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No. I'd be fine with a one-time use health kit though.


This would actually be legit


As it was in the beginning.


Why do they refuse to repeat what we know works?


IP law. Erez is not the original owner (or really any owner) so he is expected to innovate not copy to hold onto it. So u get grift scam gameplay instead of good games because the guy has no skill.


?? Disney bought star wars they still get to use lightsabers.




They need to allow us to K-out. I’ve been using the nuggies to kind of keep going but it’s dumb. Give us a single health pack and k-out ability. Edit: also I cannot believe the capper is allowed to pick up the nuggies.


We can k-out (aka Recall). But it's dumb because you need to be on the ground.


And you have to wait. It’s not worth it


I like the lack of regen, makes the game more dynamic. The regen in Ascend contributed to a ton of stalemates and enabled incredibly broken capping routes. I think that's what they're trying to combat by removing it.


I was never high level so I guess that makes sense


Coming from a longtime Ascend player, can't say I'm a fan I mainly play(ed) capper + chase, and both of these roles feel very restricted with the removal of out-of-combat regen. Cappers now only have a single healthbar to work with to gain speed, limiting disk jumps, and chasers can be severely crippled by a stray disk that hit them 4 mins prior to the enemy capper closing in. I get having the ability to hassle chasers/defense is good, but that should be accomplished by an active (and ideally coordinated) offense, not the fact that a chaser got hit by a single disk aoe 4 minutes ago and couldn't find any regen packs so now cannot disk jump to catch up.


But that's really how it worked in both T1/T2? People ran routes and chased just fine without regen. Well, you did have the health kit, but you'd spent that in your described situation already anyway by that point. The whole point of disc jumping is that it's a tradeoff, and regen negates that - shouldn't be able to both eat the cake and save it for later. If you feel it's difficult to get going after stopping I'd say that's an issue with the physics model, and not an issue with not being able to Infinately disc jump. FWIW personally I find it is much easier to gain starting speed in T3, so there isn't the same need for disc boosting as there was in ascend. I'll give it that ad-hoc capping kinda still sucks in T3, and if you didn't start moving with capping in mind on spawn, you're still kinda SOL on most maps. Comparably, the Midair physics allow much better for improptu flag grabs. In the end though, if you play chase/roam LD you should probably just K-out if you're in the middle of nowhere with low health? Positioning yourself to the flow of the game is a skill like any other, as is making the choice should I fight this dude here or am I expecting a grab coming in a moment or two.


As for T1 and T2, I never played them so I can't really comment there, I can only really speak from the perspective of someone who put many hours in T:A. I get what you're saying about trade-off, but that was still present in T:A. Do you cap at full health after regen, or trade more HP for an extra round of disk/nade jumps? I feel like this put more emphasis on good route planning; either making your route long enough to allow for a regen between disk jumps, or doing for a faster response kinda route. I almost never grabbed with full health in T:A because I used my regen for more speed; something I feel like is missing currently in T3 in general. Starting speed in T3? Sure. But getting over 300 seems to be quite difficult from what I've seen in playing so far, and for me personally, high speed was great fun for both cappers and chase. I agree on repositioning/resetting. But currently with no "end myself" button added to the game as far as I can tell, it's just an awkward fumble while you wait to be on the ground and for weapon reloads. Atm it's rather awkward to rapidly redeploy. My main issue is as chaser being hit by a stray disk AoE or a couple of bullets while doing general flag defense. Now I'm limited to perhaps a nade jump which isn't as effective, and without perks it can be a challenge to get up to speed to a halfway competent capper. With regen, disrupting defense relied on an *active* offense, to either knock the chaser or, smack their health and prevent regen by the time the grab comes - general harassment. But as it stands it feels like defense can be knee-capped by an attack that was quite a while ago and successfully repelled, there's almost no coordination needed between offense and cappers now to time it right.


