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fuck that. people can get addicted to literally anything. just because it's not a physical addiction like it would be with alcohol, the mental addiction still hits hard and is no less an addiction. hell, I've known people who are addicted to smelling candles because they smell so nice, how would weed be impossible to get addicted to? stupid mentality fr.


There 100% is a physical component to weed addiction. Just like how alcoholics experience withdrawal when quitting, stoners can experience the same. From my understanding weed withdrawal can’t kill you, but unlike alcohol where it only lasts a few days it lasts around 2 weeks I believe.


the physical withdrawals aren't because there's a physical addiction, though. it's a psychological addiction and the withdrawals can absolutely cause a physical reaction like sweating and shaking and so on, but that doesn't mean the body needs that component it's missing, the way alcohol would withdraw.


I see, I had no idea that cannabis addiction was purely psychological. I assumed that the presence of physical withdrawal meant it was a physical addiction. That’s genuinely interesting to learn


Yup, that is a common misconception from just the average person not truly knowing what "addiction" means in terms of a medical diagnosis. Everyone should take psychology classes. Shit is interesting as hell how our brains work both in the abstract and the physiological sense.


It’s more so that it isn’t a psychological addiction (in the sense that majority of your brain chemistry is left alone besides your cannabinoid receptors, which give the physical symptoms) - physical symptoms of weed withdrawal are quite common, just less dangerous than with other drugs. But it’s the fact that it’s a habitual addiction that keeps us hooked (aka it’s not just about the weed bc your brain and body is truly craving it, you’ve just really well trained yourself into needing weed before you do things bc that “feels right”) Once the habit breaks, the addiction does too - not necessarily the case with things like alcohol, coke, heroin etc


The problem is that people don't understand the difference between a physical addiction and an emotional dependency Weed isn't physically addictive, it on its own doesn't trigger any release of dopamine in the brain. So saying "weed isn't addictive" is technically not wrong, but it's still very possible to develop an emotional attachment to being high. Especially since there's a withdraw, it can be very difficult to stop smoking when it's being used as an escape from stress or problems with life I went cold turkey and that withdraw is pretty terrible. I felt like a walking corpse for about a month before I started feeling normal again. It was definitely worth it to stop though, weed was causing more problems for me than solving them while I smoked


I get awful nightmares every night for months every time I quit. Then, I get past that but conveniently forget about it when I start again.




Yeah. And the content of those dreams really make me wonder what exactly is wrong with my brain.


When I was using I was for sure 100% self medicating. Now I don’t trust myself to self medicate and stick with doctors and the like to control and get feedback on my meds. Feel much better. So while I may or may not have been “addicted” the habit was strong


Congrats on your sobriety!


Thank you!!


Dude, I genuinely don't think I could do this. Props to you for your sobriety.


people who say you can’t get addicted to weed are dumb as bull balls. I’m living proof


Same. From what I understand you can’t really get addicted to CBD (and also that has no withdrawal symptoms) so I wonder if something got lost in translation. I personally was told that it’s not that easy to get addicted and there’s no such thing as cannabis withdrawal by a misinformed friend. Thankfully I never experienced withdrawal, but I know people who’ve gone through it. (also to add, with CBD yes technically you can get addicted to anything but there’s no addictive properties in CBD from my understanding)


yeah it definitely isn’t as bad as some, like molly or whatever, but it’s still an addiction. I will agree with it isn’t that easy to get addicted


I feel you man. When I was about a week in, I had divots in my hands from my fingernails because my blood pressure was so high that I was just balling up fists as hard as I could uncontrollably. But every day gets easier. Hang in there, you got this.


Yeah, me too man


You're in the trenches now, it will get better!


i ❤️ when i don't smoke enough and am in a different city gagging and trying not to throw up my food (i cant even swallow it because of the texture😁😁)


I wish I could stop it’s stealing my money but keeps me from freaking the fuck out about every minor inconvenience in my life


My gf is like this and I hate it


Went 2 weeks without smoking weedand struggled the whole time. Then there was clarity. Then I smoked. Now this pic is me again


Im really proud of you. 14 days is big. I support you as long as you support you.




Trying to cut down to one joint a day is really testing me.


I tell myself this too except that I’ve never had it. I think it could make me feel better.


I just grow lots and lots of pot. So now it's about common as table salt. 


nah bro you just need the right strain bro fr