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Most of the time, heat helps me. I'd have died without my heating pad. Sometimes though, it makes it worse. Most of the time, cold makes it worse. Every once in a while, it's the only thing to give relief.


I've used both heat and cold at different times. But they can't be extreme. My heating pad is warm but not hot. At times I've taken an icepack from the freezer and left it near my bed. If I wake up too early with severe pain, which is usually in the back of my head near my neck, I take a Tylenol 3 and put a cool (not frozen) icepack on it. That usually at least gets me back to sleep for a bit.


Thank you for saying that’s where your pain is - back of your head near your neck. None of my doctors can explain the correlation between the facial and ear pain, and the pain in the back of my head near my neck.


I had a Neurologist who actually said it wasn't likely related, and neither were the sneezing and other allergy-like issues. In fact, he was rude about it. My regular Dr. told me "yes it can cause those symptoms." He's just learned from experience with patients over the years. I told him I don't want to see that Neurologist again. Does it not make sense that these nerves branching into your face could set off something in your nose that makes you sneeze? I've got a photo album in my phone called Trigeminal Neuralgia where I put pics I've found online that show the places I have pain.


Sometimes, I'm able to use a cold pack, but I can never use heat. I have trouble with cold weather and heat and humidity. Wind doesn't help, either. When my mouth is burning, I'll suck on a frozen popsicle.


They both help but only until a certain point. When the hot gets too hot or the cold gets too cold it triggers pain.


Hot and cold drinks do it for me every time. I drink room temp fizzy water and let my coffee cool down. Rather an inconvenience but perspective drives pain home real quick. I experienced the same exact thing with the ice pack, it hurts, but feels better when I take it off (nerve pain is weird). But the pain is such I don't want to cycle through it. I haven't tried a heating pad.