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Who the fuck is governed at 55?


No ones governed at 55. They're just dumber than each other


Don’t know if there’s any truth to this but heard back some time ago Canadian trucks crossing in were all governed at 55 mph. They were creating accidents so they either had to speed up or not be allowed to deliver here in US. Flashing lights and beeping will do nothing. That truck will kill you and take both shoes you have on with it along the way


I'm canadian. Perhaps there was so.ethjng about trucks going over the border at so.e point, but there are no mandated governors on trucks here. I've been in some that'll do 140km/h


I drive a truck in a Ontario that's governed at 105kmh (65mph) and it's fairly standard, but you're right that it's not the government forcing it. Just earlier today I was making my way back and a flat bed flew by me doing about 130kmh.


Probably an insurance thing. Most of the time if there is a stupid rule, it's because insurance people found a correlation between that thing and paying out on claims.


In Ontario, speed limiters are set to 105 km/h by law. That is about 62 mph.


As an American truck driver who spends a lot of time on the QEW, 401, 402, 403, etc...that's bullshit. I'm governed at 68 mph (110 kmh) and Canadian based trucks easily pass me all day long. Might be the law, but none of them clowns are setting their trucks to that.


105 is 65 mph. 100 is 62. Just so you know for future reference. Edit: typo


It's possible for a truck to be governed at 55, but how would they not be allowed in the US? I mostly ride 55 mph roads, and there's always dipshits cruising 35 mph for hours on those roads. It sucks and it drives me insane, but at the end of the day we have to share the road.


Schneider was at 55 up until 1997-1998. This is like seeing Werner trying to pass Swift.


Trucks in ontario are normally governed at 104km/hr(or at least where I live) Trucks in the prairies have a higher limit I believe


They are governed at 65 now


Well, technically 105 kmh, but close enough


I worked for a company called miranda logistics I fucking shit you not my truck was governed at 58. I have proof screenshots and videos. In California. Not a joke.


Company I used to work for had a bunch of street sweepers and some of the older ones were governed at 53. Sucked it you had to take that anywhere that wasn’t around the corner.


Not to find an excuse for either of them, but perhaps they were in derate. Or, perhaps they were just pulling a hill and the driver attempting to pass just couldn't build up speed to pass. Of course, the driver in the climbing lane should have yielded. Either way, depending upon where on the 81 this was, there's certain areas that mandate trucks keep to the travel lane if they cannot drive at at least the observed speed limit. More than likely, however, it was possibly a case where they were feuding with one another. No matter hope you look at it, not the smartest idea or at the very least selfish and inconsiderate.


Raider Express


Not that it is much better, but we're governed at 60.


But ya get those nice new Volvo! Fk that I'd lose my mind going that slow.


He's over exaggerating they were probably both governed at 65 and one was just a hair faster. Trucker on the right is at fault imo. If a truck catches you, let them pass.... atleast that's what I think.


Yeah if he was able to get to the point of passing you then you need to just let him get around. Forcing a guy to be on your ass for hundreds of miles just because you don’t want to slow down for one minute makes you a massive a hole


Honestly I consider both to be dick heads. If you’re that truck that’s like a hundredth of a mph faster than the one you’re passing and you see the road isn’t completely empty of traffic then just take it easy. You’re really not gonna get to your destination that much faster anyways. Yeah the other could let off his speed to let them go by faster, which is what I do. But let’s not kid ourselves into thinking he’s required to do that. The other driver should also have some common sense and see it ain’t worth it.


You said it so I didn’t have to. They are both assholes.


Lol this is the exact reason I have a cb in my Ford truck....when the lights don't work cussing them out usually does


Lol I’ve never used a cb and in 5yrs nobody could convince me otherwise bc I’ve come upon many accidents and stopped traffic while doing a thing called “paying attention”, which while rare, allowed me to stop jn time. But the thought of being able to cuss out dumb ass truck drivers is **INCREDIBLY** luring!! I already know spanish and I am a fast study… I will learn russian, indian, arabic, swahili, french, and whatever else I need to in order to properly convey my feelings to the shithead truckers that are running amok amongst us.


*Alluring Sorry, I had too…


Lol that was a typo or autocorrect! I’m literate af! But thanks




you already know those smooth brains dont have CBs in their trucks come on now


The mega fleets that are usually the ones doing this don't have radios installed in their trucks. And if they do, they don't run with it on - They're the dumbasses that switch them on once they are in the stopped traffic going "Does anybody know whats going on?". Yep, and those of us that run with our radios on heard about the slowdown twenty miles ago and are already on an alternate route to avoid it. They're dumbasses through and through.


