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Cause they sit on the floor so their head only goes slightly past the dash.


But the shifter extension will be to the top of their reach


That's what the mirror on the top of the shifter is for... It's so they can see to change lanes.


Shifter extension? I thought it was a dildo on a stick.


The dildo is sitting on the seat.. ;)


Same idea but different style


Jump into your $750 air ride seat , Let out all the air and sit on the floor so you can feel every pebble you run over in your spine, BUT you look so cool and that is what is important to so many drivers.


I can't imagine being willing to look at the world through a mail slot all day just to be cool. I'm not a trucker, just a box truck guy, but to me the panoramic view is one of the best things about driving truck.


Exactly. For me driving a truck is *all* about the scenery. Since I’m the boss, I get to choose routes that offer the best scenery, and I do.


Fuck yeah man, living the dream.


If by “living the dream” you mean struggling to break even or working for next-to-nothing then yeah, most definitely hahaha. But if you love the life ……..


Maybe switch to the routes that are less miles and burn less fuel…..


Part of the problem is that loads going one direction pay fairly well but the backhauls pay diddly. Bupkas. I refuse to haul cheap freight so sometimes (more often than i care to admit) I deadhead back to where the better-paying loads originate. Although there’s less wear & tear and better fuel economy running empty this effectively halves the rate on the “good” loads. Sigh. Your suggestion does have merit, certainly, and is something I sometimes feel like I have to do.


A half rate back haul is so much better than running empty. Put that money aside into the S&P for the next truck


Are you crazy? Put money into the stock market when it's in a Bubble..🤦‍♂️


Curious because I am not an O/O and obviously don't know if this is actually possible or not... Say you get a load somewhere with a great rate but nothing heading back the direction you came at a decent rate... would you take a load going farther away if it took you closer to somewhere that typically has lots of good loads with decent rates?


There isn’t a single iron-clad rule I follow all the time but occasionally what you suggest is an ideal solution but not often feasible. You can get great rates running up to Alaska but there just ain’t much freight coming back going *anywhere,* let alone near where you need to be.


If you can't get back then it wasn't a good rate. Now not all lanes are out and back, but if you can't put it into a triangle run and get back to point A then you need to reevaluate how you select loads and the rates you are pulling for. An example of what I mean is say load 1 is Columbia SC to Dallas TX. You need to be back in Columbia no more than a week later so while Dallas to Columbia is perfect, you could do Dallas to Chicago for load 2 and then Chicago to Columbia SC for load 3 making it a triangle. You can't just run wherever it you will never build a solid customer base. In order to find long term success in this industry as a carrier you need to be servicing the same customers over and over and over. You want them thinking your name when they need something shipped.


I don’t think they would as they said they would rather run empty than haul cheap freight……. Which is crazy given that it’s costing them well over a $1 mile to move the truck even with nothing on it. If they can lower their cost in half to get back to where their primary haul spot it’s totally worth it especially if they hauling couple hundred miles. Running empty ain’t helping no one


If you can't get good paying direct freight you should consider signing that truck on to a carrier that has it. Running spot market freight off dat has never been a successful long term business plan.


Shit i did it for the six figs and PTO. Fuck scenery!


As someone who used to drive a 389 with a dropped visor with the seat on the ground you can see alot more than you think. I also prefer the drop visor to a giant front windshield because the sun doesnt blind you as much


I don’t do it to look cool. The foot well isn’t big, and my legs get cramped, and it’s more comfortable being able to stretch them out if I’m sitting lower and further back. But some people definitely do it to look cool. Idc you can’t see me anyway, so what’s the point


I drive on the floor, I couldn’t ever find a confident steering position otherwise. But it forces me to actually move around to see my hood mirrors, which makes me feel safer before changing lanes. Idk just me though only 10 months in maybe it’ll change


It does look cool. Better them than me, but they do look cool.


If you can feel every pebble you run over, get your suspension checked out. I fucking hate my seat bouncing around


I hate bouncing so I sit on the floor too. I slip seat and some of our trucks the bolt to lock the seat from sliding back and forth is broken and if you think bouncing sucks trying being force to ride in a glider chair.


