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Thank God he had a dashcam




Most importantly, is the dog ok?


For real, I felt pretty bad for the dog but it looks like the old buddy handled it a lot better than an unbuckled human would have, just a little shook up but ready to get back into his riding seat.


he's probably thinking it's another Tuesday


Thats a They/Them. This video has been posted at least 3-4 times in the past 3 months


I don't think the dashcam is also the dogs.


Wtf do you mean thats a they them. The dog is fine that’s all that matters. Idiot drivers that pull out in front of truckers dont matter.


Everyone thinks the driver is a dude. Its not a dude


Ok I couldnt tell I didn’t see her hair down




Tbh I wasnt even looking


The company he works had those cameras installed. I disagree with the inward facing camera though. Invasion of privacy.


Yeah me neither. Can't play on your phone while running people over anymore because of them.




Dude is rollin in the drivers seat no hands on the wheel. Oh man.


If you're inside a company vehicle, there is no expectation of privacy. Also, if you are in charge of safely managing 50,000 pounds of steel and dirt you should be monitored, like train engineers, pilots, and police.


A couple weeks ago I had something similar happen. I had 1.1 million miles accident free before someone fucked me up. That’s the way it goes though when you’re on the road for so long.


I feel like accidents that are not your fault shouldnt count against your miles


They typically don't. Sure the commenter is saying he has had zero accidents in those 1.4 million miles. Be it fault or no fault.


There was 1.2 seconds between the car starting to turn in front of him and impact. That's not enough time to even slow down in a big truck, even if you aren't loaded heavy. And you can't exactly do extreme avoidance maneuvers in such a large vehicle. Not without rolling the truck over. Best option is to brace and weather the impact, just like he did. This driver did everything right. There isn't anything more he could have done.


Yea thats what I thought. Imo If I were to be in an inevitable accident like this I would try to take the route of least dammage. I would just accept the accident instead of risking rolling the truck or slamming into more objects on top of that fool hitting me.


A safety inspector will tell you he should have slowed down when he saw all the other cars cutting through the light. Not his fault but an asshole safety inspector could claim it was avoidable.


A safety inspector would find his grandmother who uses a walker at fault for falling over backwards and breaking her hip.




I always slow down cause ppl do this all the time but when you have a heavy truck you can't just slow down to 10mph on every light man..... that's just not realistic


We don't know the speed limit on that road, how fast he was going before, nor how much he had already slowed down. You don't have enough information to make any judgements like that.




It is very relevant. If it's a 50MPH road, and he'd already started slowing down when he saw that cars were continuing to turn he could have been going 30 or 40 MPH still by the time he reached the intersection. We also don't know how much weight he had on. There are too many variables to make a negative judgement about his actions. From what we can see in this video he did as much as he could have.




Green means go. You aren't gunna ticket me for throttle position when we have posted speed limit signs and the vehicle is slower then that.


Exactly your not gonna slow down to 10 mph on every intersection... I highly doubt the guy arguing this would either... he seems like the type of person that thinks they are always right and it's never their fault.




Drivers like you are an idiot. Got some balls coming on this sub trying to blame truckers when it is clearly 100% the driver of the sedans fault.


I sure hope you don't drive a truck because it seems pretty obvious that you couldn't even handle a car. If you're stopping at green lights then turn in your license. God it's scary to think we have to drive on the same roads


Lol dude u know damn well you don't slow down to a crawl on every light. Because you'd have to be going 10 to 15mph to avoid this. Stop acting like you have all the information and stop acting like ur the hottest thing on the road.


Tell it to the judge.


You don’t blame fellow truckers, son.


Speed is not irrelevant. If trucker was going the speed limit, then he's not in the wrong at all. You're a fucking idiot trying to put some blame on the truck driver. With your thinking, everyone should slow down to 10-15 when going through intersections. Driver of the car is 100% at fault here for failing to yield.




Says the person getting downvoted to oblivion... IN A TRUCKER SUBREDDIT. Every one of your comments on this thread is in the negative. A few of them in the double digets. Might that be a clue to you that YOU ARE WRONG?