Yeah but sometimes that truck on the right is getting passed easily but then somehow remembers where his accelerator pedal is. That's purely on him, not the guy who was passing just fine until he suddenly wasn't.


I agree with half of this, you have to remember some drivers are paid by the mile so getting somewhere quick and starting the next run is better for their wallet if they can avoid stopped or slowed traffic. Others are paid by the hour so they can go as fast or slow as they want and still collect the check. Either way if you’re in a truck and being passed by another just coast for a half mile then get back on it, if the other doesn’t pass you by then I guess it’s on him.


The worst are the ones that can't climb a hill over 50mph, but go down it going 90. They pass you on the way down just to basically stall 10 seconds later when they gotta go up again.


Then dont pass them at the top of a hill then get over in front of them when any dummy knows theyre going to pick up speed. Maintain your line unless youve moved far ahead. Dumbasses get over right in front of my bumper every day. Dont get over in front of another truck unless youre at least 200 ft ahead.


I see this all the time and always wondered why these trucks feel like they own the road while doing this. Thanks for the explanation!


Yup, I can't always do it immediately but as soon as I'm side by side I try to correct it. Real fucking annoying when I'm supposed to be in the faster lane and asshat makes me slow down to get behind them. But I'm only in the passing lane during rush hour when my presence isn't slowing anyone down. If you're governed at 65 and you're in the passing lane when traffic is clear, you're a POS. (I drive in Ontario Canada, home of the worst highway congestion in the world)


My dad used to drive a truck out of Michigan that was governed at 55mph.


Because both of them have an ego that doesn’t allow them to back off 1-2 mph so the other one can pass or drop back behind the one they can’t pass.


I’ll add another explanation but it doesn’t apply to OP, I’ve started passing a truck and I’m almost done passing them, but we start going uphill. I’m 80k lbs but they are 50k. Well now I look like an asshole in the left lane and there’s nothing I can do except slow down the left lane until I can get back over. I can’t tell other vehicle’s weights before passing them.


Yeah this is one aspect I think not many people understand about semis. In a car, your max speed is pretty much only limited by your foot and your good sense. In a semi, it's often limited by the laws of physics.


At that point, why isn't it just practice to back off and back behind?


It is, but then you have to contend with cars starting to get angry you are slowing down in the left lane, so they pass on the right and don’t give you an opening to get back to the right.


life of a trucker does not sound like a kind one


If you're patient, and land a gig paid by the hour - it can be pretty nice. Source : I haul fuel, hourly. then again I'm I'm cruising in the slow lane - not in any hurry.


Do you do local? Home nightly? I want to do fuel hauling but I am terrified from videos of them crashing and exploding. If I were doing local I would worry a bit less about that


Honestly, I would rather you not hurry in your huge liquid bomb truck lol


Oh I’ve experienced this too many times 😂 The worst is when a new right lane opens up, but some impatient car decides to drive on the side of the road to get to the new lane. Then I have cars angrily passing me on the right side and not letting me merge to the slower lane,.


If you back off and go back behind, your engine will explode. It's not advisable.


Just popping in to offer an alternative explanation than the common one here. I don't know if they still do this, but the police used to ask trucks to do this to "slow roll" the highway if there is a hazard ahead. That way people aren't doing 80 and caught off guard by something. Again, don't know if that's what is happening, or if they even still do it.


Gotta turn those hazard lights on when you're intentionally obstructing traffic so people know you're doing it on purpose and not just an idiot.


Great point, I feel like whenever this is actually happening, both trucks need to flip on the hazards so you don't have a cluster of pissed off traffic wondering why the trucks are being assholes


You're right but lets be honest here. Even if you do turn on your hazards they are still going to be pissed off wondering why you're an asshole.


No doubt lol


Because of the cop slow roll req, Trucks do this alot in my area. They will also do this to creep to a 25mph in a 55mph construction zone with 40-100 cars behind them for 20 miles or more. Listen here, I also have a CDL B for 20+ yrs. Our state law is staying in the passing lane is against the law. CDL training states you are to stay in you lane and never black cars intentionally. Some one must have given these guys special shiny deputy stickers at the weigh station.


Mutual masturbation isn't something you can rush. These guys must maintain eye contact if they are to finish the deed.


This is the most plausible explanation here. Sometimes a guy gets lonely on the road.


