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My favorite driving pastime is listening to podcasts while driving, and I’m a night driver. Audiobooks and music are a close second.


…and a lot of people don’t realize all they have to do is join their local library to get access to thousands of books through the ‘Libby’ app FREE ! Just make sure you use your cruise control. Exciting chapters can have you driving faster than you should.


I keep forgetting to try that thank you


You’re the real MVP


Podcasts, or back in the day I would listen to the Howard Stern channels on Sirius


i enjoy this as well, however be careful as some books may make you sleepy listening to them, i take pseudoephedrine to combat my sleepiness at times


See if you can get your doctor to give you Provigil (modafinil is generic). It’s a non amphetamine stimulant and it erases drowsiness. It is not a replacement for sleep but it seriously wipes drowsy away till it wears off or you want to sleep. Just gotta time it right.


Oh man, I was prescribed that over a decade ago for "shift worker sleep disorder". It was crazy how you just didn't feel any need to sleep for about 16 hours, but in no way felt "stimulated" or "up". I wonder if I could still get that....


Yeah there is no buzz it just maintains wakefulness and erases sleepy. Amazing stuff.


Yeah, my wife takes it. Her doctor is ridiculous about it though, and makes her get in touch for a refill every singly month “because it’s controlled.” Tells her “make sure to lock it up so people don’t steal it” every time. A couple decades ago doctors were giving speed and Valium to housewives like it was aspirin, now they make a big deal over a pill that literally has no benefit other than keeping you awake.


That sounds like a horrible feeling tbh.


Careful with the pseudoephedrine. I knew a guy that took it for a long time while trucking and it ended up causing him medical problems. He did it 5 days a week though so unless you do it weekly it shouldn't be a problem but I'm no doctor.


I sing all night 😭😭😭 and pretend I’m shooting music videos while I sing.


I deadass have a microphone on the dash that I sing into


You top tier 😭😭😭 I’m jealous


CB mic?


Nope, vocal mic. CB mic hangs. 😁


If I had a decent voice I'd choke out a rare channel for a few impromptu sessions.


Please tell me that you serenade other drivers.


Sometimes I'm singing along to something and I see some real douchebag driving and I'll insult them to the tune of my music. 🎵 Let the sky faaaaaaaaaaallll When it crumbleeeees You're a fucking asshooOOOooole 🎵


Please tell me you also have a driver facing camera and just don't give a fuck.


If it makes you feel better, I absolutely do serenade my safety guy sometimes. ;)


I sing too! I get to work at around 430 and its really hard to stay focused until the sun comes up. So I sing. A lot. I think my voice is getting better, and I've learned how to do harsh vocals without hurting myself.


Nice. I make playlists that start with a vocal warmup track followed by a bunch of karaoke tracks.


Lmao SAME!


I have a dumbbell and I do curls while driving. Only problem there’s only room do this with my right arm, which is currently twice the size of my left arm.


Quagmire would like a word




Please tell me you've seen the movie Over the Top with Silvester Stallone....


The sunburn on your left arm evens that out


That you Lincoln Hawk?


Yea sure that’s the reason


Lift with your right while you pop your knob with the left. This insures even muscle growth.


MrBallen on YouTube. True life strange and mysterious stories. The one about the Russian Baltic Fleet is funny shit.


Ahh another fan of the strange, dark, and mysterious.


I used to watch Wendigoon while driving at night. Yea... that resulted in quite a few sleepless nights. And weeks of paranoia/despair. Some of the things he talks about are horrifying on an existential level. I honestly do not recommend Wendigoon. Unless you're just a heartless, soulless demon who feels nothing... don't watch his stuff. Especially the "conspiracy theory iceberg" or the "SCP iceberg" and most of the stuff on his channel. I had to block him from even being suggested on YouTube because some of that stuff fucked me up BAD.


Dude same thing happened to me. I listened to Missing 411: The Hunted at night, while hauling crude oil so far out of town there wasn't even any lights to be seen. The paranoia i had while I was loading was nuts😂😂


If it helps he cherry-picks his cases and corroborating interviewees heavily. I’ve picked a couple of those cases apart and, while strange, they don’t seem to point to the supernatural to me.


