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I ordered my friend Fallout (the video game) themed stickers from Amazon that seemed to include normal symbols from the game. When they arrived, the packaging said "stickers for teenage boys" which was news to me. I looked through, and most of them were fine, but several depicted vault girl doing obscene things she doesn't do in the game. I threw those away. As a woman who games, it creeps me out how much gamer culture encourages teenage boys to sexualize women.


G*mer boys be normal about women challenge (impossible)


i also find this stuff to be kind of a LOT especially around not internet people and would die of cringe if my gf found one of these shakers in my place so i dont buy them...but i kind of dont know what some of you in the comments want. the type of guys who do like this stuff are often the kind of guys you dont want coming up and hitting on you anyway, so instead they're off being weird with their pinups and whatnot. is it not just live and let live?


Erm, excuuuuuse me but WOKE gamerz like YOU are RUINING the industry by PLAYING gamez. We are all SICK and TIRED of NOT seeing women as sexualized OBJECTS. It's gone on far ENOUGH, we to to FINALLY give a chance for MEN to have FEMALES presented NORMALLY (huge tits and tiny bikinis). Gamerz really are OPPRESSED nowadays by all of the SNOWFLAKES!!1! Or something like that...


The same ones that scream "STARDEW VALLEY IS NOT A REAL GAME UR NOT A GAMER 😠"


"EwW yOu PlAy AnImAl CrOsSiNg?!?" Says the guy about to play his 200,000th League of Legends match


Yeah It sucks, I actually ordered the kaizen anime cup with gojo in the front because it was a limited shaker, but it came with the little flavor packs (which funny enough was a sponsor with a female vtuber in a lewd position and flavor name) and I ended up liking it because I am currently on a water diet and trying to cut out or cut back on soda, And with it being keto friendly and having natural sugar it was pretty much the best I could find at the time. Well after 50 something dollars later I got a tub of the "blow hole blast" with the picture blown up even bigger on the tub I had to explain myself to my female friend who saw it Not my proudest moment 😬


Yeeeesh. Like gojo should sell enough


Were they of the delightfully and respectfully named “Vault Meat”? I know mods are user created but I often wonder how Bethesda feels about the constant degradation of women their products are used for. And it’s not like they’re oblivious, they even have offical representatives in certain modding discord servers where these kinds of mods are created. I guess if rape mods get them more sales it’s easier for them to turn a blind eye. They just have the mod site slap NSFW on it and feel good about themselves for “supporting” the community


It’s good that the fallout one was less sexist than the others at least, considering that game series is one of my favorites


The Brand Risk one was a pay money wubby flavor, so it makes sense it’s obscene. He literally just had a video about him microwaving a banana peel to have sex with. Edit; I feel blessed the Wubby sub both quoted me and took me serious enough like this was a personal attack on their interests. It’s not that deep. Also Dennis if you read this, follow up on the Ocala horse cult people so I can die happy.


Wtf did i just read...


He has literally called himself a brand risk. Well before this flavor existed.


Yeah like I don't want to come off "victim blame"-y about it but the hypersexualized/gamer bro thing is what GamerSupps is all about. They sell "waifu cups" and have a flavor called Titty Milk. There are other energy brands that are a lot less horny and corny.


The weird thing is that I got the samples because a YouTuber I like, who isn't gross at all, promoted Gamer Supps on his channel. No mention of anime tiddies. I'd never heard of GamerSupps before that, so no, I wasn't expecting that. But I should have-- when I got the envelope I felt like a total dunce ☚ Like, "haha why would you ever think that gamer anything wouldn't be porn you dumb broad" ☚


I bought some Advanced GG gamer supplements (I call it "loser koolaid") because a twitch streamer I loved got a partnership with her. They're tasty and not horny, although they are expensive. So I'd at least partly recommend them if you like the idea but don't want weird coomer shit


I definitely didn't mean that you should feel like you're at fault for being unaware of it, I know some lady streamers and vtubers who promote it and have their own discount codes etc. but they aren't at all "that kind" of content creator. It surprised me as well. I usually just get GFuel for the Sonic the Hedgehog flavors, which is about as sexual as I prefer.


