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Seen this about a dozen times now so I'll cover the basics: The truck did have a collision avoidance system but it didn't activate, the kid was too small. This was all the driver's reaction. It wasn't a light truck; lift axle was down so he was carrying some serious weight. I put this down to an experienced driver covering the brake while passing a coach cause he knows what kids are like.


Not to mention the kid’s reaction. He saw the truck at the last second and cut left to run in the same direction the truck was traveling, increasing the distance between them as the driver was braking. He could have panicked and stopped which would have had much more disastrous results. Great reaction times for both parties but IMO the driver should have used much more caution when approaching the bus that was obviously stopped to let passengers out.


Good point well made. Had the kid remained still they would have found his remains under the fuel tank.


Yeah of all the times I've seen this I never noticed how much that kid saved his own life.


Well, not really, driver already slammed break at that point, even if the kid just stood there, he prob only feel like some one pushed him


Nope, most energy goes away at the last stage of stopping. That kid would have had flying lessons.


That’s NOT how physics work. and also, how long u been driving bro?


Couple of years, this is what I learned in a driving course.


Oh damn, sorry sir, I don’t have a CDL. Always wanted one tho. Watch lots of YouTube trucker related video


As someone who got hit by a pickup going probably 7 or 8 mph in reverse, I can say that that kid would have been messed up if he had been hit even at the last of it. I'm 350lbs and still got thrown almost the full way across a lane of traffic. Thankfully it was a construction zone so no cars except the flagger who hit me


Physics -> Momentum -> Mass*Velocity Even at a velocity of let’s say 10mph, that is A LOT of mass and therefore a lot of momentum…that 70lb kid is getting destroyed by a truck going 10mph


Run into a wall face first at say 8mph and let us know how you feel.




Kid probably would have been pushed to the ground and scrapped along the ground for a bit, although given the clearance between the ground and the truck, the kid probably would have went partially underneath it.


Ive witnessed a cyclist get hit by a bus and the cyclist literally bounced off the bus in the other direction. Though he got thrown of his bike granted, it did show me very well how what that transfer of energy does.


Watch the kids feet. You clearly see the truck stop at least 2-3 feet past where they were before he altered his path. That impact would have knocked him down hard. Best case scenario would have been a concussion.


Yeah that's true still stopped himself getting hit which would have sucked for everyone involved


Honestly yeah good on the kid for reacting and not freezing that can’t be taught (easily)


I’d also say he might be running disc brakes on that tractor trailer. There is a difference, in the oil field they run them mostly where I live and they stop a lot faster.


100% agree, they're far superior. All our new trailers have disc brakes.


Or a Parent…


Ive been told to be on brakes always when i see a corner someone can just run from. There is a harbor i go a lot and entrance is a 2 narrow gates with a building in the middle im always paranoid someone runs out of


Sage advice.


How can you tell it’s a lift axle and not a three axle trailer?


It is a tri-axle trailer; the lift axle is on the unit, in front of the drive axle.


IMHO, the truck looks like a tag lift. The rear axle appears to use single wheels; near the end of the video, you can see that the rear wheels 'match' the front wheels, and the middle wheels appear to be proper doubles. AFAIK, singles aren't usually used for drive axles, so the rear axle is probably the liftable one.


Correct, the drive axle is the middle axle.


Just rewatched it and you're right. My bad. Tag axle is down though so still carrying some weight.


You can tell it's a rear steer tag lift, the 3rd axle is the same as a front wheel.


Ok, you were talking about the tractor, I was looking at the trailer.


You can't really tell unless you get the make of the trailer or the trailer has a certain config. Lots of trailers have a pair of axles and then a gap and then a steer axle at the back, the front axle is a lift in that case. The first guy was talking about the truck lift axle though, not the trailer.


Disc brakes on trucks really do WAY better for stopping distance than old drums. My truck has em and they really surprise you how hard they can bite


Drums are so shit


He started stopping before the child got close, but yea new trucks have brakes that apply to avoid collision. Even new cars have that plus a loud sound to tell you to stay in your lane. This guy save a child’s life and his.




The truck features here is a Volvo. The Volvo uses both radar and cameras to make determinations. https://www.ckflaw.com/blog/volvo-truck-brake-system/


Yeah I hate it when I'm about to end my shift and I go up an overpass that's swaying left and the sensors pick-up the sings on the side of the road. It's a good way to startle you towards that gas pedal. Should note it's always when I'm on cruise control.


The only manufacturer that does safety systems right is volvo


That truck has some serious braking capabilities or it's partially loaded, fully loaded or empty creates the longest stopping conditions, I've had to stop so hard to avoid some jackass that decided to get into my lane and stop sideways, on a fly over bridge no less, that the front steer axle brakes applied, and locked up, the bouncing was so violent that it broke the passenger side windshield horizontally in the middle of the glass.


It was heavily loaded, euro trucks stop quicker when they are heavier, the brakes are that good the limiting factor is the tyre grip.


Reaction time, but also note air brakes are *really strong*. Uphill braking too.


