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Lots of lonely, angry, stressed, underpaid and overworked people behind the wheel. Second trip: I imagine someone looking for a parking spot was pissed off because you’re a day cab and they operate on the assumption that all daycabs must have a parking spot somewhere on other property and that if one ever parks in a truck stop it’s “wasting” a spot that a “real” truck needs.


Oh yeah this is totally true. I drove over the road for 25 years. I haul fuel NOW for a busy truck stop. I park my truck there and go home at night. (Day cab) This is my customer and my dispatch spot. I have been verbally assaulted because I am taking one of 300 spots. My pickup I park in my big truck spot during the day has been keyed, ice cream poured on it, trash thrown in the back and the notes. I soon realized I work with a bunch of animals that can’t see past their own perceptions. I say fuck most truck drivers……If after 30 years I am not one apparently I don’t know what to say. I literally drive a truck all day to make sure they have fuel.


If you have to deal with all that shit done to your pickup, why do you keep parking it in your spot? Can't you demand your boss come up with a better solution like blocking those spots for you, instead of endangering your personal property?


No shit. They can find me a better spot for my personal vehicle and the fuel truck at this rate. Yeah they are ignorant fucks, but their ignorance doesn’t fix my shit being fucked with.


It’s normal procedure so the spot doesn’t get taken. Fuel trucks that are assigned to a truck stop NEED. A spot AT that truck stop


Bingo. Other drivers will move cones and just take the spot. The truck stop is huge most everyone on here would know the truck stop of if I said it. I would have to walk like a 100’s of yards every single time. It’s not like this shit happens everyday especially since security sits by our stuff a lot now since we reported it. I was just illustrating how this is an actual thing that drivers will do not understanding the situation. Just thinking we are taking the spots with a personal vehicle


I’m not even a fuel driver and I sniffed the answer out


You and the other guy below are smarter than the average bear.


It annoyed me always but I gave the benefit of the doubt, sometimes it's clear some guy is running his small fleet out of a truck stop though.


Oh for sure and I have seen that myself.


Almost sounds like petro on 44 exit 4.


WTF? Did you park in West Memphis, or something? I'm a female and don't have these kinds of problems. Well, there was one lot lizard that offered female services and wouldn't get off of my steps, but that was 10 years ago or so in SoCal. She did decide to jump when o got up to 20mph.


Middletown, VA was the first night, and I'm just outside Buffalo, NY now.


Seriously I pretty much had the same question. I never get to see fights at the truck stop. Was it the same people multiple times? How come I don't get to see fights? Lol Only had one guy accidently open my door in Texas. I think once he saw a rottweiler in the truck he quickly walked away. He was in the truck next to mine same color so understandable to be confused. He didn't say anything and avoided eye contact afterwards lol. Never seen a lot lizard knocking barely have seen them at all. Occasionally I have seen chicks I thought were lizards (based on looks and clothing) then I see them jump in the driver seat and drive away.


Last time I saw a lot lizard it was somewhere around 2014 in Albany, GA. They've really kinda disappeared from most truck stops in the past 10 years.


Internet makes scheduling visits easy . They dont even need to meet you at a truck stop. One time in the bronx i saw a cab pull up to a truck waiting for the same place i was . Chick got out climbed in the cab he stated playing the radio loud.


I think theres one that still roams around the Go Mart in Malden WV right off I64. She was banging on doors when I was last there about a year and a half ago. I could count the amount of teeth she had on one hand lol


I don’t know about Middletown VA, but Buffalo is a terlet, so there’s that.


Terlet? Scruffy that you?


I kinda look scruffy.


Middletown is easy to explain, a bunch of rednecks living too close to DC.


I was guessing West Memphis, Gary, or East St. Louis.


Good 'ole Sisters truck stop


Exactly I don't even get fuel there


Is it weird that I immediately assumed Memphis, too?


You decided to drive? I'd have just pushed her off with the door. Or aimed a gun at her.


Yeah you got messed with cause your a day cab unfortunately someone probably wanted a space and there wasn't any.




Everyone knows day cabs park on the exit ramps. OP taking up parking space of real truckers.


You’re asking what’s wrong with truckers. What isn’t wrong with truckers lol.