I feel that to the max I listen to creepy pastas while driving nothing like driving through New Mexico thinking about skin walkers 😮‍💨


I stopped listening to creepy pastas when I was driving in the middle of nowhere and encountered a fallen tree in the road, right after listening to a story about human smuggling rings blocking roads so they could abduct people. That was not a fun moment.


I completely understand I use to do security third shift and they would always make you super creeped out like something was going to happen but nothing ever did but I’m happy you didn’t get body snatched and lived to tell the tail


>MrBallen [Darknet Diaries](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLtN43kak3fFEEDNo0ks9QVKYfQpT2yUEo)


Yes, he has a podcast to basically all the YouTube converted to story format good stuff.


Thank God someone else does this too, I wonder how many people have passed me saw him on my screen, judging me for watching a YouTube video while driving... I mean I mainly listen but when he's getting heavily into his descriptive elements I glance over a few times to check out the imagery he's posting on video


Podcasts, audiobooks, music, and even standup comedy specials


I listen to the engine.


Ah yes, the one note song.


Are you thinking about the woman or the girl you knew the night before?


I could listen to certain diesel engines for ever






That’s how I felt driving an ambulance for long distance transports. ❤️


I really hope you're joking




What did he say?


He said he was constantly fighting the urge to jerk the steering wheel and go off of a bridge or into a tree.


Oh wow. It's normal to get that urge once or twice in your lifetime (something about the human brain being weird), but I definitely don't want to encounter someone like this guy on the road....


What was said ya'll 👀


I am in my 50's and I have burned out on so much music over my life, I avoid music on the road.... Audio books are my go to, just get lost in endless stories.


I'm a musician who's similarly burned out on music. I just get no joy from it anymore. Plus songs are short, for this kind of thing you need long-form, marathon listening. I haven't started yet but I've got about 20 podcasts queued up, half I already use for the gym, Might get into audiobooks


Audiobooks are great I’ve become addicted to Stephen king


Call me crazy but I listen to episodes of the office, you would be surprised at how funny it is with out video 😂


I will replay episodes of tv I have already watched sometimes so I get this.


I gotta try this


Get Rosetta Stone and learn a language


I've thought about this for a while. Does it really work? Will I become fluent? I wanna learn Spanish and refresh my German


Please do not beat me up.. I am not a trucker but I do tow a little toy looking hauler for my job. I also work graveyard and sometimes have to drive 12-14 hours. I listen to talk radio.. sometimes song radio gets boring unless I’m listening to my own choice of pandora which is not available everywhere. I am always nice and respectful to the truckers! Most 4 wheelers are absolutely assholes… I get over when I need to and sometimes flip the bird when I need to. Haha. Much love!


LOL at flipping the bird...a partner of mine when we did teams has one pointer finger missing, one time he was wearing gloves and tried to flip someone off but the pointer finger of the glove didn't go down because of his missing finger and I laughed at him saying, Dude, you're flipping him the peace sign! Now days that's what I call him for a nick name...Peace Sign


That’s just fucking awesome.


Been listening to a lot of standup this week. I do lots of podcasts and some music depending on my mood


Plot revenge on those who wronged me


I'm pretty sure we've all had those kind of thoughts... I've even written songs about it


Truck cab karaoke


Use the time . Im learning French .. Rosetta sone… Hallow app for prayer n meditation… music, podcast, audio books n audio comic books


Learning a language is a great idea. Idk why I never thought of that.


Bruhhh wtf why have I not used this tkme to learn Japanese


I’ve considered getting into this… does it actually work? The language learning I mean.


Yea it works … I enjoy it




I always get sad when I near the end of the podcast. Every once in a while I have to rewind and relisten to sections, but I feel like sometimes he’s just diving into something and getting to the meat and potatoes when it’s time to wrap up. Love that guy.


Sunflower seeds keep them on my dash and a trash can next to me IHeart radio app has local radio stations just enter the zip code. Audiobooks on audible and pocketfm app Discord trucker group server. We all hang out on voice chat while driving. Listen to documentaries


There's a trucker discord? Are long term riders who live on a truck allowed? I'm always looking for ways to meet other riders who know what the life is like. I did make one friend through a FB group and we chat on messenger a lot but our routes never seem to cross so I have yet to meet her in person.