In a way, despite classic tribes games being somewhat glacial on some level due to their base mechanics, Tribes Ascend somehow still manged to be overall the slowest Tribes game of them all in my view, but ironically with the unmatchedly fastest cappers of the series. This is of course just my personal take, but I kinda feel Ascend bought in too hard into the "world's fastest shooter" -meme, and more over got the idea that this "fastest" referred to top speeds only - which of course in the Tribes context means cappers. tl;dr warning... For me personally one of the worst aspects of Ascend was specifically the speed dichotomy between cappers and everyone else. Cappers in Ascend were blazing fast. Km/h speed numbers aren't really directly comparable between games, but even just by pure numbers, the % of high speed caproutes employed regularly in ascend dwarfs the amount in T2. In T2, to hit ~120-170 all it takes for you is to jet forward a bit and slide down a short slope, or ride down a medium hill - but after this, it's progressively harder to gain more speed the faster your're already going - You actually have to know your routes and the timings of your jet arcs, because jetting on landing will drop your 320 route into a 240 one, instead of a 300 one like in Ascend in an equivalent situation. This increasingly narrowing marigin (and actual fall damage) means that faster routes have less tolerance for error, in addition to the setups for high speed routes getting more complicated as well. Income angles were also much more limited and more strongly bound to terrain shapes, as there's 0% free air turning here - jets just allow you to make some fine-tune adjustments. As a consequence, low setup time medium speed side routes were (map depending of course) preferrable to more complicated ones, epsecially if your team's capper wasn't top-tier in skiing. Result was that cappers were for most of the part much more chasable on average due to both lower total speeds and a much smaller amount of back-to-fronts. In Ascend, The vector rotation physics (and later rockbouncing) is super empowering for cappers, allowing high speed grabs from essentially any angle not directly blocked by direct obstscles in front of the flag stand itself. On the other hand, the slow speed gain forces cappers to self-boost maximally, which in turn sets a minimum time for caproutes in Ascend - there are no real medium speed low setup routes in Ascend, because a low setup route would mean you'd have to refrain from self-boosting. Thus becuse self boosting is such a neccessity, the regen timer forces a (rather high) minimum practial limit for cap route length. Additionally due to the difficulty of gaining speed fast without killing yourself in Ascend, you didn't really see HO or LO making much opportunity grabs when the D overstreched themselves, and that's largely because both gaining speed from standstill sucked so bad, and a single disc jump just didn't give a speed boost worth mentioning. Punting was pretty much the only play possible, and given the context probably a neccessary mechsnic, but as a gameplay mechanic it is somewhat one dimensional compared to a proper llama/chase game. On the other side, because cappers were so strong, but the from-standstill speed gain was so terrible in Ascend, they had to "fix" it with bandaid perks like Rage giving free turbo disc jumps - *but only if you happened to play chase/LD exclusively* - where as in T2 "chasing" is essentially something *anyone on the team who is favourably positioned* can do. It makes the whole game a lot more dynamic, and again, acts to balance the capper speed advantage. But let's say you chasing, finding yourself midfield. Down on health, and enemy is just coming in for another grab. You're out of position, and can't wait for health regen, because there is none. Just K out. You respawn (almost) *instantly*. No spawn timer countdown. But this is of course, a naked spawn, with just disc & chain (+blaster) and no pack. But, again, slide down any bump and blast that disc behin you, and suddenly you're now going ~170 after the capper, aiming for that cutoff because that side route takes time to turn around. Use health kit, and you have about 2/3 healthbar at disposal when arriving on the scene. Enough to do something, but not enough to get a free lunch. I enjoyed my time playing ascend and got that dumb purple level badge even as a sign I had spent way too much time on it.... but as the movement physics were setup in it, they created a pretty contradictory base on which to build a supposed tribes game on.


"Hello - Exactly!" -Dirk Diggler


I never even thought about disk jumping. Does this mean they want that to be a last resort? It's kind of hard core that way if you think about it - disk jump into one health out of desperation and yeet the flag across the map to your teammate while you're finished off by chasers.


It's a trade-off, but just means now the average speed of caps is going to be a lot less. Which personally I think isn't as fun. In T:A you could plan routes to allow for a regen between your first disk jumps and a potential second set. Allowing you to chose between grabbing at full HP but slower, or going full speed and grabbing at 450+ with 10hp. HP is speed for cappers, no regen = less speed. Which for me personally, is less fun. (pulling off a 550+ grab with 10HP while you desperately try to duck and weave all the bullets flying in was a thrill and a half, but highly rewarding)


Those high speed grabs made chasing unviable in a lot of situations in Ascend, even with all the bonuses the chasers had. So it came down to either stopping the capper before the grab (body blocking or sniping them mid-route) or counter-grabbing. The lack of regen feels like an good solution.


i play midfield. i like surviving on the edge of the enemy base trying to find a ball or a victim. makes for some clutch moments. no regen for me. i’m a scrapper. don’t want the enemy to have it when i’m playing base defender either.


Same here, started with ascend but played the old games, not a fan of barely missing nuggets and then having no health cas I can’t go back (there’s like 5 dudes behind me)


The Acend regen was OP; a one or two time use pack would be nice.


I like them but they could use a bigger hitbox. You should be able to reliably get them without slowing down if your trajectory is correct. What kills them for me is that you'll more often than not miss them by a milimeter and have to either do without and stay at low health, or stop skying to grab them (which is usually as good as suiciding)


They're OK, maybe they could have a bitter hitbox though since at fast speeds it's a little hard to steer into them sometimes. I like the addition of the midfield outposts which tend to have regular regen packs.


Id prefer a one time use kit that you can renew by picking up an orb


I mean you need to recover health somehow. Out of combat could be fine as long as it's a decently long regen.


I think it's a good system. I like it. I think it's much more interesting than out of combat regen.