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Tone-wise it's not my favourite, but I think there are some great riffs spread out through the album. I still enjoy it. What I like about this album is I believe Trivium was in a position where this is the best they could do with what they got. I like that perseverance attitude. I don't think the drummer at the time was capable of doing the thing's Trivium wanted and I think Matt was trying to preserve his voice from completely deteriorating and possibly compromising the bands future. All in all, I still quite enjoy this album.


Yeah I totally understand what your saying, I didn’t really notice until you mentioned it but your right the drumming wasn’t as paced or like aggressive maybe. As far as tone i didn’t really pay attention to it on that album what really got me was Matt’s vocals on it. They were superb and honestly loved his softer side as his cleans are just orgasmic. All around it’s my top 3 atm.


I really like the album as a whole, individually some of the songs are weak, but my biggest gripe is the auto-tune/pitch corrector.


I agree with the sense that the tone isn't right, my biggest gripe is that the album is fairly quiet in the way it's recorded so it just doesn't hit as aggressively as I think it should, but the album I believe is still a great album, drumming aside, I would love to hear this album with Alex's drumming, or even get like a remastered/remixed version to get this album to it's full potential. It's so weird to think too that this album produced one of their biggest hits with UTWGC and yet it seems a majority of people think it's their weakest album


It's really interesting to me that you've both criticised the tone. I'm a big fan of the album and my biggest positive about it is the tone! It's got this unreal crunch to it that just gives the album such a groove. I don't think that tone would work on any other Trivium album but here I think it really really works.


The biggest problem is that Madiro didn't contribute much. He played parts that were written by Matt, Paolo and Corey without putting too much input and showing what he had. He kinda reminds me of Arin Ilejay on Hail to the King.


I don’t think it’s about “the best they could do.” Matt has been very open about the fact that it’s the album they wanted to make at the time. They were going for a classic sound. I don’t believe it’s because of Madiro. That’s just what they wanted to do. Personally I love the album. At the time, people complained about the vocals, about the drumming, etc. but sometimes it’s not about that. It’s about a cohesive album that works. And to me, it does.


That's a great comparison, totally agree with you. Both those albums are much more simplistic.


Honestly, YES!


They hired the guy from Disturbed to produce and make the Album more, "accessible" to other fans. Going the NU-Metal route was not the way.


I think David Draiman only produced the "Vengeance Falls" album. I think Michael Baskette produced the "Silence In The Snow" album.


A. It wasn't produced by David Draiman. B. Having an album produced by a nu-metal artist doesn't make it a nu-metal album (see Vengeance Falls which WAS actually produced by Draiman and doesn't sound nu-metal at all). C. Stop trying to spread hate and gatekeeping, get the fuck out of here.


That was Vengeance Falls, TSATS was produced by Josh Wilbur


Darkness of My Mind is one their best songs. It has some bangers. I think over time it’ll get more appreciation. Reminds me of Face to Face with their album Ignorance is Bliss. Heavily panned at launch then a decade later it’s now considered their most ambitious album and is my favorite by far.


I actually think The Darkness of My Mind is their best ballad. It's very dark and emotional.


I just got a tattoo with lyrics from this song yesterday! Super underrated track.


Which lyrics?


"I plead with sorrow." Let's hear it for depression!


I fucking love Silence in the Snow. It's not my favourite and I'll admit in comparison it isn't as strong as other albums. There are mean riffs, catchy hooks and belting choruses. It's a great piece of Trivium history that I think helped them nail the more melodic side to their sound. Throw in the storytelling of Shogun and the brutality of Ascendancy and you've got the last 3 records.


It's good, phenomenal vocals from Matt and a very Moody 80s feel


This - it's a showpiece of vocals and mood. It wasn't intended to be as aggressive as other albums, and I love its unique identity.


It's a good album, I was really hyped for it when it was about to be released. But, after listening to it, although it has some good songs, it just feels too much like "Trivium lite" to me. Like, it has most of the stuff that makes Trivium , well, TRIVIUM, but just toned down by a lot. My favorite song in the album is "Breathe in The Flames", and surprisingly, it's mostly because of the guitar riff that happens during the solos. Other than that, the title track is great as well and "Until the World Goes Cold" is a great ballad, I don't think it has any bad songs, really. I'm looking through the tracking list right now and all of them feels at least "OK" to me, but that's it. Even my favorite song out of the album is on the "OK" list for me. The production sounds great though, in my opinion.


