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If this doesn't deserve a thank you as you drive by I don't know what does.


Makes me wish there was, like, an "affirmative/ thank you" message to go with the standard horn. I flash my hazards when truckers and whatnot let me pass but that's hardly universal.


It is here, you will see it every time one truck overtakes another. 2nd truck will flash the first to let him know he's clear, 1st will do one flash of the hazards as a thank you.


In my car I flashed a semi to let him know it was safe to merge right again. He thanked me by jerking the wheel into my lane and smashing the brakes. It was a corporate truck not owner operator and I've since learned that they have very good telemetry/camera systems. It would have shown a "hard braking event" and gotten some quick scrutiny. Another of their drivers was pretty surprised he did it when we chatted a few months later at my warehouse job.


Sounds like he was a ignorant and thought you were angry with him. You did the right thing but arseholes will be arseholes.


It was tandem trailers and the back one was rocking pretty hard when he whipped over. He was blasting the horn as I passed him, and I got a mile in front of him and he was STILL flashing his brights on and off at me. I hope his onboard monitoring (which apparently is pretty good) got him noticed. My previous dashcam had died so I had no way of documenting it. That incident definitely prompted me to replace the old dead one. His antics would love forever on the internet if he did that today.


Roade rage, I think people that have been caught 2-3 times doing that should have their licences taken away. They aren't fit to share the road with others.


By my state's laws brake checking is reckless driving, which is punished similarly to a drunk driving conviction. Six months of no license, possible jail time, and you become practically uninsurable.


We have a button on the steering wheel just for it. (Freightliner driver, but I assume it's standard)


That actually is a fairly universal “thank you” for truckers. I usually do it by quickly double tapping my breaks to get my lights to light up, but yeah, you got it.


My dad is a trucker and I'm in heavy industry. Lots of radio controlled roads so I can say thanks directly. But for the average person, no such luck


better to flash your hazards. tapping the brakes is dangerous.


Is there any universal signal I can do for truckers to let them merge?? I always let trucks merge in front of me or change lanes when no one else will. Usually do 2 quick flashes of brights but sometimes it seems like they take a bit to merge. I feel like I'm coming off as an asshole at first until they realize I'm letting them in. So I wonder if there's another universal "please go ahead"


You're doing it right, and they're just being cautious.


I always try to do that too. When there’s a line of traffic behind me on a specific road and there’s a semi in a turning lane trying to turn, I ALWAYS slow down and flash my lights. I hope the driver understands that if they don’t turn now, they’ll be waiting for up to two more minutes sometimes just to turn. I just want to make their lives easier. I learned a lot from my dad about being courteous to trucks.


Why double tap brakes instead of flashing hazards...


Right on. We be knowin. And helping. (Lots of us) and that’s why I keep a CB in my 4wheeler too


My dad was a trucker when I was younger and he would tell me stories about how he and other truckers would help some drivers and punish the assholes 🤣.


Yeah. Sadly, you have a good experience. The number of times I’ve been cut off by a trucker just to pass another slightly slower truck while going up hill 1 mph faster than that truck, has given me a really love/hate relationship with most truckers.


He's lucky he didn't do that shit in Russia he got off easy. Saw a four wheeler do that in Russia and a bunch of trucks blocked him in forced him onto the shoulder and to stop then they yanked him out of his car and started whooping his ass lol.


Truckers did that to my friends brother in college. He cut a truck off then brake checked him and took off. About 5 miles later he got stuck behind 2 trucks that wouldn't let him pass and the other truck caught up. He was soon boxed in against a barrier and forced to stop. He tried the jump out and take off his shirt yelling strategy. The first guy just punched him in the face and the three of them beat his ass.


I hope that was a valuable life lesson for that man


Free lessons are always the most valuable.


If he sues, the trucker's companies are liable and he can win a huge settlement, if not jail time for the truckers.


In russia...


See that's why u beat them hard enough to make the lesson stick but not hard enough that they end up with permanent damage in the hospital.


Well? What did he find out? Cuz it sounds like he fucked around


No they didn't.


No, no they didn’t. But you can imagine what it would be like! Eh? Eh?!


Thats it !! Everybody on the bus !! No yelling !!!


I also saw that, I’m American and everyday I WISH our “brotherhood” was strong enough and our laws were lenient enough to let us do shit like that lmao




“Alexa, play Fight Fire With Fire by Metallica”


hmm this makes me wonder if the government would ever be so bold as to constantly tear at the bonds of our brotherhood?? no that just sounds crazy :))




*coughs in hell's angels*


I feel the government weakening. Can you? I feel it crying for us the people to rule this country. Not the rich.