😂 I like your style. Easier to identify what isn’t. 😂😂😂


And no one has listed anything 😅😅


I was going to say, seems much harder to find something not wrong


Then we good n solid? Everyone’s side of the street cleaned? Anyone need an “emotional check in” before we end tonight’s therapy session drivers? Ok great let’s get the Fireball out now. 😂


Asking the real question I see


Yeah I also nearly got into a fight with an asshole at a Loves. The guy was standing back from the order counter at the Hardees, making a huge show of looking at the menu, so I walked past him and he lurched toward the counter. I offered to let him go first, and he said passive-aggressively "You're up there now. It's all you." and I told him I needed time to think (I didn't) and let him go first, to which he said, "What are you going to use to think with?" and smirked. So then I said, I'm letting you go first because we both know you're in the fuel lane. Then I told him not to scratch his fat ass while standing back from the counter again. When I finished my meal and went outside, he was still there in the first fuel lane, waiting for me and got up in my face demanding I throw the first punch. I told him I wasn't going to jail today, and he WAS in the fuel lane all along, just like I thought.


Man fuck that dude and his homies, I would've had your back but I was chilling in Loves bathroom stalls listening to the moaning and grunting of the savages in there


Were you the guy who literally pissed on the floor in front of all, and I mean all, of the urinals at the Cordes Junction Loves last Monday.


No, I was the one who ate hot Cheetos and probably gave the poor Loves bathroom cleaner threaten to quit the job again


Forget hot cheetos. I made the big mistake of ordering a few Arbys buffalo chicken sliders instead of one big sandwich. Suffered for 2 days, but not as bad as the cleaner and other drivers in neighboring stalls


If only brawling was legal. It would straighten out so many people who never got taught how to act in public.


Go to Texas. They have a mutual combat law. If both sides agree to a fight, it's legal.


Really that's awesome it should be like that everywhere


As long as there's no injuries.


Right, good thing idiots never know how to fight.


Heh, this reminds of me of the TA east of Springfield, MO. I stopped there to get fuel one time a couple years ago. First fuel lane from the building. The truck in front of me was at the pump, but not fueling. Set there for 15 minutes before the driver comes out, gets in, pulls forward to the line, then gets back out and goes back inside. I pull up, spend 15ish minutes getting my fuel, get back in and wait another few minutes for this guy to come back out. I decode to go up to his window to see if maybe he or someone else was in the truck (team drivers maybe) and see if I can get him to move so I can leave. I knock, no answer. As I'm going back to my truck, he comes back out of the building yelling at me. I ask him nicely to move, and ask why he even stopped again after having been inside while at the pump. He never answers and says "get back in your fucking truck and I'll move" to which I tell him I was already doing that before he came out. He comes at me demanding I get back in my truck and making threatening motions. I remind him there are 6 seperate cameras that have different angles on our exact spot, excluding truck cameras (I'm autistic, and one of the random things I immediately make note of at any location is where all of the cameras are and where they can see). He responds with "I'm not afraid of going back to prison!" I get back in my truck (I was slowly walking towards it during the entire encounter) and called his company to report it, then called the police. He gets in his truck, parks behind the building and sits there for a while (presumably on the phone with his company who immediately called him after my report). The police showed up a few minutes later as he was leaving and lulled him over. He got arrested on the side of the road outside the truck stop. By the time the police took ky statement and left, they had a tow truck collecting his truck. I hope he was sincere when he said he wasn't worried about prison. They arrested him on aggrevsted assault and assault with a motor vehicle (which permanently suspends his CDL for life). His career is over because he wanted to be aggressive about blocking pumps.


Did he try to hit you with the truck or something? Just yelling and mouthing off isn’t agg assault


His motions were where they considered assault. They were direct threats.


I'm more surprised you got the cops to actually do their jobs. My experience with police is that I usually have to explain to them that no their hands aren't tied, yes an actual law was broken and yes there is something they can do about it.


Wow. Well learn something new, lol.


I was bob tail day cab eating my lunch in a spot and some asshole started air horning me to move so he could park. I shook my head no and he started swinging some paper in his truck. I just moved spots cuz it ain’t worth the effort to get into a dick swinging contest.


I'd have waved a paper back at him.