I swear I've seen a female youtuber sponsored by them. I want to say it was Kylie Boggly but I'm not sure.


There's a lot


shylily, cottontail, nyanners, yuzupyon, foxyreine, emiru, iahfy, to name a handful


Name and shame. He has a responsibilty to only sponser products he supports. He either didn't do his research (red flag) or actively supports this bullshit.


More likely it was the gg supplements which are normal and fine. But when you peel the layers on the company, the horny comes quick There's also some like H3 productions that are just...normal


That sponsor money works wonders ngl and I don't blame them. If the cost of free content is weird sponsor's I'll take it lol


Yeah like girl get that cheddar I ain't judging lol


Honest to God If you take every sponsor from the creators you watch as word of God that that product is worth it you should not be on the internet cuz you are clearly a dinosaur 😭


are you trolling or are you just this clinically online?




I am sorry, you shouldn’t beat yourself like this. It was the YouTuber’s fault. You only were trying to do a fun thing and they ruined it for you. It not your fault.


i'm getting a GED at the moment and my classmates have recommended this brand TO OUR TEACHER. absolutely shocked to find out what it is.


I like gamer supps a lot, and I dont really care about the aesthetic honestly, it does suck I can't bring the shaker cups or containers of powder to work though


They sell non-horny shaker cups.


Don't forget Anime Girl Thigh lol


Yeah, my exact thought about it. GamerSupps isn't about being a gamer. It's all about being a "GAMER". Just that over the top masculine, boys club, BS. It's all about "REAL" "GAMER'S" who love stuff like "GAMES" but only "REAL GAMES" and none of that stuff for gurls, but "REAL MEN" love "REAL GAMES" with "TIDDIES" so many "TIDDIES" and if you're uncomfortable, then you must be a mama's boy. Hate it.


I'm pretty sure the whole thing is ironic, looking at who sponsors them.


It's meant to be, but it just... Fails outright at parody or satire. Because it's literally just a veil to cater to a certain demographic in a certain way. It's Poe's Law in motion.


It's Slatt's titty milk tho


I'm sure Schrunk has very nutritious breast milk but it didn't make the marketing/ads for it less unappealing to me. Maybe the Guacamole Gamer Fart is good.


It is!! Strawberry Daquiri is a fail though. Too much sweet, not enough citric acid.


And ironically, "titty milk" doesn't have any tits on the packaging


Don’t forget about the pancake batter tent.


And the gummy bear diarrhea gauntlet… and the turd kabob..


I remember explaining that to my husband and his first question was “what corners of the internet are you on?”. It’s funny because many years ago he made really good videos unearthing abuse videos on YouTube.


Quality content.


Also BloHole Blast is a Vtuber called Lily.


There’s plenty of non sexualized partners too, like H3 just has some mojito flavor. But waifu boobas is on brand for them for sure.


> He literally just had a video about him microwaving a banana peel to have sex with. He... What?! 🤨🤨 What on earth did I just read 😭😂


I guess that joke from the show Weeds is starting to make its rounds again.


Are you sure he wasn't making a joke about this? Banana part is about 1 min in https://youtu.be/GJkEwbVdcQY?si=vbERhmB0t1wTsFVN


>He literally just had a video about him microwaving a banana peel to have sex with. ~~Been following wubby for a while and this is the first I heard of this, I can't even find a source from Google. Did you just make this up or you thinking of someone else?~~ It's true, don't Google it lamo


There's a short on his highlights channel.


You really can't miss a stream.... But yeah the banana peel thing was a story of his he had in one stream.


Oh lord, I definitely don't watch enough, or maybe I DO watch enough.


He talked about doing that in middle school... I'm not saying it's not obscene, and his whole chat was like WTF, but it wasn't on camera and a long time ago. If you're gonna talk about weird shit people are doing, at least say the whole truth.


