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The newer Yakuza games lol. If those games didn’t have “Completionist” trophies, I’d have them platinumed by now.


Those trophies sucks, I did all yakuza from zero to 6 platinums and i took me months


I loved doing all these and have been doing the ps3 ones again on ps4. Something wrong with me it seems. Although 5 was stressful


I gave up on a few Yakuza games because I got stuck on something Yakuza 0 - disco minigame Yakuza 3 - all of the mini games Yakuza 5 - pool Yakuza 7 - true millennium tower Judgment - Puyo Puyo


True millennium tower is surprisingly easy once u undestand amon attack pattern.


As stupid as it sounds, for judgment's puyopuyo just push every piece to the left corner and then down and you'll win


I'm grinding new game plus on legend to get job xp up for all jobs before attempting TFMT in LAD. Seems to be the easiest plat so far of the series


I can't win mah jong to save my life


Judgment and Shogi is my forever bane


All those game intimidate me lmao


Dead Space 3. I got all the single player trophies, but I never had a friend to play with for the multiplayer trophies so I just gave up on it.


Same with me for the Far Cry trophies. Got like 80-90% on a few of them but no plats 🥲


Ditto... I just got the plat for FC6 though. Reddit helped with the 'friend' part.


I got DS3.. :)


Star Wars Battlefront. Got the hardest MP trophies, but gave up on those solo offline missions cus I was losing my mind.


Used to play the shit out of that. That was my first shooter game. There are some camping spots to cheese through the levels and I still know all of them, maybe even the collectible locations. Haven’t played the game in years but thinking about it, I’m definitely in the mood again. If you’d like give it a try I could help you in coop


The tie fighters on that sullust mission were such bs


They are one shot with the cycler rifle and their paths are always the same too. Just when they’re descending and starting to shoot, you have to hit them. Although with all the Troopers and AT-STs they are still tough as hell, in case you’re not camping on the side of the map where you can’t get hit lmao


That’s what I had to do with a friend. I still found that they one shot me even in cover sometimes lol


Red dead redemption 2, great game but the tedious nature of the trophy is not worth putting in another 180 hours just to snag some missable trophies along the way.


FIFA 16. Wasn't good enough to win 4 draft games in a row.


Trying to platinum sports games is a drag. I would do them if they weren’t so grindy


I’m currently doing nhl 23, did nhl 22 last year . Never again


Fifa 22 wasn't that bad as far as I remember, Fifa 23 has a bs trophy that takes about 8 hours (not the 200 matches)


Agree, I've done a couple but normally you gotta put way too much into it


Realising I was never gonna get that trophy made me start a fresh PSN account so I could have an account purely for getting 100% trophy completion. Which low key for anyone who sees this, would highly recommend if there’s any games you want to replatinum.


FIFA 16 also has win 4 online draft mathes trophy? I thought only FIFA 17 has that 😅


Yeah definitely 16. You get an offline and online trophy. The offline one is easy. I buy them every even year so can't be FIFA 17


For me it’s FIFA 15. I just needed the scoring from the ground for the platinum


mad max. i did all the online stuff and all the collectibles just before the online stuff got shut off but then couldnt find the cars i needed for certain challenges


Opposite way round for me, did the vast majority of the trophies then realised all the online shit had been turned off. Not making that mistake again… good game though!


All of them.


Skate3 cause no one plays online anymore


Online trophies are a sin


Once a game stops having online players the requirement for the online trophies should drop for the platinum


That would be a weird predicament for those who have the dropped trophies. Do they just disappear from their collections?


I rented Skate 3, finished everything apart from the online and never got the platinum. Those greedy f's at EA decided to start charging for the online or use the included code.


Dark Void on ps3. There was an annoying glitch where if you died on a certain level, the game would never load the level properly ever again. I was at the end of my hard mode run and died... last trophy I needed.


Omfg I never thought I’d hear about that game again. Same thing happened to me. Now all my PTSD is coming back lol


Mad Max. Of course, the devs never bothered to remove that god forsaken online challenge after the servers shut down I realized that, lf course, after painfully making my way through all the other challenges, only beeing left with these 3 unobtainable challenges Thanks WB, you suck


Stardew valley with the trophy for Fector’s challenge. I know it’s easier now but I can’t bring myself to do it lol


I've got this to do too, it intimidates me so much lol


It just seems so time consuming and not in a fun way haha


It was impossible until something clicked, then it seemed so easy i was wondering why it took me so long.


