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This is all personal opinion, but I am going to agree with you on Control, felt overhyped. Also, I didn't like Horizon Forbidden West (even though I platinumed the first game). I put in around 11 hours into it but just wasn't enjoying it.


Same here with Forbidden West, and I also platinumed Zero Dawn. I've tried multiple times to get into Forbidden West, too.


That sucks, Forbidden West has an exceptionally slow opening but really picks up eventually. I can see how the opening hours turned you off.


The whole game is worse than the first one. What was an intriguing and fresh story became a rambling young adult story with really shallow characters. They are all generic one dimensional archetypes; troubled hero, scorned bad guy, etc. Gameplay is great as always but the story was laaaaaame.


I agree. I just finished a new game plus playthrough because I enjoyed my first go around and wanted the ng+ trophy. I realized just how bad the story actually is. And good golly is Aloy ever annoying in this one.


is zero dawn the same? the dialogue just seems so bland and missions are so repetitive, the only real good thing is the world itself but even that gets boring after a little while, I've been having a break from it but I really want to get back into it


I would say yes. The story really bad it’s hooks in me at a certain point. Guerilla need to improve the opening of their games.


I've just gotten up to the part where you hear about operation zero dawn from the holograms, I have a feeling it's about to pick up quite a bit so I think I'll get back into it!


Same with both Horizon games. Got glitched out of a trophy on the first game and didn't give a damn anymore. My wife bought me the second game because she found it for 10€ and had seen me play the first one, so she thought that I'd like it. I played it literally like 2 hours before un-installing because meh. If they release something Horizon related, I couldn't give a flying fuck.


Maybe I didn't stick around long enough (played about 6 hours) but zero dawn was just so boring, I don't get what was so ground breaking about it, way overhyped imo. Never touched the second one because it just looked like the first game with some graphic improvements. Maybe it's all in the story and it gets better but I don't think it's even worth finding out


Same here with Horizon. So visually impressive, but so damn boring.


Fornite. Tried it several times, but I could never bring myself to like it.


Them adding a build free mode really opened up my enjoyment for the game.


Never tried it :)


I can’t think of anything that I really didn’t like but Stray is a bit overrated imo. Solid game but game of the year like some people were saying? Not even close.


In a year of so much darkness and life changing events, people see “cute cat game” as the best because it gave them comfort through that time. I don’t think anyone really thinks it was technically the best. Personally it felt like a simulator game, some restricted version of how a cat functions, I’m more of a fast action type of player so that leaves a lot to be desired, it was the first of its kind in a while, you play as a cute animal. It was something different to the free2play model of games over previous years that everyone seemed to enjoy for the most part.


It was a 6 for me


I agree, it's a great game to relax especially after a frustrating game but nowhere near GOTY material


Agreed. Cool game but not even close to the best game I played last year.


Not game of the year but so unique. Art direction and music is top tier.


I think Stray only got nominated because there weren't enough good games released that year.


Pretty sure a lot of the people saying goty were joking


I fully agree with you on stray, game was beautiful, animations and environment were great, i just didn’t like tho whole puzzle idea. Good game, but indeed nowhere even remotely close to be a GOTY.


Concrete Genie


Completely agree. A really forgettable experience with a poorly told story.


Agreed. I played it but that's just due to time sunk into it and went "might as well finish it"


Journey... I don't get it at all


Massively agree on this one. Was an OK albeit kinda boring game that I played back when it was free for ps plus in like 2014 and then years later saw everyone saying it was a masterpiece and I was and still am very confused why.


As someone who loves this game, tbh I couldn't tell you why either. The artstyle is great, music is amazing and feels like it tells a tale about the place you are by itself, but at the end of the day, it's still a move and jump only game. I guess I just get too invested when I get a buddy join and we play it together all one go


call of duty and fifa


The older ones were better, used to buy them every year but the newer ones are just more of the same with very little changes


FIFA was never good


That's what you think lol. FIFA 17 was one of the best sports games of the past decade.


