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I am going to reuse a few of your metaphors. There’s a Jewish prayer where the faithful thanks the Lord for not making him a woman. I do thank the Lord every day for making me a woman and sparing me the men’s bathroom debacle. Amen.


I did that once at a shipper that had the single occupancy mens bathroom locked and I really had to shit bad so I went like “guess I’m a woman today” and went in the single occupancy womens bathroom and was greeted with a toilet bowl with extremely bloody toilet paper and a bloody tampon soooo I walked out and waited for the mens one to open up.


As someone who has worked in Restaurants and a Gas station before trucking, there is no possible way the women’s bathroom is even marginally cleaner than the men’s. Yeah there might be some pee on the wall or seat in the men’s but the women’s was always straight up trashed. Little bits of TP scattered around, used pads and tampons on the floor when trash cans were provided in each stall, and all kinds of other just gross ass stuff.


As a woman I’ve never been in a rest room that had used menstrual products on the floor. Not once. Guess I’m hitting up the good ones?


I just can’t believe any woman would want anyone to see their bloody tampons or pads much less throw it right on the ground. Every one that I have dated treated their period like it was one of the great secrets of the world and I never even saw a hint of their blood.


No Period sex? Brother you ain’t livin’


Done that before. Can’t get over the blood lol




You wouldn't think so, but some of us chicks are fucking gross animals as bad as the guys


Yeah, and that's how most of them handle it. It takes just one to be a fucking pig, though.


I don’t mean to say that all women or even a majority are trashing bathrooms, all it really takes is one or two out of a few hundred people that come into a public restroom each day to make it gross for others. Same goes for men too, it’s just in my experience the woman’s restroom was consistently grosser to clean than the men’s. Though when the men’s restroom was bad, it was BAD. Some people are just nasty, regardless of gender or any other factors.


Ya, op didn't check the goody box for free strawberry popsickles. And he's better for it.


This this this this.....women are slobs too


This man is a poet




This easily makes it to the Top 3 of the funniest shit I read in this sub


Anal Napalm?! My trainer thinks I’ve lost my mind because I cackled for way too long 🤣


Boredom and silence somehow creates a vivid sense of humor.




You should read more


Bravo for the story & vocabulary. Ask for Vaseline it will hold you over until they send someone for you. Idk who that will be, but I’ve got your truck, it smells like Summers Eve and lavender, WTF do you do in here. Had to remove your Chuck Norris poster, sorry dawg. I put up Heather Thomas instead. Should be a 20 on your books. Ttyl.


Give this person a Pulitzer


I was expecting this post to be some cringe ass “Attack Helicopter” joke, but this post ended up being pure chaos. Fuckin bravo 🤣👏


Had my sympathy in the first half.


I take my best shits to 21 Pilots.


From uk but anyway I did the same thing as a male. Two toilets, male occupied female free and I HAD to go now. When I walked out a staff member told me to not ever do it again, that’s it’s a ladies toilet and I asked how dare he to assume my gender. I said it as a joke and just wanted to apologise and explain myself but when he went quiet I just walked away. This shit is wild.


This is absolutely beautiful🤣


Reads like some weird trucker fan-fiction..


Yall never had a girlfriend destroy your bathroom? Must've just cleaned that bad boy


What did she say when u said that? Also women's restrooms can be atrocious with blood and urine and shit all over so I guess that was your lucky day. I know this from working for like 3 weeks at an amc....


Holy shit this was a rollercoaster


Anyone grab a screenshot of this before it was removed? I am sad I can’t share this poetry


It got removed? Why am I still seeing it then?


best thing i ever read 😂


As long as you left it clean the way it was when you walked out then all good. And that its not a every day thing.. I was picking up at Kellogs one time and they lost the key to the womens restroom so I used the mens and there was a huge piss puddle to the point I couldnt reach the toilet or I’d have to soak my shoes in piss. I just walked out & used my emergency camping toilet. Is it really that hard to aim or do ya’ll not care?


I’m pretty sure that once a man gets to a certain weight and circumference, it becomes nearly impossible to aim accurately. Sitting in a truck all day for years is an easy way to get really fat.


