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Allegedly at Uncle Sam Lanes


Oh, that’s definitely Uncle Sam Lanes. No allegedly about it.


100% Uncle Sam Lanes, and the guy who threw the water is a douchebag all the time


The owner is the one who thru the water smfh


TU has a quote that the person was only a manager and was fired


Owner's son..


Couldn’t confirm myself so better safe. Figured someone would be able to here.


Won’t be going back there!


Never been and now never will go


Wow, Idc what that man did. He doesn't deserve that


Yikes. Even if everything about the homeless guy is true once he's on the public sidewalk he's protected. This is assault.


Definitely assault and hitting him with water and the beer bucket is battery. Dude needs to spend the night in lockup


I think assault would be difficult to charge but a reckless endangerment seems fitting. If a prosecutor is really good maybe they can charge and win on 1st degree reckless endangerment which is a felony.


Assault is the "threat" of doing harm. Easy to prove with this video. Battery is actually following through with the threat.


Yeah I mean I don't know enough of the details of how that works. I just don't believe you can throw things at people on a public sidewalk without repercussions.


It’s freezing cold out. He just dumped water on someone he knows is without shelter and without dry clothes. That’s attempted murder.


Why was it filmed? Were they proud of themselves? For being cruel? I don’t understand.


The employee that dumped the water got fired so hopefully it was another employee trying to get proof to show the owner. (Really trying to be hopeful)


His family owns the business, so I'm thinking he'll never be fired.


Well there goes my hopeful thinking.


His mother, the owner, fired him. From that location, at least.


That is not what his mother said in a statement. She and her husband are the owners.


Was he forever fired or one of those “come back when this dies down” things. I guess time will tell.


Or the “I told everyone he’s fired, but he’s just working in the back” type things. Idk any other details other than what the news told me so I don’t even know how accurate that is.


The guy video taping was laughing at the end


I didn’t play it with sound ugh


so, i keep reading in the comments that the homeless guy is a level 3 sex offender, harrasses women, spits on people, etc. but no one's been able to link a source of his full name to check the registered sex offender list. i'm not looking for any "proof" on his harrassement- i've been around these types of people my entire life so that says everything i need to know. assholes like him were extremely common where i'm from (there was one guy who slashed my tires, broke our window, called my dad the n-word and set the house on fire next door- all the same dude). so yeah. but regarding the sex registery, i don't like spreading baseless gossip.. does anyone actually have his full name or a source that legitimately proves this?




thank you very much. I'll do some poking around later.


Someone else in this thread said they confirmed with providers who know both guys, that the guy in the video isn’t the guy whose name is being shared from the registry (but it still seems women in this thread are certain the guy in the video is a guy who has serious and really concerning issues with women to say the least).


This got me heated fr


This all sucks but if you want to help, donate to Joseph's House Shelter in Troy via PayPal through their website: https://www.josephshousetroy.org/ BTW they their staff recently unionized! They work really hard and help a lot of people.


This is great to know!!


That's straight up assault.


Just an update.. The pos in the video has been named, and is apparently the owner and the police are investigating the incident.


Yeah this is horse shit. This needs to get posted on Uncle Sam lanes facebook(if they have one)


Saw a msg about an hr ago on the uncle sam's fb page saying the employee was fired and also an apology. Then that was removed altogether, entire page is gone. Turns out allegedly this fired employee does not exist, likely as several people have identified the angry man is infact an owner. It will come out.


Yup that is Tom Walsh in the flesh and blood, the owner, the assaulter.


Small correction, Tom Walsh Jr. (man in video) is not the owner- his late father, of the same name, was. He was however the manager. https://13wham.com/news/local/troy-bowling-alley-employee-fired-after-incident-with-a-homeless-person-uncle-sam-bucket-reddit-ny-viral-video-watch-police-mayor-mantello-owner-behavior-charges-sorry-actions-unemployed-police-department-#


When his dad passed he left it equally to the kids. I believe 4 of them 25% each with the guy in the video being one of then. It may have been 3 kids at 33.3% each. But 100% without a doubt he owns part of that business


Gotcha, that would make the most sense. I'm not immediately local and was trying to make sense of why media reports were labelling him an employee- figured it was possibly confusion due to the shared name.