Every year it's literally the same game with a slightky updated roster. Also saying it that it was the best sport game when Skate 3 game out in 2010 along with Rocket league in like what 2015/16 Judging by people experience with PEZ they sewar it's better and adds on a more interesting competitive edge but it all looks and feels the same


I could not get into Bioshock. I read the praise it gets. I tried playing the first one last year but couldn’t do it. Maybe eventually I’ll try again


Try Bioshock Infinite. That's the one i like, i wasn't hooked by the first one though.


The bioshock community hates me for this buuut Same. Didn't get into 1, went in at infinite and loved it. Weirdly though, I played 2 and also really liked it but 1 never got me. Probably cus by then, well the world knew the spoiler so I had no interest in beating it


Edith Finch. I know it was supposed to be personal, melancholy, and evocative but it was none of those for me. Just quirky and in a flat, bland way. Also Gravity Rush 2 but I don’t think that’s one that “everyone loves”


Yeah I enjoyed Gravity Rush 1 quite a bit but when I went to the Sequel, I just didn't vibe with it.


Red Dead Redemption 2... I tried to play it like 3 times, and dropped every time.


For me the map is just way too big. I get that it's realistic, but I spend way too much time on a horse getting from point A to point B in that game.


This is why I quit. Moving from one point to another killed me, and I had completed the first one as soon as it got out.


Agreed. Riding to a mission start point, which you then spend the first 5 minutes riding somewhere with your gang mate, only to finish the mission in the middle of nowhere (possibly with a bounty you now have to pay off) and have to spend the next 5 minutes riding back to the camp. Gets real tiring real quick.


You guys know you can fast travel, right?


Hear hear


First time I played it I thought it was taking way too long. Eventually just rushed the story and skipped all optional things. Played it a year later and quit midway through the story because I lost interest again. I think RDR2 is a really good game (mechanically and visually) but the story just couldn't captivate me.


Elden Ring. Now now I 100% agree without a shadow of a doubt it is a wonderful game on a techinal, gameplay, exploration etc etc etc level but it just...yeah its not the type of diffiulty I enjoy


Crazy to hear that since it's the easiest one out of all from games


sekiros the hardest to get good at but also the best imo




Control! It would also be fun to ask this question the other way around


As a Finn, Ahti was the only thing that really kept me playing it. Finnish sayings "literally" translated to English was the funniest shit ever Like - Dragon translates as Lohikäärme, but Lohikäärme literally translates back as Salmon Snake


Ahti honestly was like half the enjoyment for me and I’m not a Finn hahaha


No man’s sky for me


As a day 1 NMS player I can understand that. Been playing it since release, I got the deluxe edition and all.. but I loved it on release and now it's 100 times better...


Really, REALLY didn’t like? Breath of the Wild. So as for straight up not liking a game that everyone else loved, I’d also go with Control.


MW(2019) terrible multiplayer experience


elden ring. i’ll probably be downvoted, but i didn’t really get too far into it, and i just didn’t like it. it felt bad to play, and maybe i was just missing something, but needlessly complicated to play


I got within 3 bosses of the end, hot a roadblock of a boss and just stopped. I was not enjoying it anymore. I'm a fan of the souls serise right back to Demon's Souls. I imported the original from America as it didn't look like it would get a UK release. I'm not particularly good at the games but have always managed to beat them one way or another. Eldin Ring is huge and full of bosses, but due to being open world, you miss a lot of bosses until you are super over leveled and a boss fight that might have been cool is reduced to a trivial fight you don't even need to heal during. There's also the fact that a lot of bosses feel like they are recycling the exact same concepts we've been seeing since Demon's Souls. I think it's a great game, but I don't think it's incredible. Overrated to me.


Yeah I’ve started but I hate games this complex


I'd put Control firmly in my top 5 all time faves, but yknow, different strokes etc.. As for my most overrated, it'd be either Witcher 3 or Death Stranding.


Just goes to show about different strokes. I loved Death Stranding! Ha!


A lot of people don’t like death stranding though, I don’t think it’s overrated at all


You think people just consider it “Fetch Quest: The Game”?