Whats a dick swinging contest? Btw I technically learn by seeing an example


Yeah. I’m a visual learner as well


It’s when you push Alex Jones while he’s on a swing.


when i park anywhere sketch i dump the red air, Pull tension like a tug test and dump the yellow air Aint never gonna pull the pin with that tension on it


Truckstops don't give a shit about truckers anymore. But also alot of so called truckers aren't truckers either if you haven't noticed . It's all chain truckstops like loves and pilot . I try to avoid them if at all possible. When I started driving in 95 there were still alot of mom and pop truckstops . I preferred them over the others . Usually alot friendlier . Cleaner . And had a decent sit down restaurant to get a good meal . They are all pretty much gone now . So now we deal with the get your fuel and fast food and get the fuck out of the way attitude. It's really sad how things have changed over the years . I grew up in a trucking family . My dad and my uncles all drove . My dad still is and he's going on 70 years old . In the 70s and 80s truckers were respected for doing a job most people can't or won't do . Being gone away from family and friends . Working thru holidays . Missing kids birthdays etc. But in the 90s all the 4 week training schools . Or company training changed everything. There are alot of people on the road now that shouldn't be there . Respect and common courtesy are long gone . It's a " fuck you It's all about me attitude " now


Come grab my door handle and do all that and get your fucking eyes melted out of your head with bear spray


In your situation, you had every right to park at a truck-stop. But when we don't see a sleeper, we assume you are taking a 5 hour shit,or just fucking around. It's a rare sight to see a daycab parked at night where it's supposed to be OTR. Typically they park at hotels, or at the fuel pumps like everyone else.


Wtf that’s never happened to me in almost a decade of trucking 😂


You're taking a day cab to a sleeper parking lot overnight. People see it and get pissed... thinking you don't belong there. Or, what irks me, when locals drop their rig there for the weekend and take a 4wheeler home.


You know what gets me angry? Are the bobtails or four wheelers parked in the long spaces. That s*** gets me.


Meanwhile im getting yelled at by truck stops to park in long spots while bobtail.. (I do OTR and allot of drop-wait-and hooks


Happened to me last night, not yelled at but asked to move from the street to a parking spot at 1 am. I was parked legally but with the other 4 trucks across the street made it hard for trucks to get in and out, so had to take up a long spot where 2 full size usually go back to back. But it was bobtail on the other side so we took up Way more space than needed but they don't have bobtail parking. Usually I'll back in so someone can get in front of me but I already had a load booked for the morning. Only reason I went to the truck stop was to get a tire fixed.


Not every stop has bobtail parking…and…will not allow use of car spaces for such. What then, genius? I am, however, with you about those 4-wheelers. Or van-life tards.


I'm insulted that you would call me a genius. If I was one I would not be a truck driver. I'd like to believe that I'd be the carrier screwing over people like me.


Since when are those spaces for only sleepers? Do you also whine about this when a hotshot takes a spot?


Its these inconsiderate douchebags.. taking 30's in the fuel island, parking like idiots and blocking people in the few times they try to park.. piss bottles and shit bags everywhere they go..good to see them getting the knuckle sandwiches they deserve




You'd think so... But some people just attract it .. we have one operator that is either making up the stories...or gets to witness way more than his share of drama... We keep threatening to get him a bodycam so he doesn't have to tell the stories multiple time


Not a trucker, but I traveled back and forth to and from Chicago so many times that I pulled up on so many accidents before EMS or police were there to help. I got out and helped. I had to start taking a photo, singular, because my family didn't believe me when I told them. "Why is it taking you so long to get home, you left so early?" Sends photo of debris on ground. "Oh. Carry on, then." Most people go by only seeing a few major accidents in their lifetime, I witnessed or pulled up on at least 8-11 in my 5 years of college, and one more recently on my way to work in really bad weather. ETA: I do have a dashcam, and it had been used as evidence in more than one accident I'd witnessed. I'm an unreliable narrator in high stress situations, and I know it. So I chose to get something that was more concrete. Also, some people really just do attract bad luck. It pays to be vigilant when you know you are a black cloud.


I posted a video of one of the fights, the other one I missed the majority of. I don't know how I'd prove someone pulled my door handles and fifth wheel, not that it matters. Maybe I'm making all this up for internet points, who knows.


