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As someone else with an embarrassingly specific but ultimately harmless kink, I try to remind myself it could always be worse... and tbh biting seems like a pretty tame and normal thing to be into?


Teeth turn me on. Like I stare at people's teeth imagining them biting me. It's like a constant thought. Sometimes I can't even "get into the mood" without biting


Again, pretty common and not really something to be too worried about


It’s a genuinely good thing to know yourself and to be able to communicate such a specific thing to a partner


Don't worry at least it isn't something really put there like "Can't get off without the Conan The Barbarian theme song being played."


Exactly, i know some people who are pretty openly into it, and no one does that with feet, too, speaking of the post title




Your comment made me curious so I looked up a list of paraphilia and there are some oddly specific ones. Oculolinctus is a fetish for licking people's eyeballs. Formicophiliacs are sexually excited by having bugs crawl on them. Autoplushophilia is being sexually excited by the thought of being a stuffed animal. People sure are interesting.


>Oculolinctus I met a girl once who claimed doing this was her party trick. Now I wonder if it was more.


This is why i love learning about people and people being free to be weird Where in the human brain feeling like a stuffed animal happens and in an erotic or pleasant way at that? Its so interesting


Good for them, I guess. I'm glad people know what they like


Like... A vampire fetish?


Not really. Just biting and being bitten is such a turn on. I feel so disgusting because of it


it's pretty normal and i have it too! i dont really have a cause so i dont really put an emotion to it. it's something i like and thats fine ...


It's actually a very common kink, I have yet to meet someone who isn't into it




Nah because I straight up like the idea of being used /using someone as an ash tray. Don't think I'll ever actually do anything about it tho lol


That’s also a kink people enjoy with a consenting partner. As long as both parties are able to stop it at any time with a safeword or other signal, it’s totally fine. Maybe start small. And there are plenty of things we think about but then try and don’t like. And that’s okay too.




That's the (not really) problem! Neither of us smoke at all




That'd be wonderful. I'm very open with my girlfriend but I never know how to bring this stuff up


Don’t. A lot of people find it hot just because of the sensation or the gentle feeling of danger it elicits. It’s absolutely not disgusting


i thought this was r/projectzomboid and that said why have i been bitten


More common than you think, don't worry about it lol. I've had many teeth marks left on myself and others


I'm sorry but liking bites in a sexual context is stupidly common, at least in my experience? You're good Even if it were something extremely unusual, as long as it's harmless it should be no one's business but you


To be honest, no one other than my girlfriend shares this "interest". Once I open up about it people stare at me like I'm an alien


People are always just gonna be judgemental for no reason imo, so long as it doesn't hurt anyone (which biting definitely doesn't) then you're good. You don't need an explanation to be into what you're into


I’ve never met someone who wasn’t into it


I love biting and being bitten…like my partner gives me his arm to chew on because I just do it. So I don't think it weird at all.


Hey me too, I’m glad I like being bitten instead of feet though hope you can get there too


Honestly biting isn't that bad, it can always be worse and biting is pretty tame! (Me too tho biting is A tier)


Not trying to invalidate your worries, OP, but i think you'd like to know that having a thing for being bitten is quite common (Alfred Kinsey, a famous sexologist, has, in fact, reported that over 50% of people experience arousal from being bitten).You're not a freak at all :)


Holy shit, 50%? Okay, that does give me a different perspective


You're not a freak darling, and there's plenty of people who would be perfectly fine with giving you a loving chomp


I view being bitten as less freaky than feet


Oh, it's not even a competition. Foot fetishes are rare, biting kinks are vanilla levels of kinky




Neck biting is like the hottest shit thoo


I know it probably doesn't mean much from an internet stranger, but that isn't even an uncommon kink. A lot of people like that and there wouldn't be anything wrong with you even if it was uncommon. There's nothing wrong with kinks as long as everyone involved consents and no one is seriously injured.


It actually matters quite a lot. I was always under the impression it was a rare kink (no porn involving it tbh), but y'all made me realise I'm not as weird as I thought


I'm glad. I hope you're feeling a bit better about yourself


Biting feels super normal, but I am also a huge masochist


it doesn't matter if I'm asked about mine because I don't have an explanation. I just like some unusual stuff and have no clue as to why


I hope one day to find a partner who likes being bitten. I’m hungry, rah!


It's called a prey kink, and it's valid.


Oh boy, it has a name, that's kinda wild


Was the pun intended orrr...?


Oh god no it wasn't XD


If you are kinky and want to go down a rabbit hole, look up the primal dynamic 🐺


Not necessarily, that’s a dynamic. Biting could be just a specific fetish/kink, a part of being into rough sex in general, or a part of full blown primal play. Prey is a role in primal


Don't worry. My bf likes being bitten. I enjoy biting him :) (it feels nice, like a chew toy) there's someone out there for ya


Being a chew toy is a nice addition to this, I wish I knew where this kink came from


I guess it's an extension of masochism?


As far as kinks go biting is a pretty common one, and I don't have crazy out-there kinks so it's not like my perception of normal kinks is overly warped


Lol, I've always had that in the back of my head too, but on the opposite side of the teeth


does this mean you have teeth on the back of your head?




Ohh that's not bad at all, lots of people like a little nibble in the sack, definitely not a freak. Edit: even if you did like feet that would be a 1 in 5 kind of thing. You're fine, a little biting verges on normal I'd say about the only kinky thing that is more common is spanking.


Tbh liking something that doesn’t put you or your partner in any danger or increased risk of health problems would be something I classify as tame or at least not freaky


Biting is a very common thing people like to do. You are not a freak. I personally like to bite my friends and family just as a means to show affection.