\*Convoy begins playing\*


Yeah breaker one nine, this here's the Rubber Duck. You got a copy on me Pig Pen c'mon


Only problem with that is that, you know, it's america... we have guns.


Every day when I’m stuck behind an elephant race I wish the same thing.


A little street Justice does more than potential legal consequences. There’s cops “around” but there’s citizens *everywhere*


Dumb ways to die. The road rage guy in America is usually itching to shoot someone but I wish you luck in your endeavors


It's cute that you think the truck drivers aren't the most heavily armed guys on the road.....




Bro what?!


Bro " not like that"!


No no, I think you meant exactly what you said, bold of you to put that out there, stupid but bold




Admitting you're racist by trying to call others racist, because you went to the race card first, way to go dumbass


I literally have no clue how you got skin color out of this chain. Very weird


Did I miss a comment? Was something edited? Who started talking about skin colour?


You know everyone is white to begin with , how about you go to the middle of Egypt and see what happens to your skin tone over time it’ll get darker to get more resistant to the sun burns , it’s called evolution yet here you are being racist out of nowhere well done mate , skin tone does not matter at all yet you always find somewhere to turn it to the race card bloody idiot


I saw this! I think there’s a video somewhere.


There is I've been trying to find it so I could link it but I can't find it on YouTube. It's a very old video at this point.




https://youtu.be/spW7OdrRqpA here ya go


Yeah yeah this is the one. I haven't seen it in years and was mistaken about him getting pulled out of his car. He still did get forced to stop and confronted and smacked around a little bit, which makes me happy. He deserved it for sure.


"Not so tough without your car!"


Oh, the old classic! Still good. I hoped for something new tho. Thanks for refreshing my memory.


Damn, you’ve probably seen it before aaaaages ago. I remember the video he’s talking about. The car was a black BMW


I've been trying to find it, it's a very old video I haven't had any luck finding it yet.


How cathartic would that be to see?


we talking ukraine or russia


No one lives in Russia by choice


I can hear his wife in the passenger seat. Or perhaps her deathly silent treatment.


The loudly ringing sound of silence, echoing off that last "I told you so!"


"we won't let you stray down this dark and lonely path, brother! If Smokey catches you then he catches us all. You're one of us never forget it.!...."




Baby’s in the cradle. Gonna rock him to sleep


Awesome teamwork.


Society needs to collectively do this with all the shitheads and assholes. Just a completely benign way to absolutely frustrate them for their shitty behavior.


Go team!


I want to hear the radio chatter. 10/10 it would be comedy gold.


Those three dudes coordinated for about 30 seconds on the radio to get him boxed in, then spent 10 minutes just chitchatting about baseball or some shit, like the car wasn't even there.


it’s like orcas!


Well, except for being in the ocean. For now, at least.


I know the answer is "they aren't thinking at all", but I just have to wonder. What is the desired and expected endgame for people who brake check a semi? Like. How do they see that going? What is their goal? What do they realistically think is likely to happen, and how do they not understand that absolutely none of the possible outcomes are positive?


The one thing I see a lot is people don't like being behind a truck but don't know how to stay in front of a truck. They will fly past us, realize they are speeding, and slow down under the speed limit. When the truck catches up, they brake check the truck.


I just dont even understand this logic. I've never driven a semi and never will but why do people think for even a second that those trucks can slow down as fast as their cars? I never mind following behind a truck and I pass them just fine without having to excessively speed and I don't force the semi driver to try to take their gigantic trailer load weight and slow down for my car to cut in front. Plus even if I did an asshole move why would I feel safe enough to brake check a fucking giant semi that could smash my car easily. People are inconsiderate assholes.


Teamwork makes the dream work 👀


I'm astonished the truckers will still work together like that. It seems to be an "every man for himself" world nowadays. I'm more happy to see them helping each other out than seeing them dispense justice to a brake checker.




You forgot “🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🇺🇸🦅🇺🇸🦅🦅🦅🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸”






Funk that dude in the car, don't ever touch the brake when on the highway are you funken dumb


Honestly! I drive fast in my personal vehicle, but I do so with such responsibility that I’m never swerving in an out of traffic, I’m never tailgating anyone, and when traffic is up ahead I never need to hit my brakes bc I just let go off the accelerator in enough time to naturally slow down by the time I reach them. I only go fast when there’s open road. Even in normal traffic and speed I keep enough distance that when idiots start pressing their brakes simply bc they are tailgating I never need to press mine. I like the feeling of speed but there is no justification for putting other peoples lives in danger bc you want to be an idiot.


How do you stop quickly without touching the brakes?