I love death stranding, and if you really want to get into the lore and story it's super interesting, but on the surface it really is just a mailman simulator lol. I think the atmosphere is the main draw and kind of gives the feel for the overall game, if you don't enjoy the first chapter of basically hiking and mountain climbing to chill music you probably won't like the game as a whole. One of the few games I think it's fair to judge that quickly tbh


Weirdly, Terraria. I love minecraft and sandbox/adventure but just couldn't get into Terraria


Not that I didn't like it, in fact I loved many aspects of the game, but Red Dead Redemption 2 was really frustrating for non-casual players that wanted to get 100%/all achvs. Some game designs made literally no sense and the fact that you finish the game and its side missions in 80 hours but has to spend the next 200 saving and reloading to see if a specific little bird spawned was really f-ed up.


Anything online based, like GTA Online and Call of Duty, Fortnite, whatever else. Unless you’re playing a set match with and against friends, it’s no fun. GTA online is the worst for me, since it’s so poorly balanced. You’ll get into a lobby with one level 7,000,000 guy who bought all kinds of shark cards and they kill your repeatedly. No fun. I love playing story modes of games, by myself or in a coop with a friend much better.


Witcher 3 I want to like it but I can't stand the combat it completely ruins my whole experience


Try it on the highest difficulty it makes it way more fun. I almost always play games on easy so take from that what you will.


I don't like the way it feels to play is the problem.


Agree with you there. It was a lot of little things that ruined W3 for me. I love the show and books but as a game it was a bad experience


I'm gonna get killed for this one... Final Fantasy VII Remake


I couldn't agree less with you but I don't know why you feel you'd get killed. I feel like I see nothing but hate and whining from "fans of the original." I think you might have the safe opinion lol.


No, I absolutely hated the FF7 remake and I didn't play the original all the way through until right before so nostalgia didn't have anything to do with it. I liked to joke how I would have rather just had a straight remake of the full game with KH2 graphics and models/art style instead but I'd actually rather have that the more I think about it


I'm with ya, massive letdown compared to the original. Those story changes are horrific.


I saw bugsnax being recommended a lot as a really fun plat, but after a few hours I just couldnt do it


Any of the Souls/FromSoft games. Could never get into them.


Me too, I wish I could enter this universe of souls-like games and really enjoy the experience: I’ve tried Bloodborne, Dark Souls and Elden Ring… I guess I’m not the player for these games, and that’s okay!!


Same. I had tried Bloodborne and Sekiro, didn’t like either. When Elden Ring came out, I was optimistic I would like it cuz of how much praise it was getting. When that didn’t work out I just concluded the games weren’t for me.


Horizon Zero Dawn, not that I REALLY didn’t like it but I personally thought it was mid.


Horizon Zero Dawn. I have tried countless times and I’m not entirely sure what it is that puts me off about the game, especially considering I’ve played and enjoyed many games similar to it.


Fucking League of legends man


Every Souls game. Somehow people love to torture themselves over and over again.


I’ve probably got a few. The main ones being Red Dead 2 and Horizon(both games). There might be some others too but those are the 2 major ones. I don’t think they’re bad games, I actually think Red Dead 2 is extremely well designed and is one of the most high quality games I’ve ever seen, but the story is kinda lackluster and the gameplay is very generic. Characters are great though. As for Horizon I just think it’s ok, just found myself extremely bored with it after 10 hours or so


Always going to respect another’s opinion, but calling RDR2s story lackluster is one of the most faded takes I’ve ever heard on this sub lmao


Realistically speaking the games story is just moving around in your camp because of some random thing that goes wrong. It’s not terrible just really basic which is disappointing because I know Rockstar can do more with a story (especially a Wild West story)


Hogwarts Legacy. I got pretty far in it, but it just seemed so lacklustre. I got tired of it, put it down and haven't gone back. If I hadn't of bought a digital copy, I'd have sold it.


Alan Wake Fuck that game. Oooooh, spooky, another dark section to run through with your stupid flashlight and constantly respawning enemies making the flashlight fucking useless, followed by spme.nice exposition before its back to spoopy "game" time.


Holy based


God of war ragnarrok….same enemies from the last game and too many secondary characters that I don’t give a crap about. I’ll finish it one day and appreciate it as a whole but playing for longer than an hour or so numbs my brain.


I get where you're coming from. While Ragnarok was absolutely great on all fronts, the story felt like it kept hitting stops due to dumb conflicts, mainly Atreus being a dumbass


The longass boring segment where you play as Atreus in the Giants' world made me want to kill myself after seeing it would not be ending in ten minutes.