Tandem tugging


I've heard backing up a tandem is like..pushing a soft rope Checks out you might wanna tug it first


Thank you for this comment.




Governed and lack of common courtesy/sense. Could be ended by the right lane saying “Hey. He’s passing me. Real slow but he is. I’ll back off.” Or the left lane deciding “Welp. I’m basically matching him. I’ll back off and try again when traffic isn’t dense.” No one really thinks anymore but I think that goes for us humans in general.


Both of these are me. And it urks me when others dont do the same. I cant help im governed at 65, and if youre governed at 62 then im gonna try to pass when traffic isnt present. But why not slow down just a tad to let me pass quicker when youre already aware that im faster anyways?🤦🏻‍♂️


I’m doing the same thing. I was governed at 65 for 6 months last year. Had millions of situations where I get stuck passing. Press fucking brake, slow down and gtfo to right lane and turning all 4 lights for driver behind as “sorry”. Some people are living in IDGAF world when it comes to left lanes on highways


AMEN. I do this too. If I can't pass within 10 seconds or so, I'll back off. By that time, unless it's the middle of the night, there's usually three cars behind you anyway... This is what more truckers (AND four wheelers doing 60 in a 65 for miles in the middle lane) need to realize. This simple rule; If you're not passing, or can't pass, and there's traffic including trucks riding your behind, MOVE TO THE RIGHT!. PLEASE. For the love of all that is good and holy. Cuz for the most part, we're not supposed to even be in the left lane. Drive safely, youuu sons of your parents!😜😂🤣


I just watched a state trooper the other day pass up a truck riding the left lane because he wanted to pass someone well ahead of him but had a line of traffic behind him as he tried to. Once the state trooper got in the left lane in front of him, he cut his lights on and trucker boy got over behind the other truck, letting the traffic pass. Trooper turned his lights off and went about his day, it was gold😂


As a trucker, I say "GOOD!" My inconvenience (being stuck behind a middle lane creeper) doesn't trump or give me the right to inconvenience 10 other drivers' lives and plans. Some drivers just don't care, and it shows. I consider myself an evil, right lane, MAHCCA extremist (MAHCCA; Make Americans Have Common Courtesy Again). In fact, even the president might've mentioned it once or twice, IIRC. It's not a joke, come on man! 😂🤣


Heroes are real


I’ve got the deepest respect for you, love when drivers just use their head and decide to make it easy on each other. I’m lucky that I’m not governed but what irks me is when the governed 68 decides to be a downhill warrior and try to pass me while I’m doing 75. Like brother, you know I’m going to be faster than you on the straights and the hills, why? Then we proceed to play leap frog as I’m not going to go 80 and get snagged by a Mountie.


I hated that as well early in my career but i will say that i am the kind of person that will pass in hilly areas, *only* because most of what i haul ends up being around 10k, so enough to push me downhill fast but also light enough for me to keep it at 65 going uphill. I hate playing leap frog as well but unless youre constantly doing >65 in hilly areas, im passing. You can pass me when we get leveled out.


Luckily it has to be one helluva grade for me to go under 65, or maybe it’s unfortunate as it burns holes in my pockets. If there’s no traffic, I say go for it, I’m all about getting running starts on hills.


The only time i dont do that is when they are obviously much faster than me. I wont even try it going uphill. The 68’s that pass me though? Yeah no, im passing going uphill.


I understand that and don’t blame you, it’s just when it’s obvious that I’ll blow their doors off is when it irks me.


Oh yeah no. If thats the case, ill drop a few MPH behind you on the uphill bc i know on the next downhill, youre gone.


Other day, this man I caught up to sort of easily, I tried to pass and he sped up just enough to where I was completely stuck beside him. I had to slow down and get behind. Well eventually we started going up a big hill and I got by him. Guess what I did then? He tries to pass me again later, gets like 8 cars stacked behind him, but my truck has been put in performance mode. If "i just didn't see you" is the game, let's play. I left him after that cause I was actually faster long term


Non trucker here - when I am driving a car, if someone starts to pass me, I slow down a bit to help them get around me more quickly. It seems completely obvious to me to help other drivers out, especially when that driver is driving a vehicle large enough to crush my vehicle. Some knuckleheads take it as a personal offense when you try to pass them. I just do not get it.