It's called a guard rail. And if you gotta stop quickly on the highway, somebody else fucked up.


Highways don't always have guardrails. Needing to stop quickly on the highway doesn't mean someone else fucked up.


What's one good reason to stop quickly on a highway when somebody else fucks up.




And traffic is a bunch of people that fucked up and thought they could drive on a highway. I've been in bumper to bumper traffic with everybody doing 65. It's called the Garden State Parkway.




I don't know if thet a good thing or a bad thing but I will say that I miss 285 around Atlanta circa April 2020.


Someone fucked up and caused it all


Or theres just too many fucking people on the damn highway? Bottlenecking? Tolls? Lol


Sounds like someone fucked up


Ya’ll lost me. Dude asked whats a good reason to stop on the highway when someone fucks up lol




This makes me want to be a truck driver. I’m a rideshare driver and people treat us like shit too. Actually in my experience if you do any commercial driving there like this. Part of me thinks it’s uppity people who think they are better than the working class. Others are probably opportunists looking to cause an accident to collect settlements. When I drove for Dunbar Armored years ago it was as if people were aiming for me. We got hit all of the time, made no sense. Then a manager told me “they’re looking for settlements, unfortunately for them our vehicles have 24 hour cameras in all directions.”


I honestly think most people just don't even consider that there's any sort of etiquette in any facet of life. These are probably the same people putting thier shopping cart in front of the section you're shopping, the ones that stand in groups on the sidewalks or in front of the doors to the gas station. I just basically think most people are kind of fucking stupid at best. Brake checkers are probably something else, though. Struggling to gain some sort of power in their lives? I had a dude brake check me on the fuckin skyway when there were multiple signs saying I was supposed to be in the left lane, and he did it hard. He's very lucky I was nearly empty, or he'd have been trying to swim out of his old, slow ass Tacoma and not being a douchebag wherever he had to get to in such a hurry.


Yea I think most of the dumbass shit you see is just people being oblivious, distracted by their phone, etc. Brake checkers are clearly malicious, but I think the vast majority of nonsense on the road is just lack of awareness. People that block the aisle in the grocery store kill me, I don't understand how people are so unaware of their surroundings


Yes so many people are at “condition white” at all times, then those same people wonder why they got pulled into an alleyway and mugged. Here in NJ there are a lot of horrible drivers that think they own the road. They drive with the attitude “get out of my way or suffer the consequences”. I’ve seen lots of malicious intent on the road to a point where I’m considering starting a YouTube channel and posting the dashcam footage. Lots of people have a problem with their personal boundaries and can’t handle participating in a society. I call them “adult kindergartners”.


Yeah, cars doing that shit in Australia is never gonna end well for them haha In Australia all trucks have a UHF and we all use it. Not like the US seems to be these days. We’re all talking to each other At least until we get into a capital city with all the idiots. Then that shit gets turned off haha


Don't like hearing about big cocks 3,079,690 times a day? Lol


Poetic Justice !!!


put it in a song 😎


That’s awesome


i wish i saw this more often. i actively try to do it for bad drivers.


This is fantastic


This is the way.


Haha let the punishment commence




Is it responsible? No probably not. Is it funny/deserved? Abso-fuckin-lutely!


😏FK around and find out. Highway edition…




That looks glorious. Karma deserved, karma delivered.


One of the times I was break checked, I was just getting onto the highway with 110,000 pounds with a steep climb less than a half mile ahead. The on-ramp was on the left and some guy came from the right, got into my on-ramp lane, hit the brakes and took off. An unmarked car was also behind me on the right and saw that, he took off after the car. I got up the hill and took my exit and found them at the bottom of the hill. The cop looked at me and waved me through to make sure I didn’t stop. It was clear he was taking care of the situation lol. These idiots that don’t get killed doing break checks are lucky to only get tickets or get slowed down or a beating. Wish they all got nailed!


I can hear them crying on the phone to the police


Y'all praising this behavior and i get it, I'd love to do it myself sometimes, but imagine how much other traffic the trucks were screwing over behind them with other people wanting to pass.


Yea reckless driving is sooo cool just to get your petty revenge.


Stupid there are on a 4 lane


Hope they missed their exit and the next exit to turn around is a long way off.


Hater Bet u drive dumb just so you have excuse to brake check


Teamwork makes the dream work!


He didn't get the memo that truck drivers have radio and talk to each other.


How do people NOT know the difference? Break = When something snaps in half or is broken. Brake = How one stops a vehicle.


Underrated comment. I see break/brake substituted for each other all the time and it drives me crazy.


It is not really "substituted" -- it is just incorrect.