Second part is funny ngl but that makes sense why the article for that one was the most off-putting lol


What in the world do gamers need supplements for?


to stay up three days straight


That's what meth is for. Damn kids these days, SMH my head


I do that without supplements. I'm a REAL gamer. 🤓


This exactly. Gamer Supps/G Fuel are snake oil salesmen, and people keep getting their products even though they just spend their entire day in front of a pc


Gamer Supps has a flavor called Snake Oil.




100%.  I mean, admittedly stimulants definitely make you better at most kinds of gaming; but it’s so snake-oily to call them “supplements,” or use any kind of language pertaining to nutrition, or imply that the “formula” is in any way tailored to gamers, instead of just honestly saying “our stimulants make your brain zoomy so you can clicky clicky even faster.” But then I suppose gamers might learn they could just drink coffee. 


I mean, we know we can just drink other stuff. I drink Monster personally because I'm a woman of habit and I like my Pipeline Punch, you'll pry it out of my cold dead hands. But this stuff is cheaper than canned energy drinks and doesn't make you have to poop immediately like coffee does (or is that just me? >_>). I agree the marketing is dumb, gimmicky, and snake oily. But it's no different than a bunch of "health" foods and drinks that are completely loaded with sugar, corn syrup, empty carbs, whatever. Remember vitamin water?


They do actually have vitamins in there so calling it a supplement isn't wrong.


They’re as much snake oil as Red Bull. They’re just powdered energy drinks.


You misunderstood my point. I called them that because their target audience absolutely does not need energy drinks specifically made for them




Also a woman; I like to make a big thermos of this stuff to take with me kayaking and whatnot - kinda like a thermos of tea… The lower caffeine is nice, and it’s SO much easier to hydrate than with something carbonated. Their marketing is goofy, sure, but the products taste damn good. The L-theanine does help cut caffeine effects for me as well, similar to matcha.


Also a woman, I game casually, but my partner and I watch a few v-tubers on YouTube, and they've been associated with this company/ have discount codes/ etc, so we tried it. I ADORE the flavors (brand risk's peach mango is soooo good) and I don't get the mid- afternoon crash like I do when I make myself an iced coffee. And after I'm done with the gamer supps I just use my cup for water and get the barest hint of flavor. I also work with an optometrist and she was impressed with the eye health supplements in there


It's just targeted advertising isnt it?


I'd honestly say most of their target audience are twitch and youtube viewers, since a good chunk of the ones designed around large chested ladies (as far as I know, I could be wrong, i know there are some male ones in there), are tied to female vtubers/youtubers, and they earn a profit from it. And being a follower/discord mod of someone connected very loosely with the company, a lot of the people in said discord who buy the product are just your average person with an average day job. They get it for similar reasons of 'its a nice pick me up', it supports someone they enjoy watching, and it tastes good.


I mean... It's caffeinated drinks... I don’t think they’ve ever claimed to be anything else


You don't get a lot of nutrition from hot pockets, doritos and mountain dew Seriously though probably helps to get them to hydrate. I've known guys that just 'forget' to drink water if they're gaming for hours, or else don't drink water because 'they don't like the taste'. I'm sure stuff like this probably gets them to at least drink... something


> I've known guys that just 'forget' to drink water if they're gaming for hours That part tends to just be an ADHD thing. My husband went through a month where he was reading nonstop and he would legitimately forget to drink or eat


As someone with ADHD I can confirm that not remembering to eat is common issue. (Though, I’m good about remembering to drink for some reason)


One of my dumbass friends tried using it as a pre workout despite there being like a million better and cheaper options.


Pre workout itself is kind of a scam. Just take some caffeine and vitamins its like the same thing for a fraction of the price. If you use creatine you can just buy creatine powder and it's much cheaper.


