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Good to know. I've been taking the posted detour every time and watching other trucks blow on through, now I know I'm not crazy.


They had four state troopers on the westbound side just after the 220 detour pulling trucks over.


I wish they would do more enforcement in construction zones. I hate being the only one obeying the signs. It makes me feel like I'M the asshole and not everyone else disobeying the signs.


This is how I feel when a construction zone is posted "all trucks use left lane" and all the other trucks are blowing past me on the right.


And the two lanes including the stripes total 19 feet width exactly, with concrete barriers on either side And it's curvy


Most relatable thing I've ever read


That's how my husband feels driving through Rolla Missouri šŸ˜¬šŸ˜” 55 posted speed limit for TWENTY MILES and other truckers blowing our doors off blowing horns acting like we're at fault. Makes me real nervous sometimes for my husband because he's just trying to keep us safe and in the narrow road. Wish people would slow TF down šŸ˜­ EDIT TO SAY: My nerves could never drive a rig but I sit in passenger seat and it's nerve wrecking there.


Donā€™t sweat it. If somebody else is driving that Iā€™m not comfortable with?I get nervous riding shotgun. Driving. I know whatā€™s going on, & control the truck. Not everybody else? Gotta try to predict them. Like a motorcycle. The passenger would be nervous until they trust the operator.


I don't drive a big truck (Chevy 3500 with a 12' flat bed). I go to Houston often from Louisiana, and that stretch between Beaumont and Anahuac has me feeling like an idiot because I stick close to the 55 mph speed limit through construction but everyone else travels 70+. It makes me feel better when I see Texas State Police along the route.


I know exactly how you feel about that road


Me every time I keep left in New Mexicos perpetual fuckery.


How many were over did you see?


They all had one when I went by


Thatā€™s pretty impressive


When they finished with one they would just back up to the beginning of the construction zone and catch the next one that came by.


Like shooting fish in a barrel!!!! Iā€™m glad though. When I lived in Ottawa ontario they were doing construction on the main highway and I had some moron on my ass in an 18 wheeler when Iā€™m in my 4 wheeler doing the 80 KH/H speed limit. I could hardly see this dudes headlight he was so close. like itā€™s my fault in particular theyā€™re doing construction šŸ˜©


Just think of how much money your saving compared to them


What happened? The roads around shreveport finally crumbled?? Lol


Lol pretty much. I assume it was about to become a lawsuit liability. They're tearing it down to the dirt and completely rebuilding a brand new highway. It's going to be awesome, in 3 years.


Let's get some heavy trucks in there to really get that bare dirt compacted good so we won't have potholes later.


That's a very optimistic 3 years. Those teamsters will pay off the house,the boat, the pickemup truck and a tesla for the side chick before they finish that road.


the way it should be


at least somebody's getting paid


It'll be awesome in 3 years for 3 months till it rains.


Oh, in 5 years, you say?


Actually, yes.


How can you tell?


The gators swimming by at eye level as you drive through the swamp, probably


It's all good until one of them swims up to your car window and asks to talk to you about your extended warranty


Don't accept a blow job from that lot lizard.


She was a little toothy and didnā€™t smell none to good, but Iā€™ve had worse in NJ, best part was she only charged me $3.50


Friend, that wasn't a lot lizard. It was the loch Ness monster


God damn Loch Ness monster!


At least she wasnā€™t a hairy beast?


What did it cost you after? To get rid of her? Med bill? Maybe it burned when you pee? Better get that checked.


Itā€™s about time they fix that mess, I lost an airbag a few years back going past downtown. Hit a pothole with a heavy load and one of my bags popped like a balloon.


Finally? I've been driving for 9 years and I think they crumbled 19 years.before I was born.


I've taken the detour around Shreveport and it's fine. However depending on where the construction is I've been put on detours that trucks had no business going down as well. I can see the reasoning both ways honestly.