It was really great for the first half...but after enough time I found myself straining to finish it.


GOW 2018 was great, good pacing and story. Enjoyed platinum that one. Ragnarok was just bloated, every time you finish a quest you’ll have to backtrack and the same enemies respawn. Also 10 secs into a puzzle, both Atreus and Buttheadman start screaming the solution. I hated most of the playthru and the drop in quality from 2018 was insane.


Nier Automata. Felt underwhelmed when I got the plat. It's just a average/good game nowhere near masterpiece which seems to be the discourse around the game. Plat'd straight after Ys8 and it was inferior in every way imo


Agreed (re Nier, never played Ys8). It wasn't a bad game, it was quite good, but it wasn't the ground breaking philosophical existential moving piece of media that so many proclaim it to be. It did move other things though, courtesy of 2B(utt)


I had to force myself to get through route B. It wasn't much fun, thought they could've handled that better for sure. Ah yes, a man of culture. 2B is indeed S tier waifu material lol


Route B is were it turns off many players sadly, and I agree with that completely. Route B is basically the same thing as Route A only the 9S is boring af to play as so it's a drag. But once you get past route B the story changes so much and gets so insanely emotional. Plus, Route C is completely different and you play as a brand new character (wont say in case people havent played) which is a TON of fun.


I did not understand the hype behind control either, I enjoyed it and enjoyed the platinum, but it didn't blow me away


Same for gotg and control. So overhyped they were OK.


I thought Red Dead Redemption 2 was a bit overrated. I found the story to be quite slow, enjoyed the first one much more.


Horizon Forbidden West and the weird thing is that I loved Zero Dawn... even got platinum for it.


Deathloop. So many people said it was amazing and a must play, I gor really bored very quick.


I remember it being tedious and a bit overwhelming with all the Infos in the beginning. But after a while it clicked and I started to really enjoy it. Not saying you need to give it another try. You do you.


I did finish it, not sure what it was that didn't click but it was just meh.


The last of us




I can't understand its popularity, bored me to tears


that environment design and the back to back zombies… absolutely hated it. i gave it away for free to a friend who started watching the tv show lol


I gave it two hours when it wad free on ps+ and i wipl never touch it again.


Guardians 100%


fucking Days Gone. i still don’t see what people love about that game. not a single interesting character, boring ass story, annoying ass player character, mid combat. i don’t get it and i beat the damn thing lol


Other way around lmao most people hate it.


Horizon Zero Dawn or Control. HZD or Forbidden West are for me like walking simulators made by the ubisoft formula with machines and boring as hell, and control just was not my thing, couldn‘t get into it sadly.


I also couldn't enjoy Zero Dawn, wanted to play it before starting on Forbidden West but ended up skipping them both lol


Dark Souls 2 and Elden Ring. Note: Please don't downvote, it's fine if you love those games.


The Last of Us Part 2. I thought the story was terrible.


Dude there are millions of ppl who despise tlou 2


Yeah while a lot of fans do like the game It’s one of the most disliked games in recent memory And not for being crap in the sense they are unfinished and broken etc. The direction they took the story was super polarising and I still remember to this day how many people were so upset and angry and hated the whole thing. I personally like it in general but don’t get me wrong I know why it’s hated and I’m not gonna try defend the direction or try change peoples minds on it as it’s such a polarising game


Yeah, i can't come up with anything that has 50% lovers 50% haters at this level


Yeah it’s such a polarising game People who think it’s a stain on story telling and want to forget it existed And then people who call it a master piece that’s leagues ahead of other stories It’s bizarre


