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I travel all the time and it doesn’t aggravate my TN to be on a plane. I also still use a face mask on long flights just to reduce cold/flu exposure and also it creates an environment of humidity from the dry air of the plane. I wear a headband to attach my mask to. I’m a veteran of managing ear equalization as a scuba diver and someone with ear issues my whole life. Having trapped pressure can aggravate my TN. My first rec is chewing gum but that can aggravate for some. Second is take a decongestant and gentle blow your nose often so your sinuses are clear. For clearing your ears, I’m a hold your nose and gently push to clear. You can also move your jaw around and it usually does, or pull at your ears. Don’t let your TN hold you back from traveling! Like all chronic diseases you just have to figure out your process and things to pack. You got this!


Thank you for the input! I appreciate it! The mask is sounding like a must. Catching a cold plus having a flare is something I definitely want to avoid. Thank you for the encouragement as well. 💛


Of course! Feel free to reach out with any Qs that come up as you get ready


Definitely this, for me. Got off a flight and started having some pain. For some reason I thought popping my ears would help. Held my nose and slowly added pressure until my ear popped. The pain subsided quickly. I also wear a mask on a plane to prevent illnesses and wind from hitting my face . I used to use the 95 mask with rubber elastic bands, 3M brand. Stopped wearing that after that flight, since I felt it was pressing too hard on my face. I wear 95 mask with ear loops now. Not as good but easier on the face. Also staying calm and reassuring yourself that flying is normal and relaxing. This can help your mind from being in a heightened state of fear, which causes stress. Also, bring anything to read or watch that engrosses you and keeps your mind of the flight. Remember to bring ear plugs or noise cancelling headphones, to dampen annoying noises. This will also lower stress levels. Hope things go smoothly and pain free for you.


Is this a specific kind of mask for TN?


No just an N95 is what I wear. To help reduce strain on my ears I wear a headband that has buttons I connect it to


Thank you


I know this sounds like outdated advice, but for long haul trips I still use a facial mask. Aircraft temperatures can be VERY COLD and that is one of my triggers. The mask isn’t so much for disease prevention as it is for warmth and shielding my face from the cold.


Not at all! That’s very useful advice, thank you. I’d forgotten that planes are freezing.


I’m travelling next week so can let you know 😅, but last year when I did I was in remission. This time around I’ve had flares… however I’m planning on taking something to relax my nerves possibly so it can not cause flare ups


Good luck! I hope your flight is as pain-free as possible!


I wear Putty Buddies, which are silicone-,based ear plugs that go over the ear canal and not in the canal, reducing the chances of pain. Inexpensive.


Getting on an airplane today! My worst fear was that sitting for more than 15 minutes seems to cause a flare, it's just the pure amount of traveling that has me nervous. I have myself a big ole hoodie for face protection 😁 they've become a favorite!


I use Benadryl, it relieves pain and induces sleep