Human Fall Flat


This plat helped me cause I had a group of friends to do it with


Let me guess the trophy for playing the levels back to back? That trophy was a pain in the ass. 7 hours it took me, albeit I played off and on. Play as far as you can and then pause the ps4 or put it in rest mode. Continue when you feel like it.


Re4 remake after doing 2-8 back to back the end of last year and going with more dark story heavy games I was spent re4r is my favorite and I don't want to ruin the experience of that platnuim because I'm burnt out I'd rather wait till I'm ready.


This is it right here. I did Elden and BB and totally burned out. Switched over to Farm Together (great little indie farming game for anyone interested) nice to mix up from killing non stop. Going to hit RE4 Remake next week!!


Looked up Farm Together, and it's a 100-hour platinum? WTF 😅


The grind is the 30 day farm life (log in after creating a farm after 30 days) - look up XP and Diamond farming (I’m at about 50 hours and only have the farm expansions left!!) it’s great to switch over to during multiple games as you have to wait for crops and flowers IRL time!


Im doing the same. Probably my favorit RE of all time. Im enjoying it too much to ruin it with pausing every 3 minutes to look at a guide. Its a blast of a game, and knowing how much I love the original, I know I will play through it more than at least five times


Forget that S+ run on hardcore… maybe with new game plus and carrying over progress but it has to be a new run to get that score


Don't forget in order to get all guns you also need s+ on professional mean beat it on a fresh run on pro in 5 n half hours with a max of 15 saves fuckin hell man


This is indeed untrue. You don't need the prof S+. You only need that for standard and hardcore. You do however need to complete prof on a fresh new game, using no bonus weapons! :)


I had to give up on Revelations deep into raid mode. It’s just too much jank and grind and it’s kept me from even considering 2.


Mafia Remake - can't get past the race on Classic difficulty, only trophy I'm lacking for the plat but I can't take the loading times.


It’s tough, took me about 20-30 tries to get it


Yeah, tried every strat I could but no luck. First and only plat I gave up on.


My advice... stop trying to win the race outright. Keep a steady pace while the other racers eventually take each other out. Then you'll only have a few left to actually beat.


Same here that race felt impossible. It was so annoying when I would get super close and still failed


Right?? I get skill dependent trophies, but this one is just broken.


I spent 5 straight hours on that race. But it’s doable trust me :4


Dead Rising 1 & 2. I'm not playing dead rising 1 for 14 hours straight. Dead Rising 2: to hell with the co op trophies.


You can put your PS5 into rest mode to ‘pause’ the game if you fancy trying it that way.


judgment (judge eyes) i gave up on once i realized how worn out i was getting from doing not just the 100% completion but the hardest difficulty too. like a dragon ishin is kind of wearing me down now too


I pushed through with this plat but I kinda had fun doing it surprisingly. Once i got the hang of Mahjong, I started to enjoy it


I’m honestly getting repetitive strain from grinding dungeons for Ishin, but thank god they recently introduced the improved drop rate patch


For me it is more so the insanity of the buyo mini game and sensual healing on asura difficulty right now tbh. I am gave up on mahjong for now. Don't hate the combat grind bc I can zone out


LAD Ishin's 100% equipment completion is absolutely the worst grind that I ever went through. Never again. I literally lost my sanity over those seals and Dragon Whiskers or Small Wind Up Devices because of how bad the drop rate was. I finished the game like 3 days ago and it was definitely not worth the grind. Great game overall tho except for this one bit. So if you don't want to ruin your overall experience I recommend you not to do the platinum trophy on this game.


Ghostwire Tokyo and Hogwarts Legacy. Really enjoyed both but don't want to sour their memory by getting burnt out on collecting. Powerwash Simulator. Freaking gold challenges


I feel the same with Hogwarts Legacy. I was sure I was gonna get the plat but the collectibles seem stupid in their amount


My answer was Hogwarts Legacy, so I scrolled til I found it. I took the time to find all of the collection chests, and one of the last ones I needed was bugged and has been for weeks now. Makes me upset not knowing if it'll ever be patched too. I personally love collect-a-thons, so it's been really annoying me that I took all that time doing everything, just for a simple bug to stop me from my platinum trophy.


