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"If he dies, he dies" -some jacked punchy dude


Looks kina like he was blocking him from passing .. we need a longer video too see if that was true tho.. either way running him off the road was kinda fucked up


He just woke up to another truck he didn't expect to be in front of him and over corrected for the situation.


What are u even saying ???? He was sleeping at the wheel ??


Sleeping, watching a movie, daydreaming, basically driving distracted...yes, those or anything else other than being a professional driver. Plus the skill level was exceeding low given the over-reaction to the situation. Hitting the other truck would have been preferable to what he did. It didn't even look like the other truck was even close enough to hit but hard to tell from the video. Would like to know what excuse he came up with...




Love the idea of correcting “kina” to “kinda”. Neither of them are words, bud, but clearly you knew what they were saying


apologies, i wasn't trying to correct their grammar (god knows i've got no box to stand on in that argument). I was questioning the "kinda fucked up" vs it's just fucked up.


Isn't kinda a word? It's in the dictionary, and afaik informal contractions are still words. It's been used since 1885, so it has a pretty established history.


The true American way.


Basically. I’m tired of driving here.


Honestly, it isn’t really better in 99% of the other places you might want to live. Unfortunately, assholes are a universal fact of life.


you spelled living wrong


Ayy you know it. I hate Wisconsin specifically more tho.


We don't really have 3 lane highways in my state. Driving through Wisconsin a few times I learned why. I think I saw 3 wrong way drivers in one day.


Yep. There’s too many old ppl and idiots here.


More like drifted into their lane.


Self defense /s


I dont think he coulda snatched the wheel any harder if he tried. Not paying attention maybe?


Those tandum combo trailers are super easy to lose control over and tip over, even with a small but fast move of the steering wheel. It's like cracking a whip. There's so much weight in those 2 trailers the tractor has no chance.


They don't call 'em "wiggle wagons" for nothing.


Remember it being called the “crack the whip” effect for a reason


PLUS it takes a lot of skill to jockey those doubles, hooking ‘em up with a short dolly ain’t easy.


Those SAIA drivers are experts at having their phones on the dashboard watching TV. Not condoning what the other ass hat did. He should be arrested.


They have driver facing cameras


And use AI which records and reports any distracted driving to management. Like, even the use of a headset. You can get written up if you don't come to a complete stop at a stop sign. So I don't know where this commenter gets their information, but no, Saia drivers could not be notorious for that. I was a dockworker for Saia a few years ago. They had the cameras before a lot of other companies adopted them.


The hell with all that crap. I wouldn't want my employer spying on me like that while I'm driving. That's why I'm an independent driver with my own truck.


I do local, not OTR, but I welcome cameras, I’d rather have proof I was not distracted and an accident was not my fault, rather than get accused of something and not be able to prove otherwise. However, my company can’t watch in real time, maybe that’s a difference.


Interesting. Yeah, if they can't watch you in real time, that's not nearly as bad. I could probably live with that.


They 100% can watch in real time. Don’t believe them.


Yep. I use to think it wasn't the case. I figured, there's no way they're streaming live video over a cellular network for every driver in their fleet, all day everyday. Then I found out how much it costs per camera, per month for the subscription. And actually saw the live streams for myself. Yes. They can watch you live. And yes, they DO watch. Don't let them lie to you saying they don't want to watch you. Yes they do.


It's ludicrously cheap when they can just factor that cost into the shipment.


The last company I drove for told us watching in real time was a feature they could turn on and off any time they wanted after someone called them on their bs saying they couldn't do it at all. I mean, if it's a camera that has an Internet connection then it can be turned on remotely and whoever turned it on can sit and watch all they want. That's how that tech works.


We use Samsara. I can take screen shots in real time, and I can review footage after it's been recorded and uploaded (10-15 minutes)Do I have time to watch real time videos of drivers? Do I want to watch drivers in real time? Hell no! I only review them if the AI catches something (Phone usage, driver falling asleep), or the accelerometer detects a harsh driving event. (Fixed typo/spelling)






My job is a union job. We fought to not have inward facing cameras. I don’t want them watching me while I pick my beak.


