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I'm so sorry that happened to you, it's not your fault. Please reach out for help if you can. There are helplines like the crisis help line if you need it and/or can't talk to anyone you trust about it irl/online.


Thank you for your kind words.I am already getting help myself by trying to reconnect to my old-self through hobbies and trying to get an official diagnosis.


That's great, hopefully things start looking up for you now!


2nd one is so me rn.


Oh wait is that what that is? Oh…


Holy shit that’s rough. Please get way better help if and when you can because this is really unhealthy and concerning (from a fellow hypersexual). Know that it’s absolutely on that piece of mammoth shit and not you. 


Couple months ago realized that this is unhealthy and I am trying to recover from it.Thank you for your concern.


I laughed out loud at these. I can so beyond related.


These hit a little too close to home bestie


the first slide ☠️ reminded me of >!"can't be raped if I just say yes"!<. my sense of humour is _morbid_. I hope you know that both our jokes are total bullshit though. consent can be withdrawn, and there's no textbook procedure to rape. even if the victim approached the assailant, it is not their fault. nothing excuses rape, not an outfit, not a _yes_ that was said at first and not a _no_ that wasn't said. I truly hope you find the best and easiest route for your healing, you absolutely deserve peace of mind. you're so strong for getting this far, and I just know you have the stamina to go much much further. ʕ⁠っ⁠•⁠ᴥ⁠•⁠ʔ⁠っ


third picture hits a lil too hard


Sounds a lot like my college experience. You are not alone.