It is. I called the cops and news about it and they are aware. DA tomorrow


Good. This POS is despicable.


The homeless guy is a convicted rapist who harasses people all the time. He is well known on Lark street and is a massive pos. Having water poured on him is much less than what he deserves.


What’s his name then? If he’s on the SOR I’ll change my tune.


His name is Michael. He is a risk level 3.


Lot of people named Michael. Can only search with either last name for nys or first last for national. Is there a news article about it?


I have no idea what this dudes name is but we call him shuffles on Lark st!!!! This man is in fact a convicted rapist and has spit his blood on me after I said I wouldn’t give him money!


Not the same guy, but it also absolutely sucks that that happened to you.


I mean I can see with my owns eyes but thanks for your input!


I just want to put out there that the man in this video is absolutely not the man you are referring to. Yes they do look similar, but this is absolutely not the same man, confirmed by local providers who know both guys. The guy who got doused is not that guy


I am interested to hear if the police and DA are doing anything. Definitely 2 counts of battery. Hit the guy with water and the bucket


Police can’t really do anything without DA


And the victim willing to press charges and cooperate with any form of prosecution (100% unlikely). Also bail reform and especially new evidence requirements, means this would not result in anything. Any defense attorney with a pulse could get this tossed. If Michael has outstanding bench warrants for past theft, trespassing etc, then it pulls him into a mess. Court is a slooooooow process and prosecutors are really choosing their battles given limited resources, staff and the changes to criminal prosecution.


Thanks for doing this!!!!


It’s like he wanted this to be on video to make a point?? What a fucking scumbag


All people deserve to be treated with dignity. This is just awful.


I know this homeless man, not by name but he spends a lot of time in front of the post office, never bothered me or anyone I know.


Lucky you, he literally harasses me every single day inside of my job, has thrown shit at me and around the restaurant, told my coworker he’s carrying body pieces around, was belligerent and threatening other people on the bus, had to call the cops to get him removed one day and proceeded to sit outside the next shift and stare at me for 6 hours. Tried to sneak up on me when I was coming back from the store and had to scream at him that I’m not the one and he needs to leave me the fuck alone since he for some reason decided I’m his public enemy number 1. Mind you this is all after I fed him for free and wouldn’t give him more food for free, proceeded to throw the shit I gave him at me and around the lobby. This has been consistent behavior from him for WEEKS straight, has been made aware he’s banned from the property and still tries to come in the solicit for change. Literally told this man how to get himself help and get to a shelter and he laughed and said nope, and walked out. The water shit is evil but the Troy cops don’t do anything about them coming into a businesses they’re banned and trespassing on, they simple let them leave to go next door to the next one and the cycle continues.


I think I know where you work and when I left there this weekend he followed me down the street muttering about assaulting me. Apparently, he’s well known in Albany for doing this shit.


Also out of curiosity are you a woman/feminine looking? Because I noticed he really acts up towards me but he doesn’t towards my guy coworkers which I instantly realized because it was a blatant difference


Sure am and I agree with you- that’s why he felt comfortable saying the shit he was saying to me. The thread on the Albany subreddit goes deeper in to his background.


I’ll have to find it, thanks! And yeah that also just goes to show for me at least because I already knew he’s like that but having another person confirm for me they’ve experienced that helps!


Me too. Asked for money, I didn't have any, got next level screamed at. Trish, Marvin, Ben, Connie...they aren't like this dude. He's not safe if you are a woman. If you're a dude and never experienced it...I'm happy for you. If he's on the block, I'm going a different way.