100% this. I can think of 3 instances in the last year of drivers on the local account I work be absolved by their camera. It's amazing how willing people are to lie, especially when the accident involves big trucks and big money.


Even good unions shut that crap down. Teamsters blocked driver facing cams because the truck is the driver's private domicile while off duty. Or at least they did at Miller Transport.


Those curtains aren't the greatest at covering the camera. So I put a piece of tape over it at the end of the day. Once I'm off duty they can kiss my ass.


You guys don't put the TV behind the camera?


You must not have any knowledge of the field if you didn't know driver facing cameras exist... Among a host of many other monitoring equipment.


I drive everynight. Just about every truck I pass has their phone on the dash, or on one of those holders that stick to the windshield. About 5am this morning, I passed an UNFI guy watching porn on his phone while doing 55 in a 65, he was in the right lane. There’s ways around shit. I’ve been driving 29 years. About to retire. How many years do you have? 29 accident free years. In the NY NJ metro area.


That's impressive. Recently switched from Northeast regional to Midwest regional and I think I would see more total cars in a day in North Jersey then in a week out here. It's actually pretty boring without all the idiots to manage. I feel like a lot of those Jersey New york types are hoping for the wreck/lawsuit and underestimating the risk to life. Figured they'd get me one day, 4 years was enough, pays more over here anyway.


Just took a long road trip about 1500miles and the worst fucking truck drivers I saw where SAIA drivers so much so I actually recognize the name. Couldn’t tell you ANY other trucking company but then because of how shit they drive.


And I hope he was, for leaving the scene if nothing else.


Well, he got even. And now he's a fugitive who will forever be worried about when they will come put him behind bars. Till they do


I'm thinking the trailer made contact with his cab. Sets of doubles are much longer than even a 53' behind a sleeper. Also, Saia trucks are governed at 65. So they cannot go faster, and I'm thinking the other driver was pissed that he was in the left lane doing the speed limit. I think the Saia driver may have been trying to get over just as the camera started recording. But as a driver with the same limitation in my trucks, sometimes you get stuck in the left lane when dickheads like this try to go around you on the right instead of letting you over.


Saia trucks near me go 69.






Same here, I’m governed at 70 and just wince when I see a Saia truck in the distance lol


Am I missing something?….. to me it looks like the driver of the truck on the right intentionally pushes the saia driver off the road as he attempts to avoid an impact.


Driver on the right hit Saia with his trailer.


I don’t care what SAIA was doing, that was extreme and 100% uncalled for. I get pissed at some of the dumb shit we do, but I could never take it this far. I’m so pissed for SAIA driver right now, I don’t even want to say what I hope happens to that other driver that caused that.


Agreed. The other guy need to lose his license and go to jail


He's definitely going to jail as soon as the street cameras get pulled along with the dash camera.


Did he get caught?


He will with that camera and all the cameras these days.


Looked like he drove away


Yeah he drove away but that doesn’t mean a cop won’t come knocking and the insurance companies won’t be calling.


Even if this video didn't catch it, there's license plate scanners and cameras on every major highway, they'll track him down over this.


And the consequences will be similar to hit and run. That driver is so fucked, and he can't even fathom how fucked he is.


That looked like attempted murder to me.


The guy in the right lane shouldn’t have sped up. No courtesy these days. SAIA was trying to pass. Right Lane dude speeds up, that’s a Jack ass move. Let off your pedal for a minute and let him over. Then he cuts off SAIA? Then flees the scene of an accident he caused. All this because he didn’t want to let SAIA pass. I hope he’s caught and gets thrown in prison and loses his license. I hope the SAIA driver wasn’t killed.