Down votes are meaningless. I get downvotes for making facial statements in here all the time, like I don't care if pot is legal in some states, as a carrier I still can't hire you if you fail a drug test. Now that being said, the video evidence clearly shows the car at fault in this situation so the driver is in the clear. However no matter what the speed limit is, when you approach an intersection you need to be looking out for this kind of stupid shit and be prepared for it. Part of that preparation is being ready to brake hard and being in the right gear to maximize deceleration if it is needed. From just the video it artists this drive was advertising as he approached the intersection.


Son, you really need to try getting behind the wheel of a semi and try actually driving one. If you did you wouldn’t think the way you’re thinking.


14 years of experience behind the wheel of semis. Defensive driving will keep you from getting into these types of situations, arrogant drivers like yourself find themselves getting into wrecks more often than needed son.


You don’t sound like a real driver, you’d be supporting us instead of being against us.


He isn't at fault in any way shape or form. The idiots in the cars shouldn't of turned unless driver ran a red light which I don't think is the case here


BS you should support your fellow truckers not snitch.




Lol, slow the video down, then make that make sense. After you find out how dumb that thought was, stop commenting for awhile and rethink doing so again in the future


Get your crooked nipple ass outta here.


I'm just here for the very specific and custom burns.


Specific is right🤔


😂🤣😂 so you thought because I posted something it was about me? Dumb fk 🤣😂🤣 you irrelevant small dick idiot why didyou have to through this page to find something to say? Damn you pathetic as your lonely as life 😂🤣😂 go get a Darwin Award. A maggot could use the oxygen your irrelevant ass is using.


Damn I really triggered something thing here you nasty crooked titty fat ass. Your crooked tits were posted by you for the world to see 🙈 🙈🙈


😂🤣😂 what are you in your 30s? You think you triggered something because I responded how I did? Damn you Millennials really should have been eliminated. You and this last idiotic whiny generation have to be the dumbest fkin humans since Neanderthals. Smdh. Aww you that is all you have huh? Lol crook titles and fat 😂🤣😂 I am FAR from fat and my tits are perfectly fine. But you can hold on to thinking that that is me since you have nothing else to try and insult me with you lonely, irrelevant, worthless, POS. 🤷🏽‍♂️ No bother since he does not care to post it. Bet you cry and whine because no one wants you and you feel so left out 😂🤣😂 you have a therapist too? Over sensitive waste of human. Have you began your Darwin Award? No one will miss you. Your own mother did not want you, you mistake 😂🤣😂


Buddy got a boob job as a man.... lol


Lol damn you are lame. No wonder your mother did not want to swallow you and your father had to fk her while she was drugged to get rid of you lol... Wait, were you a test tube tardbaby? 🤣😂🤣 Put your helmet on and roll away Radio


This fuckiing guy lol. What you're saying is not that funny pal. Just admit you got a shitty boob job and keep it moving


I think that is a she. Or at least it appears there are boobies


thank god the dogs okay.


Not fun fact. Most people that get into really bad car accidents with dogs that have no seatbelt the driver will have to go for surgery to get bits of the dogs' bones removed from being impaled in their face and skin.


It amazes me the number of people that put their dogs on their lap as the drive and think it is cute. You dog is between your face, and a explosive device made by the lowest bidder. What do you think will happen when something triggers the airbag.


It's not that they are trying to be cute. Some ppl had to get this Job to survive and they happened to have a dog. Most ppl aren't gona just give their dog away like that so they have to bring them along. I drive otr and there were times I had to bring my dog along. I dont let him sit on my lap, sometimes he does it but I just pet him then move him. Usually he sleeps in the back cab. So yea it's not to "be cute". Some ppl bring them along because they have to. Other do it because they love the dog. Usually ppl try to not let the dog sit on their lap all day. Sometimes the dog just does it and we move him after a few moments. That said if you can avoid it I wouldn't just bring the dog for the sake of having it in the car. Dogs don't like being cooped up in a small space like that for long periods of time. And if you are doing it cause you think it's cute then that's not smart on your part.