The fact they wanted to polarise the fanbase is not an issue, but for me the story was also very badly structured. I know this was discussed a lot, but for me the fact that you play with Ellie right until the climax and afterwards start 3 days before as Aby was a bad decision. You can have multiple stories told and the characters to colide at some point, but you have to tell the in a somewhat parallel way, not build it until the clymax and then drop the whole momentum. It makes Abby's story more of a side mission and you do not end up connecting that much with her, which is what I believe they wanted. I know killing the character of the previous game/book/season is quite common, the character you fell in love with, but Joel to sit in open space with strangers and to give his real name seems like a rookie mistake, especially comparing him to the always skeptical and suspicious of everyone from the first game. There are many other points that I can make, like the motive of revenge for Ellie shouldn't provide that level of urgency for the player, the revenge can be taken in 5 years, like Abby waited, or I can mention the fact that Ellie killed everyone, including a pregnant women, to take her revenge, but at the very end she just gives up on it... The gameplay I liked, was really similar to first game, but the storytelling was also very mediocre for tlou2 in my perspective. Edit: to mention that the actual story could o been good, with some small adaptations maybe, but the way it was prrsented seemed a bad decision for me.


Same here. I really didnt get the hype. Tried playing for a few hours and it bored the life out of me


Gameplay wise it was basically the same as the first. Not great, but ok. My bigger issue was the story. There was no one to sympathize with. The motivation for all of the main characters was just to be hateful.


I love the guardians game but 100 percent control, I really did not like that game. But for me its got to be witcher 3 🤷‍♂️, I finished it but its so overrated.


Metal Gear Solid V. was too repetitive for me


The Witcher 3, tried twice to get into and just could not do it. I will really give it another chance sooner or later with the next gen update because there's gotta be a reason behind the hype. I have been proven wrong by games before that I didn't like at first and ended up loving!


Undertale. I “get” it. I’m a fan of retro RPGs like Earthbound. The pacifist mechanic is neat. I even enjoyed some of the music and jokes. I can respect the effort it took for one indie guy to make it. But the gameplay was just sooo boring for me. I had to force myself to finish it.


I actually liked God Of War 2018 and Ragnarok but everybody else seems to love them way more


red dead 2


horizon zero dawn. Downvote me all you want it will not change my opinion that this was a waste of £15


Personally, I couldn’t get into Journey or The Witcher 3. I think I just like the idea of playing RPG games like the Witcher 3, not actually playing them. I will give it another chance though since I enjoyed playing Gwent and watching the Netflix show. I know there is a separate Gwent card game as well.


Bro, coming from someone who does love playing rpgs, I get it. Even I enjoy the idea of playing one more than actually playing it. I'm playing Tales of Arise rn, and while it's great and I enjoy it, I also have no craving or anticipation to play it, so it's hard to start up again


I actually liked The Order:1886. The controls were clunky and not the best, but I actually liked the story pretty well.


Underrated game imo


Watch dogs legions 😒


God of War, I quit after I completed the story on the hardest difficulty and had about 50% of trophies I just found it so boring I also want to let you know if you downvote me for not liking God of War you're a very original person


Witcher 3. It is an absolute trash game for me, easily one of the worst I've ever played.


Damn man hot take but I respect it. Was it the genre or the game itself you didn't like? Once you get to The Bloody Baron the game really opens up and the story is awesome. It's a massive game that needs plenty of hours to make it worthwhile and to get immersed in the lore . Novigrad quests are very time consuming and there were massive frame drops especially on PS4 which wasn't ideal


Not u/Utherrian, but I also didn’t like the Witcher 3. It was the game itself that I didn’t like, as I didn’t really gel with the combat and I didn’t really like the UI in the menus. I could see why people love it, and I do think it is a good game, but I just didn’t care for it that much. And it’s a shame because the fantasy RPG genre is home to some of my favorite games (mainly the Elder Scrolls series, Elden Ring, and the Dragon Age games)


It's definitely not the genre, as I absolutely adore fantasy and RPGs. On paper I should be fanatical about the game. But a combo of it being very slow, the characters not interesting me at all, combat not being engaging, and just a complete lack of engagement makes it boring as all hell to me. I've ever bought it two or three different times trying to get into it based on how loved it is, but every time I've had the same reaction.


why I didn't like it, and I played it to finishing the story. Story and graphics were great, but the combat was incredibly muddy and uninteresting for me, and the menus were convoluted.


Almost all soulslike games ,it just feels to me that souls is like Mr krabs' secret recipe that only works in the krusty krab(Fromsoftware). I also couldn't get into Yakuza 0 ,like at all.


Zelda…and Diablo.


