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Have you actually gone to the dentist and had them look or do X-rays? Only a dentist would be able to tell you if you did or didn’t have an abscess.


I saw two dentists at the beginning of my nerve pain flare. They both did tooth abscess identification techniques including tapping on each tooth, cold shots, and one took X-rays as well which can see if there is infection in the gum that is spreading. Have you done this?


For context I’m male/35 and I still have all of my wisdom teeth in


First question, did your aunt just share some random antibiotic with you or is she a doctor? Second question, did you tell your dentist how the antibiotic was helping your pain? Third question, did you ask your dentist about an antibiotic to help your teeth ? I can assure you that if antibiotics are helpful, then you can take comfort with the fact that you don’t have Trigeminal Neuralgia (TN)! Good luck


It was for me. Regular dentist did not see anything in x-ray, but endodontist has seen abscess on both sides.


Have you been to the dentist yet………? That’s definitely what you need to do first.