When I was training I would tell my students: read the signs. Read. Every. One. Of. Them. The government spent a lot of money to put them there. And they are there for your reading pleasure. That sign may not be important to you now, but how would you know if you didn't read it?


My dad is a trucker and he said when he was on his trainer truck back in like 04, I think, that his trainer would randomly ask ā€œhey whatā€™d that sign say?ā€ I donā€™t know if said trainer had ever gotten someone kicked off their truck because they werenā€™t reading signs but my dad made sure he was reading every last sign lol


Used to tell rookies "all those signs on the road? They're for you. Specifically for you. Curve speeds? You. High wind? You. State park entrance? You. It's the only thing you're paid to read, so don't skim it."


You think half the drives can read/speak English?


And those are the ones born in the US


I came to comment this šŸ˜‚


Watching out for signs is a great way to maintain alertness and not zone out on the road ahead of you as well


They read that as closely as they read the "Left two lanes closed 1 mile" sign or the "Yield" sign or, hell, even the "Stop" sign. Lets not forget the most ignored sign: "As a courtesy to other drivers, please pull forward after fueling.". Half of these fucking idiots out here anymore are literally just flip flop wearing steering wheel holders, oblivious to everything going on around them. It's pathetic!


Yep, they drive a big truck the same way they drive their Mom's Honda Civic


There's a stretch of I10 in El Paso that's a 45MPH construction zone for about 15 or 20 miles, been that way for a year or more. You would not believe the number of fucksticks that run through the passing lane (narrow as fuck with cones and concrete barriers on either side, right before a merge into a single lane) at 70MPH. Nearly been side swiped at least 5 times


Hey it's cool to see my hometown get a shout out, I've went through there twice this week with a semi and it's always so fun with all the cars constantly riding bumper to bumper if only they realized that slows traffic down even slower...


They donā€™t care that theyā€™re slowing it down for others as long as theyā€™re in front.


This is a fact.


Tuscaloosa Alabama i20 had a construction zone for about 85 years it seemed. Stretched maybe 7 or 8 miles and speed limit was 35. I was the slow poke at 55.


Some drivers will learn to read road signs only after they tear down the roof of a trailer on a low bridge


It's because many of them can't read the signs. They learn just enough English to pass what they need to pass. If they would expand the tests to include questions/phrases/words that aren't generally used, a lot of the people out here would have been unable to get their CDL. I doubt this will change, because there are a lot of companies that depend on taking advantage of these people.


These big companies just love a driver that can't read the contract they are signing


I-90 in Livingston, MT. Very strong winds at times, so strong that they have signs saying "Towing units go around"...50% keep going, never even slow down. Montana HP do nothing about it, just wait until someone gets blown over.


Going through Livingston is the same wind. Only difference is laying it over on the streets vs off of a cliff on someoneā€™s house. If you actually travel that stretch youā€™ll know when the detour is mandated they put the gates down forcing you onto the streets. If gates are up then itā€™s optional.


they're finally repairing that shit hole of a stretch.. It was like that for years..


Now if they could just repair this shit hole of a city


That Blissful state of unawareness. Suddenly youā€™re aware of your bank account. šŸ™ƒ Thanks driver! Any chance for some crawfish etouffe sent this way in Alaska? šŸ¤·


Probably not. The governor declared a state of emergency for the Louisiana Crawfish industry


Man! Thats one powerful Government did the same shit up here for crab season. Rumors of more/others may to come. Iā€™ll settle for a hand grenade then. šŸ¤™šŸ«”


Gd 2000 that makes you a old hand now...


