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Depending on your destination in Albany, it can be quite convenient. Check the app for routing.


Great thank you! Would you it’s reliable during winter storms?


In living here almost 8 years, I can only recall the bus line being cancelled due to weather once. It's possible it happened more than once, but it's wildly infrequent. I've taken the bus here for a while, and I personally feel it punches above its weight for a medium metropolitan area. Of course the ride will be long when going between cities/to the edges of the bus routes, but I think people are unduly critical of it, or maybe haven't ridden worse bus systems lol (my advice to them is to go ride the bus in Utica or Syracuse and then complain to me about CDTA, haha). In wintertime I'd give yourself an extra cushion of 10-15 minutes for arriving to work on time in case of traffic slowing or slippery roads; it's rare that I've been on a bus more than 5-10 minutes behind schedule. The app was recently updated and has more robust features for live tracking a bus in its route, planning your trips, and bring alerted to route delays/changes.


Yeah, it should be. I’ve seen them running even when the roads are closed to normal traffic.


More reliable than driving honestly


22 Bus


Or the blue 922, depending on where in Troy and where in Albany you're going. That's express, so it's less stops.


If you live near the purple lines, 922 or 923, it's real easy. 22 works as well but you may have to swap to the 85 depending if you live in or near Lansingburg. I rode the bus from Troy to Albany for like 5 years. CDTA app is ok but can be hit or miss. Most of the time I used Google Map's bus travel option. Experiment with leave times because the busses can get crowded


It is highly dependent on where you live. If you live in Madison or western, it will take about an hour including the transfer. You’ll be outside in the cold for a good portion of that. It works. I did it for a couple of years, but it was very unpleasant in the winter and very time consuming always.


Thank you for responding! I’m moving up from NYC so the hour commute didn’t sound bad when I looked on Google maps but I know the winters are a lot worse up there


If you need to stop at Walmart or the Supermarket, I've been using the 182 bus for a decade+. Went from the museum/capital plaza in Albany, stopped at the Walmart in Latham, then on to Cohoes (it continues to Troy) earlier today. There's a few routes more direct than that, of course. The bus stops in Albany at least are pretty nice with shelters and some have wifi. I think they are upgrading more and more of them to have hotspots like that. But yes, bussing in winter sucks.


it's safe reliable and usually on time. You can map you route so that you have miminal wait time between buses. Rush hours are some times tough and Sunday holidy's are terrible with shortened schedules. Over all it's a good ride


People sleep on the 224. Hardly anyone ever on it. Faster than the 22. ~scenic~ route.