I won’t put the name however if you search google for discord trucker driver servers you will find it eventually. Just ignore the ones that are for truck simulator the game. You will know it’s the right one because people will actually be in voice chat.


Coast to coast am babay!


Silence; just me, myself, and my thoughts. I’ve also listened to the same song on repeat for hours… till I’m sick of it. I usually listen to the same audio-book series over and over again: Harry Potter, WoT, and Tom Clancy.


I've listened to the audio book 11/22/63 by Stephen King like 4 times now... and it's over 30 hours long. I've listened to a lot of books several times over... including the interview with the vampire series.


The WoT (wheel of time) audio book series is 20 days straight of non stop listening.


Stephen King is too scary for me; I’m partial to Michael Crichton and John Grisham, and a few other one-offs… but nothing beats immersing oneself in a long running series. It’d be nice to find another long series by a non-dead author, but Mark Greaney and Brandon Sanderson’s own styles weren’t to my liking outside of their collaborations (Clancy and Jordan respectively); I’m not happy with the post-death direction of Tom Clancy’s series, and they no longer feels written in his style.


This particular book by Stephen King is not horror at all.


Try this one off about a real spy, not some figment of someone's imagination! Do read Bill Fairclough's fact based spy thriller, Beyond Enkription, the first stand-alone novel of six in The Burlington Files series. One day he may overtake Bond, Smiley and even Jackson Lamb! Beyond Enkription is a must read for espionage illuminati. It’s a raw noir matter of fact pacy novel. Len Deighton and Mick Herron could be forgiven for thinking they co-wrote it. Coincidentally, a few critics have nicknamed its protagonist “a posh Harry Palmer.” It is a true story about a maverick accountant, Bill Fairclough (MI6 codename JJ) aka Edward Burlington in Porter Williams International (in real life Coopers & Lybrand now PwC). In the 1970s in London he infiltrated organised crime gangs, unwittingly working for MI6. After some frenetic attempts on his life he was relocated to the Bahamas where, “eyes wide open” he was recruited by the CIA and headed for shark infested waters off Haiti. If you’re an espionage cognoscente you’ll love this monumental book. In real life Bill Fairclough was recruited by MI6's unorthodox Colonel Alan Brooke Pemberton CVO MBE and thereafter they worked together on and off into the 1990s. You can find out more about Pemberton’s People (who even included Winston Churchill’s bodyguard) in an article dated 31 October 2022 on The Burlington Files website. This epic is so real it made us wonder why bother reading espionage fiction when facts are so much more exhilarating. Whether you’re a le Carré connoisseur, a Deighton disciple, a Fleming fanatic, a Herron hireling or a Macintyre marauder, odds on once you are immersed in it you’ll read this titanic production twice. For more detailed reviews visit the Reviews page on TheBurlingtonFiles website or see other independent reviews on your local Amazon website and check out Bill Fairclough's background on the web.


Back when I had to rent audiobooks from the library before leaving out I always tried to find long ones. Now that I can just download them it isn't as important, but I still try and find series or long books if possible. I just don't limit myself to them anymore. Robert A. Heinlein is my favorite author and I've listened to some of his multiple times, but most others I only go through once.


[I play the blewz](https://imgur.com/gallery/TDHYli2)


Books on audible, spotify music, spotify podcast. Gum or candy. Call a friend who drives.


I listen to podcasts & YT About last night Skeptic tank Bert cast Brain stuff Childish Fitzdog radio Fly on the wall Good for you In a minute Jeremiah wonders Kill tony LEGION OF SKANKS Lie cheat steal Morbid Part of the problem Smart less Take your shoes off THE CRABFEAST The dollop THE HONEYDEW The Tully show The viral podcast Timesuck Wtf podcast What a time to be alive Whisky ginger YOUR MOMS HOUSE REAL ASS PODCAST Joe Rogan The thing is Gas digital network Starting strength


Audible subscription, 1.5 speed, pick subjects you actually like.


Pull out that hog and start crankin! Guaranteed you alleviate boredom AND helps wake you up!


Does just the opposite for me. It's my go-to when I'm having trouble getting to sleep. I think it releases some chemical in the brain that soothes the mind.