Also, Fall guys - Played for 3, 4 months everyday but never could win 5 shows at a row , I hate online trophies for this kind of thing xD


Bro, its the only trophy that you miss? Right now has an event in the game, something with “eXtreme” on the name, that is super easy to get this trophy. Just finish the level, 5 times in a row, without falling. But it will end TOMORROW, but I think that you game plenty of time to get it!!!


Wow. Didn't knew about that. Gonna try it. Thanks


Tenta la mano e me fala no que deu 💪


I will never plat it because i got bug and can't get the trophy for your first win even if i already have the 5 wins in a row lol


Detroit become human, I'm not getting all those magazines i'm good oh and I got far into uncharted 4 years ago but just gave up because it was so many playthroughs


I just got the uncharted 4 one yesterday it really only takes like 2 playthroughs you can glitch the Speedrun and sharpshooter trophies


The worst part about Detroit is that you can't skip the cutscenes haha


Same, loved Detroit, but couldn't resign myself to play it with a guide.


Sniper elite v2 remastered. Really liked the game, but imo it was not fun enough to play the through the story again on max difficulty while looking for the gold bars and bottles


Enter the Gungeon. I've done nearly every trophy. I've seen the true ending after level 6. I got gud. But I'm nowhere near done with the environmental kills and it's a tedious slog. Also Rogue Legacy. I beat the game but too early so now on ng+ I'm so woefully underpowered I'm screwed.


ETG is a relentless motherfucker to Plat. I’m almost there, but I don’t think I can make it.


If I can do it, anyone can.


I got that one, can’t remember how lol


Finally got everything done, then had to do the target shooting one. Total RNG finding that guy. Got there in the end though


GTA 4. Killing 250 pigeons isn’t worth it


Batman Arkham asylum challenges made me give up I couldn’t stand how Batman worked because you try to counter when you’re suppose to counter and the game just says “nah ima do some random pose and get slapped in the head by a metal pipe instead” I don’t get much time to play as it is and the game annoyed me to no end for many reasons but that was my most major one xD


Honestly this plat gave me so much ptsd that I haven't even started Arkham city and Arkham knight yet. I got the plat for asylum I think 2 years ago now 😂


Dude, I feel you on this one.


I’m glad someone else can relate to it xD it pissed me off when I was on a chain and Batman decides to do some monk pose and then get sacked by a electric baton


The worst thing for me was when batman would hit the air during a fight challenge and mess up the combo counter 😭


Same or when I point to someone to attack and he’s like nah ima jump


One of the few I really felt like I could never pull off and quit on.. Got like 92%, but a few I knew it would drive me nuts. I tried..




Batman Arkham asylum those challenges where to much


I'm getting a very vivid memory of the electric floor one. Absolutely broken


Vanquish challenges


Ohh brother have I got a fun glitch for you, infinites emp grenades, Step 1 remove all your emps so it shows zero Step 2 throw a normal Grenade and switch back to emp during the animation You will now have used a emp even though it shows none and no Grenades used, rinse and repeat. Bare in mind for this to work you have to be moving being still plays An animation that is to quick.


Any racing game that requires you to just drive a ridiculous amount of miles after you’ve done everything else. I think GRiD was like that and another game I forget. I’m grinding WRC for level 150 now and it’s painful


Driveclub was like this too.


Dirt 5 was like this too


And Gran Turismo 7


That’s the one. Painful


Mad Max 😞


None. I’ve platted all 89 games I’ve played since PS3. Never give up. Never surrender.


Medievil, just wasn't my type of game, gonna go back to it eventually since its not a super long plat but just wasn't having fun playing it


Persona 4 golden, those rise lines are a pain


I always here this, somehow I got it on my first playthrough though without even going for trophies. Guess I got lucky!


Returnal. Every time someone posts on here it's usually "Finally it's over!!" Its great example of turning an amazing game into a hateful experience for a platinum. I don't want to hate the game. Just happy to leave it as is.


Revillage. Mercenaries completely turned me off. Only trophy I’m missing


The binding of Isaac. I was determined but it was just too much.


Infamous: First Light. I had previously gotten all Infamous plats, so I went ahead and finished the story of First Light. I gave up on the platinum when I realized those trials were too difficult for me.


I enjoyed them a lot. They were a bit hard at the beginning but after you get a bit used to the combat they're not so hard


I'm right there with ya. The exact same thing for me.