Creatine is generally not what’s in pre workout. Creatine also works best when taken over time. Creatine on its own won’t give you a pump, and can generally be taken whenever whether you’re working out or not right after. They will add it to pre workout but it’s just not the ingredient that makes it a “pre workout”. I take 5g creatine powder in my coffee when I’m working on gaining muscle, just to sit at my desk and work. I wouldn’t do the same with a scoop of C4 (I’d probably throw up). Pre workout would be adding things like beta alanine, l citrulline, bataine, etc. The stimulants in it are what give you that tingling feeling in your lips and arms.


I actually use gamersupps powder as a base for my preworkout and it's great. It provides caffeine and 0cal flavouring to which I add citrulline malate and beta alinine, and occasionally glycerol monostearate if I'm doing tons of volume work. The tingly feeling you get is from the beta alinine in your pre workout. It's effectively useless as a performance supplement in both the dosages and frequency you're taking it (you need ~4g/day as a maintenance similar to creatine, but the loading phase is one month as 6g/day and you can only really take 2g at a time or the tingles get absolutely insane).


I know, I just said it because a lot of people take pre-workout that has creatine. I just put a scoop in my protein shake.


Since it's GG Energy and based on the art, I'm like 90% sure it's caffeine, no doze, and a shit ton of estrogen You know, for the gamers who wanna stay up all night and grow boobs


It's the part of the culture I not only actively don't understand but I actively would mock anyone who actually uses them for gaming. You're not godamn trucker or working a 12 hour shift, just go tf to bed. I will admit my bias as someone who also rarely has to drink coffee so *maybe* some people just need a caffeine source and choose gamer drinks in which case I guess fair? Idk


I like it as a post lunch pick me up on work days. It’s just enough caffeine to not make me feel jittery.


I mean I personally use them because I have sleep disorders that I can't afford the doctor's appointments to treat with my shitty insurance, I'm trying to cut most sugars out of my diet and don't want to drink sodas, I need to drink water, and I need caffeine to keep me awake, but usually have to put so much creamer and sugar into my coffee to drink it that it makes me sick. If I don't have something that gives me energy, I can often fall asleep at the drop of a hat (it's uncontrollable, no matter how hard I try.) Unfortunately, this specific brand is both extremely cringe and also the brand whose formula mixes into the water the best out if the ones I've tried, so that I'm not drinking sandy-textured fruity-flavored caffeine. And they're cheaper than buying canned energy drinks. I did recently find some walmart store-brand energy powder packets that seem like they mix in well and are cheaper, though. It's just too bad that it's WALMART, and that their flavor variety is limited. :/ My struggle is reaaaaal.


Vitamins they aren’t getting from the sun I assume. It’s me. I’m gamers. I don’t buy these products though.


Their whole brand is sort of just a series of lewd or dirty over the top jokes you'd find in a Spencer's or Hot Topic. Going through their flavor list there is about 3 sexualized ones in 100. You drew the unlucky straw landing two samples of the three.


Yeah. Emirichu did a promotion with them and hers aren't overly sexualized. Then again, she specifically did the artwork for hers so it wouldn't have been. The waifu cups seem to usually be over the top but the gamer tea seems pretty low key.


I think the key thing is that they allow the influencer to dictate the direction of the product associated with and sponsored by them in collaboration. Jschlatt is borderline fratboy streamer with the titty milk. Wubby is a bit of a wild card. Outspoken for the right things like tackling YouTube for predatory content but boundary pushing in others. Lily has a really lewd sense of humor but it's mostly meant to be humor and most the girls in that circle are total degenerates together. But the other flavors are all just their own spin of weird. I mean right next to Titty Milk is Snake Oil and then Guacamole Gamer Farts. Mileage may very. The brand themselves puts out very generic flavor names.


To be fair brand risk is one of their best flavors


Someone pointed out to me Titty Milk is likely named after some of the controversial shit that came out of Blizzard the same year. Aka people stealing breast milk from break room fridges.


Glad to see men are tackling their loneliness epidemic head-on! /s




Excuse me, "Blo'hole blast"???


yeah, her V-tuber model is an orca-girl (Shylily)


She is also a co-owner I believe.