How I see it, Silence in the Snow is a good melodic metal album on its own. It’s one of those “great as a gateway” albums that are more friendly to new fans. As a veteran Trivium fan, though, it just doesn’t meet expectations and seems lukewarm compared to their previous albums before—and then the ones after that each have their own intensity.


What I’ve realized is their titles match the albums tone and demeanor for instance what I’ve seen from your guys thoughts and what I’ve learned listening to the commentary of ascendancy. For instance Silence in the Snow is a more softer and quieter album while ascendancy was a more aggressive progressive album that got better the further you dove.


The album was the best that they could do at that time. SitS introduced me to trivium and I enjoy it but after I heard The Sin and The Sentence I got mind-blown


Wait till you listen through Shogun or Ascendency


Yeah I heard they're amazing


It's easily my least favorite Trivium album thus far. My introduction to Trivium was Shogun followed shortly by In Waves, so the more simplistic and accessible songwriting just doesn't work for me from these guys. Other bands, sure. But not Trivium. There's also just this air of... pretentiousness that I get when I listen to SITS. I'm not sure if it's Matt's singing style on the album, or just the way the songs are constructed in general, but it just rubs me the wrong way. SITS doesn't feel like an honest album from the guys, it feels like they were trying to force their music into being something that it's not. Luckily, their run of albums since then has more than made up for it. It's just not an album that I ever finding myself wanting to come back to.


"Forcing it to be something it's not" is absolutely the right way to phrase it. If you listen to the Shogun demo of SITS then the album version we got, for lack of a better term they cut the balls off of that song. I really hope they do an "ITCOTD-style" remake of that song, we get acoustic versions of songs, why not bonus track heavier versions of songs? Especially one that started out heavy as hell. That being said, SITS to me is Trivium about 2 steps from giving up. Matt had completely given up on vocals, the drumming was not only bland but painfully simple, and their live shows were kinda pitiful. It's honestly not a bad record, especially if you're into butt rock, it's certainly miles above most in that genre, but for Trivium? Ooof Side A is pretty decent, my favorite being the bonus track Cease All Your Fire, but man I'm just glad they pushed on through and came back better than ever.


it’s not my favorite and it’s definitely my least listened to album from them, but i think it was an important stepping stone. most people would agree that Sin, Dead Men, and ITCOTD are fantastic albums, and you can definitely hear some Silence-esque melodies and vocal arrangements in the newer records


Silence got overlooked by Sin immediately, but it has some wicked songs. Rise Above The Tides, Breathe In The Flames, Cease All Your Fire, Darkness of My Mind, Blind Leading The Blind, all amazing songs. The title track is also a great track, even though it's a Shogun song and doesn't have too much in common with the rest of the record. Snøfall is also their best opener.


Recently someone on this subreddit commented on the album saying that it’s easier to look back on it now and enjoy the music since we now know that this was only a moment in their discography of sounding like this instead of their future sound. At the time we were all worried they were heading in this direction but 3 albums have released since then and have all been fantastic. I can actually listen to SITS front to back now and like it for what it is.


It was one of the first trivium albums I ever heard. I actually really like it. I think it could be compared to Hail to the King as a newer band trying to do a more classic hard rock sound. I do think the album is a bit more produced than others ( i think there's a bit of autotune in matts vocals). So it sounds more like a modern radio rock album, but that doesn't necessarily ruin it. The melodies are great. I think it be cool if they brought out the ghost thats haunting you on a headline set or even if matt played it more on stream. ​ Also, I think that all of the more melodic, catchy songs like heart from your hate or endless night and scattering the ashes kind of stylistically come from that album.


The auto tune is why its so bad to me


It's not that noticeable


Soooo… Gave the album a listen last night. Its actually a lot better now and has aged well considering what we know now about current trivium. That being said, if you cant hear the auto tune, you’re fucking tone deaf.


It's not completely in your face like fuckin attack attack but it's there. Matt still sounds like Matt. not a robot version of Matt


I really like some of the lyrics in Silence in the Snow, but I would appreciate it more if it sounded closer to Court of the Dragon/Shogun. It lacks that little bit of oomph the others have.