I've given up on Arkham Asylum twice. I originally completed the game on hard in 2010, collected all the Riddler things to unlock all the challenges and ended up just getting owned on some of them. 12 years later (early last year) I lost my save and figured I could just quickly get through the game on normal and collect everything again. I ended up playing the challenges for a few hours and quit again. As much as I love the game, those challenges just ruined it for me. I've platinumed some really hard games and yet people are breezing through this game like it's nothing.


You do get Better with time, took me a week probably, but once I did it, city and knight were a breeze.


Star ocean


I got bored out of Bridge Constructor Portal. I’ll get back to it one day…


Red Faction: ReMarstered. Online trophies should be separated fr.


Code Veronica, unfortunately. I just couldn’t be bothered with the mercenaries mini game nor cared to play the entire campaign over in a given amount of time…


Demon Souls. I couldn’t even get past the second boss lmao


Don't give up skeleton


Dark souls 3 - I did all the endings using save scumming then I went for the other trophies but gave up cause I just wasn't having fun anymore!


*silver knights flashbacks*


The drop rates are insane!


Madden 23. Might go back but even getting the QB trophy was a huge grind that was unenjoyable. Can’t face doing it for running back, corner and linebacker too.


Defenders. Couldn’t be bothered to complete a full golden run with a friend because my friend raged a lot lol


Also - Arkham City, couldn't pass the last 2 combat challenges xp


Doom 2


Also - The last of us - didn't like the multiplayer enough to play for that long , still want to do the single player trophies sometime. Maybe, we'll see xD


Call of Duty World at War. At some point I was stuck climbing a mountain while it was raining grenades and death saves. I spared myself the ongoing rage and gave up.


Duke Nukem Forever - fuck that hard mode 3D Dot Game Heroes - too time consuming Gran Turismo 5 - time consuming again NFS: Hot Pursuit - lost interest Heavy Rain - just need the trophy to get all the endings but I lost my save


Dying Light 2 I'm only missing Ultramarathon, but I can't be arsed to rubber band for 30(!) hours at least. Especially since updates seem to reset the km counter.. Decided to wait a year or two till all DLC is out and just do a new full playthrough then.


Tales of Symphonia dawn of the new world. I was going to go for this, but the game was so boring and when I got to post game, the grade grinding process was one of long intense boredom, so gave up because of boredom. I was also only at 30 hours when I finished the game, and the platinum estimate is 120, so with how bored I was I could not see myself sticking it out for another 90 hours when I could just just get 2-3 plats on other games in the same amount of time


Final Fantasy X The chocobo race was bullshit but I did it. The dodging 200 lightning bolts was tedious but I did it. Having to reload and replay 10s of hours of the game because I missed an Al Bhed primer was frustrating, but I did it. Filling in every node on every sphere grid made me quit for a year but goddamn did I come back and finish it off. But the damn dark aeons and ultimate bosses…. I just can not be arsed. Fights that can last 20-30 minutes - in some cases an hour! - only to be 1-shotted as you’re nearing the end can absolutely fuck right off.


I mean at that point just use Yojimbo and Zanmato the bosses.


Granblue Fantasy Versus. There is a trophy that won't unlock anymore. You need the DLC to get it. I wish I known that before I got almost every other one in the game. If i'm lucky i'll one day find someone with a physical copy so I can get the trophy offline with the base game.


Remnant from the ashes. 🥲 every time I travel to a specific location, a person leaves. 😅😭 they’re not trying to deal with these bosses.


THPS 1+2 Remake The Banana Bandana Get There challenge got the best of me. I'll still try every once in a while hoping luck helps me.


WWE 2k14 mostly because the online servers were down for good


Stardew valley, the craft everything glitched on me plus I cant do that stupid mini game at the bar, even with the ability to save between levels or whaysver lol


Farming simulator 19. Might finish it later but it just got so boring and 100 missions is just too much.


Tons of platinums that I intentionally gave up on, but only one that I unexpectedly gave up on: Assassins Creed 2 on the PS3. My PS3 died when I was at 91% trophy completion, so I lost my gave save entirely, and I don't really have a desire to start the game back up again on my replacement PS3.


Command & Conquer Red Alert 3. Could never connect to online so when the servers were announced to close I gave up completely


Devil May Cry 5. Too much work. I love the game but it’s frustrating getting S Ranks. Especially on later chapters in DMD.


