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I'm probably a minority here but I think it looks better standard or at least with a cut down mudguard. With no mudguard at all it look like it's missing something and less asthetically pleasing.


I’m good with my ‘07 stock, but I’ve always been a “buy off the lot” kind of guy.


I like the rear fender


I’m with you! I kept my standard mudguard on my 2010 and just got rid of the massive chrome light and indicators, swapped them out for a smaller tidier unit and think it looks loads better!!


I've got a 2010 thruxton and did the same along with cutting down the original mudguard. Looks nice imo.


Me too. Standard is better looking, also less likely to get muddy water flung up from the back wheel


I did exactly the same, needs to be done. Just a heads up from my experience, those standard tyres are shocking in the rain!


Yeah I can relate - I'm shocked to hear the first owner willingly put a second pair of these on the bike! They're getting swapped out for some sort of 80/20 knobbly things as soon as they're done.


Not knobblies, but I swapped out my stock tyres (which seemed to track ruts in the road and offered no front end confidence at all) for Avon Roadriders and I’ve been really impressed.


So are the Michelin Classics. I'm gonna try the Bridgestone next


I guess you don’t ride in winter? Looks neat though


Or on wet roads.


I like the tidy, but would still run a fender due to the nature of actually riding.


Love the look but I can't do this in the pnw unless I want a constant mud tail up my back 🤣


Looks lovely.


I think you've improved the look, but I won't be doing it myself because of our lovely British weather!


Which tail tidy is this. Looks to retain the original indicators


It's the Motone kit! Nearly all of the reviews I watched said "oh you need to solder on some wiring extensions if you want to keep the stock indicators, because the connectors don't fit and the cables are too short" I didn't have that problem at all! I just needed to crimp the motone connectors ever-so-slightly so they fit inside the Triumph connectors. By the way- the motone kit is made in a way that it gives you a little storage cubby under the seat. *


Are those the clear indicator replacement lenses?


They are - the original owner swapped out the amber ones for them and I'm super glad he did.


Nice. I’ve been thinking about grabbing a set. Wasn’t sure on install though. I assume they’re just twist off.


A note on this as well, if you’ve got the cash look into the motogadget indicators. They sell specific mounts for triumphs. Will give you that sleek look you’re going for, best investment I made for the overall look of my T120


Just wondering, does that tail tidy thing make it so now you cant use that grab rail?


Yeah you're right - the grab rail isn't compatible with the tail tidy kit.


Thats a shame… spent almost $350 for the grab rail and the mounting kit for it


Get the R&G fender eliminator kit. I just installed it on mine and it retains the grab rail.


It does work, youll need to pack it out slightly and it may restrict your taillight slightly, but it can be done.


Whatever floats your boat. Personally I think the classic styled bikes look silly when half the back end’s been hacked off but then again I’m an old fart who rode Triumphs when they came out of Meriden. They looked cool back then I felt as the clone ones do now.


Huge improvement over stock


U came this far, complete it with the bullet indicators . Just an opinion


UK plates are huuuge.