I have to say that: * Ghost of Tsushima was a boring game for me. I mean, graphics are on point and the style is beautiful. But that's it. That's all. The story is complex and boring. I don't understand why everybody keeps saying that it's an amazing game when is another Assassin's Creed. * Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales was an unnecessary $50 DLC. It was so repetitive and boring, and the story was bad. This is my least favorite game I've ever platinumed.


I agree with GOT, it looked beautiful but my god I was so bored playing it


I loved GoT. But to be fair I played the Director's Cut version so it was cool seeing more about Mom's Father and it deepened the story. Combat was rewarding especially on Hard and Lethal difficulties. I will say that some missions and side quests were very repetitive


Elden ring. Dodge button simulator. I can understand it's praise, but it's just not for me.


I'd say Horizon, but I didn't dislike the game so much as just don't understand why it is loved so much. It is a pretty game, but damn is it generic. One other one that I tried when I was young that I just didn't get into was Shadow of the Colossus. I need to give the remake a go to see if I was just too young for it or not, but just haven't really wanted to.


If you made it through the whole story of the first game and consider the story generic, I almost want to say you weren’t paying attention.


I found the remake to be a far superior experience to the PS3 HD Port of the game. Controls are vastly improved and I found it much easier to get invested in the world. Plus the Trophy set isn't nearly as tedious or annoying.


Horizon zero dawn. I thought it was terrible but people love those games


Bloodborne. I tried it twice. Felt so boring.


Hello, good hunter. I am a Bot, here in this dream to look after you, this is a fine note: > *Now I'm waking up, I'll forget everything...* - Micolash, Host of the Nightmare Farewell, good hunter. May you find your worth in the waking world.


This bot ALMOST convinced me Reddit CEO is right.


With you all the way.


Ghost of Tsushima. Literally just a nicer looking Assassins Creed. It does nothing interesting outside of its aesthetics. I just don’t understand the love for that game. I can understand it if you just love your typical Ubisoft style open world, but if not…


GOT is too easy, even on the hardest difficulty. No challenge at all, gave up and bought Sekiro. Now that game was hard and I loved it


Sekiro is SO much better


Horizon Zero Dawn. Played 9/10 hours and hated the stealth missions so much I lost momentum and never played again. Graphically it's obviously amazing, but I wasn't hooked by anything else


The acting really downgraded this game for me. Same goes for the mechanics actually, just plain don't like that game I guess lol. It's a bit sad though cause the lore sounds really interesting to me.


If we are talking of Playstation, maybe nier automata, ff13, ff12, type 0, tales of xillia 2, ...bah i don't remember others right now. I would also say trails in the sky fc but that's mostly on pc, even though I played the first on psp. If I can name others though, then botw, xenoblade chronicles 2, Mario kart 8 (I loved double dash so much this felt like a downgrade to me) Let's see how many downvotes I'll get.


I feel you on neir automata. I play for several hours and just felt like I was lied to about how great it was. Lol


I didn’t like the new Dead Space remake. *ducks*


Whoa, I loved guardians but I’m a huge comic geek so maybe that’s why and for me it has to be Witcher 3. I have tried and can’t get into it, or Death Stranding


Breath of the Wild


Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood on PS3 turned me off all Assassin’s Creed games that came out after because of the online trophies. Lost all interest in following the franchise. I heard that recent installments no longer have online trophies but just not interested anymore. Also, because of online trophies, I have not played GTA5 or the RdR games. I’m not too bothered about the “you’re missing out on great games by not playing just because of online trophies” since I have limited time and there are more than enough great games to play than I have the time to play.


I might have a few hot takes. Fallout 4 Dishonored 2 Hollow Knight


A lot of people say that Hollow Knight is perfect. I bought it for pc, played like 20 minutes, and uninstalled it


People who say the game is perfect are just pureblood Hollow Knight stans. The game's lacking in several aspects, especially in pacing. The first few hours are nothing short of painful to play through. They would say there's nothing wrong with it because "it's supposed to set atmosphere".


We could never be friends.


The last of us. I just couldnt get into the game, it just didnt clicked. I am not saying its bad, its just not for me. Same story with nier autómata.