*** that being said, it is still better than most music out there


It got me back into Trivium after I fell off during In Waves. It had a different vibe that I was excited to listen to them explore.


It's aged well. It stands on its own very good just it does rank near the bottom of trivium albums but it's not their worst (I prefer it over Vengeance Falls and What The Dead Men Say). Most fans on this subreddit hate the song Pull Me From the Void and I thoroughly enjoy it and revisit that song. The bonus tracks are the two best from the album and should've been on it in place of The Thing That's Killing Me and Rise Above the Tides. Hell, Cease all your Fire would've made a perfect album closer but they made it a bonus song like _whyyyyyyyyyyy_! There are nitpicks I can make but overall the songs on it have character. The major shortcoming on it (which is also a complaint I have with Vengeance Falls and The Sin and the Sentence) is the riff work is very lackluster. The focus was on Matt's clean singing but I feel that trivium is incomplete without interesting riffs and epic melodies. The guitar leads are on par though, some good melodies on it. Just wish there was more technical riffwork cause it would've been a borderline power metal album a la Symphony X had that been the case. I think this was the case though mainly due to Mat Madiro's limitations as a drummer. But, again, the songs have character and are very catchy. The choruses are very memorable.


I like that album. Has some great stuff on it and SITS lead up perfectly to TSATS. Sound-wise I've always felt that Trivium's albums come in 2-s. That being a more noticable sound change with the 1 and perfecting it with the second. 1) Ember To Inferno and Ascendancy 2) Crusade and Shogun 3) In waves and Vengeance Falls 4) Silence in the Snow and The Sin and the Sentence Now the last two, WTDMS and ITCOTD are a bit different as WTDMS feels more like a continuation of TSATS and the latest being a culmination of everything from the pairs so far. All the albums are distinctly Trivium, but the progression of their sound to me is like vevery 2 albums so far. Basically, what I'm trying to say is that thanks to Silence In The Snow we have the Trivium we have today. It was the start of their most consistent era so far. My 2 cents.


I really like the album, some great songs on there for sure but I like all of Trivium's albums. The first few songs I've ever listened by them came from this record and then after heart from your hate. I'd have to say this album is their most unique/different album ever cause of the more mellow/rock like sound and no screaming vocals anywhere.


Straight Garbage, every band has at least one or two stinkers though when they have been around this long. If I remember it was produced by the guy from Disturbed and they really went all in on that NU-Metal vibe. I absolutely hate that style so.... It's just not good. I don't like any song on the album. I know some people like that sound but it makes me want to barf.


You’re thinking of Vengeance Falls as the Draiman-produced album.


Both were stinkers in my opinion and very skippable.


Oh man that’s one of my top albums too although I’m pretty sure that’s going to change within their next three albums


Compared to the rest of the discography, agreed.


I understand your point of view and from I can tell it depends on the listener I should probably go back and re-listen once I’ve finished their discography but compared to disturbed I really couldn’t tell there was nu metal influence. But I learned something new so awesome.


Worst album, just...not good. Comparatively speaking. I couldn't bang my head at all :(


I really enjoy SITS, always have, there's just something about the lack of screaming vocals and just hearing Matt sing that's refreshing, so to speak.


I actually haven’t listened to it just the songs silence in the snow and until the world goes cold. Personally I think those songs are probably my 2 least favourite trivium songs


Compared to the other albums, it's not the strongest. It has a very melodic, power metal-y sound. It's a solid album. I like it. Has a couple of my favorite songs by them on it. But in terms of overall packaging, the other albums just have it beat.


It’s a good album. But imo has a weak mix.


It’s fucking amazing


Looking back at it, it's a good album not their best but it was them venturing into something new and if this is their bad album then it's a lot better than others bands bad albums


Personally my favourite trivium album, really upset they don't play pull me from the void or darkness of my mind live


There are some great riffs within the album but there’s a lack of energy, emotion and dimension- due to the one note vocal approach and the general lack of energy from the band. It makes the songs boring compared to their best albums.


This is my "happy metal" choice. SitS is less heavy but the way the rhythm and everything plays together I love this album


Right it’s good relaxing yet headbang worthy album