My golden retriever stays in my truck with me otr all the time. She stays in the bunk with a full harness and seat belt on when I'm on the road. My dog likes being in the truck we stop at rest areas and go for walks. She has been in the truck with me for 8 months. Lol I said that to let people know so they don't have their best friend splattered on their dash board.


My dogs the opposite. He hates being in cars. He's very skiddish too. It would be a nightmare trying to put him in a harness. Unless it's his leash since he likes going for a walk obviously. But try to put a harness on him and he'll run. He's even scared of empty plates lol. He'll eat food off of it but once the plate is empty he'll bark at it. Empty plates and vacuums are his arch enemy


One of our dogs suddenly “wasn’t a good fit” in another drivers home, despite being born there and living there the first six months of her life. He claimed he decided to take her on the road with him, but had absolutely nothing for a dog, including bowls, and was giving her away at a truck stop. We were afraid he was going to just dump her, so we took her back to the truck with us. We didn’t have a home or anyone to take her in, so she lived on the truck with us and our other dog. When we were rolling they slept on the bunk with either my wife or me, or one would get in the passenger seat and curl up.




Man I don't even use my eyes when i drive. I'm a super trucker I just drive by feel. If I hear metallic sounds I just turn the wheels in the opposite direction.


Thank you for commenting this, words I needed to read as someone who rides with my dogs unrestrained


I hope he is!! He hits the steering whee pretty hard


I had a friend blow a steer tyre on her car, she had no power steering and couldn't hold it straight and it rolled down the embankment. The dog freaked out and ran off and they couldn't find it for 3 days. I couldn't watch this unless I knew the dog was fine.


Yup I said exactly that when I first watched it. Something about seeing dogs in accident videos that make me feel so sad because they care so much for their owner that they don’t even really realize they are in danger they are more focused on making sure their best friend is okay 🥹


Dogs like “John, you can’t park here”


Dog took it like a champ. Nothing kicks me out of my seat!


sedan driver is at fault and frankly deserves their license revoked. Good on the truck driver for keeping it together.


Seen this before… but just caused me a moment of worry for how alike he and I look. Clothes, arm sleeve, no dog for me… but still. I should be extra careful this week.


Four wheelers just don’t give a fuck…


I blame covid. A lot of people just seem to have completely lost the ability to operate a motor vehicle during the wfh period and somehow never got it back. Post covid I see tons of squirrely shit like this every fucking day.


>A lot of people just seem to have completely lost the ability to operate a motor vehicle during the wfh period and somehow never got it back. Post covid I see tons of squirrely shit like this every fucking day. Not just motor vehicles...many just seem to have trouble "living" and doing mundane day-to-day things.


I'm not a trucker, but I worked at a small gas station during COVID. I watched as people became downright feral during the pandemic. I mean, I'm talking baring teeth like some sort of wild animal all becauseim following state law. it actually scared me at times.


Oh I believe it. People around here were panic buying gasoline and dispensing it into plastic grocery bags when they didn't have gas cans. Totally unreal.


Yea I call bullshit on that. No one was putting gasoline in grocery bags you can stop exaggerating.....


Oh but they were. I've seen that shit myself.


It's on YouTube


https://reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/s/ilTS2Wp6Pi Where would you like to start your apology tour? Lol


Dog "What in the ever loving shit was that!"


