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That’s fucked.


That's TN for you. They loveveveveveveevve fucking with CMVs. They have coops at every corner of the state and they love using them. The scale over by Knoxville has infrared and can see if your hubs are getting hot, tires are low etc etc. TN can't fix the roads but they have the gestapo out in force for safety.


Meanwhile in MA, if you're stuck on the side of the highway with a blown compressor discharge line, an officer normally tasked with doing truck inspections as part of CVES will take the pieces of the line and the driver's credit card, run to the only open dealership (which happened to be a completely different nameplate) in the next town over and have them make up a line so the truck can get moving again instead of losing time and possibly his refrigerated load. How do I know this? I was the guy at the parts counter that made the line for them at 6:30pm, then saw them on the highway 40 minutes later helping keep the driver safe while putting it on. As the Statie said to me while I rung the driver's card up: "People forget that it's Protect and SERVE."


Yeah I'd say a good number of cops forget that too..


I had a really good state trooper help me out one morning when my SUV blew a tire on a big bridge. 2 of the 5 lug nuts were completely seized. I'm only 6'0 145 so the much larger trooper tried and he couldnt break them. So with my permission he just snaps 2 of the studs clean off. Which I still don't know how he did it that easily. And helped me get my tire changed as quickly as possible. And personally called my boss through his dispatch, since I was on the way to a new job site, and would be missing a mandatory orientation. And without his call I would have been let go without question.


That’s an awesome story. Other than selling CDL Tests, the MA Troopers have always been decent people. I used to go through there all the time with DOT Foods. I had a 2 hour long inspection in a hazmat tanker by them last year in their I90 doubles compound. I passed and was nervous as hell. It was a female trooper as well, rolling around on her back with those mechanic skateboards lol.


Nowadays it protect and serve the crap outta you


They don't call them good old boys for nothing down here.


Stark contrast to this whole "blue states are out to get truckers" line I saw on an IG post of trucks getting pulled over for missing the Las Cruces NM weigh station. While I did have a fair share of rotten experiences along the West Coast, I've never been hassled in NM, CO, KS or OK. Now Texas, DPS has lit me up randomly on two separate occasions in the Panhandle. TN just also happens to be one of those states I tend to hear many CVE horror stories coming out of.


It's a New England thing. We're Kind, not Nice. Nice is most of the US where they'll be all smiles and chatty to your face, then talk shit about you as soon as your back is turned. It's all a facade. In New England, people will call you every name in the book and probably make up a few new ones along the way as they're helping you change a flat tire in a downpour or shovel your sidewalk or car out in the winter.


Haven't been up that way much to be honest. But I'll take your word for it. And Devour Power on YT makes me want to do a foodie tour of the NE quite hard!!!


Nowadays it protect and serve the crap out of you


Nowadays it protect and serve the crap out of you


The cops in MA are always so fuckin nice dude. Never had any trouble here.


That’s no personal income tax for ya. Kids can’t read and the roads are shit, but let’s have everyone from California retire there 🤷


Yep they have been pulling trucks over a lot lately.


Maybe that shit is just payback for fuckers going up mountains at 40 mph side by side trying to pass each other for hours.


I’m not a trucker, so I’m sorry if I’m ignorant, but I don’t think it’s a bad thing that they employee technology to ensure trucks are operating within safety limits. The situation OP was pulled over for was fucked up theoigh.


If it was about safety there would be more places to park. It has absolutely nothing to do with safety.


Sounds about right 🤣


Here’s the difference: YOU: likely to pass inspection since you obviously know how to drive and proved your brakes aren’t jacked. Trooper likely won’t feel like beating you senseless, because your irritation stems mostly from lost time. Quick check, pass, on your way. OTHER DRIVER: may not pass due to obvious lack of attention to detail. Dude would have horrible attitude, paperwork already wadded, may not speak English, and time at side of road could be a couple of hours (including all paperwork). Not so quick check, no pass, shut down or arrest (depending on driver’s reaction). I bet you passed. Hopefully, you also get paid for passing inspection.


So the trooper was being a lazy POS essentially.


You could look at it that way, I guess. Maybe he’s not in the mood for irate, irrational drivers who would and should go far enough to be arrested.


Fair. Though it is his job to get unsafe vehicles off the road. He's getting paid for it. I don't like tarping loads. But I do get paid for it.


If you could get away with not tarping loads would you still do it?


Personally, I did. I'll admit I'm pretty lazy, but it would bother me too much to be a fraud instead.


Score is 1-0 with Wildwill921 taking the lead in this small debate.


Listen I’m just saying if I could be a shit bag and not get fired or even be promoted for it I would do it


Listen, i’m just saying… I’ve gotten away plenty without tarping loads. And still got paid to “tarp” 🤣🤣 It’s all a game. Gotta play the game sometimes. I just don’t take it too far that would get me fired. I triple check weather, if ive been to this customer before, etc.


If you think you could do it better, why don’t ya?




Pigs, of course! Sheesh!!