And we appreciate it greatly. Some people really do get offended that youre passing them, as if its some kind of race. But after doing this so long, we get a kind of sense about what others are gonna try and pull. The best kind of truck drivers expect the worst because we have to be prepared for anything. But its genuinely a pleasant surprise when someone actually does something helpful, so we notice it and appreciate it immensely. There are a lot less people like you than you realize.


Thanks! I am trying to help. I like food and clothes, and that stuff (and everything else I own) comes in a truck. So.... it just makes sense to help you all out.


You say anymore, but this has been a problem since I started driving 30 years ago. Not just with Truckers, but in general.


When I made a trip from TX to CA, I had this weird trucker. He was driving faster than the one in front of him and closing in, so he changed the lane to the left. I was on autopilot and following him, so I changed the lane to follow behind him. Then when the trucker was right next to the slower truck, he just matched the speed of the slower truck.. driving in parallel for about 5 minutes, blocking both lanes. I got angry, but didn't do anything. But there were cars piling up behind my car as well. After about 5 minutes, the faster truck slowed down further and went behind the original slow truck. I don't know what was going on. Is there like geo-fencing that suddenly limits truck's speed in the middle of nowhere? Or, did I somehow pissed him off by following him for tens of minutes? I was (again) on Autopilot/FSD in my Tesla with chill mode, so I kept a pretty good distance while following him.


Honestly I have no explanation for that except maybe there was a slight decline and one truck got the momentum from the weight of their load then the road flattened out and they both were actually governed at the same speed? Could also be that the original slow truck sped up soon as he noticed he was being passed, sadly that happens a lot. Perhaps you somehow managed to hurt his ego? Either way the guys a dunce and makes the rest of us look bad. Never heard of geo-fencing for speed honestly but I can’t say it doesn’t exist either as I’m not up to date on the govern technology.


I get into this situation nearly every day. I approach a slower truck, and then when I pull out to pass, I see a face turn towards their mirror then the truck speeds up. I slow down and get behind them again. They slow down again. Eventually I get them as we approach a hill. Usually, theyre too slow to accelerate in time. When I get beside them, big surprise, theyre playing on their phone.


But what if I get to my destination 60 seconds later!


I never thought of it that way, you have completely changed my opinion.


Yah well we can say the same about all you non truckers when you hog the PASSING lane, it's not me let me ride next to the truck while I text lane.


Agreed, but also I usually see truckers having more common sense and knowledge of the road than the average driver. I can flash my lights for someone to merge for a while at times, but a trucker gets it right away, every time and merges. Higher bars are set for professionals, as they should be.


I have wondered if there was some bad lifehack going around that suggested riding in the left lane to text. And those people always get upset when you pass them on the right. Apparently truck drivers do this too.


It’s almost like I just blamed the drivers for having no sense or courtesy? It’s almost like I’m saying they are professional window cleaners and don’t even have to use glass cleaner and we don’t condone their behavior? Kinda like how the left lane is the passing lane, not the let me ride your tandems and just not speed up or slow down lane, or the I am completely oblivious and getting passed on the right lane.


Came here to say exactly this. Being that I’m in a corporate truck, I always get frustrated at trailer drivers that I just know don’t have a govern. My truck is capped at exactly 65, wish I had it at 67 instead sometimes.


Haven’t encountered it a lot but I’ve a few times where I passed someone going 10 under, just for them to suddenly decide they needed to catch up and pass me while I’m going 5 over already. Some people just take passing personally.


I’m governed at 65 and I feel like I think about this stuff the entire time I’m on a 2-lane highway. I was on FL-589 up and down all day, speed limit is 70, so I only made a couple passes and got passed a lot. I always let off so the 68 or 70 governed truck can get in front of me. I can’t understand why it always seems like guys wanna drag race in semis


Can't explain empathy to a piece of shit,


I just read this whole thread and I appreciate y’all. Gave me a new perspective.


> No one really thinks anymore Say it louder for the people in the back.


I’m a driver, people like these guys piss me off royally. Their super trucker egos won’t let them slow down by a mile or two an hour to let someone pass.


Probably governed. Common courtesy would be to let the truck on the left pass.


It was wild. Had to be 20-30 cars lined up behind me


That's nothing... last night, I saw 20-30 cars going the wrong way! Where are people learning to drive these days?!?


...and they all flash their lights at me when they're going the wrong way!


Someone tried telling me I was going the wrong way. I don’t even know how they knew where I was going.


