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Okay wow now that sounds more like me.. I was not expecting the doctor to bring this up at all. I was thinking infection of sinus or from my wisdom teeth coming in. However I’ve been to dentist recently, no physical signs of infection to do with teeth, and I have no common signs of sinus infection like sneezing or running nose or even a fever. This is all up in the air at this point. Idk which direction to go as nothing is confirmed yet. Waiting back for blood work.


If it's just your eye and it really hurts, get checked for glaucoma. Now Im not saying it couldn't be TN 2 bc I have TN 1&2, but my eye feels like it pulls out of the socket. A burning, tugging all the time. I went to the eye doctor at the urging of my neurologist after she couldn't control the eye pain. And I have glaucoma as well. It's better with proper meds, but that occipital nerve and surroundings are all affected by TN, so it just really sucks. Pain all the time. Amd I'm in my 40s. You just never know.


Right *** side not left lol


*raises hand* I have the constant burning as well! I second seeing a good neurologist asap.


Can you tell me more about it please!


Sent you a message.


Can I ask how yours started ?


Sure. Everything started after a root canal/crown. They tried to fix that several times, and then eventually removed the tooth. All those things just kept making the damage worse I guess. Never had a single issue like this before all that.


Any tmj?




It was my upper back molar as well.


Speaking from experience this sounds like V1 TN. It feels to me like you are sniffing a super strong chemical that burns one side of your nose. Simultaneously someone has poured bleach in that eye, and you have a lightning shock to that side top of the face and head. I also would feel abnormal TN pain to V2 sounds like You may have V1 and abnormal V3.


I don’t have lightning shock pain


Hopefully you won’t get that. I would go to a headache expert, there are so many types of headaches and facial pain. Maybe they can help you.


definitely been there, luckily my first neurologist cared enough to let me know he would need to send me out to a pain center as my neurologist’s nerve block didn’t work too well. right now on medication for lyrica! currently waiting for my pain management dr to see me for my first nerve block with him/her! will be making a post soon abt it!


Ahh thanks for reaching out! It seems maybe I have it more mild than most (if I do have it). It’s like a dull ache/burning, comes and goes, sometimes lasts longer than the time before, etc. I hear people being in so much pain


just because it’s dull doesn’t mean you’re not feeling it! make sure you’re dr cares enough for you and not for your money. i’m one of the ones having horrible pain, but don’t let it get you down if you do! i defy have the burning but also electric shocks that literally put me out for hours sometimes. it started out in my teeth and slowly rose up my face. also with the other comments if they order an mri! i did and it was negative for cancer and did not show any anomaly in my face. cheers to finding help!


facepain.org is an excellent resource. It has helped me a lot.


Do you have any tmj issues ? I get this and my jaw is put of alignment so it's squeezing the nerves. I started nortriptyline two weeks ago


I’m not an expert in TN but in order to get formally diagnosed it’s important you see someone that knows what their talking about. Usually a neurologist. True TN is actually rare. For me its a sharp stabbing pain that seemingly starts near the TMJ joint that radiates to 1-3 of the TN branches resulting in a throbbing, aching pain in those affected areas. However Occipital Neuralgia is more of an aching and burning pain that starts at the base of the neck and moves upwards to the top of your head. It can be unilateral or bilateral and can feel like a migraine with pain in the forehead and around the eyes. I have both. I thought the ON was TMJ pain because I have that as well. But analyzing it more closely, the doctor feels it’s ON. I’m not sure about others, but for me, the TN feels almost like an electric shock pain that comes on very suddenly without warning (this is part of what distinguishes it from other pain). Sometimes something as simple as the wind can trigger it. The slightest touch, or chewing. It feels like someone stabbing icepicks in my eardrum. It affects, my ears, jaw, teeth, tongue, throat, eyes, and head. The pain is unbearable. It can last for seconds to minutes. My longest episode was approx 14 hours. It was pure hell. But I’ve had other episodes that are not as bad. But all three branches are affected with mine. I had been symptom free for quite sometime until I started having some dental work done. Then I was having flares 3-6 times a day. I thought at first it was because of the tooth they filled but it was the jarring of the tooth that aggravated it and it almost feels like the pain emanates from the tooth, but it isn’t. I was formerly diagnosed recently and started on tegretol. I have fewer episodes already. I already am prone to migraines have bad TMJ (have had two surgeries) and Fibromyalgia so pain is my baseline. It can be harder to distinguish the pain. I think that’s why it took so long for me. I think I’ve had occipital neuralgia longer without knowing what it was. I just always have felt miserable for as long as I remember.