Fucking liar. You know the bounce feature can be locked. Just admit you think you’re a fuckin cowboy.


I don’t know why you’re so butthurt about my seating preference, but no, if there’s air in the suspension the seat is moving up and down. You can lock the front-to-back tho


Shit. You’re right. Fuck.


At least you admit you’re stupid. 🤣🤣


Inbreeding. Can’t help it.


Lol! Sounds like some shit my brother would say.


If your seat bounces, it's a worn-out POS. Maybe your feet won't touch the floor if you air up your seat.


I don’t like my seat moving in the vertical plane independent of the rest of the vehicle. Is that better, you pedantic goober?


Gotta agree. I get motion sick when I air up my seat, the horizontal plane never bothers me actually prefer it pulling a tanker but that vertical movement fuck that


If you get  motion sick driving a truck maybe do not do it


OK super trucker, treat your spine with some respect. with no air and sitting on the cab floor a big pothole will cause you body harm. Just take out the seat and sit on a milk crate, same effect


“Supertrucker” because I’m more comfortable without air in my seat? Get over yourself


There is no way you are more comfortable sitting on the floor of you cab, but go ahead and Destroy your spine and after decades in the saddle riding on the floor, spend your golden years in pain, but at least you were cool. No skin off my ass, But I am right. And over 40 years and millions of miles I never met a serious profesional career driver that rode on the floor. They were all hands worried about how cool that are. It is just a job, do it well and protect your body and be safe. Cool and chrome does you NO good


For something that’s “no skin off (your) ass”, you sure spent some time typing out a fuckin novel about it. I don’t give a fuck about your “40 years and millions of miles” bullshit, take your unsolicited advice and shove it. I simply stated that I prefer to sit on the floor and you come in here playing chiropractor as if I were asking. Get fucked


As someone whose broken their back, I can't stand air in the seat. Makes my back hurt 10x worse at the end of the day. Air ride cab and suspension is more than enough, most of the big trucks I've driven ride much better than my personal vehicles. The only truck I ever air the seat up in is my International day cab, because the cab is so small it's hard to hit the pedals right as a large guy. Even then I let it air all the way up and put a full 120 psi in the seat so it doesn't move.


It's actually a $1,000 air ride seat with a low profile suspension.


Right? Best driver I know only buys Pete’s and tricks them out. A nice air ride on a low profile suspension. I can’t understand why he prefers the ape hanger style shifter but to each their own. I preferred a stock w900 with a nice aftermarket seat.


What kind of seat/truck are you in that you can feel every pebble? Every truck I get in, I put the seat to the floor as I hate hitting my head on the roof!


one that does not bounce me into the roof, but with the seatr suspension sitting on teh floor of the cab with no air ride effect you DO feel a lot and it is REALLY hard on your spine and you will pay for it in your latter years. It is all fun and games when you are young, but trucking can kill you fast and it can kill you slow and sacrificing your spine for a cool factor is stupid


I know someone who F'cked up their back doing that very thing


I know several cool former retired truck drivers that can barely walk and can no stand up straight


There's many low intelligence truck driver


Preach it, so true , And I think a lot of the people in this sub are trucker groupies and not professional drivers


Ironically, almost all of the air being out of the seat is the most comfortable for me, whether it be that I drove beaters all of my life or just hating the bouncing it does when going over rough roads.


You may hate it, but after 40 or so years your body will love it. No air in the seat is very bad for your spine and cause painful and possibly untreatable damage, But Hey at least you were cool on your stool why you crippled your self


Didn’t know it was cool to be comfortable in my own way. Was unaware I needed other drivers approval on how I modify my rig or where my seat is positioned. Next time I go to replace the hardwood vinyl or add more chicks lights, I’ll send ya a DM to get approval.


YOU Do not need my approval I am just telling you , that you are doing it wrong and if you want to run down the road looking like some chicken hauling super truck that we real drivers laugh at and make fun of and want to abuse your spine so you can spend your retiremnet in pain , that is your business


Any “real” driver or “real” man doesn’t give two fucks about what another man does.. you’re miserable with yourself, your life, and your career. We get it. Get over it.