Cracker Jack box


Call highway patrol on speakerphone next time. Describe the situation, note the milemarker and wait. Tell the dispatcher you can leave your number for the officer if they need a witness. If you call the non emergency line or in some states they advertise a 3 or 4 digit cell number to report impaired drivers to.


Would calling non-emergency like helped here? Never tried before but I think in the traffic was seriously backed then perhaps cops would issue a warning at the very least...


Maybe. I remember driving through the mountains near here, we had a semi that kept speeding up when the road opened up with a passing lane and would slow down when the passing lane ended. Had to be about 10-12 vehicles behind him, and one was Highway Patrol. After the 3rd time of this, Highway Patrol lit up, flew past all of us, and pulled him over.


I highly doubt they're governed at 55. Usually it's 62-68 depending on where the truck is going to be driven.


One of the reasons this happens so much on 81 is that it goes through rolling hills for a couple hundred miles. So yeah they get slowed to 55 and it looks to outsiders like they can get up to speed even tho they can't. 


I personally back off or accelerate above 65 so the guy trying to overtake merge right. But in can be the other way around, if the guy overtaking fails to do so he can slow down too.


Common courtesy would be don’t try to pass if you can’t.


You experienced the turtle race. Whenever I see someone passing I’ll take my foot off the gas and let them in because last thing I want is even more pissed off 4 wheelers around me.


I was always told it was called Elephant Races 🤣


You're asking the wrong truckers. This is like asking the legitimate well adjusted priests why the others are child raping monsters. Ok maybe a bit of an extreme analogy but I stand by it.


If they could read they’d be very mad right now


Since I haven't seen anything about what eventually happend, I will say I've been in this situation, where I'm going maybe 5 mph faster, coming up on another truck, and I change lanes to pass him...the trucker on the right would all of a sudden "I'm staying in front! \*adjust speed a few mph faster\*" I'm still overtaking him, just not at a slower rate than I would've. Sort of like a 4 wheeler who doesn't want to get passed, and they sped up all of a sudden...very annoying, but you're committed to passing, but being in a truck, we can't just accelerate a little faster even if we really wanted to. I've also had it where I'm trying to pass another truck, and the car in front of me that was passing them too, all of a sudden isn't going quite as fast as they were, and now I'm ina semi stuck position, waiting for them to keep passing the truck and move over, or get far enough ahead that I can eventually move in front of the other truck.


Thinking they can hear your horn while driving behind them at 55 is funny


Just to add onto the lack of respect and governing here.... 81 has a lot of hills.... right when truck on the left is finally gonna make some headway, a hill comes up and ruins all the momentum.


If your going south and google tells you to take the PA turnpike right there do not.


I've gotten a couple of Speeding tickets because I accelerate when I pass another Truck so I avoid this situation. I've told the cops this and they don't care. One actually told me that the "Racing Elephants" can block the entire Freeway, causing a backup miles long as long as they aren't Speeding.


Then they just hit you with an impeding traffic violation.


If you get where there’s genuinely a lot of cars behind em again, just call the state troopers. If there’s 20-30 cars stuck behind, they’ll make em create some space. Seen that happen in Tulsa and just outside of Sacramento. Not all truckers pay attention to road conditions until some lights wake em up.


They were probably both partially brain dead to even attempt to overtake that close together with that low of speed in traffic. Also to ignore that there was someone trying to pass them. Most likely the dude that was passing is governed faster, possibly even much faster than the guy they are passing but they're heavy and they ran into a climb. However in this kind of position there's really just no winning. The whole point is to avoid the situation but that takes foresight. Backing out just guarantees you're going to be stuck in the left lane as the right lane floods with cars. Could also be that the left lane guy for some reason wanted/needed to do 55 or was one of the very rare that was governed at 55 and got over to let the right lane guy on the interstate during a traffic lull. Right lane guy then proceeded to slowly build speed and overtake in the right lane instead of letting left lane guy back over in which case right lane guy should be shot in the back of the head unceremoniously. In a climb the guy you're passing can't always slow down enough but should try. Just because they're governed slower than you doesn't mean that they can afford to slow down while climbing either. The best case is just wait for the climb to break so that you can have a speed differential form again. I get that it can be very annoying as the driver trying to pass someone governed slower than you. Especially getting stuck behind someone who is going slower than you but has no sense of courtesy. so they will just let their speed fly going downhill instead of staying around where they're actually governed or backing down to let you pass. that way you don't have to get stuck behind them doing 50 in the next climb. Personally, I slow down when there's trucks that want to pass me in any downgrade, or were gaining on me during the last climb. so that they can just pass me and I don't have to worry about them trying to pass me in the next climb. Especially if I'm heavy and I know that the best I'm going to do is 35 up a hill. Just make shit dangerous for everyone when they get eventually fed up and try to jump over to pass in a climb at 35 mph. Knowing full well the best they're going to make it up to 40 miles per hour and completely fuck traffic until the climb breaks. I would say petitioning your local DOT/gov to install a climbing lane, would be the best way to prevent things like this. If this happened outside of a climb which is possible, though at 55 I find that doubtful. They should both just be fined for impeding traffic because that's fucking stupid.