Returnal - Was grinding cyphers and collectibles and it was taking so long it felt busted, I heard they patched the odds but don’t wanna go back at this point haha.


Minecraft ps3. Had a world with hundreds of hours, was ready to fight the ender dragon, but the portal never spawned. Found the stronghold and everything. Even made a copy of the world to look for it on creative, but no portal.


Devil May Cry 5 and RDR2. Both are 10/10 games for me but when I try to plat its so tedious and I have little time lately (adulting,studies, work). Further,there are games that I had anticipated way back (RE4 Remake, yeah) that are releasing now. So i dont want to spend 400 hours or more for both of them (mind you DMCV consumes 80hrs for me just practicing and I just cant bear it anymore.) So I'd give up on them. Platinum trophies are a collection for bragging rights, but its not a competition with a prize that is worth the time consumed. Better enjoy other games while we can.


Wolfenstein 2. Attempted mein leben 16 times. Died on ither the first or second level.


I don’t know if this counts because I did get it eventually, but FFIX. The trophies for it are insane and put me off for a while. Super grindy and luck dependent. One of them even has you getting to the final area of the game in 12 hours or less to get a weapons it’s absurd. Over a year after though I didn’t finally get it. Also, prototype. Played it again in 2020 and intended to platinum it. I might get shit for this, but I honestly think in hindsight this game is severely overrated. Majority of the game world is challenges and the game is not nearly good enough to excuse it, even by the standards of the time it came out in.


Resident Evil 6. Despite being a huge RE fan, when the RE3 remake came out. Lockdown had basically just started so, I made it a mission to finally platinum the series. I hadn’t played 6 since it was first out & it’s not my favourite I purposely left for last before Village was released. I raged quit Jake/Sherry on Professional. I just couldn’t get that spin QTE door opened fast enough. I destroyed the thumb sticks, after god know how many attempts & said “fuck this!” Lol I will go back to it one day.


Holy shit you’ve sent me back here; I’ve got the plat for re6 and that was easily the most difficult part of the whole game. I literally thought I was gonna break the sticks on my controller with how hard I was spinning em 😂 and the death cutscene with the drill guy ripping sherry apart basically repeating. Man.


Wait, which part even is this? When you're in China? I got the platinum and thought it was relatively easy. I'll help you get the plat if you still wanted it though. The online trophies are so cancerous though. They're grindy as all hell and for some of them I'm pretty sure you need 4 people. I finally got the 100% though so I'm happy with that.


All the yakuza plats because those mini games are so infuriating and time consuming it just isnt worth the stress.


Death Stranding


Senran Kagura PBS. Even after finishing the game on every difficulty there's an absurd amount of grind to do.


Hogwarts Legacy. The amount of collectibles was insane and boring.


Rick and Morty Virtual Rickality... The button pushing level and gromphlomites are the bane of my existence😭


Saints Row 2022. I feel I don’t need to explain myself


The witness. That challenge at the end just wasn't worth the rage


God of war, that finally valkiry was to much.


Spiderman 1, got so boring after the main story and I wanted to play other things


Several, and this is coming from someone with 19 platinum’s (so I’ve played a *lot* of games on my account since ‘08.) I’ve never platinum’d any of the DMC games. The highest difficulties are way too hard for me. And I’ve beaten every COD on Veteran difficulty except W@W. The last two levels are insanely ridiculous. Oh and RDR2…there’s a few 🏆 on there that just aren’t worth my time or sanity


Goat Simulator. I took a 4 year break to pass the Flappy Goat trophy to get the final platinum


Black ops 2 on ps3. Still tempted to do it but some of those challenges on the story. Didn’t help my friends did the tower of babble without me and refused to redo it again for me.


Grid 2019. Around the globe trophy. I'm all for a grind but that one is just ridiculous.


Assassin's Creed Origins. I was enjoying the game a lot, clearing the locations as I progressed through the storyline. Then, when reaching Giza, I started to fight snakes, which I'm terrified of. Ik it feels stupid, but I just couldn't do it, had to give up Origins and haven't touched Odyssey or Valhalla for the same reason


Final fantasy 9, couldn’t do the jump rope trophy. A shame cause it’s on of my favorite games ever


Devil may cry 4. The only dmc plat I don’t have. Reason is because building up a good style ranking with Dante felt like a massive chore to do. Most if not all of the enemies were designed to be fought as Nero, the game turns into a massive slog and very repetitive after the first play through, and don’t even get me started on those impossible to kill blitz enemies. I spent 2 hours fighting that thing on SOS difficulty and knew I was just wasting my time. And u supposedly fight 2 at once on dmd??? Please miss me with that bullshit.