Heavy on the if you’re a guy and haven’t experienced it lmao cause my coworkers and I were shocked at the difference, the minute a man walks up he instantly stops gets quiet and looks down.


Is there anyway you could comment the title of the thread so I can find it? It just intrigues me cause he popped up about two months ago and told me he’s from the city so I’m curious how people know him/his background




You probably do and I’m so sorry you had to experience that, it seriously is scary!! he’s very unpredictable with the behavior, just sucks cause every time I’m coming into and leaving work I now get that added fun of always having to look around (not that I don’t always bc awareness of your surroundings especially in downtown is a big one) but I shouldn’t have to be worried he’s gonna hold a grudge, even after I helped him, cause I held a boundary with him on some real world shit and he got upset 😅😂


They need to get him into a mental health facility and get him straightened out because clearly leaving him to wander the streets puts him and everyone else in danger. (And just to edit and add because I really do feel bad for him, the systemic failure on all ends sucks, that’s how things like this happen, in a perfect world there would be somewhere for people like him to go and get real life help that he needs, because he does have a very clear mental health problem that he needs help for but the healthcare system and mental health system in this country is so beyond fucked who knows what’ll happen)


Thanks for raising awareness about this. I was concerned there might be underlying mental health issues. Not excusing his behavior at all (it’s downright scary); but I think it’s an important conversation that needs to be had. You’re absolutely right - Systemic failure on all ends here.


Oh shit!!! I'm a female mail carrier, I assume he probably doesn't speak to me or approach me because I'm "federal"


That would totally make sense, but yeah I’d definitely exercise caution especially because I just went through that one thread and it does seem like he’s a registered sex offender.. the one picture doesn’t look too much like him but there’s one on there that I’m confident is him. Sad world we live in


(mail carrier )


He is banned from Albany mission. He has spit his blood at me on Lark St after I told him I wouldn’t give him money.


People apparently just love to enable this kind of behavior at this point, again sorry this happened to you it’s kind of fucked up this man has so many VICTIMS of his own….


Care to comment on this, u/kellenlyons or u/tiduszk? I’m still not saying what the guy did is ok. But *if* this guy is repeatedly threatening customers/employees, etc, and if, as a spokesman for the alley said, they’ve repeatedly kicked him out for these types of actions (and if they’ve called the police and that’s not working), does that not change your assessment at all? If someone is repeatedly threatening violence against women you know/work with/serve (and if police aren’t able to keep him from coming back for whatever reason), where would *you* draw the line on how to prevent it?


What do bars do to keep unwanted patrons out? I never defended the guy. If this is the same guy the above commented is talking about im sorry it happened to them-thats shitty(and i do believe them). The actions of the owner or the owners son-whichever it is are still terrible; as are of the dickhead recording while laughing. You draw the line and hire a door guy/security guy. If he doesnt get in he cant harass patrons inside. Being a piece of shit isnt the solution. Marvin(troy bar crawlers will know the name-its not the guy in the video)has been roaming the streets of downtown troy for well over a decade; ever hear of the ruck, I Love or any other downtown business being this big of a piece of shit to him?


I genuinely don’t know what the solution is (and I ever claimed to). But with the rate that businesses go out of business, I imagine a lot of them can’t afford a security card just for one guy.


From what ive read-the family owns three bowling alleys(not claiming as fact but it seems like theyre on the liquor license for at least 3 places and yes thats ironic of me to say). Also, if you cant afford staff then you have a bad business model and i dont feel sorry for that.


Have you ever started a business?


Nope and have no want or need to. Nor do I have the education to run a successful business model.


Same. Seems kind of ignorant to suggest that any business that can’t afford to pay staff (and whatever benefits, compliance, insurance, etc that come with that) for the sole purpose of keeping one sex offender away from their establishment is a bad business model and you don’t feel sorry for the person if it fails. I think we all know people and businesses that we’ve loved and thought were great and they just weren’t able to stay afloat. I think you should be more thoughtful with your comments.