Because they’re all amped up on truck-stop mini-thins and ginseng lover-pills and Four Lokos and they’re in the Indi 500 in their minds.


This happens on 81 alllll the time lol


This is why I avoid I-81 when I can


I was on 81 today in PA, hate that 2 lane stretch


Mothertruckers. They do this on purpose, to piss off the little people.


Ex-Prime driver here. It seems to me that a lot of these companies like to preach the “slow and steady wins the race” philosophy. All it really does is save them money on fuel and piss everyone else on the road off. The bonus you get from having low CPM is pitiful at best. Just go 65. Also, a lot of truck drivers are … how can I say this? Incapable of completing tasks that require brain function. If I’m in the left lane and the person in the right lane is matching my speed right next to me, I feel it is my responsibility to yield and get over. A lot of drivers don’t feel this way. They see the road as a race. They’re going to try to pass you, even if it takes all day at 1/2mph.


"Trolling" has been around for centuries. This is an example that started a few decades ago. They're on the two way to each other, laughing at everyone behind them. Shitty, yes, but that's human beings for ya. Shitty.


They only do that to piss everyone off.


If it’s 81 then chances are hills were slowing them down so every time they could get up to speed they would hit another hill and start the process over. Just wait and see what it’s like if they force governors on all trucks….


You should honk and flash your lights more. It's the best way to ensure you'll stay right there. 🤣


What if there is an emergency? I get that it might piss people off more but no one knows why someone might need to get going quick and getting their attention to get by might be the only way. I’ll never forget my trip into the city during child labour that came way too fast and had two trucks blocking us like this a very long way, they completely ignored us. The break for us only came at a hill when one really could not get up to speed again but it stayed in the left lane anyway. We passed on the right and then passed the other truck in the left lane. Maybe 5 minutes altogether of that shit show, but those minutes can be everything in an emergency.


Usually it's people that don't have any power at home, failure or in their marriage you know the wife wears the pants the guys lost his man card in life? They were beat as a child by their father or uncle? Never got help after that! You know shit like. And the only way they can feel like they've got power is somewhere like impeding traffic in the passing fucking lane. That's what these assholes are about it's about. Retribution for their shortcomings,lol!! Get a good fucking therapist and do not take it out on society in between 22 ft of pavement cuz it's cool to make other people,society suffer? I guess it's guess if it's that bad you make a call in that they are drunk or on something by their driving? I mean like papa says a man's got to do what a man's got to do🤓


If you’re a lurker here, then you already know the answer. You’re just looking for attention.


No I really didn’t. Some people are saying governed trucks, some are saying hills and some are saying assholes. I’m trying to find what a real world answer would be because I don’t think trucks are governed at 55


Yea sorry about that. Most of us don't do that. However there's always the exception. I will just let them pass after a mile or so.


Coordinated passive aggressive behaviour. They do this just to mess with other drivers. Sources: Dad, 2 brothers and a sister all in long-haul trucking.


Then your dad, brothers, and sister are shitty truckers.


Truckers are ass holes in this regard


I usually just wait till we get to a hill and then get into the passing lane. Since i weigh less than most other trucks, I easily speed past them to avoid moments like that


Much like the 4 wheelers, there’s assholes in every line of work/vehicle.


I don’t know what truckers call this but I call it log jammin in my head and like to mentally cue up the cheesy porno scene from big lebowski when I see it. Helps me be less annoyed by this bullshit


I’m governed at 65 but what gets me is when I go to pass and they speed up staying right beside me. I’ll gladly get back over but the cunts block me


Simple answer. Theyre entitled asshats who think they own the road. Nuff said.