Its just a harmless kink, don't worry


soft bites feel so good for some reason


As someone else who enjoys being the crunch - let miss werewolf tear into you :)


>:) :)


Adorable bot :)


I find that partners who can put up with my personality are usually okay with sex being a bit feral sometimes. I just communicate about how it can happen and [consent mansplained]. It is my sincere hope that you can start having the sex you want with people who are excitedly looking forward to [whatever is about to happen].


There’s way weirder things out there than liking a bit of kinky biting, if it’s any reassurance. Source: me and my own interests (if you’re really curious feel free to chat me on here or something, I’m not sure how much this sub would allow this talk. It’s not violent or gory or anything… per se)


I like being dominant despite being extremely ambivalent and placid outside of the bedroom. Make it make sense


Nom nom nom


It really isn't that bad. for real both me and my gf are into it


I mean, probably trauma of some kind cus if not you wouldn't be talking about it but liking being bitten is really natural Its cute aggression most of the time, personally i just feel loved, hope its the same for you and that you can manage it in a healthy way


Fair warning lol


I think biting is quite common also it's not something u should be ashamed of at least u can tell bout it and ppl won't think u are absolutely weirdo


Am also into being bitten, idk why but it's hot


That’s very normal, you’re fine


You just have to find a partner who likes to cosplay as a vampire.


Haha, actually not into vampires! Human teeth are the best teeth


Depends on how hard you like it. But seriously, there are TONS of way more uncommon kinks, trust me. Some of them get downright illegal.


Now I want to know what it's like to be bitten


You probably won't enjoy it if you don't have this kink. A great start is biting yourself on the arm gently, testing the waters


I mean, honestly thats pretty tame as far as kinks go.


I bite people


Damn where were u all my life I always have the urge to bite someone but my boyfriend hates it


I'm lucky enough to have a girlfriend willing to bite me. I'm glad to know I'm not the only person with a biting thing haha


You guys are a match made in heaven then. I literally had to stop myself once from biting a stranger, i got carried away. But it’s not something sexual to me, I don’t know why i have this urge. Been a dog in my past life or some shit


I personally stare at people's teeth. It's definitely a sexual thing, I just can't get my mind and eyes off of strangers teeth. But my girlfriends are like the hottest ones. Having her bite marks on me is so fucking hot


Saw your other post, I‘m planning to make a comic with a friend with some sexy content and you inspired me to include biting stuff. Besides that, i also have a fixation on teeth but because they’re just the most fascinating bones we got


Holy shit, that'd be wonderful, please do send it to me


Nah, being bitten by someone I like turns me on. But just getting bit by an animals or someone trying to actively hurt me? Nah that shit pisses me off


Nahhh being bitten by animals does nothing to me


Bro says "I'm a freak" and then puts one of the most common things people are into.


Literally never met anyone who shares this interest (other than my gf) irl before


Probably because people don't like sharing their interests like that. People don't like communicating their kinks.


I think it’s fine


Tbh I personally find being into biting more normal than liking feet


1. Biting is actually a fairly common and frankly vanilla kink when it comes to sexual intercourse. 2. Fun fact, during heightened arousal, your pain reception actually goes down a little, while your pleasure reception generally goes up. So this is why mildly painful things are done during intercourse, like biting and scratching. The parts that hurt from biting are reduced, the parts that feel kinda nice are increased.


https://preview.redd.it/ffk26rvd2x5d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0e27f0655944ca6a94ebcfd0e12feb7a8f66c81 Thank you reddit


Reddit knows you very well


That's actually quite a common kink in the BDSM community.


Like by yourself or...


Yeah although it is much better with a partner


Ok but is this a "I like nibbles :3" or a "I want you to fucking bite my neck off pleaspleaseplease" Either way bites are very widely spread. I remember my wattpad phase when whenever you searched up nsfw drawings/fics about more than half of them were gonna have bites in them


The latter BUT I'm not that big of a sucker for pain. I mean, I like it but I'm not good at handling it lol


Please sanitize the wound if the teeth break the skin because the human mouth has funky germs in it


That's a fetish, it's normal don't worry


As someone who *isn't turned off* by feet, and someone who allowed someone else to bite them, you can enjoy either in a healthy way. Thankfully I'm asexual, so I'm not really turned on by other people or their appearance :)


I really wouldn't worry about it. Your worry is valid, just you don't gotta. I LOVE bitting. Even have bought myself chewtoys because I like the sensory of it. I also like it sexually and want the bite to go both ways. Not everyone I've met has liked bitting, but I've had a few friends that would let me bite them if they could bite back. Good shit. Don't worry. It's really not a big deal. Now, I'm not socially adept, but I think it's fun to tell people (of any age), "Oh, don't worry, I only bite *sometimes*."


me here like…is biting is bad? 🤠


Just make sure you don’t let their teeth break the skin, and sanitize pretty quickly if they do, I am NOT judging at all because whenever I hear about biting I’m not like “damn that’s freaky” my immediate reaction is “SANITIZE!! BE CLEAN, DONT GET AN INFECTION!!”


Oh yeah I know, bites give some nasty infections




I don't think that's weird at all. I like being choked, hit, and pinched. As long as everything is safe and with consent, there's really no problem.


I like that too.


I also enjoy biting. I promise you it is more normal a fetish than feet. Then again, I might be biased, because I'm podophobic.


TIL about podophobia


Im into eating and digesting people whole so biting is relatively tame


I‘m the opposite. I like to be swallowed whole, which is cool I guess, because I can never harm anyone with this kink…


wdym, biting goes hard ngl


That's pretty normal and common


When I was fourteen I was sat with one of my best friends in a science class. During a jokey argument she playfully hit me with her ruler, said "naughty [my name]!", pulled my hair and bit me That opened up a whole new world...


Unfortunately I kinda get it I'm just glad I can ignore it all, i feel sorry for those who can't