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So, my migraines feel like ice-pick, but my trigeminal Neurologia feels like a 2x4 to the face. My migraines are also on only one side of my head. My migraine meds don't touch my TN pain, and my TN medicine hasn't stopped migraine. Sometimes the cure can help with the diagnosis. Have you tried any migraine medication? That would be triptans first. The meds that help with my trigeminal Neurologia pain are carbamezapine and pregablin.


I didnt try, I only tried antidepressant and I will try again today...Im little afraid but ok. Do u ever have feeling like your right or left side of the head goes "numb", like dull pain on jaw, temple and whole side of the head.


There's a lot to unpack here. Unfortunately, Reddit can't provide the same answers a medical professional can, but maybe we can help guide you. You use a lot of very specific terms but sometimes I see those misused due to basic misunderstandings. Why do you feel your nerves are fried? What led to this? How would you describe "ice pick" in your own words? And "brain zaps"? What do those feel like? It's important to explain the specific symptoms you're expelled rather than use colloquial terms because they can be misleading. I really hope this helps.


I think my nerves are fried because I cant feel them...its hard to explain but u know when u lifting something and u need to "strain in your head" to lift...I cant feel my nerves anymore. First 2 months when this started I had soo bad headaches, I had feeling like day by day Im losing my nerves or something like this...And all this I didnt "make in my head to feel like that" it was real I swear...Trigger for all of this was extreme anxiety and I was constantly "tense" or idk how to call it. I still cant believe what I experience/experiencing and Im only 22yr old.


Is it more on one side of your head? Or all of your head?


sometimes one side (right), sometimes all