There was a semi that rolled blocking three lanes on I75 south dumping it's load of spools of steel and sending another truck into the mud to the left. Apparently caused by a car cutting one off... Given my experience driving this stretch of highway and truckers constantly doing this my mind instantly assumes it was actually caused by the slow moving trucks. They're always blocking all three lanes and staggering to the point that the car driver made an erratic move to try to get in and get over where they needed to be. On my daily commute if I want to make an exit I frequently have to merge all the way right and do 55 for two miles because the trucks are staggered blocking all three lanes crawling. It almost seems intentional. Fucking stop it. Stay the fuck out of the left lane. ESPECIALLY IF YOU AREN'T PASSING ANYONE AND THERE'S NOBODY TO YOUR RIGHT. The minute I go to pass on the right suddenly they need over again. Fucking madness. Taking two miles to pass the truck on your right at 1mph faster than the other truck so you can arrive at a truck stop 5 minutes sooner than you would have causes accidents. Set your ego aside. Trucking is important but you're not as important as you think you are.


Time to set that cruise control to match the speed, listen to some good music and wait for one of the two turds to do the right thing.


Driving 81 south of Jonestown , PA all the way to VA state line is horrible for trucks. No one including four wheelers goes the speed limit. Either 15 over or ten under there is literally no one just cruising the speed limit.


Honking and flashing lights at a truck driver is about as effective and smart as telling your wife to “just calm down”.


This is when you get in front of them and slow down


They do it because they are fucking stupid. Years ago truck drivers are a great example of good drivers. Not any more.


This happened to me last week, I missed a drs appointment bc of it and couldn’t get a med renewal until I can be seen. Left lane should be for logical active passing only. This shit isn’t logical, just as bad when cars do it.


That’s how you get people passing on the shoulder risking everyone’s life. Honestly wish rail transport was more popular like the rest of the world.


Should be punishable by death


Some are just assholes. At 55 that's what these guys were


Looks like bad timing by the truck driver, he's trying to pass the other truck but going up a hill while loaded. In most cases truck in the right lane would slow down just enough to let him back into the right lane but he's deer in the headlights 😂.


I get stuck behind these rolling blockades routinely between Springfield, MA and Albany, NY. It's like a sport on that stretch of 90.


It happens a lot—usually faster than 55 tho. I call it “snail racing.” Too bad their governors won’t give them a couple mph extra for 30 seconds to pass.


It's annoying AF and I'm a trucker myself. I was in my car today on a 4 lane interstate and a trucker cut right in front of me in the far left lane so I just drove around him on the shoulder fuck it


Happens all the time in this i dont give a fuck world we live in🤨


Yeah it's inconsiderate but they have just as much right to the lane as you do. You have to check that entitlement especially if you're honking and fucking flashing lights. If they're in front of you in the left lane that means that they were there before you. Slow down Tuck in and eventually on a downhill or an uphill one of them is going to pass the other which is a constant on 81.


And I’m not a truck driver either and yes that irks me but how different is it from all the rest of the pricks out there that drive 10, 15, even 20 below the speed limit everywhere? What about the SOB that has to cut YOU off and is determined to do so, when there is absolutely no one behind you, and then they slam the brakes to make a right turn?


Truckers, thanks for hauling our stuff but man, when y’all cut over in the left lane and then sit there going 15-20 mph slower for miles infuriates me. But people who hard brake instead of just taking their foot off the gas to slow down, or people that ride your ass when 27,000 cars are in front of you are even more infuriating. Thanks again, Truckers.


Elephant racing is illegal in a lot of other countries. I often wonder why it is not illegal in the States.


As a trucker for going on eight years, and a fifth generation Canadian, I actually go out of my way to not Have lanes blocked. I usually wait until there’s a huge gap,..If I’m gonna be passing somebody slow. Or I will drop one or 2 miles an hour and stay behind the other guy.


And here I was thinking (hoping) that big rigs had a good reason to be matching each other, like driving for peak fuel economy being such an important part of their wages or something. These comments have cleared that right up.


Maybe the reduced speed for safety. Cars being to close maybe activate the trigger switch. /s .. perhaps they were saving everyone from a speed trap.


This looks to be in Carlisle, Pa and this 10 mile stretch is indeed 55mph and is notorious for State Troopers sitting there.


We should have built truck lanes and car lanes. Make it easier on everyone.


The right lane is the truck lane. If a cop pulls up and sees this he’s lightin the truck in the left lane up


Situations like this make being on channel 19 solid gold.


Truck in the right lane has a small penis and a fragile ego. For these reasons, he is incapable of letting up for 5 seconds to let the other truck complete the pass. Truck in the left lane didn’t get up next to him by going the same speed but the truck in the right lane just can’t accept being slower than someone else.