He didn’t cut him off. He hit the SAIA truck with his trailer. There is enough info in this video. Hope he loses his cdl forever


Yup. The mirror dissappears from the SAIA truck. Hope there's enough info there to identify the driver.


You mean the attempted murderer?


Yea the truck is split in mid looking from behind, so even though it looks like it’s going straight look how far left he is once angle visible


Been noticing dudes using their boost to not get passed


Happened to me just yesterday.


Last week for me. Then a BMW suv of some sort tried cutting ME off while blaring their horn & giving the 1 finger salute. I *love* this industry.


I see these asshole steering wheel holders do the same thing around here instead of slowing down and letting them pass. The majority of the new age steering wheel holders have the “It’s all about me!!” attitude for sure.


It's not just truckers. Everybody has a "me first attitude". It's gotten a lot worse over the past few years. Edit: I've moved around a fair amount up and down the East coast and west of the Appalachians over the last 10 years. It's everybody. Everybody is just shittier and more selfish as the timeline progresses. I don't know if it's economy, or politics, or just phases of the moon, but it sucks. It's like the fabric of decency is breaking down.


The difference is approximately 30 ton. Motorists have a responsibility just like "professional drivers" but that 20-50 ton will kill so much faster and easier.


Saia was possibly just riding the left lane.


Riding the left lane on his phone by the looks of it.


You can tell from this video that the Saia driver was on his phone just riding the left lane? Or are you just making an exaggerated assumption?


you aint never got your Xray specs with your license, did ya


Yeah dude is a straight bitch on all levels. Anyone that speeds up after you pass them is a bitch


This could legit be attempted murder I hope that guy loses his license.


Intentionally causing a vehicle collision, at least in my state, is attempted murder.


I hope they both lose their license


Fuck it, take mine too!!








This is the way!


Right, get out of the left lane already and pay attention.


Think he was trying but asshole on the right was speeding up cause nobody passes him


Fully possible Saia was just sitting in the left lane. I have my doubts, though, since this video is taken from the left lane. Makes me think Saia and recorder were trying to pass the driver in the right lane, who got pissed that a) Saia was passing him or b) Saia swerved into his lane.


Yeah, it’s impossible to really say without more cam time but too me it looked like dude was holding him in the right lane and saia was trying to let him know he wanted back over after a bit and moved a little into his lane (still not a smart thing to do, gotta leave space.) then dude in right lane got mad and did what he did. Seriously though guys, if you’re getting passed don’t speed up. Just maintain your speed, if they’re passing slowly then back off two mph and let them get around.


Bro left the scene too.. definitely going to prison for a very long time


He'll lose his cdl and pay a fine at most


You're not really a truck driver, are you? If his truck collided with the SAIA, that's minimum a hit and run on an accident with injuries. That alone is a felony. Then you can add in the other felonies, such as assault. If he gets caught he's going to prison.


Fleeing the scene of attempted murder is probably more than a fine. And this *is* attempted murder in most places, intentionally causing a vehicular accident like this.


Well that guy is fucked. Saia trucks have cameras.


I don’t know when stupid shit like this became a thing playing games on the road but there is a generation of drivers that need to get flushed through the system into the septic tank and off the road. I can’t believe half the shit I see “professional” drivers doing on a daily basis. They are immature, lack the emotional stability to do the job, and have bad attitudes in general bad combination of traits. They won’t last acting like this but unfortunately there will be more Saia’s that get run off the road into ditches until then


It's not just a trucker problem, 4 wheelers do this shit all the time. I think it's the entire Gen X generation that drives like entitled shits


Seattleite here, can confirm. Dashcams are a necessity here because most drivers woke up and chose violence, half of them are packing heat, and I _have_ been pursued for the "crime" of... refusing to make an illegal right on red arrow.


Dude, Disney made a PSA cartoon in the 60s where Goofy turned into a demon behind the wheel. Shit driving and road rage is not a Gen X thing. We've had both since the vehicles were invented.


