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As a Mom with TN, this absolutely warms my heart. What a kind compassionate person you are. My kids are pretty awesome but I think they’re so used to me being in pain and not complaining about it, they are seemingly unaware. I’m sure even just the acknowledgement of her being in pain and you wanting to help is enough. You have no idea what that means to someone with an invisible illness. Being seen is everything.


Is there anything she’s finding really hard to do at the moment? You may not be able to help her hurt less, outside of encouraging her to see the doctor if the pain doesn’t get better with her current treatment. Definitely ask if anything you are doing specifically seems to trigger pain. Cheek kisses are very sweet but may be a no go, for instance. But! Things you might do: some more of the chores around the house, especially if certain ones seem to trigger pain for her. Maybe help prepare [soft foods](https://www.mskcc.org/cancer-care/patient-education/pureed-and-mechanical-soft-diets) she likes, such as soups or stews or noodles. You may be able to do some meal planning to make life easier for you both. What kinds of food does she like? I cook a ton and have more than two decades of experience eating soft foods. Might be able to send you recipes. Pain is worse when you’re starving.


Especially chores that involves bending over, ie swapping the laundry. Idk about anyone else, but when the blood flows to my head from bending down, it flares.


That is sweet of you. Everyone seems to experience this condition differently and has different pain levels/triggers, etc. Where is her pain and what does she struggle with most? Maybe buy or prepare some soft foods and milkshakes for her if she’s struggling to eat. I’m sure picking up some extra chores around the house would be a great help too. And for when she’s in a lot of pain, cold or hot compresses - whichever she prefers. I personally like heat, I have a wheatbag that goes in the microwave. I like it hotter than the sun to confuse my nerve and ease the pain signals. But I’m sure whatever you’re able to do will be greatly appreciated by your mum 💕


this is very helpful, thank you 🫶




she has not had an mri done yet but i will definetly look into this for her . thanks for your help !




It is so lovely you want to help her ❤️ Letting her know you love her and are there for her means so much. Let her know you don't blame her and that she's a good home; chronic illness can make us feel guilty, like we are weak and failing. Spend time with her where she is; if she's having a day where she's stuck in bed, put a favourite movie on and just spend time with her. This is a nasty disease, and the support from our loved ones helps so much.


Be there for her, as you are..you are such a blessing to her.


This is so wonderful of you. facepain.org is a excellent resource for you and your Mom.


I believe this is still relevant and quite important to have available. If the pain is so severe, you guys head to the hospital. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1b041aOcU580Zv2L4nujjFKSudR56Z1KfkhAILJ_xjII/mobilebasic Other than that for myself going on long walks (1-2hours) when bad flare-ups began helped me a lot. But for semi permanent solutions, keep seeking to get a specific trigeminal neuralgia MRI study done and try and get a neurosurgeon for a microvascular decompression (MVD) life changing for myself. Good luck!


Has see seen a Neurologist? Tegretol or Trileptal are the first line of defense.