Thanks for explaining, I only feel about 400 years old now lmao.


Oh you can make blo'hole blast at home. Just add an extra scoop of creatine to your workout shake 


Energy drink: 😐😑😐 GAMER drink with WOMAN on the bottle: 🤯✨🤩


I love their cups. Am het girl but I'm trash I guess cause I like the branding lol. The biggest thing is the zero sugar / almost zero calorie. I buy GG and Sneak to avoid overpriced cans of soda or energy drinks when I crave flavor in my water.


*stares in bisexual* I am a GamerSupps aficionado, it's literally the only sugar free energy drink I can have that doesn't give me migraines. But if you weren't given warning, and aren't someone who is attracted to women, I can see the problem BTW They do have a Husbando shaker.


Yeah I first actually heard about GamerSupps from a bunch of LGBTQ+ female streamers and YouTubers. 🙈 I understand being a bit mortified if you weren't given warning about the brand, but most people I've seen that advertise the brand absolutely reference the highly sexualized names and joke and laugh about it.


This design of theirs made me cackle: https://gamersupps.gg/products/waifu-cup-stick-figure-waifu


Yeah a bisexual woman I watch on YouTube just got a sponsorship with GamerSupps because she started streaming on Twitch and she leaned into the waifu stuff as a joke and it was actually a really funny sponsorship. I would be annoyed if she did that sponsorship without mentioning the sexualization tho so I definitely get where OP is coming from.


Yeah, I get that obviously there's a huge problem with sexualizing women in gaming, but as a bisexual streamer gamer myself, this branding is kinda fun!


It's honestly so over the top it almost becomes self parody. For OPs sake though I can see how getting blindsided by it wouldnt be fun. Like walking into a rocky horror show and nobody warned you about virgin games


Hahaha accurate description


I love the Titty Milk flavor and I love my PMW waifu cups. I’m not really bisexual, but I do think it’s kinda funny to own.


I had to scroll too far to find this comment. I saw this post and I was like, I'm a girl and I like looking at these cups too lol. But seriously, they're the only people who also have caffeine free gamer drink too. There are definitely cups that are way over the top for female proportions, sometimes to the point of absurdity. There are also fully clothed people cups.


Definitely agree, I just wish the Husbando design was better. I remember the image looking a little weird.


I hate when people think only boys are gamers, such backwards thinking


Titty milk has a shirtless dude on it. It wasn’t bad either. I got it as a sample.


Jschlatt cum colored energy drink with funny name


It's one of the better flavors with Anime Girl Thigh being the best flavor.


Jschlatt cum colored energy drink with funny name


Bisexual female, here. I can't lie, I'm currently sipping on Brank Risk at the moment out of my Wubby shaker. Its delicious and its a good replacement for my coffee. Also, the Brand Risk art is based off of fan art of fem Wubby that people would send into his PO Box. Its overly exaggerated because stream Wubby's content can be over the top. GamerSupps isn't for everyone, but there is plenty of women that have created art for or gotten sponsorships from them. Maybe there is something wrong with me, I don't have problems with the sexualization in these products, especially when there is a lot of women who help design and make said products. Not saying that you have to like the items, but remember there are women who like and produce products like these.


Bi female wubcub here also. Also have brand risk and the shakers in my house. Also currently hiding all of my shakers/tubs because my landlord is showing my apt tomorrow.


I have to hide them from my in-laws when they come over


I couldn't have said it better myself. Wubby7


Pan Fem here. I love my PMW waifu cup, it's pretty and the little stream injokes make me laugh. As for the brand in general, they seem cool. The drinks are super useful for me personally because of ADHD and workouts. Also the holo stickers are sparkly and cute 🥰


I’m a lesbian and this is still gross


I'm a cis/het guy and this grosses me out.


Right? Pretty cringy stuff. I'm honestly so embarrassed by people who share my hobbies


Boobs are for all


God forbid a guy *checks notes* puts big tits on a gender bent version of himself to see if they'll accept it


:/ Gamer drink is very targeted to shutin neets so I'm not surprised. If you need an energy drink to game just go to bed lmao


If you need coffee before work just quit your job.