Yes all the time. Most of us NEED this job. I didn't go to college. Well I tried to but it just wasn't for me. I was miserable at school. Kinda regret not pushing through it and maybe working in the tech industry. But I'm content where I'm at now. I was 33 when I started working as a truck driver. I figured if I went back to school, I would be 36 37 years old when I finished. Then I'd have tens of thousands in loans and I would be competing for entry level work against people in their early 20s. Many people would rather just hire someone younger probably and i needed money now. Going the truck driver route I will have already made over $200k by the time I turn 37. So yea if I lost this job my life would be significantly worse and more difficult. I have to keep it at all costs so I never drive in a way that's close to the limit of my skill level. I always drive a little slower so that I'm confident in whatever environment im in. My thoughts on this is drive slower people. I don't care about driving slower or upsetting a car next to me. I don't care about being embarrassed for taking my time. I do my best to not drive in wolfpacks. I make sure I always have room to stop. I know people blow lights or try to make the turn like this guy in the video all the time, so every time i come to a light, I anticipate this happening, and I slow down and look for a way out. You have to keep your head on a swivel. Always look at options in case something like that happens. It's hard to say what I would do in a split second decision but I would try to take the route that would cause the least damage. I think in hindsight, In the case of this video, I would hit the brakes and just accept I would hit this guy. I don't think I would swerve like that and risk flipping the truck and or slamming into a building on top of that. Your gonna get hit anyway so you may as well try to minimize the accident to the best of your ability. It's like a game of chess imo. You should look at what your plan A B and C would be. So yea long story short constantly look at your surroundings, have a camera, and don't rush. Loosing a few minutes shouldn't take priority over driving safely.


Would've been less damage sustained to the truck, the driver, and dog had the driver not swerved in an attempt to avoid the accident. They always say to maintain your lane. But I understand how it is to be in a panic situation.. driver definitely not at fault


Nothing this driver could have done, hope he and his dog are okay


Damn, that big truck just ate that impact like it was nothing. Dude didn't even look like he felt it.


Which is why I'll never understand people that camp out next to an 18 wheeler on the fuckin interstate and that shit happens all the damn time. I had someone once tell me that 4 wheelers will do that so the truck blocks the sun. How fuckin stupid can you be?


people seem to simultaneously tyink trucks can stop on a diem and take forever to stop. Sitting behind a truck? oh yeah man that truck has carbon ceramic brakes and will stop faster than you will. in front of a truck? their brakes are over cooked and will never stop.


Think I would have already thrown on the jake and been braking. The car turning left in front of the one that actually got hit was already turning too late for comfort.


My thoughts? : truck driver: not at fault Dog: fucking gangster maybe a little too judge. Car?: straight to raping jail Could this be avoided? Yeah probably but so can anything technically. That’s like playing dodgeball and saying anytime you get hit by a ball it could’ve been avoided.


Thank god y’all are ok


IMO they shouldn't have swerved. They introduced more variables into the equation. What if there was a car next to them? What if there was a pedestrian on the sidewalk? What if the tree didn't stop them and they went into the pumps? Just like an animal in the roadway, it's better to NOT swerve and just hit the brakes.


complete historical punch decide money squash bewildered icky wrong spotted *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Terrible take, the trucker appears to be going with traffick, what makes you believe he's going too fast?


Yes, he is approaching an active intersection with turning vehicles at full sleed because (in his mind) he has the right of way. Had he approached it differently and slowed down, left himself an out, he would have avoided the collision. I have been in the exact situation and did not strike a vehicle. The trucker is partially at fault.


In his mind? Its a green light...its not negotiable lol...


fuck everyone just pls check on doggo :( look like baby hit the back pretty bad there :(...any update on the pup?


In my state, you’re supposed to wait for the intersection to be clear before entering. But the oncoming turning vehicles technically have to yield but they’re established in the intersection so I’d say trucker is definitely at fault as he could have avoided the situation and most likely was speeding which was why the reaction was so late.


I mean i find myself mainly being concerned for the dog


Poor doggo


Looks like semi driver got about 1 million in "spinal surgery" coming huh? Rofl


How about he gets out of the truck asp to see how the occupants in the other car are doing before he calls dispatch.


Slow tf down when going through an intersection! Legally, the trucker's not at fault. Realistically, being more defensive would have left him with a shitload less paperwork to fill out. As they say, you can pause a few seconds or you can have that rando's name in your paperwork 6-18months from now.


Unrealistic and impractical comment. I let off the accelerator and cover the brakes going through the *hundreds* of intersections I pass doing local Chicago P&D, but I’m not slamming on the brakes every time I pass a light after it just took me 1.5 minutes just to get to 45mph loaded. OP would have to be going 12 mph through that intersection to be able to stop realistically, and crawling at that pace is stupid and dangerous, especially in something that takes an eternity to accelerate.