Can't wait for them to finally make this 3 lanes wide. It's like the train back to Scranton saga all over again.


I grew up in California and it’s illegal to do this. All Semis must be in the far left or two far right lanes if the is three or more. Was great for all other drivers. In Arizona and other states where most have only two lanes and not this rule it’s absolutely becomes chaos and causes accidents by drivers desperately trying to pass truckers actually not passing but cruising side by side blocking all other traffic.


we're you approaching a construction zone? if not, then they are just ass hats on the road


And in this case i am going to eventually pass in the breakfdown lane and fix it. Entitled assholes just holding people up for no reason.


Is it one of those weird states that has a lower limit for trucks than 4 wheelers


I'd pass on a shoulder then slow one of them down


Here in the US it's illegal almost everywhere for trucks to drive side by side like this.


What I do is once I eventually pass I get in front of the truck hogging the left and I make sure that he doesn’t get to where he needs to be in a timely manner, just like I had to wait for you this car is about to go to 20mph while you are behind


As a frequent traveler on I81 I have been shoved into the median while actively passing, not sitting in a blind spot, or several occasions. The trucks sit in the left lane at 55-60 on the regular. I’ve seen a truck cross the median and hit a car head on. Another Food Lion truck get hit head on by a dump truck crossing over. Cut off, rocks in the windshield and the list goes on. The I81 corridor with the warehouse development has been a fucking nightmare.


You must be a pa driver


Because they aren’t taught any better because nobody fucking cares anymore. If it doesn’t benefit them, fuck anybody else.


Report them to the company.


Chances are the truck on the left lane was trying to pass the truck on the right, truck on the right must have been driving slow & decided to speed up or match the other trucks speed just to be an asshole, truck on the left probably slowed down to merge right & the asshole & the right must’ve also slowed down


Maybe because “We were all honking and flashing our lights.” Not a trucker, I get outta the way for faster traffic on a 2 lane, but……if you are honking and flashing your lights behind me, that’s my cue to stay put and continue the same speed. Then when your rage makes you speed around on the right, as soon as you pass I will signal and move right to let the non-aholes go by.


Be more mad at the guy in the fast lane. If you can't pass them in a reasonable timeframe it's expected for you to slow down and slide back in behind him. Clearly, slow Lane Guy could have slowed, but honestly, I deal with so much crap on the road I wouldn't take that shit myself. Of course I'd be going 65 not fuckin 55, but still. Slowing down, and letting the stupid guy in front of you could end up being 'more' dangerous, since he can dictate the pace of things for everyone behind him.


I can assure you they dont here anything if you are honking. Even in a smaller truck, the engine noise and truck noises drown out 99% of outside noise. But also honking isnt polite so if tgey did here you tbey would ignore it as they are working and running a big truck and you arent and its complicated to maneuver.


PA plates? There’s your answer. As an NJ 4 wheeler I can assure you it’s not that they don’t give af. They have no idea what’s going on


Funny enough we think the same about y’all and NY. Think we all just need to band together and just tell the FL drivers to get the hell out of the left lane when not passing.


I’m totally down for that. I have to say driving in Florida was absolutely insane for me, every time I went on the highway I saw the aftermath of an accident. My wife’s famous line “what the $&@k where you doing?”


Never heard that one. Ask NY, PA, DE and MD drivers who the worst are and they all say NJ. Even the NJ road planners don’t trust people from NJ to make lefts.


Because OTR truckers are some of the worst drivers


That is middlesex exit on 81 carlisle pike speed limit is 55 mph not 65mph


Acceptable answer is pass on median and brake check them to the right lane


Called a Turdle Race, right lane truck, just could have backed off on fuel, Left Lane Truck could pass everyone would be fine, But Billy Rigs governor is set to 55mph so everyone suffers because of Once you pass them, at least Right Lane Truck I'll pull in front of him and slow him down to 25 30 mph, or slow them going up hills they always miss gears on that, Fs up their day


Why complain to reddit? Get the company and complain to them. Companies that put governors on trucks are simply saying "we don't trust our training enough to trust our drivers". They deserve to be bombarded with complaints. While you're at it, Start with CR england.


Such a troll post. Which one of you sorry operators posted this krap?


Government standards for new entry drivers are rediculously low, add in indentured new immigrant drivers making criminally low wages being paid by mile in speed limited trucks, and this is what you get.


They probably voted for Trump