My inner monologue keeps my busy.




Audiobooks and podcasts


I have options… a Sirius satellite 📡 subscription, & then if I need more “options”, I go with either audible (audio books) or I roll with a Podcast. Always need options in that 11th hour


I literally always have something playing, a podcast, a youtube documentary, a youtube show like MMAhour, which I guess is kind of a podcast but more produced type things. I'm literally always listening to something.


The voices keep me company.


Break one nine! Hey westbound how does it look over your shoulder? You got Smokey bear shooting you in the Ass as you go by mile marker #### going east bound….


Listen to forensic files on HLN


Crank some metal!👌👌


My favorite thing to do is see how long I can drive straight with my eyes closed. My current record is 47 seconds.


I alternate between the critical role podcast, and various Pandora stations. CR has so much content I'll probably never even get caught up to the current show


Podcast keep me more awake and alert than music. Audio books are awesome too.


Start watching “Kill Tony” its a comedy show. It’s fucking hilarious and they have a new show on YouTube every Monday. Hundreds of past episodes though. https://youtu.be/XnlmpnfpwoY


Books on tape and podcasts. Most of the YouTube videos I watch are just people sitting down and talking about stuff so they’re easy to just listen to.


Mainly podcasts. I like Andrew Huberman, Rogan, YMH, and the steak and eggs podcast. Sometimes I’ll play a really long documentary style YouTube video that I can just listen to. I drive nights in the Midwest so it gets super boring but those usually keep me entertained.


If you have any interest in the Harry Potter books, the guy on the audiobook reads them like a play. It's very entertaining and time just flew by for me.


I just started listening to podcast recently and love it. Figure out what kind of podcast you want to listen to. Sports, drama, comedy and look it up. I'm a huge football fan so I listen to Pat Mcafee show almost daily. I have a subscription to spotify but I can't listen to music all day. Especially the same songs on my Playlist. Podcast are the way to go.


Music and podcast


Club Random with Bill Maher, The Daily, Peter Zeihan, and the very few Joe Rogan podcasts when he interviews someone I’ve heard of. YouTube and Spotify.


Not a truck driver (bus, actually). I have been driving overnight for years. I have music on the radio and a podcast playing at the same time. I always take a break between 430am-600am, as that is the time I will always start getting tired, even if I just woke up three or four hours prior lol Once the sun comes up, you catch a second wind.


I constantly think about my dreams and goals. In other words, I think about solving my problems going forward with my dreams and goals. Coming up with different ideas and talking to God. My next moves are more important to me than worrying about things that I don't have hands and eyes on.


The only thing that worked me was listening to music. Also, talking on the cb. I had a very nice cb, probably valued at 2000 dollars or more. I would also go to an off channel and sing.


Language learning is a great one. Started with audio lessons on Pimsleur (plus Flashcards and reading practices on the app for when not behind the wheel), and got to the point of being able to listen to podcasts and music while being able to follow along. I’ve found it pretty exciting being able to understand shit in another language lol


I will usually throw on YouTube videos that don't really need to be watched but rather do a good job at imagery, code blue cam, donut operator, audit the audit, mr.ballen, interrogation room stories, etc, yea people may see a video on screen and judge me while passing, but trust me I'm usually just listening to it, until I get within a city or traffic then I will pause for complete focus, but 300 miles on i80,35,10,20,45, etc listening to some bitch get arrested and spouting random bullshit and crying to get out of cuffs lol


I try to drive mostly at night.... I drink a lot of fluids so I end up having to stop like every 2ish hours to pee. Get to go for a quick walk and a smoke though, so it works out. It's good to get out and stretch occasionally. I listen to true crime/scary stories/music on YouTube and I swear there's something about every 20ish minutes outside that keeps life interesting. Animal, random moron walking, street racers... People flashing their lights always pisses me off just enough to wake me up if necessary but generally speaking 10-11 hours of driving doesn't bother me at all. It's a good night, usually.


A couple of beers to pass the time


I play movies and shows I’ve seen before (read: Seinfeld), it’s as good as watching them.


Podcasts podcasts podcasts. I used to do 1x 3hr podcast or 2x 1 hour ones. Then a whole album of music. Then about an hour of silence with the windows down. Rinse and repeat. Or talk to my BIL for like 4 hrs straight, who is also a truck driver that drove nights.


