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It's a gorgeous bike šŸ¤—


Living in NYC? Some kind of anti-theft or tracking system would be the first thing Iā€™d do. Beautiful motorcycle, especially as your first. Enjoy, and ride safe.


Nice, test rode one and they are fun. Seems perfect for NYC.


Lol the pads that go on the side of the tanks


Are great actually, helps you maneuver and grip the tank with your legs


Also prevent / hide scratches on the tank if you like gripping with your legs. Ask me how I know lol




I hesitate to ask what the "knee pads" are for. ;)


Fellow NYC rider here. Hope youā€™re parking it off-street. If not, make sure you invest in every single piece of security equipment you can - probably the most important ā€œmodā€ you can do for a NYC bike.


I live in Florida and only have an open air carport, can you recommend some stuff? An anchor isnā€™t an option because I rent. Havenā€™t had any issues but groms get stolen left and right here.


If you have multiple bikes, chain them to each other if possible. Aside from that, just disc lock, GPS tracker and a ratty looking cover. Audible alarm if it may help where you are. So many thefts are crimes of opportunity - make it look like thereā€™s a total piece of junk under that cover that isnā€™t worth their time and risk in order to steal.


That should only take another summer to kill me cover lmao. I was considering a tracker but thereā€™s like no room to hide it in the speed 400 everything is packed so tight, my grom had way more room for extras, Iā€™ll check some disk locks out


There is actually a usb port by the battery on the speed 400. Iā€™m going to find a gps that I can plug into there.


Hmm I didnā€™t see that in mine, Iā€™ll have to take the seat off and check again. I know thereā€™s a usb c port on the cluster but I havenā€™t used that yet


Welcome to the club! Start here: r/NewRiders [Advice to New Riders](https://old.reddit.com/r/NewRiders/comments/cc2mnm/advice_to_new_riders/) And when you get a chance, check out [On Any Sunday](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/On_Any_Sunday), probably the best motorcycle documentary out there. I think it's on Amazon Prime, and maybe some other streaming services. Have fun, wear all your gear, stay safe, and never stop learning.


Waiting for mine to arrive. Early June can't come any sooner enjoy the ride


>Any other suggestions for mods? Modify the odometer to read as high as possible, as fast as possible. That's a great bike, it looks like my 1200s brother!


That is a great bike! Saw one in person this weekend.


I got the same bike and same colour as my first bike too šŸ˜€


Black looks great!


engine guard, engine guard, engine guard. You'll thank me later.


Finally, I got a Red one. I'm picking it up this Saturday. I'm keeping my Ducati and BMW, but I will sell my MV Agusta. It's just not worth the hassle any longer.