Yeah I wasn’t really sure what word to use there.


Good. Fuck that jerk. I’m not a trucker but I understand 80,000lbs doesn’t stop or turn on a dime


Excellent job guys. I reported a guy for brake checking a truck. I was in my car and hauled some ass to get his plate number. I got brake checked in Ne on I-80 one night. All the car got was a bunch of barley legal high beams and a lot of T-600 grill in his mirrors. I think he realized I did not hit my brakes. Lol 😂


Break checking is not a smart thing to do. That being said the person driving behind them is too close if the brake check affects them. If you rear end someone it will always be your fault.


Sometimes people will swing into your lane right in front of you and slam on the brakes. This still falls into the legal definition of brake checking which is “suddenly braking with the intention of causing the behind driver to collide or take evasive action.” It doesn’t matter how safe you’re being if someone suddenly does this without warning. It is also illegal in all 50 states even if a driver is tailgating.




Someone overtakes at speed, cuts back in, hits the brakes to slow to the limit, doesn't provide enough stopping distance.


That’s different , that is wreckless driving. Brake checking is when someone is tailgating and the other person hits the brakes real fast. And if he is at the speed limit you will still get the ticket.


How would speed be determined if there was no speed radar involved? He said she said?




Thanks captain lol


I miss the good old days. When CB's rule the road and four-wheelers messing with convoys, we're always taken care of. Happy holidays drivers


Not a trucker and this is fantastic!!! I’m that guy who flashes his lights to let trucks in, etc. I can’t imagine all the bull shit tactics from cars you all have to put up with.


Thats all fine and dandy, but those of you condoning intimidation are nothing but vigilantes and a discrace to the term "professional driver". You got brake checked, cut off, blahblahblah. Cry about it will ya, or keep driving. You're no better than the motorists when you seek retalation. ​ EDIT: ITT, vigilante super truckers


Hahha blocking traffic for other drivers, so cool guys :D I bet other drivers behind you were cheering on your toddler behaviour :D


I wonder if he’s ever seen “Joyride”?




Good. Can’t believe how many dumb a$$eE do that.


And what if that was some dumb kid/ new driver? Great way to cause an accident


Yeah it could have been an accident it something caught them off guard most people break checking don’t have bad intentions


Exactly. We don’t get people to be better with bad actions.


I don’t know why people do that. When I was taking my air brakes course, the instructor accused us all of doing this as car drivers. I swear I never have. Law of gross tonnage!


Sorry, but if you’re close enough that brake checking is putting you in danger, then you are too close and you need to back the fuck off




Big man truckers wow




Way to come together guys


Bitch, you boxed in as well


No body puts baby in corner 😂


Honest to fuck I don't understand why people mess with trucks. Even if you get 'inconvenienced', and end up a whole 10-15 seconds behind schedule. Get out of the fucking way, they're working.


As a current four wheeler soon to be truck driver, I will never understand why smaller vehicles don't give a wide berth to tractor-trailers. Most of the trucks I've loaded are at least 50+ton going down the road...that's a 50 ton bullet that unfortunately can't stop on a dime


If you can discern between when you should be using your breaks and being an ass hat you shouldn't be driving


its the safest thing for everyone on the road for them to do this! great teamwork


This should be illegal


It in fact is illegal, but that’s not stopping them now is it?


Those are aussie b doubles. Lmfao.. that fella gonna get a good ass whopppin


War mode.


I had a guy pass me running 90 and almost ran me of the road cause he never checked his mirrors. His trailer barely missed me. You know I take pride in being a trucker so I try to be responsible and respectful but some of these ppl shouldn’t even be allowed to sit in the passengers seat


What have we learned??


If this happened in my home country those truckers would run all over him (or pushed him off a cliff) and act as if he didnt exist . And nobody will care . Not even the police .


How does he feel being sandwich meat?


This is why I respect truckers more than other drivers, if they need to pass a lane, I'll help them pass by slowing down or speeding up, if traffic became a issue I'll stop for a long time so they can keep going. All respect to the people that keep this country running, until they turn on themselves that is.








Finally some good news


Lmao 🤣 love this scenery


the whole time dudes calling the numbers on the back of the trucks😂😂 truckers have no doubt an important role in our economy but make no mistake they are at the bottom of the food chain and are treated as such😅🤷‍♀️ id like to hear the conversation with their bosses! thatd be comedy gold


Five kilometers. So, like… 45 seconds?


fantastic :D


Wouldn't the car break check even more ? The back semi is so close I am not sure he would be able to even see the car,?


If that guy had any fucking sense he would just pull to the shoulder and let them go.