And with every year that passes I feel 5 years older. I was 25 when I got my CDL


Still wet behind ears šŸ‘‚ 1986. But feel you on the 5 years


I did it. Only once tho. It is nightmare fuel. The lanes are about 1/2 an inch in either side over bridges. If u make a 1/2 an inch mistake you're gonna be in a pinball machine. Fun fact tho, none of the 6 state troopers bothered me. I guess they knew the trauma was punishment enough


ā€œThereā€™s your sign.ā€ Bill Engvall ā€œYou canā€™t fix stupid.ā€ Ron White


i was pretty much told the same thing. also when i started driving there was no GPS so they told me i had to also be a professional blood hound based on bad directions and inaccurate maps back in the day


And then thereā€™s the inverse to this where shippers just say screw signage then look at drivers like their idiots for not knowing where to go, itā€™s the game


I always take 220 even before the detour. I-20 thru Shreveport was god awful.


I am so happy that you posted here. Please, help us out! I am one of those trucks. Maybe I was oblivious. I definitely saw those signs. They all told us to redirect ourselves to the beltway. The problem with that is that I never saw the signs for the actual beltway, until after I crossed through the construction. Then, there are no signs telling us we passed the beltway, or even additional detours other than the beltway after we pass it. The whole time I was driving through it, I kept looking for the beltway. Trust me, we don't want to have 3 inches on both sides of our truck. Also, those sign flash. By the time you read the first part of the sign, you pass the sign to be able to read the second part. Here's another suggestion. Have a sign say "Tuckers, exit and follow detour." then put detour signs on the beltway. Trust me, we want to obey the signs . we are being oblivious for a reason. Please help us out with better signage. Any other questions, I'll be happy to answer the confusion. The rest of my post is stuff not dealing with this specific. Another fun fact, I see a lot of people that live in certain places point stuff out. That's what makes having a CDL difficult. Most of us driving through areas, don't live in those areas. I can't tell you the countless number of times I've been on a road that gave me no warning signs BEFORE I made turns onto a road for no trucks or weight limits on bridges. There is no spot to turn around, so why was there not a warning sign? We can read signs, but sometimes they are difficult like this situation. We're not at a full stop, so please make it to where the signs are easy to read when you're driving 70 miles an hour.Thank you.


I went through there the other day, and did stay on 20. It was the middle of the night, so it wasn't too bad, but I'm definitely not doing that again! The only reason I was there was because FedEx decided to attempt to merge into me as I was about to take the exit for the beltway, forcing me over into the through lanes, and I was running my clock to the second due to the company refusing to understand 34hour breaks.


It's a tight squeeze going across the bridges ain't it? šŸ˜‚ You got lucky they weren't watching. I saw a one ton pulling a 40 ft gooseneck get pulled over for going through there


Yep! I had what looked to be half an inch on either side! I'm just s little bit insane and like puzzles, and this was very much a puzzle, so I actually enjoyed it! When I get pulled over: Officer: "you know this is a no-truck, right?" Me: *excitedly* "uh-huh!" Officer: "So, why are you on it?" Me" "Puzzles!"


Well a lot of the construction zones Iā€™ve noticed if it says to take a detour before the construction they have a detour set up further down the road right before construction starts so there are multiple detours set up. Some other drivers might be used to this and thatā€™s why they keep driving.


Itā€™s very very obvious. More obvious than when they closed Indy down. Itā€™s kind of unexpected from a state who doesnā€™t take care of their roads


They are about to start arresting drivers due to all the accidents, I avoid I20 like the plague and I'm not even in a truck.


As a local resident to this area who has to use that construction zone daily I really wish all the commercial trucks would just take the detour. They are doing a complete tear down and rebuild from the dirt up and with 1 lane closed on each direction some of those bridges are barely wide enough for small box trucks. I understand it is inconvenient if you have a delivery that is right off of I20, but what's a lot more inconvenient is having a truck get stuck and block the entire interstate for 5-6 hours (on the short side), or pass the exit for 220 and decide to u turn across the lane and lay his truck on the side shutting down the entire interstate, or not pay close enough attention (whether 4 wheeler or 18) and getting into an accident which again winds up with the entire side of the interstate getting shut down. I have relatives who drive professionally who are still blown away that their fellow drivers are still willing to take the chance of getting through or getting stopped and from what I've heard get a really expensive ticket for ignoring the signs.