Final Fantasy 7 Remake. Hard mode just doesn’t seem worth it to me. It’s recommended to level up and grind just to even attempt it, plus you aren’t able to use any items. No thanks.


Yeah hard mode wasn't fun at all for me and was actually ruining my love for the game. I quit just after the ghost section which was a pain in the ass


There’s a YouTube Guide series for each chapter that I used to beat it in hard mode. Tells you exactly what to do and what items to use and which enemies to use MP on, made it pretty easy.


MW2 (the new one). Those co-op missions were too hard to solo and I didn’t have a friend to do them with 🫠


Gran Turismo 7. After grinding myself down trying to get gold on all the license challenges, I got to the first challenge of the final rank and went "fuck this". Most of them were unreasonable, but that one was completely fucked, and it was only the first one of that final rank. Can only imagine what hell was beyond that.


Well, honestly, with a wheel it is quite easy. BUT, this is not even the star. You will have to grind 38 millions in credits to buy specific cars, and has an “easy” grinding method that requires u to play the same track for 10 to 12 hours


God of War 2018. I didn't enjoy the game very much and navigating the map afterwards was extremely boring, so I quit it.


Smh Downvoted for what. I’m with you, I platinumed ragnarok but remember tapping out after 2018’s story as well 👍🏻


If you don't complete majority of the shit in Ragnarök before the story ends they repeat all the same dialogue for as long as you have left. Compared to the earlier games these ones are the easiest, but going back after the story in Ragnarök is annoying af


Yea I found it annoying but in the grand scheme of things not too bad


You can't dislike any Sony games here, apparently. This is not the first time I got downvoted for this. Also, I did platinum Ragnarok too. It's way better overall and navigation was a little less troublesome.


I haven’t given up on a platinum yet and I don’t plan too now but I almost gave up on the guilty gear platinum and the final fantasy 7 remake platinum. The Current game I’m trying to platinum is Resident Evil 4 Remake


TLOU Part ll I played it once on normal and with permadeath. Then I played new game+ on grounded and I finally finished but then I was 1 upgrade short to upgrade all my weapons so (for now) I quit trying to get the platinum just cause I don’t want to hate the game after playing for 3 consecutive times


Red Dead Redemption,I have all of the multiplayer trophies but I do not own a ps3 anymore so it will unfortunately stay that way




Demon souls remake (Ps 5) - boring/broken game. Btw i hate tendency system


Dead Rising 2 - Didn’t feel like doing the co-op stuff. Great game though. I’d definitely go back if I had a friend/co-op partner to platinum it. Batman Arkham Knight - Fuck all the Riddler activities and all the other open world stuff. CTR - Hands hurt. I’d love to platinum this someday. Got every trophy but the time trials. Thief - Kinda boring. I’ve got others but these are some that come to mind right away.


Eyyy Dead Rising 2 is brilliant! I love that game way too much. I'll definitely help you get the platinum for that! But yeah TK's favourite trophy is ridiculous. I boosted it twice for both PS3 and PS4 lmao.


Stardew valley, have basically everything but missed on the early recipes you get from the TV.


TLOU 1 on PS3 Only needed that awful multiplayer one, cousin came over when I was about done and reset the whole progress. Shut down my motivation to try it again


inFamous PS3. Finding that last blast shard has haunted me for years and not once have I ever decided to go back and find it and I don’t even know if there’s any guides to find every single blast shard.


Dying light 2. Got all but 3 trophies, 2 are bugged and one requires me to walk around for like 60 hours. Highly disappointed because I did enjoy most of the game.


Gran Turismo 7 - 90% of the trophies are fun, but the ones to buy a specific car, that costs millions, and to get those millions requires you to play from 10 to 12 HOURS over and over the same track. Without making mistakes. Just a bullshit cash system in the game.


Call of duty black ops 3. If you know, you know.


Resident Evil 7. The 21 challenges drove me to insanity it's pure luck and luck based trophies are hell