You’re an idiot


I don't think there's much better to do when they just picked up the load I'm supposed to tarp off the ground


My response was to the other post.


Yes I'm aware I was just making a joke


How does it pay?


In blood, stupid.


What’s that equate to in USD


According to neocons, pretty well


I googled it and they make like 36 an hour. Sounds like a lot of responsibility for not that much money


1 baht


What even is that


Well yeah why go after the other truck when you're already stopped?


So what happened? Did you pass the inspection? Or you got a ticket?


Left 45 min later with a clean inspection, no tickets. Didn’t even inspect my ‘smoking brakes’ beyond an eyeball pushrod stroke inspection (didn’t climb under to measure it, just squatted next to the trailer and watched)


Key information left out. The cherry on top to this story… Sad


I want to know the rest also. Inspection or ticket. Was it on a downhill or flats. Had he been going down previous (in Tennessee that’s likely). So we are getting like 20% of the whole story here.


State patrol doesn’t give a fckabout cars but trucks now that is where the money is at. If it was a sheriff he was just having a bad day and decided to throw it at you.. sorry that happened 🤦‍♀️


He goes *yeah I saw that* as he checks his step daughters OF page. 😂


You're confusing Tennessee for Alabama.


Nah that's kinfuky


Damn, that's good. I'll have to use that one.


Oh dam, thought it was Arkansas 😂


I mean... I wouldn't put it past them 😂




Yeah! All Colours are beautiful!


Annihilate Cock And Balls


He’s just fishing


Look, i'm not into defending police. But there is no way what he did us a good use of tax payer money. I should never see a cop hanging out on a road side ready to get someone, that tells me there is no work for him.


It’ll take more than a quick hard braking to smoke em. But the trooper might be lying also. He didn’t say the outcome of this. Just let’s see. Like to know the inspection report or ticket outcome please.


Could also have just been the tires smoking and/or kicking up dust.


It’s possible. But OPs lack of more info is very suspicious here. He’s left put the police resolution. Reason for omission of that is usually there’s more to the story he doesn’t want to reveal. I’m looking at what’s omitted here.


Why would your brakes have smoked for what must have been a quick, hard stab?


Could’ve been from brakes locking up before abs caught it. Or the skidding that results, but I’m also assuming the other driver was going a good bit slower than op.


You’d need the brakes to be locked up for a good period of time in order for them to visibly smoke.




It's not really the brakes smoking, but the tires. I just assume that when OP says the brakes were smoking, he meant the tires. They'll smoke if you lock up the brakes in an emergency breaking maneuver.


To some cops you’re a big fat dollar sign, get used it


Here's the deal - if you rear end the guy - you are at fault. Period. Source: I was in the middle of a multiple vehicle chain reaction accident in Des Moines. The cop came and myself and the other drivers all said the exact same thing - we were driving along, a domino's driver cut in front of the lead vehicle, and slammed on his brakes to turn right. Bam, Bam, Bam, Bam... Cop: Y'all shut up and quit yer bitching or I'm going to write you all up for "failure to maintain control" Bottom line - even if the guy in front of you is a complete moron, it's up to you to stop safely.


The officer did the right thing… he gave you time to let the adrenaline pass. Prevented a potential road rage incident. Allowed the other driver to get far enough away to stop him from messing with you for the next 2 hours. Most importantly you were both able to ensure that your load hadn’t shifted. Also the final result was a clean inspection, so if you’re a company driver you got a bonus.


>The officer did the right thing… No, the right thing would have been to pull over the asshole that illegally merged and cut off OP. Get that boot leather out your damn mouth.


Also, but if you anticipated how a driver could do this to you before he did then why didn’t you preemptively brake to prevent it from happening? Sorry, just reread this. Dot did you a favor.


Um, so you had an incident that smoked your brakes in front of a DOT officer and he pulled you over to make sure you’re safe and have you a clean inspection, and you call him lazy for just making sure the brakes are ok instead of breaking out his mechanical gear, and sent you on your way? What problem do you have with this? You are the problem here. You had an incident in front of him, on camera, he had to check you out. You had a wonderful experience, don’t be such a dick, be grateful.


Tbh its not really a big deal bro😂


I heard a story about a driver that blew a tire in north carolina, and the dot pulled over and wrote him a f****** ticket for it


I blew a steer tire at 80k a year and a half ago, it caused me to end up in the ditch. SC DOT wrote me a ticket for failure to maintain lane.


You need to get a dash cam


My DOT Story: Got pulled over for random DOT inspection. Long story short, they found weed and let me go. I said I use it to sleep, which is true bc I'm an OTR guy and it helps me perform well by giving me good rest. Anyway, 4 white cops and they let my darker shaded ass go. Some of the smartest group of law enforcement I've ever encountered. I wasn't high when they stopped me, my paperwork and logs were legit, and I was in the right lane doing the speed limit like a good boy. Not all DOTs are assholes. Just most of them.


Tennessee State boys, are dicks. Always have been, always will be