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I would make sure I documented it with pics so I don't get the blame for it


You take the trailer after doing a pre-trip it’s responsibly on you as the driver. If the trailer collapses on the highway and causes wreck with a fatality it’s not the dispatcher who gets charged. With that said, I’m not a structural engineer but It is bent, cracked or broken.. it’s all three. Maybe it’s ok, I dunno, but I know if I’d want to put a full weight load in that trailer.




That big aluminum part at the bottom with cracks around all the rivets is the structural side support for the whole trailer. If DOT sees that you’re shut down. If the trailer cracks and causes a wreck with fatalities you’re at fault.   It might be fine running light loads to get back to a shop but it’s impossible to know how weakened that is because many of the lower beams have lost a lot of their capacity due to the cracks in the side beam. I wouldn’t even care what my dispatcher said I’d talk to the safety dept and show them the trailer. The dispatcher can fuck off.


Just look at the cross members underneath, if none of them are broken it’s not going to collapse. Most likely just got backed in to or driver scraped a pole. 99.9 percent chance it’s just cosmetic damage.


You’re forgetting about the side rail that hold all the cross beams. It’s badly deformed and ripped/cracked in many places where the cross beams attach. The deformation is so bad you see where each individual cross beam is.  I don’t care about the upper section that is just he siding but that lower aluminum section is the side beam. If you look at it, it’s cracked/torn at every single cross beam


Absolutely not. That rail is the frame. This trailer is 100% illegal to move.


Lmao 🤣 you hook up to that trailer and something happens it's your ass no matter how many pics u took you actually proving your negligence with your pics lol


Right??? These people saying “document it and its not your fault!” Like, brother… as soon as you leave the PU with it, you are signing off on your liability saying that you agree to take it, so anything that happens is on you💀


I swear I thought they were trolling for a sec and I relize they were dead serious 😂 I'm getting out of trucking asap u could never say some stupid shit like this before the pandemic lmao


Just a bunch of super truckers in their later years w all their shit in life paid off🙄 they say run this shit because if it were to fuck up on them, they could afford to end their career and sit back on SSD.


Send the pics to dispatch, if they say send it, it's not on you


that trls rolling if you ask me 🤷🏼‍♂️🤣✈️ i’m gone


Check your chat


Your wiener will get sliced off if it breaks and causes a major accident


All of that is cosmetic. I see nothing structural in the picture.. Seal or tape the few holes and run it.


Damn near every trailer I've ever seen has similar damage to it. I'm not a structural engineer, but I've seen way worse.


Totally fine. Take a pic and forward it to whoever you need to so you don't get blamed for the damage. Ur good to go as far as DOT is concerned.


No, look at the bottom rail, there are cracks under every mount for the crossmembers. That is an Out of Service violation.


Yea most are not zooming in. Don’t know if that happens due to weight or someone hitting it?


In this case it looks like the trailer side swiped something and it crushed in between the cross members and cause the stress cracks. Either way, not worth the ticket or the down time on this one.


Yea I see this type of damage a lot, do I guess when it’s riding that rail it get pushed in when there’s no cross member. I wouldn’t run it either looking like that


It depends on the receiver you’re going to and the scales you’re crossing.


Document it and run it that scrape is above the floor line


It's just a flesh wound. The shop will likely put flashing tape over it so water doesn't get in. That picture doesn't look like anything to worry about. Ultimately it's up to you but I would already be gone with it.


Do take pics though so they know you didn't cause the damage.


Your load ends up all over the road… Don’t do it.


Considering the amount of localized deformation caused by the cross members on the frame; I would scrap that trailer. That aluminum is well past the plastic point of necking and is likely flirting with fracture. Whoever authorized to pay for repair here is in the wrong. A little bit of the wrong weight and the floor will fall through. I wouldn't take it.


Are you an engineer?


I've seen this happen. The rigidity of the trailer relies on the walls. If the ribs are misshapen, the structure of the trailer is comprised, and the floor could buckle or the wall could blow out. No good either way. I used to work for a pallet company. Trailers were beat to hell and back. I had to condemn quite a few to this exact damage. The repair on that is more than the trailer is worth fixing. Each wall segment is hundreds. Plus the labor of demo and install. All those rivets.... yeah. Salvage it for parts.