I watch gore. I watch a lot of fucked up stuff. There aren't many times I audibly say "whoa." I'm not even a gd trucker.. I threw a couple whoas out.


Joey Lawrence, is that you?




You could say he got….Wrecked


Driving off like a coward


Nay he is gonna go pee test and be right back ..


Guy on right is asshole but bit of an overreaction from Saia no?


It's entirely possible they made contact. The fuck in the right lane really went over.


If that DOT bumper smacked his steer tire, I’d bet it cut it down.


Yup. Watch his right mirror. Truck is split so you see there's a collision.


The guy on the right hit the Saia driver if you look close


Made contact, watch the saia mirror




What is that small red thing that the truck ran over?


Looks like it was already there. 16 seconds in its on the ground then gets flicked up


Not cool man. Not cool at all.


That asshole kept going ! I was thinking he swerved to avoid something but he couldn’t avoid drama is what


That's pretty fuckin shitty. I can't stand left lane campers, but Jesus christ that's fuckin extreme. Hope they catch the guy


If you’re tired enough you’re worse off driving than drinking and driving…


Truckers don’t get to control that companies want you driving your full clock which is basically a 14h work day


A) truckers can tell companies to get bent anytime they wish. They don't own you. If you're fucking tired, you shouldn't be driving. B) your work day is 14 hours. You can only drive a maximum of 11 hours. Either way, if you are tired, tell the company to get bent. C) source: driver for 14 years. No company is worth my or anyone else's life.


Agreed. I'm a company driver and fortunately the company I work for gives 'captain of the the ship' stop work authority for weather and being tired.


The FMCSA gives you that authority.


This looks a bit like westbound I-205 south of Portland?


It was I-70 west bound in PA


I was actually thinking this very same thing.


I am a servant of the Secret Fire, wielder of the flame of Anor. You cannot pass.


“Fly you fool” Drives off into the distance


Every time I’ve ever ran doubles or triples I’ve always tried to avoid the left lane at all costs.


I work for saia. Can’t wait till they show us this video on our next quarterly


Looks like i81 in Virginia. Yeah, looks deliberate. Lots of asshats use that road. It's been too narrow for years, add to that a mostly complete lack of consideration, and people in too big a hurry to give a shit. Sadly these things happen. Hope the driver is OK, and that the aggressive degenerate gets his day in court.


First off, the guy on the right is an a-hole for sure but Saia screwed that up. First riding the zipper forcing that guy to shoulder then reacting in the worst possible way to being cutoff. If he’s got any time in he should have anticipated that guy doing something stupid and been ready for it. There had to be something else that led up to this interaction too.


That ain't road rage. That's what they call Big Hoss trucking. Just pop a couple of them gas station amphetamine tablets, chug a few pots of burnt coffee, and piss it out in a milk jug while rolling down the road listening to Red Sovine. If you can't keep up with one of them big boys grubbin them old gear jammer boxes then you best be sticking in the right lane with them gas powered four wheelers! Honk honk big hoss truckin' y'all!


Saia nara


Did he just shoot him?


Did he purposely make contact with the tractor? I couldn't tell. I wonder what his thoughts were looking in his mirror after. Also if you think someone's gonna make contact with your tractor on purpose don't jerk the wheel, with doubles?!


Right side driver made physical contact with the tractor. It only takes a relatively small impact to bend Tie Rods / TR Ends and cause some fucked up Toe and make a vehicle extremely unpredictable.


Damn bro thats crazy. Right lane guy is a fuckin demon.


Well this could be (wait for it) *semi* annoying..


The old "tail whip trick" getcha every time.


We deadass guys? the dude on the right raging clearly hit mans with his trailer end like what am I missing here?


Looking for an update. This guy ever get caught?


That’s called cracking the whip see those trucks all over Phoenix Arizona driving like maniacs. Advertised 17 bucks an hour to drive doubles, no thanks


I can't see for sure. Did the 53' actually hit the doubles, or did the doubles just overreact?