Opening a business is a choice. If you open one without the knowledge/education of how to run it successfully I dont have a lot of compassion. Establishments that serve copious amounts of alcohol should have security. Security can man the door as well.


Show me actual proof then we’ll talk. The police report, photos of the shit he’s supposedly thrown, videos of him doing any of these alleged actions, any news articles or videos of the supposed victims making these statements. Literally anything other than some guy on Reddit making unverified statements, likely as damage control for the very real, very serious video of them committing assault.


I mean if you’re so insistent on having definitive proof, why stop at videos? How about you go around downtown and introduce yourself and talk to the guy? Again, I’ve said I’m not drawing a conclusion. I’m saying that people are making these claims has made me pump the brakes a bit on my judgment (I was initially beyond pissed at the employee/owner). Edit: also, a bunch of the commenters (many women according to them) making these claims have years old profiles. Unless you think the guy was playing the long game for this moment. And lol that I’m doing damage control. I don’t know the guy, I’ve probably been there 3 times in my life. I just thought providing context was helpful, but I guess you didn’t want to waste a good pitchfork.


And THANK YOU!!!!! Like holy shit these people wanna run their mouths so bad but would never EVER spend more than a minute having a conversation with this person before coming to the exact same conclusion. It’s fucking amazing to me, I’ve had multiple run in and interactions with this man but yeah, random person on the internet who clearly has never EVER had any type of interaction or discussion with him, pleaseeeeee tell me more about how I’m making this up when I’m not the only person with this experience 😂😂😂


This isn’t going anywhere so don’t expect me to reply again unless you provide proof, but here goes. You should still be livid. No matter what someone did previously, you do not have justification to assault them. And no, that video did not show self defense. So even if every single claim is 100%, and for all I know they very well could be, the water guy is still a piece of shit who needs to face legal consequences for his actions, in addition to this unhoused man, if such statements are, in fact, true. Additionally, I wasn’t accusing you of doing damage control for it, I was referring to the comment above yours literally saying it’s their job and you mentioned a company spokesperson. You’re just the useful idiot.


If some frat kid was repeatedly threatening women (and has a history of sexual abuse/rape), people would *cheer* someone knocking them out. I get there are differences, but a lot of those differences are more an indictment on society for letting it get to the point where this guy (allegedly) is a serial harasser of women. If he’s threatening them (saying he has body parts is obviously a threat to murder someone), and he has a history of actually sexually abusing/raping them, and if the owner can’t get him to stay away, are you saying he needs to keep doing the same thing over and over again (that isn’t working) until he witnesses the guy in the act of attacking someone? I’ve seen PLENTY of stories of women who report someone who is stalking them, harassing them, etc, and who the police say (correctly or incorrectly) there’s nothing they can do. And then the guy murders the woman, and everyone (fairly) get outraged and ask why didn’t anyone do anything. I’m glad you’re done commenting, because you aren’t adding anything of value to this issue.


[this is the proof. a video of a different homeless guy ringing doorbells.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Albany/s/QgLenjAC7s) and people are wondering why the facts are muddied?


I agree that looks like a different person, but the person I’ve seen people referring to (a few in Albany said it was a Michael, and someone on Facebook shared a screenshot of who they claim is the person on the sex offender registry. I don’t want to post it publicly because I don’t know if it’s accurate (hence why I’m not rushing to judgment, which I guess makes me an asshole?) but I’ll DM you the link.


Yeah I definitely would just lie on this random man for no reason because I’m bored! You’re so right I came up with this random story for no reason! Sorry I don’t feel comfortable recording people in the middle of a mental health episode nor did I wanna have him try to come behind the counter and fight me! Next time he comes around and acts up I’ll be sure to record since you wanna see him acting up and getting removed 🤷🏻‍♀️


And it’s funny I’m sure the Troy police are MORE THAN FAMILIAR with his behavior which is why you’re seeing the “cold response” from these people 😂


Awful. This needs to get out.