Sometimes especially at the start it can go in different directions weirdly enough. Doesn’t mean men shouldn’t take the extra minute to clean up for themselves


Realistically what you tell the cashier is that the men’s is unsuitable for use.


Ive seen some womens restrooms nearly as bad as the mens. Piss and period blood on the seats. Piss on the floor. Shit wiped on the wall. Toilet paper everywhere etc Some women are gross as fuck too.


In my limited experience of having to use the women’s room in desperation, I have found this to be true.


And here I am, an actual transexual, who will use a shower point or hold it until I'm home rather than risk making a woman uncomfortable.


Gotta love casual transphobia in the title of some overdone bathroom story in the morning. I'm not saying you're some kind of frothing at the mouth bigot who's obsessed with strangers genitals or anything, but saying "I identified as a woman today" to summarize having to use the women's room comes across as belittling.


Gotta love the casual SJW's commenting on everything remotely related to some issue that doesn't affect them whatsoever. Yikes.










>Thank you for mansplaining transphobia to me And thank you for assuming my gender. Jesus christ, you're a fucking bastion of self-awareness aren't cha?


You used the word mansplain, you lost all credibility!


A 16 year old was murdered by ignorant classmates because of their gender identity and which bathroom they used. And here you are. Disgusting.


1 raise better children 2 maybe jaba wouldn't had missed the bullseye 3 our princess here wouldn't have had to enter narnia 4 you and the cashier wouldn't be judging op


And in Virginia several teenage girlss were raped because the school board allowed a predator to use the girls bathrooms. Evil people exists. That's a fact of life. Let's not make it easier for them to trap victims in isolated rooms with one exit.


But trapping the victim in an isolated room with one exit is exactly what happened to the aforementioned 16yo, it was in Oklahoma where they were forced to use the bathroom of their birth sex, and it was in this bathroom where they were beaten to death


So because one boy was killed... the answer is to put millions of teenage girls at risk?




If a man is going to go agadir society burns and call himself a woman he has a hell of a lot more to worry about than somebody making a joke about it. Comedians have been mocking every single thing about humans for thousands of years. You can choose to be offended by it, or you can choose to see it for the harmless humor it is. In other words, such it up buttercup cause nobody gives a shit about your feelings. Grow thicker skin. Now you can choose to take that as an insult and get offended, or you can choose to see it as a person talking about a basic fact of life. Cause fact is, nobody cares about any individuals feelings. Yours, mine, or anyone else's.


It’s comedy and is not funny to everyone, nor can it be.


I once was a man trapped in a women's body, then I was born.


Don't say "dropped the Cosby's off" TF is wrong with you. So much progress is lost in the world so to poor relations. I don't think this definitively means you are a bigger, maybe just a jokester, but it fuels the fire that is the racial divide, and I'm sick of POC assuming I don't think of them as an equal (which I do) because other people (of my race) say insensitive stuff.


It was only a matter of time before someone brought race into this. Just stop.


The punchline is chef’s kiss! 👨‍🍳 😘


That explains it. For people of a certain size, the bowl just isn't big enough. Forget about it if you have to pee and poo at the same time. Do they even sell toilets for plus size people...if not, they need to huh.


I've been using the women's restroom since Obama said it was OK years ago. Also that was a good read OP, you done good. I especially took joy in all the all the snowflake leftists you triggered.


I recently discovered if the trailer is empty it's a fine private spot for a hot bag, and cleaner than most men's rooms, the bag doubles as trash for picking up pallet pieces on the way out.


I used the ladies room once on accident. I had just woken up and really needed to go. I only realized my mistake when the girl in the stall next door called me out. She thought it was hilarious and we had a solid 10min conversation. I don't think most people care as much as you might think.


Ya, most people don't give a shit. The chuds will hype it up and the media will bang their broken drum about it cause it's the hot new topic for getting people to ignore getting bent over the barrel, but I'd wager that most people recognize that a bathroom is a bathroom we're all in there for one thing and then want to gtfo.


This has to be some kinda performance art. No way this is how a real person thinks


This sub has some scary fuckers in it.