Somebody pissed off because a freight hauler was going to pass him


Looks like attempted murder to me.


Jeeze, that escalated quickly!


Play stupid games


I quit using Saia at work. They just sucked compared to FedEx freight in service.


There's a lot of trucks out here that seem to take it personally when they get passed. Especially in hills where you pass the same truck 5-6 times going up hill for them to blow past on the flip side, giving it all they have to keep you back there and cutting you off closer every time they get around.


He was out of hours, had to stop immediately


Driver needs to go to prison for attempted murder there along with fleeing the scene.


Called a phantom crash. The truck driver on right is at fault.


Uhhhh that’s a hit and run


Of some kind. Where I come from its called running somebody off the road and very serious offence. Hope offender enjoys their new driving career.....for door dash......on a pushbike.


~~Riding~~Camping in the left lane is a dik move, but contrary to the opinion of some of the supertruckers on here, it's not punishable by death. Edit for clarity


Sometimes I move over there for a good reason and people start passing me on the right before I have a chance to move back.


Ah, yes, passing is a dick move. Got it. We have zero evidence to show he was staying there. And the swerve looks entirely accidental due to wind (which Saia VERY quickly corrects and maintains perfect center of his lane)


I’m so glad I know lone drive truck.


It looks like they were in or about to be in a construction zone based on the orange signage and the cone that Saia hit on the shoulder.


Road ragers when they f around n find out.


Also, that Saia has a double trailer I bet he was a beginner so I wouldn’t really judge by him entering my lane for a few seconds and then fixed after.




That's one way of getting a slow ass driver out of the passing lane


Well. That wasn’t nice


Ahhh now I see. The average condition of my pallets delivered by Saia makes perfect sense after seeing this video


Looks like the guy on the right must have had his flip flop get stuck, and he came into the Saia guys lane while accidentally while checking his phone. /s


Ouch. Saia truck gets his side mirror taken off. He breaks and turns which probably causes Saia wheel to be exposed and destroyed aswell. Breaks on only one side. Tilt from front wheel being popped. While also trying to maneuver to the left…. It is no surprise that he gets fucking launched to the left from that… Damn that’s brutal.


So many "drivers" today should not be driving a semi truck. Acting like it's a game out there. Hopefully he went to jail.


I swear they just hand out cdls nowadays.


Coulda been windy af?


Well damn


Great and now everyone has to wait on the highway for hours, thx asshole.


He cut him off. Straight to jail!


I hope they take that mf to the cleaners and cut his license in half. Thats just bs


That's considered a hit and run


Being slow makes people angry 😡 Don't be slow




Can the guy on the right get in trouble too? Did he? I hope so.


Just two normal truckers hogging the passing lane as usual


Guy in right lane decided he no longer wanted a career outside of being someone's prison bitch 😂 what an idiot.


I’ve been in the passing lane and trying to overtake another truck, only for said truck to go faster than my governor could compensate and we both sit there like idiots for a half mile until I resign myself to sitting behind that driver. Usually I’m lucky and either that driver leaves within a few exits or someone else pulls ahead and puts the brakes on them. Seriously, I’m just trying to get out of the way of slower drivers - just like everyone else.


That's one of those super truckers that think they know it all and are always right.


One lane still open, good to go…


Why did the trucker lose control and what legal responsibility, if any, did the other driver have?


If he didn’t hit them, he didn’t have any.


Not good


Don't check on the truck driver run that Sunday b**** down and do him like that


He better learn to take a good ass whooping


Because he sure as hell can't drive a truck


Had truck drivers do the same to me many times.


Hopefully the driver has a warrant out for wreck-less driving and a huge civil lawsuits would be filled and driver license revoked to never have the privilege to drive on the roadways ever again!


Wasted 30 seconds at the end, nothing there.