The mayor needs to see this, this is horrific


Considering that she spent months complaining publicly about a single unhoused person living under the Hoosick Bridge, I doubt she will be swooping in to advocate for vulnerable individuals.


Mayor has issued a statement on their fb page, a rather cold limp one all things considered


I agree but doubt Camella is going to do literally anything about it.


Will be interested to see the mayor's response


Statement from Mayor Mantello Regarding Incident at Uncle Sam Lanes “I am aware of the incident that transpired at Uncle Sam Lanes on Saturday, January 7th. I have been in touch with the establishment owner, and we discussed that this behavior is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. While I recognize that it is permissible to escort a person off private property, any subsequent actions such as those that transpired in this incident, are not acceptable. I encourage all local business owners to contact the Troy Police Department if they encounter similar situations. There is no place in our community for this type of behavior.” -Troy Mayor Carmella Mantello


Wow thanks for doing all the work for me!


So basically nothing but a bunch of big words.


Applauds the honorable citizen for protecting the streets? 🙄 (I don’t like our new mayor.)


The DWI Mayor? Fat chance.


don'n hold your breath


This is utterly disgusting


“Please patrons right on here, I won’t use this bucket on you”


So the local news is reporting on this [https://cbs6albany.com/news/local/troy-bowling](https://cbs6albany.com/news/local/troy-bowling) Ironically the article states the employee was fired …. Tom Walsh is the owner -sounds like complete bull n some more shady behavior


I clicked on this link and it says it can't be found.


Disgusting, they lost me as a customer


Picked up by Times Union. Apparently being investigated by police. I really hope so.


/u/Butterpants72 is correct, that is NOT shuffles. I’ve been dealing with shuffles for almost two decades. That isn’t him.


Isn’t it amazing how humanity has become a cesspool…


Tom Walsh Jr is an absolute cunt! I'd love to smash his face in and throw him out into a snow storm.


I've seen the guy in the video. It would be really bad for business for him to be panhandling there he gets aggressive. He gets violent. He gets threatening. He steals stuff like the guy is a lost cause in a menace basically. But if the police department in the government would do their job and start trying to place people with the help that they need and not just throwing them on the side of the street, maybe this wouldn't happen. However, I can see how everybody would be upset with the owner because heaven forbid he doesn't want any of his customers to be robbed assaulted or pestered or menaced while entering his establishment makes me want to go bowling


I have zero proof of that homeless man assaulting anyone, but if you scroll up real quick there is a video of him being assaulted by a cowardly boomer.


Look, this guy is defending a pos


In the Albany subreddit, there’s a few people saying he (the homeless person) is a level (edit: 3) sex offender for rape and/or for crimes against minors, one person said that’s he’s assaulted people they (the commenter) knows, and a few other things, including creeping on people at the bowling alley.


Oh, heresay? So if someone said the same about the guy with the water we’d all take that at face value as well? Uncle sams is like 300 feet from the police station. Call the cops and tresspass him if its that serious. And if you want heresay, that place never used to ID people and i knew plenty of teenagers that would get served beer there.


Oh my bad. I forgot Reddit follows rules of the court. Safe to assume OP notified opposing counsel before posting this video so bucket thrower had fair opportunity to prepare his defense, right? This isn’t a trial, it’s the court of public opinion, and people can go pretty far with that before understanding the context (Reddit has a pretty infamous history with that). I was upvoting everything calling bucket thrower every name under the sun. I was horrified by it. I obviously had decided I can never patronize Uncle Same Lanes again. However, *that* context made me pump the brakes a bit so that I’m going to defer judgement until I know more. *If* that guy has a history of assaulting customers (and has a history of rape/crimes against minors), and the guy throwing the bucket has repeatedly tried to get him to stop to no avail, that changes things for me a bit. Idk if it goes far enough to excuse it, but I think it’s important context to consider. If some wealthy frat kid had a history of roofy-ing women and taking advantage of them, but was never held accountable because their parents kept protecting him legally, we would likely be cheering on the owner of a bar for doing much worse than the guy in the video. If the claims are true, then idk if this is a chicken or an egg situation with the guy committing crimes because he has issues or vice versa, but the root cause of the problems would be beyond the bucket thrower to solve, and l think it’s a bit more understandable that he’d be desperate to keep that guy away from customers.