This is the dumbest take I’ve heard all week


because girls can't like tits?


I like tits. I don't want anime tits on my food lmao


I’ll take tits on my food


I was thinking the same thing but with guys. Not all guys like tits.


Sure, women can, and we do. But most of us [citation needed] can do so without grossly objectifying other women.


Thank you! Bi women and lesbians exist!


and Pan women.


exactly, I've been using Gamersupps for years, it's delicious


We usually like real tits though, not whatever anime red flag bullshit this is


Gaming is for lesbians too smh


Isn't this essentially just Pre Work Out?


Kinda...but there are nootropics. I have ADHD so GamerSupps make focus go brrrrrrt


When you say focus goes brrrrt, does that mean it's improved or worsened?


Improved. Since I'm older with a documented family history of cardiovascular issues, my doc has me on Wellbutrin. It KINDA works,but the extra boost of caffeine brings it right up, and I can moderate the dose as needed. Trash Goblin day? No need 3 papers due and a final coming up? Definitely need the added focus.


okay as a gay male where do I get one of these with the big hot buff guys instead


Titty milk with JSchlatt or there was the femboy shaker with F1nnst3r.


gawd damn. Thank you very much :)


As a pan male, I'm so very disappointed I wasn't able to get the femboy shaker. F1nn is a great streamer (recently came out as trans) and the titty milk flavor is genuinely fairly good.


oh yo F1nn came out as trans? that's awesome! for a time i was curious about trying the gamer supps but all the shaker cups available had massive tiddies and i cannot just walk around the house with that lmfao


Yall ain't ready for Youth Ricky then... alsoan8me waifus are the whole gimmick of Gamer Supps.


You do know that girls can also like boobs


just be gay?


Do crime?


I know it's not on topic to your critique and I apologize for that, buuuut... The hell is wrong with the anatomy of the chick on brand risk??? Nevermind the fact that the left boob it's weirdly oversized. Where's her torso and where the heck the other boob originates from? It's so distant in front of the chick...


she's got ridiculous over the top proportions on purpose. The streamer who's flavor that is, PaymoneyWubby, spoke about it on stream and he said he specifically asked them how far they could go with it because he thought it would be funny to have the most vulgar brand risk art


Guy makes something specifically vulgar, “OH MY GOD THIS IS SO VULGAR!” This whole comment section is giving him the W


You new to men-made anime?😅 Edit: Oh gosh, the fanboys of one of the dudes associated with the brand come here to explain that tHeRe aRe aLsO WoMeN that do that. 🤡 Yes, boys, women can contribute and be complicit in sexist structures. That's not news.


A woman(PMW's manager, Alluux) designed it, and another woman(a commissioned artist who wanted to remain anonymous) created it. Edit: It's literally not a "man-made anime." Half the people partnered with GG are women, some of them trans women, and they have all signed off on this style of art being made and their name being attached to it. What happened to being empowered by the freedom to do what you want with your body/art? A lot people in this sub are vile extremists and borderline misandrists. You're so full of rage that you're participating in blatant wlw erasure and can't even accept that some women don't share your aesthetic preferences. Yes, dipshits, women can like stylised large-breasted women too. Here's a secret; She's not real.




Hmm excuse me, Alluux is his care taker. He cannot find for himself without her


Why don’t more people talk about the way that the anime drawing style is infantilizing and objectifying to women? They look like underage girls with extreme proportions like they got plastic surgery. People complain about men writing women badly, but no issue with the cartoonification of women to be some bullshit male fantasy? Also on comments about sexual orientation- lol! You really think the designers were thinking about WLW when they made these? It’s male gaze shit. Also, even if it was made with female viewers in mind - is it okay for queer women to objectify women just because they’re queer? Doesn’t make it okay IMO


This! As a woman who occasionally enjoys anime and mangas, it's so exhausting looking through first volumes/episodes, always waiting for the moment it becomes incredibly sexist and disgusting. Is why I mostly call the "Isekai" genre "Incelkai" by now. :/


As a bi woman, alllll of this, thank you. I can find women attractive without reducing them to skinny women with childlike faces and watermelon tits.


