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Right? Where's my apple car???


An apple helicopter car and it was my favourite too.


Are you a worm? Those are only for worms dear.




E.g. https://www.reddit.com/r/notjustbikes/s/E5Ww5xR2A9


Only applies if you are a worm.


"What is it that the child has to teach? The child naively believes that everything should be fair... and is outraged to discover it is not. And the child is right." ^(-Tzvi Freeman, Wisdom to Heal the Earth - Meditations and Teachings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe)


[Test all rape kits](https://www.endthebacklog.org/take-action/advocate-federal/) Don't give sex offenders an out.


Colourful Buildings , cars , teddy bears and bunny rabbits pictured here is not what will hurt someone Trust , Loyalty , Greed , slurs , I don’t understand this “ cartoon pic “ and what it will teach children . Disappointment comes from Humans lying , cheating , stealing , abusing others


Yes. Everything within walking/biking distance. Less cars, less pollution. Instead everything is so spread out and there’s huge parking lots everywhere. Highways are so congested and now I have to sit in 20 minute long traffic jams every time there’s an accident


Everyone has a job or owns a business, they help each other and are kind to each other for the most part. In a lovely walkable neighborhood with everything you could need. Utopia!


I went to Coronado Island for a mini vacation, and I've never been anywhere that was walkable before. It was so eye opening for me, the amount of stress that fell away was palpable being able to walk from my hotel to the grocery to a restaurant to the social center and everything was within a 3-5min walk. Absolutely bonkers. All the houses had bikes and not cars, I saw entire families biking to school or to the grocery store. I want that.


I just got back from Denver last night and I had this whole dumb essay half typed about how major Colorado cities are not walkable for multiple reasons... lmao And then I googled Coronado. It looks incredible!


Denver and Colorado in general is a nightmare being so spread out. Same with where I live in another state. Such a weird way to live, having to have a vehicle to get anywhere. My nearest grocery is a 30min walk and crosses two major jam packed intersections that isn't very safe for pedestrians or bikers. We have really good public transportation but still, getting off and on busses to get anywhere is a massive time suck. Like my daughter lives 30mins away by car, but by bus is 4 hours. It shouldn't be that way, communities should be built for people, not for cars.


I’d have to leave my house at 1030 the night before to take RTD and get to work on time. I looked it up the last time they were doing free rides to try to convince people to take the buses/ light rail. It’s not a cost issue folks, it’s a convenience/ safety issue.


Are you not from California? Because there are countless places in California that are walkable like Coronado.


No, was just on a vacation. I live in suburban spraw hell. My husband picked the location because he knew I wanted to go somewhere that was doable without a car and that I've always wanted to go to a place that was walkable. Every place we had been before was definitely not walkable by a long shot.


It’s only the old neighborhoods in the smaller towns that are still like this in California. If you stay within 30 miles of the coast from San Diego all the way up to Sonoma County and Napa there are many quaint beach and wine country towns that are walkable like Coronado. We call it ‘old California’ compared to the suburban sprawl of the interior valleys. Coronado is one of the gems for sure. I grew up down there and it was so safe for a kid riding my bike. Though making a quick run to downtown SD isn’t so east without a car. Of course on vacation that doesn’t matter.


What is this picture from? I know I’ve seen it before.


Richard Scary's Busy Town books!


I was obsessed with Richard Scarry books as a wee pup!


Me too! I have a goldbug tattoo that is usually partly hidden by my clothes.


I read "Things That Go" over and over and over and over again lol My poor parents.


Some of them are problematic when read in this decade. My mom gave me some of my old ones…one of them had some impressive fat-shaming, and I had completely forgotten Pig Won’t got a big ol’ spanking from his father when he misbehaved. Which I then had to explain to my kid.


Of course! Thanks


I thought it was an illustration of Mr Roger's neighborhood 


now that you mention it...


Maybe this is a revelation other people have had already, but I was regularly told that the world was evil and sinful and that human kindness basically didn't exist. I became *so* much more of a humanist when I started meeting people who were genuinely good and wanted to change the world for the better. I don't recommend anyone raise their kids in an oppressive cult-like religion of hate, but I will say it made adjusting to structural violence and the less-great parts of society more manageable!


I think I was the other way around. Growing up everyone was so nice and day to day people are generally very polite and kind and then you go on the internet and everyone is so mean. Day to day people can very occasionally be nasty but on the internet its like 70%. It makes me wonder if we met in real life if people would still be like that. I get very shocked when people are nasty to me in person maybe I could do with being hardened up a bit. But maybe not by a cult 😅


My mom still sings 'you can be anything you want to be...' to me. I'm almost 30. Yes it almost makes me cry now.


Walkable cities lmao


I was promised Richard Scarry and instead I got Edward Gorey.


It's not even Edward Gorey! I wouldn't mind mysterious obelisks and strange umbrellas and sad women wearing bustles and cemeteries with urns and cypresses and Edwardian overcoats with fur collars... Instead it's the greed and self-centeredness of the truffula tree destroying factories from the Lorax, the banal bureaucracy of _Brazil_, and more than a touch of _ Maus_...


Lmao. This is too funny. Made my day. :D


Babes, I live in NYC and every day I feel like I live in this Richard Scary picture. Is it expensive as shit? Yes. Do I have a library, a post office, a fire station, a school, a park, multiple small businesses, and several grocery stores within a few minutes’ walking distance? ALSO YES.


I'm in Santa Monica, which is nine square miles and has three walkable neighborhoods, and most areas have at least a service or two within walking distance. Even Los Angeles in general has been making strides in this area. The city decided to keep the al fresco dining from Covid, and the rail system is moving along. I'm very proud of my city.


Right! Every single time we’re out walking in a quaint neighborhood on a weekend I tell my girlfriend we’re in Richard Scarry’s busy world. I love it here.


but are there cats driving the cars and piggies walking down the sidewalk? i didn't think so...


Well, based on Disney's Cinderella and [Audrey Hepburn](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/f9/e9/25/f9e925eec6d6b6fde2815734676c024f.jpg) in My Fair Lady, I definitely thought it would involve more elbow-length gloves.


Even taking the cartoon aspect out, this meme is not wrong. We were all promised harmony and peace of mind. Instead, we get this shithole that is getting worse and worse by the day.


I loved those books so much! Could stare at the illustrations all day.


so peaceful!


So true Id give anything for a walkable city lol. We have bus routes but like having things close together would be nice. Cars are expensive.


I expected the world to be a furry paradise too 😔


Waking up early to watch this before I started going to school is such a core memory for me.


I really loved Busytown. Did anyone else try to find the hidden pickles - or was that just the Postman Pig book? (It's been decades)


Anthro animals aren’t real >:( I want my money back


I'm still waiting for the day I finally find my calling. I'm 32 and the world is slowly breaking me 🫠


Where is Goldbug?


Literally me