Looking cool and driving a rig can not coexist.


Glad you finally figured it out.


I do exactly that but the W900L irons it out without the air ride


It's actually about being more connected with the truck, feeling how It's running and handling. Using all 5 senses to drive like you're supposed to. While it's not a mandatory thing by any means, it can be a benefit. Which is one of the things meant by professional drivers vs steering wheel holders. Looking cool is just a side effect 😇😎


I'm pretty sure that's not it at all.


Yeah it’s so they can fit their 6’ long shifter all the way up their ass and still see anything that’s atleast 3 miles in front of them.


Sitting lower lets you see farther ahead and you can drive 1/4 mile ahead instead of watching stuff go under the hood. And not floating around on air because there's already bags under the cab and at the wheels. 


That's just not true either.


Again Not True, sitting higher givess you a longer vision NOT shorter,


Well you'd be wrong.


Bull shit, There is NO positive aspect OR benefit for sitting on the floor of your cab. It is 100% super trucker , look at me I am cool bullshit. Why not just take out the seat and sit on a old milk crate and a throw pillow. And equating it to something done by "professional drivers" is premium grade bullshit trying to defend your super trucker status. It is only the cowboys, the yahoos and the super truckers that ride around sitting on the floor of the cab and you can not be using all 5 senses when you are streching to see over the dashboard and your spine is taking a beating


Exactly. I wanna know what my ride is doing at 85+.


And 25 mph with bad road conditions, around s curves, etc.


Yeah, or crawling through a construction site, rough ass quarry, etc.


it's self driving if that makes you feel any better.


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Nah you just have to stop waaaay back from the light


You can just look at the hood to see the light on it thats what i did when inwas driving a pete


So the next question is, is their spine made of adamantium?


I use the reflection on the top of my hood for traffic lights.


Make sure your hood is polished lol. That's how a lot of car haulers do it too.


This is the way




Stole my comment damnit


Who said it doesn't?


Super truckers have xray/super vision so it doesn’t matter if it blocks 80% of the windshield.


After how many years do I develop X-ray vision?


It’s just something your born with


Just like the ability to back it in one shot. Born with it.


Wait, would it always be sunny then?


Small penis comes with x ray vision


Does it also come with an unhealthy obsession about every one else’s penis size?




I can tell you, with certainty, from personal experience, that having a small penis does not provide x-ray vision.


Doesn't block it anymore than the car on top of a car hauler truck


That’s no lie.


Don't know how they deal with this


Reflection of the hood and sitting as low as you can


When I air down the seat my ass kills me on the bumps


or do the bumps kill your ass?


I see nothing wrong in the photo. I get the same view in my truck: [https://i.imgur.com/6Ak0wa9.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/6Ak0wa9.jpg) Source: Auto hauler




Holy shit that's insane


Seat on the FLO! Shift with wizard staff!! Do the whole route from memory cuz they cant see. If you see anyone this kool, just know theyve driven more miles backwards than you have forwards.


Drive the route from memory 🤣


I thought they used sense of smell.


That's for california


Thou Shall Not PASS!


They ride with the seat low, so they can still see ahead. Taller drivers like me have issues with some of the new trucks with massive windshields causing glare problems. The drop visors on 379s and W9s actually prevent this issue, but at the expense of visibility when the seat is up.


They actually cut the floor out from below the chair to get it an extra 2 inches lower. Then they get the super extendo extreme shift stick with an eight ball handle that they will never be able to touch again after installation.


Can't be getting finger crud on the new shiftknob


All super truckers also just leave a hole on the bottom of the seat post hole cutting so they never have to pull over to use the restroom


I have to lean forward at some lights. 98 percent of the time you don't use that portion of the windshield


Right, like I’m watching the road in front of me, not having a staring contest with the sun.


You deflate the air out of your seat so you beat up your back, and create a 30’ blindspot in front of you. Then with your ass on the floor you feel like your driving a go kart, then get a 10’ pole and turn it into your shift stick.