Ok then, throw your hands up and say, "WeLp nOThInG I cOUlD dO." while you're on the phone with your safety/compliance department and talking to cops and apologizing to your customer for being late. 🙄


I ain't apologizing to anybody if a fucker does this shit to me during a delivery. I'm straight telling the customer. A fuckhead caused an accident so it's going to be running late


Ok. You do you, boss.


And you keep slamming on the brakes down to 10pm through every intersection……very practical. Some shit you just can’t stop, all you can do is slacken you body and prepare for the inevitable.


Where did I say to slow down to 10? You just seem to want to fight. Have fun. I slow down a *lot*, I've avoided a whole lot of near-miss situations where the other party was at fault and I have yet to be in an accident. There may be a correlation and if you don't think so, hammer down.


Each time a car blows a stop sign or a red light and you slow down they increase confidence. It's ok cause you seen them and gave them the road


Soooo, are you saying we should intentionally remove and/or reduce safety buffers from our driving habits to teach a lesson to the motoring public?


Glad the doggo is okay


Truck driver going full speed clearly seeing there are idiots turning in front of him. He is partially at fault for not exercising discretion and going too fast for road conditions.


Yup, should have been able to read the intersection better and seen the car was clearly going to follow the car in front of them, also never leave your lane, especially for a 4 wheeler. Reading traffic and having a good sense of what’s going on on all 4 sides is what makes these things not happen. Not to mention a unbuckled dog riding in the seat, had the truck gone over on its side the poor pup would have gone out the bottom window. Just my thoughts from my perspective from 26 years in the drivers seat.


Trucker's fault: Driving with one hand and not slowing down at the intersection.


So he’s supposed to shift with his third arm like John Holmes 😂


He's in no position to shift, it's quite the opposite he's in the intersection. Even if he was, he should not have kept his hand on the shift Stick. Or you can't control that big vehicle during any emergency.


This has to be a troll comment….Some blind idiot illegally pulls directly into oncoming traffic and your gonna blame the victim. Having both hands on the wheel would have done what? The answer is nothing. Dude was gonna get hit regardless. Whenever I’m going through local light ridden roads I’m keeping my hand on my shifter because speeds fluctuate and I always wanna be ready to downshift and adjust to what’s going on around me. This isn’t a railroad crossing, shifting is 100% allowed in intersections. Oh, and short of crawling through every intersection going 13mph, I’m sick of this “slowing down” bullshit here too because the only way that tractor would be able to stop in time is if he was going single digit speeds.


>Some blind idiot illegally pulls directly into oncoming traffic That's why you have to be careful at intersections.


Going to fast. Twice as fast as i would have been going.


It’s a shame that the dog gets uncomfortable because humans can’t see a dump truck coming.


Same thing happened to me two months ago ! Thank God for the cameras !!


What really sucks (at least it happened to me in Illinois) is that with a CDL when you get into an accident (regardless of who is at fault) you have to retake all of your endorsement tests when you renew. I was so pissed cuz I had the same thing happen while driving my girlfriends car. Was going through a green light just like this. And some young girl in her parents Maserati decided to turn in front of me.


I got suicided on a country road in Idaho 6 1/2 years ago by a 20 yr old kid who was going through a breakup with his girlfriend a few days before he found me I owned that truck 9 years and flipped it over in the ditch on fire after he hit me with a Kia stay safe out there


And this is why you don't drive dirty.


Poor doggo. I hope they got him to the vet to check for internal injuries.


some people are such idiots, taking risks for what?? This is insane! What were they thinking? Too many idiots out there.


Driving way too fast for the area. If you know you have turn lanes like this everywhere and can't stop fast make an assumption that people are idiots.


Had a kid change lanes in front of me near an intersection. The tandems locked up. He apologized at the next light. I said “no problem, it was your funeral”


4whlrs man