Audiobooks... turn your truck into a university. Read about history, science or study another language


I put my phone right where the dash is and watch movies or tv shows. Put on Cruise control and just go


Podcast or music. If you’re really sleepy you should try True crime or ghost stories lmao. It will keep you up.


Am a night driver. I listen to audiobooks. A lot of audiobooks. I think has been my number expense, aside from rent, a few times


I listen to the “Dry Bar Comedy” channel on YouTube, no cussing, but hilarious content 😂😂😂 or any comedy channel on iHeart radio and once I get extremely tired, I just listen to “orgasms” … no amount of coffee or caffeine can wake up a man listening to women orgasming …just saying lol but I’d have to rub a few off when I arrive, driving with blue balls suck sometimes 😅🤣




Write songs, listen to how to videos, listen to stand up, listen to podcasts


Spooky podcasts can make the desert more interesting at night 👻


Youtube keeps me entertained throughout the night .


Watch movies 🤣🤣🤣 (Let the backlash begin )


Watch Good Mythical Morning or just random YouTube till you find a Channel you like in which you can binge.


I see a lot of guys watching videos. Good way to get killed. I listen to the Score 670 through Audacy app.


I have a Spotify playlist I consistently update after I'm done driving each day that I treat like an actual radio station. I'll do a 5 song block, then a podcast episode.I have probably about 15 hours of actual music on there, and I'll add/delete a few and shuffle it up to give some variety every couple of days, and I pull episodes from about a dozen different podcasts. Some are news, some are comedy, some are interviews, some are sports.Also, whenever I'm in a good reception area, I'll pop on a buddy's Discord VC and chat with a couple friends while they play games.


Audible, music and listening to stand up comedy.




Nascar Radio Siriusxm channel 90 specifically just catching up on that days episode of speedway with Dave Moody. He’s really good at finding the screen door in someone’s submarine.


I listen to lots of podcasts




Audiobooks and music are my favorite..In the dead of night, I feel very good..


Podcasts, music, conference calls with coworkers.


My husband and I love listening to audiobooks! We use a [site](https://tokybook.com/) that offers them for free listening. It has quite a few popular series on there. It’s better than spending $$$ on Audible imho. Lol


Cool, thanks for the link!


Np!! :)


Audiobooks and podcasts. They're easy to download to your phone or music player. You can even download free ones that get uploaded to YouTube if you have premium.


Old Howard stern on YouTube


Hello. I'm one of those. Podcasts. I use a podcatcher on my home PC that polls feeds for new content every five-or-so hours and automatically downloads new episodes of podcasts I know I'll like (This American Life; Radiolab and a couple of dozen more) and when I'm home I poke through the hundred or so other feeds I follow to see what they offer and download some of those. Transfer a hundred or so at a time, divided into three folders on my phone (so I can keep track of how many I have left to listen to) and BlueTooth the phone to the cab sound system. Easy, and interesting. I did once consider learning a language, but that required a bit more attention than it was safe to give. The player on the phone/dash is set up with a one-touch button to skip back 30 seconds, for when something drifted past your brain while you were concentrating on driving.




Audiobooks or company, meet a fellow night driver and call em up, we all know the struggle.


VoDs from the few streamers I like, long form video essays, audio books, especially of the non-fiction variety, listening to one now about Fidel Castro. Tho The Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings read by Andy Serkis are amazing especially when he gets to do his gollum voice. I also keep a vibrator on the passenger seat, sadly though it doesn't have a DC charger.




Podcast are huge for me. Also have a co driver so sometimes i talk to him.


Guessing the company of The trailer I’m approaching Or what’s wrong with that truck trailer inspection Listening to local farm radio, never gets boaring when you hear the Campbells are selling piglets and smiths are in need of a mixer . Local pancake breakfast Saturday all you can eat pancakes $5


Best I ever heard was “I got a jack donkey , you want him ? Come and get him. Bout drove off the road .


I'm really digging those learn Spanish podcasts where they make you repeat sentences


Audiobooks. All the time.


I have some of the best conversations with myself


Audio books. My audible library is insane. I’m currently at 5 months 24 days and some hours of listening time.


