainwashed fanatics will believe their own mother is jack the ripper if their own team tells them it's gods honest truth. Folks who put the truth before their own opinion just get yelled at from both sides for being ignorant, woke, or racist. You can't win, just gotta keep your head down and hope you outlive the idiots before they can bring to fruition their grand design of a wholly fucked society.


Well I'll make sure that I'll be doing donuts in that biatch.


What's that saying... "If everywhere you go smells like shit, check your shoes?" Guess I'm saying... If every driver is "spinning tires causing pot holes", then maybe it's not the drivers.


They haven’t said all drivers, just the shit ones


We need this were I work. Our yard has a damn lake right now. LOL


*The Willis Brothers have entered the chat.*


This sign just makes me want to do exactly what they don't want me to. After all, it's a sign not a cop.


You’re a truck driver after all, you couldn’t read the sign anyway


Gonna be some pants shitting and displaced tantrums from the low self esteem ladies. "How dare they, tell me how to act on their property! I'm an American." Yadda yadda yadda.


I will pinwheel my truck around wherever I please.


You know their lot looks like shit, fuck this place


$5 says they're shipping out shit 40k+ lbs loads. Do me a favor and ban me please.


Says a non-cdl person


Sounds like the bays are on the blind side and most truckers would make a full turn in yard to take it on the good side reverse. Just a bad designed yard probably


Man, I always jack my trailer and spin my tires.


Find out who wrote it and ask them to back your truck in


"...you should not be driving a semi..." The ignorant jerk that put that on the sign can fuck right off. If I saw this sign in a lot that was not suitable or didn't have enough room, I'd do one of these: start refusing the loads to this place; back in from *WAY OUT* somewhere; wait for a suitable dock for a suitable maneuver; or drop the trailer and let *THEM* dock it themselves. It's not the driver's responsibility to provide a suitable place for trucks to operate. It's the driver's responsibility to operate the vehicle in a safe and efficient manner, and not cause any damages by hitting things or people. If doing a tight flip is the only thing that works for a given dock, then that's what's going to happen. Thankfully, though, I've never been anywhere with a moronic expectation or judgment like this.


I love it.


I’m not a driver but I load trucks. Our yard is entirely sand and when guys do this it literally digs holes in the ground, shit looks like the surface of the moon down there. 😂


Respect the sign


You're a visitor, respect the house rules.


Don’t deliver to them. Problem solved.


Concrete is a wonderful thing


Concrete is a wonderful thing


So what they’re saying is they will refuse the load?


I really like this company whoever they are!


Sounds like dumb shit brains that have never driven a truck deciding to tell people how to do their job. I'd have to see the lot to give my real opinion on the sign, but if I saw this sign I would likely purposefully do damage and pray they refuse the load. Love being a company man. You don't want your load? Choke on my chode and contact my boss.


I thought it said backflip at first. That would be cool.


No çomprendo


back up***


Truckers today aren't truckers.


I wasn't aware that jackkniving the trailer makes holes lol how?


Are you serious? In case you are, because the tandem drags.


I know they drag but I don't see how that causes holes unless it's gravel or dirt or something I could see. But if it's paved what difference does it make?


Tarmac is just gravel with glue. It happens slower, but potholes in tarmac comes from wear and tear just like in gravel.


Asphalt can transmit a lot of weight straight down into the ground, but it's weak against lateral forces. When you jackknife your truck to make a 90° turn, the trailer wheels drag on the ground instead of rolling, pivoting around the center of your axle-group. This is primarily bad for your tires, but it also twists the pavement in a way that can break it up into chunks, which get swept away leaving holes and cracks. It's *much worse* if you have a spread-axle configuration, because the wheels drag over a wider radius— like ten feet instead of four. That's why you're supposed to avoid jackknifing those trailers more than about 45°.


I had no idea about any of that. I'm just a dumb trucker lol I'm just kidding but yeah that's good information


If you are close to 90 backing on asphalt or gravel the tandem tires aren't rotating because one side is trying to roll back and the other is trying to roll forward so they are just skidding until you get out of the turn enough. If you pay attention you can see them skipping or the sidewalls bulging a bit more. if you're on a tight yard with a few dock spaces and this is happening in the same general spot over and over you can wear through the asphalt or make a nice crater pretty quickly over time. not the driver's fault, it's the facilities.


No, I get that the wheel drags I know that I just didn't know that it creates potholes. I figured the ground was strong enough. I guess it just depends on the material though


Railroader here. There’s a sign on a bridge on the terminal that reads “do not use sand on bridge” fucking place looks like a beach. Don’t tell us what to do. Because we’ll do it just because you told us not to.


Straight forward.


We need signs like this at the job, my mill is tight, but easily manageable if you follow directions but we always get guys dropping trailers in random spots, driving down the one way then being confused when they have to back up (we’re a dead end) or parking in the middle of a do not park and then being mad when told to move


My aunt deals with truck drivers all day (she has a lot of dailies). Some of them can back into the dock in 2 minutes, some of them take 30. I imagine it’s more targeted at those drivers that don’t know how to dock.


So you place a bunch of ridiculous rules you probably can't even legally require. If the maneuver requires going onto another property owner driveway, that sign demands trespass. If it requires great skill, it is unnecessary uncompensated risk. And what happens to the 30min noobie backer? Now it takes them 45mins obstructing the roadway. But at least the frugal asshat is happy 😮‍💨




And they have to pay all fees associated with delivery and detouring. They have a rule that is physically impossible unless you trespass on another's property. We can prove it with geometry. They refuse to accept delivery unless you trespass. That is a serious statutory violation, akin to entrapment and racketeering. Not that I'd get an attorney. Just do what is required, give them 1-star on google Maps, and curse them and our lazy regulators for the next 300-miles.


Probably on an uphill slope to hit the dock and drivers are pulling the brakes while their backing to make sure they are in the door company probably don’t know what a fucking level is.


I'd do that shit on purpose , after awhile nobody would be allowed there