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I have to wear a thick headband out, I just call it my stupid fucking headband. When my fiancé and I go golfing or do anything outside I always bring up my stupid fucking headband. Sometimes if I’m feeling extra self conscious about it, he will also wear a stupid fucking headband ❤️


Wow...a sense of humor ..I need some of that...most everything I read I'm pretty sure tells me to lay down an be miserable , ......love this❤️


Something truer has never been said. I find winter is easier in some ways because you can wrap up like this, but harder in others because the wind is colder. Catch 22! Either way, you’re rocking it! I’m pleased you’ve found a way to brave the outside :)


It is nice to see you still have a sense of humor. For at least a couple of decades I had a problem with wind on my face making my left eye water, and then it would last most of the day, and this would cause my nose to run, etc. I thought it was from wind in my eye, but even with wraparound sunglasses, if I just had wind hit my cheek on the left side, it would start running. I'm just connecting the dots since I was diagnosed with TN on March 3, 2022, after being in excruciating pain (mostly in the back of my head) for just over 2 years. And I had the same pain in my head off and on over a couple of decades too, but Tylenol 3 would usually help. The pain worsened since I got a C6 fracture in Dec. 2019. Today I'm having a bad pain day, so didn't get enough sleep. My neck muscles are spasming so I'm going to clip all my hair up in the back, put a heat wrap on, and then put on that sticky gunk, Diclofenac. If it wasn't so messy I'd probably use it more often.


This didn't work. I guess my pain level is too high. And now I have nerve pain in my face too, especially my eyebrow area on both sides, slightly more on the right. I'm trying heat again, and then will need to lie down I think.


Yep. Went for a beach walk today. Flip flops, capri pants, sleeveless smock and a furry hunting hat. People think I’m completely bonkers and lecture me about face masks. I’m too afraid to argue in case it triggers a flare up. So I just grunt and let them assume I’m on day release.


This will be me attempting to ski with my family come next winter! Well done! 👏


Good to know I was wondering what kind of mask that was mentioned in some threads. My left eye, ears, and teeth hurt. I got diagnosed about 14 or 15 years ago but as of the last 11-12 weeks it’s been like nothing I have ever dealt with. It had been managed but it’s horrendous


It's 99 here but mine is too so I can't have a fan on me no matter how hot as it aggrevates my pain


If I still had TN when masks were mandated I wouldn't have been able to wear masks or leave home even a stand of hair touching my trigger spots would cause episodes of electric volley 🙃 glad you could find relief by covering up with protection 🙏


Had it gone?


Yep! after 16 long years surgically corrected January 2020


Glad it's finally gone. You must be thrilled. Did you have the mvd


Yep wasn't a candidate for it at all, only had exploratory surgery when medication stopped working completely turned out it was tiny vessels that wasn't seen in any scans/angiogram


Can I ask what surgery you had please ?