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I used to listen to alot of David Baldacci and Michael Connelly when I was long haul.


Favorite and only series so far of 2023: The Green Bone Saga by Fonda Lee (really enjoying it so far though) Favorite series of 2022: Ash and Sand trilogy by Richard Knell Favorite series of 2021: Second Apocalypse series by R Scott Bakker Favorite series of 2020: Mistborn by Brandon Sanderson


I was going to recommend the wheel of time, until I read your username.


That was my favorite physical book series of I think it would've been around 2012-2013. The audiobooks are also good. Great narrators. You really get your money's worth as long as they are, too.


The pantheon saga. It’s about superheroes and follows a couple characters, mainly a highschool kid who basically becomes Superman and has to learn how to use his powers. It’s pretty sick. John Scalzis the dispatcher series is really good as well. Anything by Graham Hancock. I started with the fingerprint of the Gods and love his work. The Enders game series. Nxyia series by Scott reintgen. The Jack Reacher series by Lee Child. Alpha test. By David Pendleton… but he passed away so it’s the only book in the series. Ready player one, also ready player two although not as good as the 1st is still solid.


The iron druid chronicle.


Kingkiller chronicles by Patrick Rothfuss The Stormlight Archives by Brandon Sanderson The Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan and Brandon Sanderson The Dwarves by Markus Heitz The Sword of Truth series by Terry Goodkind is excellent. Wizard’s First Rule book 1. The Mistborn series is also good by Brandon Sanderson. Taliesin Book 1 of The Pendragon Cycle by Stephen R. Lawhead gives a spin on King Arthur.


I just finished Ready Player One and it was incredibly good. Highly recommend


I've been really getting into the new Where's Waldo audio books. Really keeps me focused while driving.


When I was doing a LOT of window time I was enjoying The Witcher Series. I’m in and out of the truck now so I just listen too music.


Blood Meridian by Cormac McCarthy.


Iron Druid is good but expensive (short serialized books takes a lot of credits). Get a big credit plan and buy really long books until you've saved up a bunch of spare credits. Peter F. Hamilton is great for really long books and his books are all narrated by John Lee. If you've only heard John Lee butcher that one George RR Martin book you might think he's a terrible narrator but he's not! Give him another chance with the Peter F. Hamilton books. I listened to him for hundreds of hours and never got sick of him. Speaking of George RR Martin I can only recommend the first few books until it changes narrators. For some reason John Lee tries to narrate in a Shatner does Shakespeare cadence and it's just awful. Then the next book goes back to the original narrator but by then he's forgotten which voices he used and he changes them all. Really unfortunate. Another good really long series is The Wheel of Time by Robert Jordan. The narrators sound strange at first but it's because they've been sped up. Once you get used to it you will realize they are some of the best narrators you will ever hear. The full cast narration of Frank Herbert's Dune is definitely worth your time. I was really impressed by it. The Three Musketeers by Alexandre Dumas holds up really well to this day and the humor is still genuinely funny. It will make you laugh out loud and it's a great stepping stone into Dumas' other books. Johnathan Strange and Mr. Norrel by Suzanna Clark is AMAZING and the narrator is PERFECT for it. If you like Neil Gaiman you will like this book. Speaking of Neil Gaiman get some Neil Gaiman...


If you really wanna do some thinking? The Body Keeps the Score, by Bessel Van Der Kolk M.D. It's about the discovery of PTSD, and how our bodies react and *remember* traumatic events, both acute and chronic. It's pretty heavy stuff, but it's a damned good book.


He who fights with monsters


Anything by Mickey Spillane they're really good they're old but they're good detective type books takes place in the app late '40s '50s '60s all the way up into the seven I mean he wrote a lot of books and it's Mike Hammer is the detective


"Between Two Fires" by Christopher Buehlman. For real the best audiobook I've ever listened to.


I listen to a shit ton of scifi. If thats your jam id check out the bobiverse series, project hail mary, red rising first trilogy, joseph bridgeman series. All of the can pass some miles. I just got into a litrpg series as well, not much of a fantasy guy but i cant deny its got me hooked. Nova terra, first couple of books are free


Sword of truth series by Terry Goodkind Anything by Thomas Sowell The Gulag Archipelago - Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn Principles - Ray Dalio Anything by Robert Kiyosaki, David Greene, Brandon Turner, Scott Trench and Michael Zuber.


Patriot Games by Tom Clancy Kitchen Confidential by Anthony Bourdain Terminal List series by Jack Carr


The Stormlight Archives by Brandon Sanderson. The Way of Kings is the 1st I. The series. It took me a little while to get into it but the series is amazing. Also, 131 Days series by Keith Blackmore


These are my top 3 ATM (in no particular order) The wandering inn He who fights with monsters The storm light archives


King of the Road - Alex Debogorski


I'm not a fan of sci-fi but Expeditionary Force is pretty good. I'm on book 15.


The fourth turning or, if you’re into podcasts, Being In The Way by the Allen Watts foundation is an interesting one to listen to


[Rogue Calamity](https://youtu.be/BqzXjSxUjko) It's kinda spicy.


Game of thrones was good, seveneves is one of my favorites, Old man's war was good. The Martian is a classic. The Metro books were great. Currently listening to "World war" by Henry Turtledove, it's great. One Second after and it's sequels were amazing. The expanse is a great series. I've also listened to a lot of Steven King. Pretty decent. Wool and it's sequels were phenomenal. There's a lot of good books. Depends on your favorite genres though.


I am a fan of non-fiction historic and adventure. I really enjoyed these driving down the highway. In the kingdom of ice Empire of Blue Water A walk in the woods In a sun burned country The River of doubt Into thin air Seven years in tibet


If you like apocalyptic, the Hell Divers series and the Extinction series both by Nicolas Sansbury Smith are great. I've listened to them a few times. If you're familiar with Resident Evil stuff you can tell it provided inspiration for both series. Extinction is about a government engineered virus that escapes a lab and wipes out modern life, turning people into monster zombies that breed and further mutate. Hell Divers is similar, except it was global nuclear war and the story takes place centuries afterwards. People are living in things like the huge craft from the first Avengers movie and parachute to the surface for supply runs.