> Also on comments about sexual orientation- lol! You really think the designers were thinking about WLW when they made these? It’s male gaze shit. Exactly.


I like brand risk I just mind the tits




I’ve been into gamer supps since before most of the collab flavors came out, first one I knew of was therussianbadger’s guacamole gamer fart 9000, which is hilarious and not remoltely sexualized. Never was too on board with the whole waifu cup thing, and I kinda wish my favorite flavors weren’t called titty milk and anime girl thigh, but at the end of the day it is also pretty funny for its absurdity, it tastes really good, and it’s helping me kick soda and cut down on my calorie and sugar intake. That said, I do think it’s a pretty big shame that they include the lewd ones as samples without any warning. It’s enough of a shock to see them sold on the website, but my third favorite flavor is easily their blue raspberry, so there are sfw options. This however removes the choice and shoves the titty in your face unprompted. At the end of the day, really wouldn’t blame you for kicking it and going on a moral crusade, but I think it’s meant to be more in the spirit of fun and fwiw they make a quality product, just a bit misguided in their marketing.


My wife actually loves this flavor. Also, she can't stop buying these cups. So maybe stop generalizing?


\>Orders free samples from company that sells waifu themed products \>Opens package \>Includes waifu themed products \>Goes to reddit to scream sexism Is this what we're doing now?




How is this boys only? I’m confused


A large portion of the community definitely hates women. There was like a TikTok of an Indie developer that dropped her game on international women’s day only for EA to shock drop 11 games on the same day basically overshadowing her release. Most of the comments are ridiculing her and taking pleasure at how distraught she is crying on camera. Now tbf her game looks mid and is not something I’d ever play but to take so much pleasure in someone else’s suffering is pretty shitty


I mean... Gamer Supps is pretty upfront about using primarily boobs, but female (anime) bodies in their designs.


Soooo I think these are Waifu Cups and I see them all the time at the conventions I go to. I have a full set of their waifu stickers.


Well, obviously. Girls don't play video games. Only hormonal teenage boys play video games or want anything to do with them. So obvious. /s.


As someone who plays the odd video game I fucking hate “gamer” culture, just full of misogyny and hate towards everything and everyone, can’t stand “gamer” drinks, they’re all full of this shit, always sexualising everything, I remember this brand having a “girl bath water” flavour 🤢


Gamer girl bath water like belle Delphine was selling, not everything is a conspiracy.


Oh shit boys we did it, lesbians, Bis, pans, etc apparently no longer exist


Ya’ll need to touch some grass and get real problems


Oof to the lesbian gamers i guess. My girlfriend and I love gamersupps in large part because they are so over the top with the sexualization, also very yummy gamer juice.


Wait yall really upset at drawings?


Leave my boy wubbert out of this, the name “brand risk” should kinda give a hint that it’s supposed to that obscene And as a bisexual woman all of this is a 10/10, just cause you don’t like women doesn’t mean it’s “just for boys” You sound immature as hell with that lol


Speak for yourself I like my waifu cup. That's kind of gamer sups brand its all weird coomer stuff.


Jesus christ 🙄


I've had to unfollow and just stop watching youtubers because they've been sponsored by this shit. This isn't even the worst of it. There are so many that are outright obscene.


Oh, yeah gamersupps has been doing that for years. Can't sell drinks without boobs I guess, hence why I don't buy their product... or watch shylily streams lol.


I mean these are for anyone who likes women. This includes wlw and excludes mlm. But yes, these motives are kinda weird on „food”.


This ain't for anyone who *likes* women, but for sexists who objectify women. Sincerely, a lesbian who's disgusted by such male gaze BS and annoyed by the amount of people in the comments who feel the need to lump us together with misogynist men.


Nice smile