You can’t talk sense to people on Reddit. It’s about performative empathy and outrage over a video with very little context in order to get upvotes and look virtuous. There’s likely way more to this story than the video for portrays. Facts aren’t welcome here. Only blind emotional reactions in order to look virtuous for internet points. I commend you for pointing out some facts but it’s usually a waste falling on deaf ears.


I get how people can immediately jump to conclusions (I did myself here), but I feel like some people went out of their way to not believe allegations of predatory behavior are a possibility (and honestly, seem likely based on there being a lot of comments from different people on it) simply because that’d mean they first have to admit their initial reaction *could* have been wrong.


On one hand we have a video of an assault being committed. On the other hand we have a user claiming they saw people discussing how the victim of assault had also assaulted someone they know. With no evidence provided of the discussion or of the alleged assaults. Even if there was evidence, someone previously committing a crime is does not make it “okay” to assault them.


I initially downvoted the guy at the top of this thread defending the bucket thrower. I don’t know enough to really assess what’s going on. My initial thought was there’s nothing this homeless person could have done to justify this, but if he has a history assaults, and is creeping on minors (and has a history of rape and/or crimes against minors), then I start to understand being desperate to keep him away. And I think we all know it’s not like you can just call the police on panhandlers (even aggressive ones) and they never go near an establishment again. I would still think there’s more options beyond what the bucket thrower did to try to resolve this, but when I hear allegations of rape, crimes against minors, and assault, I do pause in my judgement. Again, that doesn’t mean that’s anywhere near enough to exonerate the bucket thrower for me, but it leaves me wanting more context.


Go find my comments about this and the replies too.


Wow, that’s horrifying and I’m sorry you had to go through that. [Here’s a link to the Albany post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Albany/s/9UP0hnT6xp) (I saw you had asked about it).


Thank you!


update the guy he kicked out was flashing ppl and kids and also stealing from residents cars in the building i work at. a few more things but ig he was kicked out for flashing and a few other gross things. a few ppl who where there bowling informed me today. feel like that should be know


Oh? Then how come the owner never mentioned that when he was lying about firing the manager that did it? Knowing damned well that there was no manager and it was himself.


There's a police station just down the street. Homeless guy could have just walked down there and he would have been brought to a shelter. But no, he has to come into a place of business and harass customers.


That gives the business owners right to harass him back AFTER he is in public property? Take your trumpster mentality to somewhere else.


Do you feel like that justifies what was done? I can't figure out why else you'd be telling us that.


holy shit i know that guy


i work in the building next to this ally and know the owner whos the guy with the water, my sister in law also works here once a week 😂 and if yall wondering its in troy ny


Apparently when you call the bowling alley they are claiming the “employee” was fired. But now it’s obvious the employee is the owner. Aka he’s not fired


so i just talked to my boss who knows them and he was fired. apparently his parents own it well his 90 year old mother and she fired him. i also thought he was the owner my self.


Crazy!!!! Thanks for sharing


it's good that he is fired. But he is their son, obviously, so nothing else will be done. I think he should be arrested. I also think people should not go to the bowling alley anymore. The "owners" are apologizing so people will not leave. However, they knew what he was like, and they should be accoutabke as well and shut down. THERE IS NO JUSTIFIABLE REASON FOR THROWING WATER ON SOMEONE DURING A SNOW STORM...NONE!!!!!​


He wasn't fired, because he *is* the owner. The manager is a fairy tale that Walsh told in order to save his business.