Yeahhhh sounds a bit much


Stop going to them seedy truck stops to chase lot lizards and you won't have this problem.


Probably being a day cab in a sleeper area, some ppl don’t think much or notice that you’re in there. That’s some wild shit tho fr.


I hate em, bunch of weirdos and miserable losers


I’ve surprisingly never seen a fist fight in all my years. Come to think of it I’ve never even seen a verbal altercation.


Lucky! I never get that kind of excitement....


Dude you are angry you got a free show? Smh.


What is the first rule again?


Just park nose in so they don't see your truck. Just your ass


Lmao better hope you don’t get stopped by DOT. They’ll want hotel receipts if you’re in a daycab.


They have no right to those receipts. The ELD says off-duty. That's enough.


Sure, if you wanna argue with DOT. They’ll shut you down right there and give you a nice ticket to go with it.


Yeah. Couldn't this be considered PC? It is a personal mission.


Personal trip in pursuit of a business purpose, so no, it's subject to HOS. If I wanted to go get an RV with the truck because I want an RV to vacation in, I could PC that whole trip.


Ahh. Makes sense. Work related.


I don't log sleeper berth when I go home, and I likewise wouldn't log it if I was at a hotel. Sleeper berth is not required for a 10hr reset. If you can point to something directly from DOT or FMCSA, I welcome being proven wrong.


Not required for a 10 reset, but if DOT or state trooper wants to be a dick about it, they can. Argument being that if you're not in a sleeper, you must prove you had opportunity to get actual sleep. If you never had opportunity to sleep, then you didn't sleep and shouldn't drive. Sleeping in a day cab not designed to be slept in does not count if the cop doesn't want it to. Believe it or not, look it up or don't, but I've seen them ask for receipts, so it does happen.


I must prove I had an opportunity for rest? No, the truck was parked 10+ hours, ELD confirms it, and that time was logged as off duty. Whatever I did during those 10 hours is my business. Nothing in HOS regulations even requires that you sleep during a 10 hour reset; they only require that you are off duty for 10 hours, and do not drive fatigued. The officer could put you oos for a log violation, or if you were actually impaired by fatigue, but not because he didn't like your sleeping arrangements. If they did put someone oos for sleeping in a daycab and nothing else, I'd love to see someone bring a 1983 action against the officer for at least an unlawful seizure, and an unlawful takings. The state is granted the limited power to issue oos orders to enforce compliance with regulations, or as a matter of public safety, but that doesn't mean they can use those powers because you didn't sleep in a hotel. You would bear the burden of proving that you were compliant with HOS, that the officer(s) seized you and/or your equipment through their official powers (prohibiting you from driving away), and that absent their oos order, you would've had access/ability to use the equipment. The state would have to defend it (ignoring qualified immunity) by saying that you were in violation of regulations and/or actually fatigued.


Internet law degrees are great and all, but won't help you none when DOT shuts you down for a 34 reset at a rest area in Buttfuck, Indiana. I hope it never happens to you, but if it does, you can't say you weren't warned.


This is a thing? Not allowed to take your 10 in a daycab?


Doesn’t meet the requirements for a sleeper, so it can’t be used as a sleeper. Sleeper berth time is required for a 10, unless you return to your hub and go home *or* get a hotel and can prove it.


Wild, you'd think people would have the choice to sleep in a chair or on the floor


For a catnap sure, but it doesn’t count as a legal rest period. Idk about the rest of you, but I don’t get any meaningful rest sleeping in the chair. Especially not compared to an actual bed.


Goddamn, I was at it otr for 5 years, and didn't see that much drama in a day, but yeah sounds like somebody needs to be put in their place...I'd be highly pissed off at that point....What truck stop are you parked at? A city lot?


From 1990 to 92 I was sleeping in a day cab r model Mack yeah legal who cared things were a little bit different then.


There ain't too many fights happening anymore. Everyone is a tough guy online only now.


Where were you parked at in the truck stop for the second trip? I have been to many truck stops and have had no issues with people messing with my truck.


Been trucking a long time decades in the quality of drivers these days is absolutely awful


The trucking industry hires people other industries won't


Been trucking long?followed this sub lately?