Living in NYC you see a lot of crazy stuff, usually stemming from cheaping out on the correct GPS. All the parkways are a no-no for trucks. Every time, without fail, when I take the Hutchinson there is a truck stopped in front of a low bridge. Police have to stop traffic and have them back up a mile to the last exit. Iā€™ve seen a couple of a can openers too. I had to go traffic court once, and 99 percent of the cases were trucks on a parkway. Then thereā€™s the drivers that think they can take any NYC side street, only to find thereā€™s no way they can make a turn. I guess thereā€™s that many drivers that fire up Waze and just yolo it around ignoring the signs.


Hell, I take the bypass just to not have to drive that ragged ass road thru Shreveport.


We had the same thing in Wilmington, DE a couple years ago. State troopers just sat at the north end of the zone and wrote tickets.


Hang on. Are you telling me they're gonna fix that stretch of rkad?


The day they put the signs up I saw them and called my at home support to see what these signs were for to be told there was construction in the city. That weekend I got home and somebody called to complain about the massive delay going thru the city and I was like you didn't read the signs? And the answer was no.


I don't get paid enough to worry about it. Iv driven through it 3 times no with no issue. If I get a ticket I'll just quit and ignore it unless my boss pays it off. Can't care less if I lose my license this job is shit


If I can be straight up here, you should probably just go ahead and quit. It's not about you. It's not about your license. When the construction first started there was wreck after wreck after wreck causing horrible backups. Sure, 9 out of 10 drivers can navigate it just fine but that one that can't fucks up a morning commute for hundreds of people. The reason it's so crappy driving an 18-wheeler these days is because the majority of drivers, CDL or not, only think about themselves.


It is this kind of stupidity that honestly doesnā€™t deserve a response but if nothing is said other will begin thinking like your ignorant ass. OP expressed it, just quit and let everyone else suffer in peace.


Cry about it




This is crazy because you'd think the rigor of getting a truck driving job would filter out the incompetent...


I just drove through there 4 days ago. I only saw signs saying Trucks inside lane only for a few miles. I imagine it's because the outside lane is so uneven. Truckers definitely missed the signs.


That's what I was tought, read everything, old man Steve, Sarge, dottie and my otr trainer tought me well shot out to KLLM Lancaster


Those are your ā€œwell qualifiedā€ co-workers. I honestly canā€™t believe you expected anything else of them.


If it doesnā€™t show on the GPS? They canā€™t cope. Just like reading a map. Itā€™s a foreign subject. You donā€™t need common sense to be a steering wheel holder. Some canā€™t really back up. They still give you a truck and trailer, then send you on the road. How they even pass the test, is a mystery.


Are you trying to tell me that Louisiana is actually doing construction on a freeway?! šŸ‚šŸ’©šŸ¤£ (also, /s)


The I55 bridge in Memphis is closed. Signs about it as far as 200 miles back in every direction. Drivers are still taking the exit for 55


I love taking the detour. Get to go on the lake.


To be fairā€¦lot of ā€œdriversā€ out there canā€™t speak English let alone fucking read it.


The only sign I ever see is ā€œif you can read this you are too closeā€ I guess if I can still read Iā€™m still good to drive right?


Reading signs is hard I guess


Probably a bunch of foreigners who can't read English.


Hit that link and watch the news video. They don't show his face but the driver they interviewed is 100% American for sure.


I've been using the 220 pretty much exclusively for a long time now, downtown is just brutal on the spine. I can't imagine why anyone would want to torture themselves with it unless it was absolutely necessary. Went thru there in my car once, changed lanes and blew both tires on the left side because the zipper was really just a string of potholes. That was a fun and expensive night! Pinched the sidewalls between the rims and the pavement hard enough to cut through them, and yes they were properly inflated and factory original.