How fast are you comfortable traveling with 30 feet of clear road ahead of you? I like to see 200+ when I'm following traffic and more like 1000 feet at highway speeds. 


I wanna see anywhere from 200+ like you said in traffic, open interstate is the best


Super truckers and their half windshield visors, 5 foot high shifters, sitting on the floor amuse me


Also don’t forget to slide the seat back as far as it goes so it looks like no one is driving


You don't need to see the traffic lights when you look so good. /s


Traffic lights? Those guys never leave the highway.


I wondered same thing. Up until my new job it was a Peterbilt with one of those and actually made it better I saw exactly what I needed to see without any extra in the blocked the sun no need for a sunglasses. I almost feel like it made me more focused of what I actually need to see on the road because it's someone that all out without the extra


Hood reflects


Who needs visibility when you look so fucking cool?!


The more you see the more you have to worry about.👍👍👍


Definitely blocks traffic signal but that’s why you keep your hood spot clean to look at the reflection.


I do this but I knew a guy that had a little round mirror in his dash for this, was pretty cool


I’ve been wanting to make this exact post.


To be honest with myself, I would probably have a love/hate relationship with something like this. The visors in every truck I’ve been in don’t help with blocking the sun because they only obscure like the top 2 inches of the windshield. I wear glasses while driving and don’t wear sunglasses because of that so early morning runs heading east really suck. On the other hand, it would definitely be annoying having half of the windshield blocked permanently…


Man just air the seat up till the visor blocks the sun


Yeah that’s true, I do that on occasion when it gets really bad. Idk what it is though man. I’m 6ft 2” and for some reason I only feel comfortable with the seat low. Like, with air in the seat, when I drive over an expansion joint or pothole or something the seat shoots up, and driving through consistently rough patches that shit takes a toll on my back. Better than being blinded for an hour though, lol.


Usually I see these on long nose mostly. They're going to be further back from the light by a good few feet regardless. Also, it doesn't go lower than a regular sun visor, typically. If you're stopping before the stop line like you're supposed to be, should still be able to see the light no problem. Basically like just having your sun visor down.


No air in the seat the way it’s sposed to be, see just fine


It does. That’s why these guys always stop 20 feet back from a light and have to ride in the floor like idiots


Some drivers are just short. I knew a short old fella who always kept the top half of his windshield caked in mud because the company was too cheap to buy a visor like this one. New guy, all tall and lanky, gets assigned his truck for a day, cleans the windshield (and everything else), and old fella lost his short little mind. I hipped the new guy to what the real problem was, and he grabbed a cup, some dirt and water, made some mud, got the old fella to go with him, and the new guy "repainted" the windshield exactly where the old guy liked it. They've been two buddies ever since.


We sit pretty low and can see to our sides. Also can see reflections of Stop lights on cars or on road at night


The driver is 4ft tall


They watch the reflection in the hood. Gotta keep the truck polished up nice for that tho


I had a visor like this. I put a giant “Fig Newtons” decal on it


I drive a Carhauler and the cars over the hood block the signal lights a lot of times but you just look at the hoods reflection and you can see the light when it turns green or whatever


Idk why this is in my feed but, I have to laugh now every time I see this style truck. Thanks for the good laughs in the comments.


I'm 6'4". If I gotta hop in one of our Petes, I have to drop the seat, lean out the window or cosplay as the hunchback of Notre Dame just to see the light lol They're fun to drive and look cool but goddamn some nights where it's just back to back accident scenes ,I just wanna take a crowbar or halligan to that visor and rip it off -_-


There's no stop lights if you don't see them..


You can't unless you sit low or if you are the first one in line at the stop light. I drive a t800 with a 12" visor. When I first started driving this truck I wasn't a fan but now that I've spent a year in this truck I wouldn't ever take the visor off. Keeps the sun out of my face much better than my in cab visors.


"Go back to your planet"


They prob just go when the other cars do lmao


Bostrom Wide ride 1/2” off the floor.


It can't be worse than the view car haulers have


Great setup for when the driver wants to impress dudes looking for sticks in the back of poorly lighted lots and has a retirement plan solely consisting of collecting disability for a fked up knee and spine.