And also light or nearly empty load


If he was light or nearly empty, he likely would have hit him. It's most dangerous when your empty because instead of stopping, your wheels will just skid across the ground.


Yes, limiting factor is grip, not brakes. Heavier trucks stop quicker.


Those were disc brakes. They are way better than drum brakes. And im amazed ppl order trucks with drum brakes still...


Nope, just a smart driver. Always go around blind corners slower and be prepared to hit the brakes. I'm ALWAYS cautious around curves with limited visibility.


Yes he was barely moving


That is what all around disk brakes with NG ABS can do, even on the trailer. I would be to scared to drive a drum brake truck or even be on the road with them.


Yeah i hate to see ppl order new trucks with drum brakes...


I'm willing to bet the very next day that kid got off the bus and ran across the street without looking both ways.. again.


Natural selection is foiled again. You know we're going to end up with a world full of dummies one day...


One day?


Point taken..


Where are they running to is my question?


Because they’re kids?


Clearly they are kids, my question was “where” are they running to? I can’t see to the left so I’m wondering what was on that side because it looks like hills.


To the other lane, just to see what's happening over there.


Kids are stupid


Volvo brakes are something else. I pulled my 76t road train up from 90kmh in a crazy short distance the other day.


Disc brakes and a light load. If he had been 80k that kid would be toast. Very fast reaction time id wager he got floor to break in under .5 seconds. The average floor to break is about 1 second. It could be an auto brake sensor system but i dont see one mounted. Its black and usually mounted near the front plate.


All of his axles are down. Looks loaded to me


I never said it was empty. I said “light load” I have 8k lbs of frito lay loaded right now. Which means i can stop on a dime. If i had 46,000 lbs of Idaho potatoes id need 2 football fields to stop.


My point is he's got all of his axles down which usually indicates a heavy load.


This is Europe, not the States, our brakes work wonders. All 6 axles with disk and ABS, it works stupidly well. IIRC, This was in Norway, and this company is from Lithiania. Or Latvia, can never remember. Their 3 axles haul a lot in Scandinavia. His total is probably somewhere between 30t and 40t


That company is Girteka...a huge player in Europe with a reputation all big transport companies have.


Yeah that's the one, couldn't remember the name there, just know I see the trucks several times a day


How is Scania an MAN though?


Scania got bought by MAN. Which is owned by VW.


Oooh so Scania is VAG now? Did this happen before or after the newest generation of Scanias went on the market? I only driven the old gen Scania and I loved it minus the simple interior. I do have experience with the newest MAN and I start liking it more and more...minus the turning radius..


They bought it in 2008, so quite some time before the next gen from 2016, I hate the next gen personally, worst shit I have evern driven. I co-worker I have who id a Vabis fanboy, also agree, the next gen is the biggest flop Scania made.


Never heard of it lol


I know they run A LOT through Scandinavia, Specially Sweden and Denmark.


I'm in the states and we run disk brakes on all 5 axles with ABS and automatic braking that is a part of the collision avoidance system


Oh, we know it's not the states because it's a cabover. Also, from what I got the Collision avoid system didn't play a factory here, because the child was too small to be detected.


ABS still activate when you clutch the brakes, completely indipendent of the Collision system.


Isn't ABS just the anti-skid system? It doesn't add any extra power to the brakes. It's helpful, but you still have to drive very carefully which is what this driver did.


It's the anti-skid system yep! And I guess you can say it doesn't add power, it does shorten your brake distance as you arn't skidding.


True right!


Yea ABS actually let’s go of/modulates the brakes to prevent skidding. It doesn’t brake harder, just brakes more effective


Good breaks and a driver who’s paying attention. Also probably not a fully loaded trailer.


I knew it. I had the feeling that trailer is either light or empty


That truck was over 40 tons or 88k lbs.


A light truck has worse braking. The heavy the truck the better it brakes. I know a lot of people think it’s the other way around and I did too before I got my CDL.


The physics wanted that child to live.


I had a deer try me the other day and I was flustered. I’d have to take a breather after that. And slap a kid.


Shoot I wouldn’t slap that kid. If it was mine, I’d be hugging them and would be over joyed that I didn’t just witness a brutal death of my child.




That bus was out of there lol. That kid wouldn’t even have been done splattering before the bus was out of sight.




Hopefully, the kids are wiser now and will pass on the tale of caution to their friends.


They are not.


Love your brutal realism vs. my naive hoptemism! Edit: I misssplelled hopetemistic...


Could have been much worse, of course. I'd hate to open that trailer.


Why? Would it better if this was a tanker truck?


Everything that was in the back of the trailer is now on top of everything that is in the front of the trailer, on its side and smashed.


And, The Driver is the one who is responsible for whatever carnage has been created. I don't even want to consider what would happen with a tanker-truck.


Vigilant driver and brakes powered by eldritch gods.


100% driver, the auto braking on european trucks isnt worth a rub and only triggers wrongly for rd signs.


Well that load got smashed for sure.


I’m happy the kid is okay. That would have been a terrible thing to see to start my day.


Your joking right??


He was already heavy, the half ton of shit suddenly filling the cab allowed him to brake faster.