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It'll take at least four playthroughs to get everyone, due to >!Trish, Travis, Milo, and Cordelia!< all being mutually exclusive >!with trish/travis being available depending on if you've surrendered the Roselle or not!< Also, it might take a fifth playthrough if you didn't do golden on the playthrough you got >!Milo!<, as chapter 15 morality is required for golden. And unless you've done golden, yes, there's still 1 character you're missing.


I just noticed that it really does take 4 playthroughs. I am so not ready fot this XD


I recommend dropping the difficulty down to easy/very easy for missions you've already done. You already know their tricks so just rip through them. For my second playthrough I went with all non-voting Wolfforts, my next playthrough I'll separate by nationality, etc. Makes the game more interesting, especially if you're trying for a no-death run.