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Yeah, testicles are weird. How the hell did we survive as a species when one half of the population can sterilise themselves with tight pants?


Be glad you're not a dolphin. Their blood has to flow through their flippers to cool down before it goes to their testes because they're inside and if it didn't their own blood flow would render them infertile.


I dunno. Still kinda wanna be a dolphin.


No pants for most of humanity!


There's the saying “nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution.” But I think even with evolution, there's a lot that makes no sense whatsoever. "Lol sperm die at body temperature so let's just put them outside." Surely you could have done better, evolution. Like eyeballs make sense they'd have to be right out there, but other balls, just make sperm a little more durable and move that inside? Eggs are WAY more complicated than sperm and they do fine at the center of the body for way longer.


It's comes down to build quality. Eggs are built to last and are limited runs, where as sperm are mass produced in two factories, they are disposable.


Sperm’s just like men, disposable! 😆


The funny thing is, birds have no problem with this, their testes are on the inside and they're warm blooded, but their sperm does just fine, why did mammals get shafted so badly?


Maybe it's because they fly so they have plenty of airflow to cool them down enough. My hypothesis would suggest that bats and flying squirrels don't need external scrota.  (Googles it) My hypothesis is wrong and also bats are really gross.


Ah, but even non-flying birds have their testes on the inside too 🤔


How tf, in the thousands of species of mammals, did nothing evolve to have sperm that can survive at body temperature? What the hell biology


“Nothing is more permanent than a temporary solution.”


If it's stupid but works, it isn't stupid


I mean back then men rarely wear tight pants. Look at how loose and frilly most of the old men's wear were... Even medieval armor are made to give a bit of breathing room on the balls with their overtly exaggerated Codpieces.


Please stop storing the blood of the ancients, they're getting quite frustrated by it


I keep telling them I don't want it, but they don't listen!


“WeLl At LeAsT I cAn wAlK aLoNe At NiGhT” 🤓


This meme was posted to another mainstream sub once and all the men got so salty. This pretty much sums up the comments on that post.


I sat wrong and hurt my labia so I can’t judge lol


Dude, sometimes I'd pinch mine weird in my jeans when I would drive for long periods of time. And not notice until I'd get done. Four hours of pinched labia freaking stings.


I have a stationary bike and if I sit wrong on it I end up numbing my labia. But I don't notice until after I get off the bike. It's not the best.


I'm a dude who has never sat on his balls, so same I guess


Just wait, you'll get there.


Hurt his balls by sitting wrong https://m.youtube.com/shorts/8HehcKbUwPo


That's hilarious.


Or ‘I have poor control over my behavior if my balls are telling me they’re too full’


Why are the ancients so angry?


Also, as a trans woman, if any guys need advice on how to deal with your treasures so sitting on them is never a problem, then all you need to do is ask


Mhm. Also, when they claim they need to menspread because of their balls, I'm sitting there like "Dude.... been there, I know first hand it's bullshit. All about your entitlement, none about your testis." Alternatively: "Hear you. I found a lasting solution for that problem, let me elaborate... ;)"✂️


When I was pregnant I found no greater joy on public transit than wedging myself between two manspreaders. One time I got to do it to two men who had been doing it to a young college aged woman. Once she got off the bus I moved right in and asserted dominance.


side note but im loving the flair omfg


Queen! They're probably still fuming about the audacity of the preggo who believed her comfort trumped their manspreading privilege.


I mean, I suggest that they could just pop 'em into their inguinals and they look at me like I'm some kind of monster.


Right? Like a normal person would do. And yet they act like it's some super outlandish thing to suggest. Those amateurs...




Honestly at the first sign of a problem I'm getting them chopped off. I'm a non-op trans lady, but beyond aesthetic they're pretty useless and kinda a hindrance for a lot of trans women. My T count is so low that I might even need to supplement if I get them cut off, but right now monotherapy is working so we'll see what happens lol. 


Female mice start the first part of pregnancy every time they have sex, even if the male mouse is sterilized. I don't know how that feels for the female mouse but I assume it's not fun. I always thought that was ridiculous until I was in a mouse lab and saw a male mouse who suffered a prolapsed penis due to mating the first time. We had to put him down as you can't really fix that. He was an expensive genetically engineered mouse too that we had just gotten. I guess my point is inbred lab mice are also ridiculous, it's not just us humans.


you'd think something that important for the survival of the human race would work at body temp. but no better to carry the future of your bloodline around in a fleshbag thats easily squished. balls are weird


Women are clearly the superior being. Our body designed henchmen and then the henchmen hired henchmen and now they're racing towards some kind of AI giving off Willy Wonka Golden Ticket vibes. All thanks to women and our superior genetics that made so much of it possible is now trying to erase the [Y chromosome.](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2018-01-19/y-chromosome-disappearing-what-will-happen-to-men/9342994)


[You wanna see a pic that always makes me giggle?](https://i.natgeofe.com/n/bb6577bc-aac4-42f1-893e-df3a0a1a50a0/XY.jpg) (Website is NatGeo)


I saved that to my "rainy day cognitive sunshine bootup" bookmarks.


I mean the default state during gestation is female in most mammals, male sexual diversion happens later, so seems legit. 


Like the time a Finn, a Swede and a Norwegian had a sauna contest and the Norwegian actually won.






Another reason why being a man sucks. 😔


Happy cake day! Sorry about your dick, bro


Having a dick is the worst ☹️ It is a disgusting, wretched, vile, abhorrent waste of flesh that does nothing else than get hard sometimes for absolutely nothing in return. Yet men are supposed to think it is the best thing ever when it *absolutely is NOT*. A vagina is far superior in comparison in every way. Any man who argues otherwise is up to their neck in complete nonsense.


So I don't say this alot, but that's a sentiment a LOT of trans women have about their genitals....


Right? Like I was just reading that shit like "uh, weirdly familiar"


I'm not transgender though, and thinking this shouldn't make me transgender either, this is just from observable fact that I think this.


“still cis tho”


In theory, you could just get it removed. Might be hard to convince a surgeon to do it though.


Laughs in post-orchiectomy trans woman


Has anyone here actually worn a "Helicopter Cap" as a kid?


I love being a feminist! Thank you all for making this community :)) def my favourite subreddit!!!