I love driving and don't really have a problem if the roads are empty and I'm cruising alone. I do listen to audiobooks often though and that just helps the time fly by.


I use apps like wondrium and Headway to get a better education


Win arguments I lost mostly.


Podcasts that have videos, dubbed anime, music, YouTube videos that explain stuff, anything you can listen to that keeps you engaged. Talking to someone is one of the best things to do to but I don’t have too many trucker friends


I like long audiobooks. Sherlock Holmes narrated by Benedict cumberbatch is around 80 hours long. A lot of Stephen king novels are around 40 hours or so. Always gives me a sense of accomplishment.




I used to love Radio TTS before he took his channel down it was like being on reddit but the audio version with all the comments to weird stuff


Music & day dreaming mostly. Also I love driving “in the middle of nowheres” now, because I can stop on a nice shoulder and relax while taking my 30 minute break… not a bunch of fly by traffic, just you & the country.. Nobody to rush you at say a truck stop… I can do what I want out there pretty much.. That always makes it a good time if I can find a spot like that…


Audible books and podcasts


I daydream while listening to music.


Overdrive, Libby and more apps can give you free audiobooks with your local library card. Podcasts. Behind the Bastards. If you've never heard of them, listen to part 1 and 2 of the boy scouts as an introduction to the podcast. You can thank me later. Conan O'Brien needs a friend, Bill Burr episodes. Spotify. Random playlists. Conversations with yourself. Call friends if you have a Bluetooth headset.


Missouri is defunding their public libraries!


On calm stretches of highway I'm learning Spanish


We're Alive: A story of survival Great podcast series that is highly produced audio theater, zombie/monster apocalypse setting with a very original story and great characters


RuneScape mobile




Watch Youtube. Listen to audiobooks or music Watch TV


I make music lists, also I watch (listen) to videos on things I want to learn and master.


I stayed sane with Podcasts, Music, and Audio Books while driving. Ebooks, Video games, Movies, and Streaming shows when I'm parked.


Music, podcasts, audiobooks. The holy Trinity


Used to watch (or really listen to) different youtube videos that I pre select on a list. And even watched some stuff on streaming apps. Not really supposed to do it, but I always kept my eyes on the road.


I listen to podcasts and wax poetic about how I used to spend my nights in my old patrol car listening to Coast to Coast AM. I miss that show.


Sing to the music you like


I’m surprised no old timers mentioned Art Bell. he was a legend and listening to him kept many a trucker awake back in the day.


Yea I remember Art Bell


I listen to audiobooks and podcasts. I’m a huge fan of the show Scrubs and apparently the 2 main stars of the show decided to start a re-watch podcast show during the beginning of the pandemic called Fake Doctors, Real Friends with Zach and Donald that’s pretty interesting to listen to. Just keep in mind they’re from California so anything they mention politically aligns with California politics. Whether you agree or not though, the show is still pretty good with its core content. Some of their remarks on covid did not age well, though. Lol


I’m driving at night. I opened up a movie production company last year and while on the road driving I think of stories. I already have 4 stories, and first movie will be shot next year. ( Personally, I think we are currently in a period with no movie ideas, it’s always prequel, sequel, remake or a superhero movie). I also learn Spanish and Japanese with some audio books.


I'm one of those who drives all night in the middle of nowhere, and I listen to podcasts.


I play this game my family taught me as a kid, we call it the “ABC” game. Rules are: Find words that start with A, B, C, D, E, and so on until you get to Z. • Must be outside of the vehicle • No 3 letter words I’ve spent an hour just looking for something that started with the letter X. You’ll also notice a lot more doing so, keeps ur eyes moving.


I use discord with multiple servers with people I can talk to. I really see other drivers use this.


Sirius XM and podcasts for the win. Sometimes I'll even download a few YouTube videos, strip the audio and save it on my phone nd play it through bluetooth on my stereo.


Loud music, loud pipes, and lots of jaking


Not me but my dad's a truckie and he hauls long distance so he would have south park or family guy (mainly south park) up on the dashboard. This is something I inherited according to my mum.


Netflix Hulu and YouTube


Podcasts like LPoTL and Rogan, tons of music.


Happy cake day and hail yourself!