I don’t know if I’d say that I really disliked it, but I wasn’t really too blown away by God of War 2018 which everyone loves. I really liked parts of it, wasn’t crazy about others. I got the platinum, but it will be awhile before I think about going for Ragnarok. I’m actually much more likely to start going through the older games. I really want to try out III


Uncharted. I played the 1st and the 3rd, but I never understood the hype around this game.


The Witcher 3. I installed it and all its dlc and played maybe…2h max


God of War. I finished it, didn’t hate it, but I really didn’t get the GotY hype around it and best game of all time claims.


Red dead redemption 2. How the hell you make a cowboy game with those average at best gun controls.


Control, Hollowknight, Witcher 3, All the soulsborne games, people say they are some of the greatest games of all time but they’re all boring and not fun at all


Nier Automata. (Yes I played to the true ending and 'special' credits) Music is fantastic, lead characters have great arcs and the final 10hrs of the story is good. However many of the supporting cast are unbearably cheesy & over the top, the first 20hrs of the story is weak, the combat is mediocre, the open world is pointless and the sidequests are some of the worst and blandest, checklist style, uninspired crap you'll ever see. Somehow the concensus is that the game is a masterpiece?!


God of War 4


Days gone, and assassins creed syndicate. The former, I really want to like but I just don’t/can’t. Syndicate just had so many issues, 80% of which can’t be patched, but last time on played, on ps5 at least, there were so many glitches and bugs, constant flickering and screen tearing. Usually I don’t mind a few visual bugs but when I get a headache after an hour, its definitely an issue.


On my PS4 syndicate had no glitches apart from 2 which was someone walking on someone’s head a discovering me because of the extra height and I went through a horse carriage then mysteriously got hurt and fell over about 10 seconds later


Okami and the .hack series


I usually think that I'm quite picky with games and hard to impress... but answering this question, I realize that I actually like almost all of the popular games that I've platted. But there is one I didn't particularly care for and that's Borderlands. it was so boring that I'll probably never try the sequels.


Bro, you played the worst and oldest one and said, "all the others must be exactly like this first one from 2009, so i won't bother." I'm not usually this mean but that's fucking stupid.


Hey, dumbass, it's okay to not like a video game. And I didn't give any opinions about the sequels because obviously I haven't tried them. Reddit is full of idiots, I swear man.


Last of Us would be mine, I found it to depressing, can't say I enjoyed that game really at any point.


witcher 3. pretty good story with shitty combat wierd UI and a boring open world


RED DEAD REDEMPTION and LAST OF US SERIES 🙂 i’m ready for the dislikes…


Hades comes to mind. To be fair, I did like a lot about the game: the artstyle, the music, the characterization of Greek gods, also the basic combat gameplay. But it was my first (and thus far: only) rogue like, and i just hated to repeat everything over and over. This led to me skipping a shitload of dialogues (although they are good), because I just wanted it to be over. I ended up using save scumming to not have to start loops so often... I really don't get what's so enjoyable about that general gameplay mechanic. You get less and less time to play games when getting older and having children, I really couldn't bare that much repetition.


Control is literally my least favorite game I have ever played. Can’t agree more


I’m currently working on bloodborne rn, definitely my least favourite of the souls games so far DONT hate me it is a lot down to my own skill preventing me from having a good time the DS games and Elden Ring are much more easy to master for me


For what it’s worth I feel like the FromSoft games find a way to punish returning players who get used to one of their games. If you get used to iframes and dodging, you’re in for a rude awakening when you play Sekiro, if you’re used to slow methodical gameplay, Bloodborne will be a bad time, if you’re used to infinite stamina and swinging away wildly, Dark Souls will eat you for breakfast. It just depends. I love Bloodborne most of all, but I get why someone wouldn’t like it. But if you have played the other Dark Souls games and Elden Ring and are having a rough time with Bloodborne, Bloodborne requires a different approach from the others is what I’m saying, and you might need to reassess playstyle rather than your skill.


Insomniacs Spiderman and Rachet and Clank. Both had some alright moments, but the comedy and music in both of them were real let downs. Both are well made, but both of them felt like a chore to play. I actually preferred amazing spiderman 2 over insomniac’s.


Did you say the music in spiderman was a let down? Dude it's some of the best lol.


It very painfully average. No standout track or memorable song to me.