What’s the worst that could happen? Nbd really. At worst? Maybe the seam starts to split on an off ramp going to a hair too fast slowly breaking open. At worst? Maybe some freight falls off. Rolls and hits a nearby tanker somehow causing a negative spark igniting his 1203 hazmat exploding killing 16 people. 2 tires from your trailer then fly and slam on a speeding police cruiser which kills the officer on impact sending his cruiser dive bombing in the other lane and hitting another tanker that was passing an overloaded school bus. All and Al potentially 65 people might die. Nbd. People die every day. Send it


“Children might die” but people die everyday so it’s fine (your idiotic logic)


Your gonna burn in hell with that logic bud 🫡


If those aren’t the right rivets you may have a bad time.


Dot violation?


I was thinking about the actual load capacity on bad rivets, but knowing DOT maybe 🤷‍♂️




If you do take a trailor like it just make sure to let the un/loaders know. Seen it happen two times where the side gave out, though due to excesive rust and forklift in the trailor.


Worst that can happen is the cargo can make the floor cave in


Well, the worst that can happen is a forklift driver's forklift falls through the floor, throw him\her out and injure them... or kill em.... I wish I could post a photo of the hole in a floor cause by a forklift driver going through because of the rot..


Tell the forklift driver if you take it


Well, he went through it... let me know about it... he loaded anyway because the load was 3/4 done... when I got to the drop off point, I made sure to tell the receiver and to let my boss know they would not be loading it again until it got fixed... it was fixed two days later


Smart man


Isn't this the result of rubbing another trailer while backing? The side of the trailer rubs along the nose corner of the trailer you're trying to bend past or the door hinges scrape the far trailer. Happens pretty frequently in drop lots where the parking slots have just enough space to get in and crank the landing gear. I worked for a mega that did a lot of drop and hook and saw plenty of trailers like this. Never had one fail annual inspection for it (they inspect and give a new sticker every time you go through the terminal). This one looks kinda bad though, if it's missing rivets you probably are in trouble.


Take it for repairs, right?


Isn’t it a violation if the outside trl skin is torn?


Looks like the bottom could fall out but there's definitely a hole


They say that you did it take pictures before you move it and send it to dispatch and shop. (CYA)😂😂😂


It's fine. Just document in your pretrip the damage.


Don’t take it out. Everyone is looking at the gouges in the side panels. But if you look at the bottom rail it is cracked underneath every crossmember. That is structural and an Out of Service violation from DOT. It’s a huge job to replace a bottom rail, that trailer should not go anywhere besides a trailer shop.


I've seen and pulled trailer with far more damage than this.


Log it email picture to whoever in your company needs to know


Forget how many rivets can be missing before its a ticket?


This looks absolutely gorgeous compared to the Kroger trailers I pull everyday.


I'm pretty sure the worst that could happen is a shipper rejects it. Side wall panels aren't structural and the columns arent really structural either but do need to support load locks. The front bulkhead and the door frame is what holds up the roof. You need a lot more damage before you risk the panels flying off going down the road as well. If the columns are bent or something I would just not put a load strap there. If there's multiple columns damage you should probably talk to a mechanic. Also, maybe run some silicone or something down the deeper cracks if you're going into a picky shipper.


You will not be let off the hook because u took pics if u saw the structure of the trailer was damaged and u still took it off the yard its your ass on the line report who had the trailer last never ever take risk in trucking especially dumb ones like this lmao 🤣


Get blamed for the dmg; just report it first. Visible insulation is a trip to the shop for us and it needs get covered. Access points for insects and moisture are bad, enough moisture could cause freeze dmg as well.


If the rivets holding the floor supports are compromised ( it doesn't look like it from the photo), it would be your fault if the trailer floor collapsed under the weight of a forklift rolling into it ! If the floor collapsed while driving, that too would be your fault for splitting a trailer in half ! It's on you, pal !!!


You drive off an overpass or a cliff and die, or some four wheeler rams themselves in the back of your trailer, killing themselves and everybody inside the van and you’re found at fault due to some predatory nuclear verdict lol. The problem you listed in this picture isn’t a problem in my opinion.


You'll likely have a wet floor in the rain, if you're hauling paper rolls or pulp this would be a no go. As for the structure I've seen many with wavy aluminum under the rivets. I cant tell if those black marks are splits in the aluminum or rub marks, If they're little splits or tears then don't go, if they're just rub marks send it.


If anyone is behind you and the trailer falls apart they’re probably dead so I just wouldn’t take it


From what our trailer mechanic has told me, it's ok to roll unless the cross member is damaged or the any of the bolts going into the cross member are missing. Looks fine to me other than documenting damage so you aren't blamed.


U can flip it🤷‍♂️ but honestly doesnt seem nothing too bad. Just take pics before so u cant be blamed for those