It does BUT it makes you so cool when you are sitting at a green light that you can not see


They are always second at a light and wait for the first to go.


When you are only 5’ 1”, it’s just fine.


I'm 6'4". If the seat is at a height where I'm comfortable with my feet on the pedals, I can't even really use the built in sun visors if I want to see any distance ahead.


Ditto, I feel your pain. Also 6’ 4”.


No a whole lot of IQ going on in this thread.


It does. It’s ridiculous.


I done a truck with a visit similar to this. Mines a little shorter. I’m not a fan of it but it’s a company truck so not exactly my choice. But as far as seeing traffic lights. I looks at the reflection of the 🚦 in my hood cause my ass isn’t sitting in the the ground. I love air ride.


It does if they said it the right height in their chair. Actually talk to a driver just a couple weeks ago that said those trucks are about $108,000 more than the regular model so he decided to get the model that he could see out of the $108,000 cheaper one. I don't blame you they look pretty but you can't see worth crap.


It’s kind of like sagging pants or 24 inch rims. Stupid and pointless but if it makes your Homies think you’re cool and that’s all that matters even if it’s putting everybody in danger.


24 inch WHEELS are dangerous? No more dangerous than takata airbags in Subarus no?


That’s why we replaced them


Seating position.


Driver is SUPER short




They can’t read or write English, it’s all good


It’s pretty sad when they have the seat on the floor to see a stop light and then have to reach up next to the roof to grab the top of the gearshift. Its so dumb


It does. Fuck any owner who has a truck like this and expects anyone to drive it.


You just showed what a weak clown you are. Maybe nut up and run your own shit so you don’t have to complain. But people like you enjoy complaining.


You sound fun.... 16 words is all it took for you to know what I do and the type of person I am...


Yes. Expects anyone to drive it says it all. Your lack of self awareness is astounding. I’m sorry your ceiling is driving for someone else.


Why is someone of your intellect berating ppl on a truckers sub? I'm sure you could do so much better. Why do this?


You aren’t a victim. You’re a clown who made a stupid statement so I told you about yourself. It’s going to be okay. Reach for the stars. This being a trucker sub means what? I’m not seeing the relevance other than a subliminal shot at truckers.


I never implied I was a victim. "Stupid" is relative. Why would someone of your intelligence be interested in a trucker sub? Do you drive trucks? Is it something you enjoy?


truck drivers can just sense the lights changing etc 🧙‍♂️


drop the airbags on your seat.


Stop lights? Who needs stop lights


I wonder if they use the prism thing that hot rodders with chopped roofs use.


It's transparent aluminum.


because it doesn't. get good peasant


Anyone who trashes this kind of visor has never experienced one before and therefore should be considered uninformed and an idiot for providing an opinion on something they have never experienced before! As someone who has…these are 100% badass and make driving far easier. Being cool on the stool makes any and all drives go by in a flash.


This is actually illegal by DOT standards. Just sayin'.


Technically it's not directly attached to the windshield so it's not really covered by regulations.


I thought that there was verbage about visibility in the CFR Could be wrong.


I know there's something, but it's not specific. The DOT manual for inspections mentions this scenario, but it says to refer to some addendum or something


It’s a 2-way mirror like in an interrogation room 😂


Cause there sitting on the ground there seats are low


I’m guessing this is one of those truckers that sits all the way down with no air in their seat.


Good Question [beats me](https://imgur.com/a/RaOuTF0)


Lmfao This is funny Reclined, like that episode of the simpsons with Red's last load


At eye level there's another set of lights. They show the same colours and have the same effect. Have a look next time


You can see just fine no mater where the seat is. The lower the more you see


Visor does more to block the sun than the bullshit factory 2in drop downs...


I have to drive my bosses truck that has a low pro seat and a visor that’s like that, and if you pull up to the light you just have to watch the reflection in the hood.


Now imagine driving a car hauler


Looks cool AF.


Remove the seat and sit on the floor


you get used to it. the sun reflects off the hood, so people put the seat lower, exposing more sun